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# Datastores
2014-03-14 02:39:39 +00:00
* [Calvin: Fast Distributed Transactions for Partitioned Database Systems](
* [f4: Facebooks Warm BLOB Storage System](
* [The Case for Determinism in Database Systems](
* [Consistency Tradeoffs in Modern Distributed Database System Design](
* [Modularity and Scalability in Calvin](
* [Lightweight Locking for Main Memory Database Systems](
* [Cassandra - A Decentralized Structured Storage System](
* [CRUSH: Controlled, Scalable, Decentralized Placement of Replicated Data](
* [Dont Settle for Eventual: Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS](
* [Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets](
* [F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales](
* [HaLoop: Efficient Iterative Data Processing on Large Clusters](
* [HyperDex: A Distributed, Searchable Key-Value Store](
* [Introduction to a System for Distributed Databases SDD-1](
* [Making Reliable Distributed Systems in the Presence of Software Errors](
* [Managing Update Conflicts in Bayou, a Weakly Connected Replicated Storage System](
* [Map-Reduce-Merge: Simplified Relational Data Processing on Large Clusters](
* [MDCC: Multi-Data Center Consistency](
* [Optimistic replication](
* [The Dangers of Replication and a Solution](
* [Towards a Next Generation Data Center Architecture: Scalability and Commoditization](
## Hosted Papers
* :scroll: [A Solution to the Network Challenges of Data Recovery in Erasure-coded Distributed Storage Systems: A Study on the Facebook Warehouse Cluster](network-challenges-of-data-recovery-in-erasure-coded-distributed-storage-systems.pdf)
* :scroll: [Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data](bigtable-a-distributed-storage-system-for-structured-data.pdf)
* :scroll: [Database Metatheory: Asking Big Queries](database-metatheory--asking-the-big-queries.pdf)
* :scroll: [Dynamo: Amazons Highly Available Key-value Store](dynamo-amazons-highly-available-key-value-store.pdf)
* :scroll: [Elle: Inferring Isolation Anomalies from Experimental Observations](elle-inferring-isolation-anomalies-from-experimental-observations.pdf)
* :scroll: [Flat Datacenter Storage](flat-datacenter-storage.pdf)
* :scroll: [Freenet: A Distributed Anonymous Information Storage and Retrieval System](freenet-a-distributed-anonymous-information-and-retrieval-system.pdf)
* :scroll: [The Google File System](the-google-file-system.pdf)
* :scroll: [Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services](megastore-providing-scalable-highly-available-storage-for-interactive-services.pdf)
* :scroll: [RADOS: A Scalable, Reliable Storage Service for Petabyte-scale Storage Clusters](rados-a-scalable-reliable-storage-service-for-petabyte-scale-storage-clusters.pdf)
* :scroll: [Spanner: Googles Globally-Distributed Database](spanner-google's-globally-distributed-database.pdf)
* :scroll: [Spartan: A distributed array framework with smart tiling](spartan-a-distributed-array-framework-with-smart-tiling.pdf)
* :scroll: [Stasis: Flexible Transactional Storage](stasis-flexible-transactional-storage.pdf)
* :scroll: [TAO: Facebooks Distributed Data Store for the Social Graph'](tao-facebook-distributed-datastore.pdf)
* :scroll: [Transactional storage for geo-replicated systems](transactional-storage-for-geo-replicated-systems.pdf)
* :scroll: [Warp: Multi-Key Transactions for Key-Value Stores](warp-multi-key-transactions-for-key-value-stores.pdf)