#include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WSCLIENT_H_ #define WSCLIENT_H_ #define FRAME_CHUNK_LENGTH 1024 #define HELPER_RECV_BUF_SIZE 1024 #define CLIENT_IS_SSL (1 << 0) #define CLIENT_CONNECTING (1 << 1) #define CLIENT_SHOULD_CLOSE (1 << 2) #define CLIENT_SENT_CLOSE_FRAME (1 << 3) #define REQUEST_HAS_CONNECTION (1 << 0) #define REQUEST_HAS_UPGRADE (1 << 1) #define REQUEST_VALID_STATUS (1 << 2) #define REQUEST_VALID_ACCEPT (1 << 3) #define WS_FRAGMENT_START (1 << 0) #define WS_FRAGMENT_FIN (1 << 7) #define WS_EXIT_MALLOC -1 #define WS_EXIT_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT -2 #define WS_EXIT_PTHREAD_CREATE -3 #define WS_EXIT_BAD_SCHEME -4 #define WS_OPEN_CONNECTION_ADDRINFO_ERR -1 #define WS_OPEN_CONNECTION_ADDRINFO_EXHAUSTED_ERR -2 #define WS_RUN_THREAD_RECV_ERR -3 #define WS_DO_CLOSE_SEND_ERR -4 #define WS_HANDLE_CTL_FRAME_SEND_ERR -5 #define WS_COMPLETE_FRAME_MASKED_ERR -6 #define WS_DISPATCH_MESSAGE_NULL_PTR_ERR -7 #define WS_SEND_AFTER_CLOSE_FRAME_ERR -8 #define WS_SEND_DURING_CONNECT_ERR -9 #define WS_SEND_NULL_DATA_ERR -10 #define WS_SEND_DATA_TOO_LARGE_ERR -11 #define WS_SEND_SEND_ERR -12 #define WS_HANDSHAKE_REMOTE_CLOSED_ERR -13 #define WS_HANDSHAKE_RECV_ERR -14 #define WS_HANDSHAKE_BAD_STATUS_ERR -15 #define WS_HANDSHAKE_NO_UPGRADE_ERR -16 #define WS_HANDSHAKE_NO_CONNECTION_ERR -17 #define WS_HANDSHAKE_BAD_ACCEPT_ERR -18 #define WS_HELPER_ALREADY_BOUND_ERR -19 #define WS_HELPER_CREATE_SOCK_ERR -20 #define WS_HELPER_BIND_ERR -21 #define WS_HELPER_LISTEN_ERR -22 typedef struct _wsclient_frame { unsigned int fin; unsigned int opcode; unsigned int mask_offset; unsigned int payload_offset; unsigned int rawdata_idx; unsigned int rawdata_sz; unsigned long long payload_len; char *rawdata; struct _wsclient_frame *next_frame; struct _wsclient_frame *prev_frame; unsigned char mask[4]; } wsclient_frame; typedef struct _wsclient_message { unsigned int opcode; unsigned long long payload_len; char *payload; } wsclient_message; typedef struct _wsclient_error { int code; int extra_code; char *str; } wsclient_error; typedef struct _wsclient { pthread_t helper_thread; pthread_t handshake_thread; pthread_t run_thread; pthread_mutex_t lock; pthread_mutex_t send_lock; char *URI; int sockfd; int flags; int (*onopen)(struct _wsclient *); int (*onclose)(struct _wsclient *); int (*onerror)(struct _wsclient *, wsclient_error *err); int (*onmessage)(struct _wsclient *, wsclient_message *msg); wsclient_frame *current_frame; struct sockaddr_un helper_sa; int helper_sock; } wsclient; //Function defs wsclient *libwsclient_new(const char *URI); wsclient_error *libwsclient_new_error(int errcode); int libwsclient_open_connection(const char *host, const char *port); int stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2); int libwsclient_complete_frame(wsclient *c, wsclient_frame *frame); void libwsclient_handle_control_frame(wsclient *c, wsclient_frame *ctl_frame); void libwsclient_run(wsclient *c); void libwsclient_finish(wsclient *client); void *libwsclient_run_thread(void *ptr); void *libwsclient_handshake_thread(void *ptr); void libwsclient_cleanup_frames(wsclient_frame *first); void libwsclient_in_data(wsclient *c, char in); void libwsclient_dispatch_message(wsclient *c, wsclient_frame *current); void libwsclient_close(wsclient *c); int libwsclient_helper_socket(wsclient *c, const char *path); void *libwsclient_helper_socket_thread(void *ptr); //Define errors char *errors[] = { "Unknown error occured", "Error while getting address info", "Could connect to any address returned by getaddrinfo", "Error receiving data in client run thread", "Error during libwsclient_close", "Error sending while handling control frame", "Received masked frame from server", "Got null pointer during message dispatch", "Attempted to send after close frame was sent", "Attempted to send during connect", "Attempted to send null payload", "Attempted to send too much data", "Error during send in libwsclient_send", "Remote end closed connection during handshake", "Problem receiving data during handshake", "Remote web server responded with bad HTTP status during handshake", "Remote web server did not respond with upgrade header during handshake", "Remote web server did not respond with connection header during handshake", "Remote web server did not specify the appropriate Sec-WebSocket-Accept header during handshake", NULL }; #endif /* WSCLIENT_H_ */