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4 years ago
import { arrayDeleteValue, newEmptyMap } from "../core/utils";
import { Component } from "./component";
import { GameRoot } from "./root";
import { Entity } from "./entity";
import { BasicSerializableObject, types } from "../savegame/serialization";
import { createLogger } from "../core/logging";
const logger = createLogger("entity_manager");
// Manages all entities
// TODO & NOTICE: We use arrayDeleteValue instead of fastArrayDeleteValue since that does not preserve the order
// This is slower but we need it for the street path generation
export class EntityManager extends BasicSerializableObject {
constructor(root) {
/** @type {GameRoot} */
this.root = root;
/** @type {Array<Entity>} */
this.entities = [];
// We store a seperate list with entities to destroy, since we don't destroy
// them instantly
/** @type {Array<Entity>} */
this.destroyList = [];
// Store a map from componentid to entities - This is used by the game system
// for faster processing
/** @type {Object.<string, Array<Entity>>} */
this.componentToEntity = newEmptyMap();
// Store the next uid to use
this.nextUid = 10000;
static getId() {
return "EntityManager";
static getSchema() {
return {
nextUid: types.uint,
getStatsText() {
return this.entities.length + " entities [" + this.destroyList.length + " to kill]";
// Main update
update() {
* Registers a new entity
* @param {Entity} entity
* @param {number=} uid Optional predefined uid
registerEntity(entity, uid = null) {
assert(this.entities.indexOf(entity) < 0, `RegisterEntity() called twice for entity ${entity}`);
assert(!entity.destroyed, `Attempting to register destroyed entity ${entity}`);
if (G_IS_DEV && uid !== null) {
assert(!this.findByUid(uid, false), "Entity uid already taken: " + uid);
if (uid !== null) {
assert(uid >= 0 && uid < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, "Invalid uid passed: " + uid);
// Register into the componentToEntity map
for (const componentId in entity.components) {
if (entity.components[componentId]) {
if (this.componentToEntity[componentId]) {
} else {
this.componentToEntity[componentId] = [entity];
// Give each entity a unique id
entity.uid = uid ? uid : this.generateUid();
entity.registered = true;
* Sorts all entitiy lists after a resync
sortEntityLists() {
this.entities.sort((a, b) => a.uid - b.uid);
this.destroyList.sort((a, b) => a.uid - b.uid);
for (const key in this.componentToEntity) {
this.componentToEntity[key].sort((a, b) => a.uid - b.uid);
* Generates a new uid
* @returns {number}
generateUid() {
return this.nextUid++;
* Call to attach a new component after the creation of the entity
* @param {Entity} entity
* @param {Component} component
attachDynamicComponent(entity, component) {
entity.addComponent(component, true);
const componentId = /** @type {typeof Component} */ (component.constructor).getId();
if (this.componentToEntity[componentId]) {
} else {
this.componentToEntity[componentId] = [entity];
* Finds an entity buy its uid, kinda slow since it loops over all entities
* @param {number} uid
* @param {boolean=} errorWhenNotFound
* @returns {Entity}
findByUid(uid, errorWhenNotFound = true) {
const arr = this.entities;
for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) {
const entity = arr[i];
if (entity.uid === uid) {
if (entity.queuedForDestroy || entity.destroyed) {
if (errorWhenNotFound) {
logger.warn("Entity with UID", uid, "not found (destroyed)");
return null;
return entity;
if (errorWhenNotFound) {
logger.warn("Entity with UID", uid, "not found");
return null;
* Returns all entities having the given component
* @param {typeof Component} componentHandle
* @returns {Array<Entity>} entities
getAllWithComponent(componentHandle) {
return this.componentToEntity[componentHandle.getId()] || [];
* Return all of a given class. This is SLOW!
* @param {object} entityClass
* @returns {Array<Entity>} entities
getAllOfClass(entityClass) {
// FIXME: Slow
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.entities.length; ++i) {
const entity = this.entities[i];
if (entity instanceof entityClass) {
return result;
* Unregisters all components of an entity from the component to entity mapping
* @param {Entity} entity
unregisterEntityComponents(entity) {
for (const componentId in entity.components) {
if (entity.components[componentId]) {
arrayDeleteValue(this.componentToEntity[componentId], entity);
// Processes the entities to destroy and actually destroys them
/* eslint-disable max-statements */
processDestroyList() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.destroyList.length; ++i) {
const entity = this.destroyList[i];
// Remove from entities list
arrayDeleteValue(this.entities, entity);
// Remove from componentToEntity list
entity.registered = false;
this.destroyList = [];
* Queues an entity for destruction
* @param {Entity} entity
destroyEntity(entity) {
if (entity.destroyed) {
logger.error("Tried to destroy already destroyed entity:", entity.uid);
if (entity.queuedForDestroy) {
logger.error("Trying to destroy entity which is already queued for destroy!", entity.uid);
if (this.destroyList.indexOf(entity) < 0) {
entity.queuedForDestroy = true;
} else {
assert(false, "Trying to destroy entity twice");