## Artificial Intelligence * :scroll: [Analysis of Three Bayesian Network Inference Algorithms: Variable Elimination, Likelihood Weighting, and Gibbs Sampling](3-bayesian-network-inference-algorithm.pdf) by Rose F. Liu, Rusmin Soetjipto * :scroll: [Efficient Selectivity and Backup Operators in Monte-Carlo Tree Search](efficient-selectivity-and-backup-operators-in-monte-carlo-tree-search.pdf) * [Computing Machinery and Intelligence](http://www.csee.umbc.edu/courses/471/papers/turing.pdf) by A.M. Turing * [Judea Pearl](http://bayes.cs.ucla.edu/jp_home.html) folder - Papers by Judea Pearl, 2011 winner of the ACM Turing Award. * [:open_file_folder: Summary of Papers](judea_pearl/) * [Mastering the Game of Go with Deep Neural Networks and Tree Search](http://airesearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/deepmind-mastering-go.pdf) by Silver et al.