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364 lines
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4 years ago
// ----------------------------------------
/* Forces an element to get rendered on its own layer, increasing
the performance when animated. Use only transform and opacity in animations! */
@mixin FastAnimation {
// will-change: transform, opacity;
transform: translateZ(0);
backface-visibility: hidden;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
// Helper which includes the translateZ webkit fix, use together with Fast animation
// $hardwareAcc: translateZ(0);
$hardwareAcc: null;
// ----------------------------------------
/** Increased click area for this element, helpful on mobile */
@mixin IncreasedClickArea($size) {
&::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: #{D(-$size)};
bottom: #{D(-$size)};
left: #{D(-$size)};
right: #{D(-$size)};
// background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3);
.increasedClickArea {
position: relative;
@include IncreasedClickArea(15px);
// ----------------------------------------
/* Duplicates an animation and adds two classes .<classPrefix>Even and .<classPrefix>Odd which uses the
animation. This can be used to replay the animation by toggling between the classes, because
it is not possible to restart a css animation */
@mixin MakeAnimationWrappedEvenOdd($duration, $classPrefix: "anim", $childSelector: "") {
$animName: autogen_anim_#{unique-id()};
@at-root {
@keyframes #{$animName}_even {
@keyframes #{$animName}_odd {
&.#{$classPrefix}Even #{$childSelector} {
animation: #{$animName}_even $duration;
&.#{$classPrefix}Odd #{$childSelector} {
animation: #{$animName}_odd $duration;
// ----------------------------------------
/* Allows to use and define an animation without specifying its name */
@mixin InlineAnimation($duration) {
$animName: autogen_anim_#{unique-id()};
@at-root {
@keyframes #{$animName} {
animation: $animName $duration !important;
// ----------------------------------------
/* Animation prefab for a double bounce pop-in animation, useful for dialogs */
@mixin DoubleBounceAnim($duration: 0.5s ease-in-out, $amount: 0.2, $initialOpacity: 0) {
@include InlineAnimation($duration) {
0% {
opacity: $initialOpacity;
transform: scale(0) $hardwareAcc;
25% {
opacity: 0.5;
transform: scale(1 + $amount) $hardwareAcc;
50% {
opacity: 1;
transform: scale(1 - $amount * 0.5) $hardwareAcc;
75% {
transform: scale(1 + $amount * 0.25) $hardwareAcc;
100% {
transform: scale(1) $hardwareAcc;
opacity: 1;
// ----------------------------------------
/* Define a style which is only applied in horizontal mode */
@mixin HorizontalStyle {
@include AppendGlobal(".h") {
// ----------------------------------------
/* Define a style which is only applied in vertical mode */
@mixin VerticalStyle {
@include AppendGlobal(".v") {
// ----------------------------------------
/* Define a style which is only while the hardware keyboard is open */
@mixin AndroidHwKeyboardOpen {
@include AppendGlobal(".kb") {
// ----------------------------------------
/* Automatically transforms the game state if a hardware keyboard is open */
@mixin TransformToMatchKeyboard {
transition: transform 0.2s ease-in-out;
@include AndroidHwKeyboardOpen {
@include VerticalStyle {
transform: translateY(#{D(-125px)}) $hardwareAcc;
@include HorizontalStyle {
transform: translateY(#{D(-100px)}) $hardwareAcc;
// ----------------------------------------
/* Define a style which is only applied when the viewport is at least X pixels wide */
@mixin StyleAtWidth($minW) {
@media (min-width: #{$minW}) {
// ----------------------------------------
/* Define a style which is only applied when the viewport is at least X pixels height */
@mixin StyleAtHeight($minH) {
@media (min-height: #{$minH}) {
// ----------------------------------------
/* Define a style which is only applied when the viewport has at least the given dimensions */
@mixin StyleAtDims($minW, $minH) {
@media (min-height: #{$minH}) and (min-width: #{$minW}) {
// ----------------------------------------
/* Define a style which is only applied when the viewport has at maximum the given dimensions */
@mixin StyleBelowDims($maxW, $maxH) {
@media (max-height: #{$maxH}) and (max-width: #{$maxW}) {
// ----------------------------------------
