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import { BaseHUDPart } from "../base_hud_part";
import { makeDiv } from "../../../core/utils";
import { DynamicDomAttach } from "../dynamic_dom_attach";
import { blueprintShape, UPGRADES } from "../../upgrades";
import { enumNotificationType } from "./notifications";
import { tutorialGoals } from "../../tutorial_goals";
export class HUDSandboxController extends BaseHUDPart {
createElements(parent) {
this.element = makeDiv(
<label>Sandbox Options</label>
<span class="sandboxHint">Use F6 to toggle this overlay</span>
<div class="buttons">
<div class="levelToggle plusMinus">
<button class="styledButton minus">-</button>
<button class="styledButton plus">+</button>
<div class="upgradesBelt plusMinus">
<label>Upgrades &rarr; Belt</label>
<button class="styledButton minus">-</button>
<button class="styledButton plus">+</button>
<div class="upgradesExtraction plusMinus">
<label>Upgrades &rarr; Extraction</label>
<button class="styledButton minus">-</button>
<button class="styledButton plus">+</button>
<div class="upgradesProcessing plusMinus">
<label>Upgrades &rarr; Processing</label>
<button class="styledButton minus">-</button>
<button class="styledButton plus">+</button>
<div class="upgradesPainting plusMinus">
<label>Upgrades &rarr; Painting</label>
<button class="styledButton minus">-</button>
<button class="styledButton plus">+</button>
<div class="additionalOptions">
<button class="styledButton giveBlueprints">Fill blueprint shapes</button>
<button class="styledButton maxOutAll">Max out all</button>
const bind = (selector, handler) => this.trackClicks(this.element.querySelector(selector), handler);
bind(".giveBlueprints", this.giveBlueprints);
bind(".maxOutAll", this.maxOutAll);
bind(".levelToggle .minus", () => this.modifyLevel(-1));
bind(".levelToggle .plus", () => this.modifyLevel(1));
bind(".upgradesBelt .minus", () => this.modifyUpgrade("belt", -1));
bind(".upgradesBelt .plus", () => this.modifyUpgrade("belt", 1));
bind(".upgradesExtraction .minus", () => this.modifyUpgrade("miner", -1));
bind(".upgradesExtraction .plus", () => this.modifyUpgrade("miner", 1));
bind(".upgradesProcessing .minus", () => this.modifyUpgrade("processors", -1));
bind(".upgradesProcessing .plus", () => this.modifyUpgrade("processors", 1));
bind(".upgradesPainting .minus", () => this.modifyUpgrade("painting", -1));
bind(".upgradesPainting .plus", () => this.modifyUpgrade("painting", 1));
giveBlueprints() {
if (!this.root.hubGoals.storedShapes[blueprintShape]) {
this.root.hubGoals.storedShapes[blueprintShape] = 0;
this.root.hubGoals.storedShapes[blueprintShape] += 1e9;
maxOutAll() {
this.modifyUpgrade("belt", 100);
this.modifyUpgrade("miner", 100);
this.modifyUpgrade("processors", 100);
this.modifyUpgrade("painting", 100);
modifyUpgrade(id, amount) {
const handle = UPGRADES[id];
const maxLevel = handle.tiers.length;
this.root.hubGoals.upgradeLevels[id] = Math.max(
Math.min(maxLevel, (this.root.hubGoals.upgradeLevels[id] || 0) + amount)
// Compute improvement
let improvement = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.root.hubGoals.upgradeLevels[id]; ++i) {
improvement += handle.tiers[i].improvement;
this.root.hubGoals.upgradeImprovements[id] = improvement;
"Upgrade '" + id + "' is now at tier " + (this.root.hubGoals.upgradeLevels[id] + 1),
modifyLevel(amount) {
const hubGoals = this.root.hubGoals;
hubGoals.level = Math.max(1, hubGoals.level + amount);
// Clear all shapes of this level
hubGoals.storedShapes[hubGoals.currentGoal.definition.getHash()] = 0;;
// Compute gained rewards
hubGoals.gainedRewards = {};
for (let i = 0; i < hubGoals.level - 1; ++i) {
if (i < tutorialGoals.length) {
const reward = tutorialGoals[i].reward;
hubGoals.gainedRewards[reward] = (hubGoals.gainedRewards[reward] || 0) + 1;
"Changed level to " + hubGoals.level,
initialize() {
// Allow toggling the controller overlay
this.root.gameState.inputReciever.keydown.add(key => {
if (key.keyCode === 117) {
// F6
this.visible = !G_IS_DEV;
this.domAttach = new DynamicDomAttach(this.root, this.element);
toggle() {
this.visible = !this.visible;
update() {