# Pattern Matching * :scroll: [Compiling Pattern Matching to good Decision Trees](../pattern_matching/compiling-pattern-matching-to-good-decision-trees.pdf) by Luc Maranget. Paper address the issue of compiling ML pattern matching to efficient decisions trees. * :scroll: [Extensible Pattern Matching in an Extensible Language](../pattern_matching/extensible-pattern-matching-extensible-language.pdf) by Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. Paper present a sophisticated pattern matcher for [Racket](http://racket-lang.org/), implemented as language extension using macros. * :scroll: [Warnings for pattern matching](../pattern_matching/warnings-for-pattern-matching.pdf) by Luc Maranget. Paper examine the ML pattern-matching anomalies of useless clauses and non-exhaustive matches.