/* Define a style which is only applied when the viewport has at maximum the given height */
@mixin StyleBelowHeight($maxH) {
@media (max-height: #{$maxH}) {
// ----------------------------------------
/* Define a style which is only applied when the viewport has at maximum the given width */
@mixin StyleBelowWidth($maxW) {
@media (max-width: #{$maxW}) {
// ----------------------------------------
// Dynamic graphics quality styles
@mixin BoxShadow3D($bgColor, $size: 3px, $pressEffect: true) {
background-color: $bgColor;
$borderSize: 1.5px;
$borderColor: rgb(18, 20, 24);
// box-shadow: 0 0 0 D($borderSize) $borderColor, 0 D($size) 0 0px rgba(mix(darken($bgColor, 9), #b0e2ff, 95%), 1),
// 0 D($size) 0 D($borderSize) $borderColor;
// box-shadow: 0 0 0 D($borderSize) $borderColor, 0 D($size) 0 D($borderSize) $borderColor,
// D(-$size * 1.5) D($size * 2) 0 D($borderSize) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
// transition: box-shadow 0.1s ease-in-out;
// @if $pressEffect {
// &.pressed {
// transform: none !important;
// $pSize: max(0, $size - 1.5px);
// transition: none !important;
// box-shadow: 0 0 0 D($borderSize) $borderColor, 0 D($pSize) 0 0px rgba(mix(darken($bgColor, 9), #b0e2ff, 95%), 1),
// 0 D($pSize) 0 D($borderSize) $borderColor;
// top: D($size - $pSize);
// }
// }
@mixin BorderRadius($v1: 2px, $v2: "", $v3: "", $v4: "") {
@include S(border-radius, $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4);
@mixin BoxShadow($x, $y, $blur, $offset, $color) {
box-shadow: D($x) D($y) D($blur) D($offset) $color;
@mixin DropShadow($yOffset: 2px, $blur: 2px, $amount: 0.2) {
@include BoxShadow(0, $yOffset, $blur, 0, rgba(#000, $amount));
@mixin TextShadow($yOffset: 2px, $blur: 1px, $amount: 0.6) {
text-shadow: 0 D($yOffset) D($blur) rgba(#000, $amount);
@mixin Button3D($bgColor, $pressEffect: true) {
@include BoxShadow3D($bgColor, 2px, $pressEffect);
@mixin ButtonDisabled3D($bgColor) {
@include BoxShadow3D($bgColor, 0.5px, false);
@mixin BoxShadowInset($bgColor, $size: 3px) {
background-color: $bgColor;
$borderSize: 1px;
$borderColor: rgb(15, 19, 24);
box-shadow: 0 0 0 D($borderSize) $borderColor, 0 D($size) 0 rgba(#fff, 0.07);
border-top: D($size) solid rgba(#000, 0.1);
//, 0 D($size) 0 0px rgba(mix(darken($bgColor, 9), #b0e2ff, 95%), 1),
// 0 D($size + $borderSize) 0 0 $borderColor;
@mixin TextShadow3D($color: rgb(222, 234, 238), $borderColor: #000) {
color: $color;
// ----------------------------------------
/* Shine animation prefab, useful for buttons etc. Adds a bright shine which moves over
the button like a reflection. Performance heavy. */
@mixin ShineAnimation($duration, $bgColor, $w: 200px, $shineAlpha: 0.25, $lightenAmount: 7, $bgAnim: true) {
$bgBase: darken($bgColor, 5);
background-color: $bgBase;
@include HighQualityOrMore {
position: relative;
// overflow: hidden;
// overflow: visible;
&:before {
content: " ";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
background: uiResource("misc/shine_bg.png") 0px center / 100% 100% no-repeat;
@include InlineAnimation($duration ease-in-out infinite) {
0% {
background-position-x: #{D(-$w)};
100% {
background-position-x: #{D($w)};
@if ($bgAnim) {
@include InlineAnimation($duration ease-in-out infinite) {
0% {
background-color: $bgBase;
50% {
background-color: lighten($bgBase, $lightenAmount);
100% {
background-color: $bgBase;
// ----------------------------------------
/* String replacement */
@function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
$index: str-index($string, $search);
@if $index {
@return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace +
str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
@return $string;
@mixin BounceInFromSide($mul, $duration: 0.18s ease-in-out) {
@include InlineAnimation($duration) {
0% {
transform: translateY(#{D(-100px * $mul)}) scale(0.9);
opacity: 0;
100% {
opacity: 1;
transform: none;
opacity: 1;
transform: none;
@mixin BreakText {
word-wrap: break-word;
word-break: break-all;
overflow-wrap: break-all;
@mixin SupportsAndroidNotchQuery {
@supports (color: constant(--notch-inset-left)) {
@mixin SupportsiOsNotchQuery {
@supports (color: env(safe-area-inset-left, 0px)) {
@mixin DarkThemeOverride {
@at-root body[data-theme="dark"] &,
&[data-theme="dark"] {
@mixin DarkThemeInvert {
@include DarkThemeOverride {
filter: invert(1);