#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> /** * characters used for Base64 encoding */ const char *BASE64_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; /** * encode three bytes using base64 (RFC 3548) * * @param triple three bytes that should be encoded * @param result buffer of four characters where the result is stored */ void _base64_encode_triple(unsigned char triple[3], char result[4]) { int tripleValue, i; tripleValue = triple[0]; tripleValue *= 256; tripleValue += triple[1]; tripleValue *= 256; tripleValue += triple[2]; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { result[3-i] = BASE64_CHARS[tripleValue%64]; tripleValue /= 64; } } /** * encode an array of bytes using Base64 (RFC 3548) * * @param source the source buffer * @param sourcelen the length of the source buffer * @param target the target buffer * @param targetlen the length of the target buffer * @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise */ int base64_encode(unsigned char *source, size_t sourcelen, char *target, size_t targetlen) { /* check if the result will fit in the target buffer */ if ((sourcelen+2)/3*4 > targetlen-1) return 0; /* encode all full triples */ while (sourcelen >= 3) { _base64_encode_triple(source, target); sourcelen -= 3; source += 3; target += 4; } /* encode the last one or two characters */ if (sourcelen > 0) { unsigned char temp[3]; memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); memcpy(temp, source, sourcelen); _base64_encode_triple(temp, target); target[3] = '='; if (sourcelen == 1) target[2] = '='; target += 4; } /* terminate the string */ target[0] = 0; return 1; } /** * determine the value of a base64 encoding character * * @param base64char the character of which the value is searched * @return the value in case of success (0-63), -1 on failure */ int _base64_char_value(char base64char) { if (base64char >= 'A' && base64char <= 'Z') return base64char-'A'; if (base64char >= 'a' && base64char <= 'z') return base64char-'a'+26; if (base64char >= '0' && base64char <= '9') return base64char-'0'+2*26; if (base64char == '+') return 2*26+10; if (base64char == '/') return 2*26+11; return -1; } /** * decode a 4 char base64 encoded byte triple * * @param quadruple the 4 characters that should be decoded * @param result the decoded data * @return lenth of the result (1, 2 or 3), 0 on failure */ int _base64_decode_triple(char quadruple[4], unsigned char *result) { int i, triple_value, bytes_to_decode = 3, only_equals_yet = 1; int char_value[4]; for (i=0; i<4; i++) char_value[i] = _base64_char_value(quadruple[i]); /* check if the characters are valid */ for (i=3; i>=0; i--) { if (char_value[i]<0) { if (only_equals_yet && quadruple[i]=='=') { /* we will ignore this character anyway, make it something * that does not break our calculations */ char_value[i]=0; bytes_to_decode--; continue; } return 0; } /* after we got a real character, no other '=' are allowed anymore */ only_equals_yet = 0; } /* if we got "====" as input, bytes_to_decode is -1 */ if (bytes_to_decode < 0) bytes_to_decode = 0; /* make one big value out of the partial values */ triple_value = char_value[0]; triple_value *= 64; triple_value += char_value[1]; triple_value *= 64; triple_value += char_value[2]; triple_value *= 64; triple_value += char_value[3]; /* break the big value into bytes */ for (i=bytes_to_decode; i<3; i++) triple_value /= 256; for (i=bytes_to_decode-1; i>=0; i--) { result[i] = triple_value%256; triple_value /= 256; } return bytes_to_decode; } /** * decode base64 encoded data * * @param source the encoded data (zero terminated) * @param target pointer to the target buffer * @param targetlen length of the target buffer * @return length of converted data on success, -1 otherwise */ size_t base64_decode(char *source, unsigned char *target, size_t targetlen) { char *src, *tmpptr; char quadruple[4], tmpresult[3]; int i, tmplen = 3; size_t converted = 0; /* concatinate '===' to the source to handle unpadded base64 data */ src = (char *)malloc(strlen(source)+5); if (src == NULL) return -1; strcpy(src, source); strcat(src, "===="); tmpptr = src; /* convert as long as we get a full result */ while (tmplen == 3) { /* get 4 characters to convert */ for (i=0; i<4; i++) { /* skip invalid characters - we won't reach the end */ while (*tmpptr != '=' && _base64_char_value(*tmpptr)<0) tmpptr++; quadruple[i] = *(tmpptr++); } /* convert the characters */ tmplen = _base64_decode_triple(quadruple, tmpresult); /* check if the fit in the result buffer */ if (targetlen < tmplen) { free(src); return -1; } /* put the partial result in the result buffer */ memcpy(target, tmpresult, tmplen); target += tmplen; targetlen -= tmplen; converted += tmplen; } free(src); return converted; }