/// /// Copyright 2015-2018 Oliver Giles /// /// This file is part of Laminar /// /// Laminar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify /// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by /// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or /// (at your option) any later version. /// /// Laminar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, /// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of /// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the /// GNU General Public License for more details. /// /// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License /// along with Laminar. If not, see /// #include "laminar.h" #include "server.h" #include "conf.h" #include "log.h" #include #include #include #include namespace fs = boost::filesystem; #define COMPRESS_LOG_MIN_SIZE 1024 #include #include // rapidjson::Writer with a StringBuffer is used a lot in Laminar for // preparing JSON messages to send to Websocket clients. A small wrapper // class here reduces verbosity later for this common use case. class Json : public rapidjson::Writer { public: Json() : rapidjson::Writer(buf) { StartObject(); } template Json& set(const char* key, T value) { String(key); Int64(value); return *this; } Json& startObject(const char* key) { String(key); StartObject(); return *this; } Json& startArray(const char* key) { String(key); StartArray(); return *this; } const char* str() { EndObject(); return buf.GetString(); } private: rapidjson::StringBuffer buf; }; template<> Json& Json::set(const char* key, const char* value) { String(key); String(value); return *this; } template<> Json& Json::set(const char* key, std::string value) { String(key); String(value.c_str()); return *this; } namespace { // Default values when none were supplied in $LAMINAR_CONF_FILE (/etc/laminar.conf) constexpr const char* INTADDR_RPC_DEFAULT = "unix-abstract:laminar"; constexpr const char* INTADDR_HTTP_DEFAULT = "*:8080"; constexpr const char* ARCHIVE_URL_DEFAULT = "/archive"; } // helper for appending to boost::filesystem::path fs::path operator+(fs::path p, const char* ext) { std::string leaf = p.leaf().string(); leaf += ext; return p.remove_leaf()/leaf; } typedef std::string str; Laminar::Laminar() { archiveUrl = ARCHIVE_URL_DEFAULT; if(char* envArchive = getenv("LAMINAR_ARCHIVE_URL")) archiveUrl = envArchive; numKeepRunDirs = 0; homeDir = getenv("LAMINAR_HOME") ?: "/var/lib/laminar"; db = new Database((fs::path(homeDir)/"laminar.sqlite").string().c_str()); // Prepare database for first use // TODO: error handling db->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS builds(" "name TEXT, number INT UNSIGNED, node TEXT, queuedAt INT, " "startedAt INT, completedAt INT, result INT, output TEXT, " "outputLen INT, parentJob TEXT, parentBuild INT, reason TEXT, " "PRIMARY KEY (name, number))"); db->exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_completion_time ON builds(" "completedAt DESC)"); // retrieve the last build numbers db->stmt("SELECT name, MAX(number) FROM builds GROUP BY name") .fetch([this](str name, uint build){ buildNums[name] = build; }); srv = nullptr; // Load configuration, may be called again in response to an inotify event // that the configuration files have been modified loadConfiguration(); } void Laminar::registerClient(LaminarClient* client) { clients.insert(client); } void Laminar::deregisterClient(LaminarClient* client) { clients.erase(client); } void Laminar::registerWaiter(LaminarWaiter *waiter) { waiters.insert(waiter); } void Laminar::deregisterWaiter(LaminarWaiter *waiter) { waiters.erase(waiter); } bool Laminar::setParam(std::string job, uint buildNum, std::string param, std::string value) { if(Run* run = activeRun(job, buildNum)) { run->params[param] = value; return true; } return false; } void Laminar::populateArtifacts(Json &j, std::string job, uint num) const { fs::path dir(fs::path(homeDir)/"archive"/job/std::to_string(num)); if(fs::is_directory(dir)) { size_t prefixLen = (fs::path(homeDir)/"archive").string().length(); size_t scopeLen = dir.string().length(); for(fs::recursive_directory_iterator it(dir); it != fs::recursive_directory_iterator(); ++it) { if(!fs::is_regular_file(*it)) continue; j.StartObject(); j.set("url", archiveUrl + it->path().string().substr(prefixLen)); j.set("filename", it->path().string().substr(scopeLen+1)); j.EndObject(); } } } void Laminar::sendStatus(LaminarClient* client) { if(client->scope.type == MonitorScope::LOG) { // If the requested job is currently in progress if(const Run* run = activeRun(client->scope.job, client->scope.num)) { client->sendMessage(run->log.c_str()); } else { // it must be finished, fetch it from the database db->stmt("SELECT output, outputLen FROM builds WHERE name = ? AND number = ?") .bind(client->scope.job, client->scope.num) .fetch([=](str maybeZipped, unsigned long sz) { str log(sz+1,'\0'); if(sz >= COMPRESS_LOG_MIN_SIZE) { int res = ::uncompress((uint8_t*) log.data(), &sz, (const uint8_t*) maybeZipped.data(), maybeZipped.size()); if(res == Z_OK) client->sendMessage(log); else LLOG(ERROR, "Failed to uncompress log"); } else { client->sendMessage(maybeZipped); } }); } return; } Json j; j.set("type", "status"); j.set("title", getenv("LAMINAR_TITLE") ?: "Laminar"); j.set("time", time(nullptr)); j.startObject("data"); if(client->scope.type == MonitorScope::RUN) { db->stmt("SELECT queuedAt,startedAt,completedAt, result, reason FROM builds WHERE name = ? AND number = ?") .bind(client->scope.job, client->scope.num) .fetch([&](time_t queued, time_t started, time_t completed, int result, std::string reason) { j.set("queued", started-queued); j.set("started", started); j.set("completed", completed); j.set("result", to_string(RunState(result))); j.set("reason", reason); }); if(const Run* run = activeRun(client->scope.job, client->scope.num)) { j.set("queued", run->startedAt - run->queuedAt); j.set("started", run->startedAt); j.set("reason", run->reason()); j.set("result", to_string(RunState::RUNNING)); db->stmt("SELECT completedAt - startedAt FROM builds WHERE name = ? ORDER BY completedAt DESC LIMIT 1") .bind(run->name) .fetch([&](uint lastRuntime){ j.set("etc", run->startedAt + lastRuntime); }); } j.set("latestNum", int(buildNums[client->scope.job])); j.startArray("artifacts"); populateArtifacts(j, client->scope.job, client->scope.num); j.EndArray(); } else if(client->scope.type == MonitorScope::JOB) { j.startArray("recent"); db->stmt("SELECT number,startedAt,completedAt,result,reason FROM builds WHERE name = ? ORDER BY completedAt DESC LIMIT 25") .bind(client->scope.job) .fetch([&](uint build,time_t started,time_t completed,int result,str reason){ j.StartObject(); j.set("number", build) .set("completed", completed) .set("started", started) .set("result", to_string(RunState(result))) .set("reason", reason) .EndObject(); }); j.EndArray(); j.startArray("running"); auto p = activeJobs.byJobName().equal_range(client->scope.job); for(auto it = p.first; it != p.second; ++it) { const std::shared_ptr run = *it; j.StartObject(); j.set("number", run->build); j.set("node", run->node->name); j.set("started", run->startedAt); j.set("result", to_string(RunState::RUNNING)); j.set("reason", run->reason()); j.EndObject(); } j.EndArray(); int nQueued = 0; for(const auto& run : queuedJobs) { if (run->name == client->scope.job) { nQueued++; } } j.set("nQueued", nQueued); db->stmt("SELECT number,startedAt FROM builds WHERE name = ? AND result = ? ORDER BY completedAt DESC LIMIT 1") .bind(client->scope.job, int(RunState::SUCCESS)) .fetch([&](int build, time_t started){ j.startObject("lastSuccess"); j.set("number", build).set("started", started); j.EndObject(); }); db->stmt("SELECT number,startedAt FROM builds WHERE name = ? AND result <> ? ORDER BY completedAt DESC LIMIT 1") .bind(client->scope.job, int(RunState::SUCCESS)) .fetch([&](int build, time_t started){ j.startObject("lastFailed"); j.set("number", build).set("started", started); j.EndObject(); }); } else if(client->scope.type == MonitorScope::ALL) { j.startArray("jobs"); db->stmt("SELECT name,number,startedAt,completedAt,result FROM builds GROUP BY name ORDER BY number DESC") .fetch([&](str name,uint number, time_t started, time_t completed, int result){ j.StartObject(); j.set("name", name); j.set("number", number); j.set("result", to_string(RunState(result))); j.set("started", started); j.set("completed", completed); j.startArray("tags"); for(const str& t: jobTags[name]) { j.String(t.c_str()); } j.EndArray(); j.EndObject(); }); j.EndArray(); j.startArray("running"); for(const auto& run : activeJobs.byStartedAt()) { j.StartObject(); j.set("name", run->name); j.set("number", run->build); j.set("node", run->node->name); j.set("started", run->startedAt); j.startArray("tags"); for(const str& t: jobTags[run->name]) { j.String(t.c_str()); } j.EndArray(); j.EndObject(); } j.EndArray(); } else { // Home page j.startArray("recent"); db->stmt("SELECT * FROM builds ORDER BY completedAt DESC LIMIT 15") .fetch([&](str name,uint build,str node,time_t,time_t started,time_t completed,int result){ j.StartObject(); j.set("name", name) .set("number", build) .set("node", node) .set("started", started) .set("completed", completed) .set("result", to_string(RunState(result))) .EndObject(); }); j.EndArray(); j.startArray("running"); for(const auto& run : activeJobs.byStartedAt()) { j.StartObject(); j.set("name", run->name); j.set("number", run->build); j.set("node", run->node->name); j.set("started", run->startedAt); db->stmt("SELECT completedAt - startedAt FROM builds WHERE name = ? ORDER BY completedAt DESC LIMIT 1") .bind(run->name) .fetch([&](uint lastRuntime){ j.set("etc", run->startedAt + lastRuntime); }); j.EndObject(); } j.EndArray(); j.startArray("queued"); for(const auto& run : queuedJobs) { j.StartObject(); j.set("name", run->name); j.EndObject(); } j.EndArray(); int execTotal = 0; int execBusy = 0; for(const auto& it : nodes) { const std::shared_ptr& node = it.second; execTotal += node->numExecutors; execBusy += node->busyExecutors; } j.set("executorsTotal", execTotal); j.set("executorsBusy", execBusy); j.startArray("buildsPerDay"); for(int i = 6; i >= 0; --i) { j.StartObject(); db->stmt("SELECT result, COUNT(*) FROM builds WHERE completedAt > ? AND completedAt < ? GROUP by result") .bind(86400*(time(nullptr)/86400 - i), 86400*(time(nullptr)/86400 - (i-1))) .fetch([&](int result, int num){ j.set(to_string(RunState(result)).c_str(), num); }); j.EndObject(); } j.EndArray(); j.startObject("buildsPerJob"); db->stmt("SELECT name, COUNT(*) FROM builds WHERE completedAt > ? GROUP BY name") .bind(time(nullptr) - 86400) .fetch([&](str job, int count){ j.set(job.c_str(), count); }); j.EndObject(); j.startObject("timePerJob"); db->stmt("SELECT name, AVG(completedAt-startedAt) FROM builds WHERE completedAt > ? GROUP BY name") .bind(time(nullptr) - 7 * 86400) .fetch([&](str job, uint time){ j.set(job.c_str(), time); }); j.EndObject(); } j.EndObject(); client->sendMessage(j.str()); } Laminar::~Laminar() { delete db; delete srv; } void Laminar::run() { const char* listen_rpc = getenv("LAMINAR_BIND_RPC") ?: INTADDR_RPC_DEFAULT; const char* listen_http = getenv("LAMINAR_BIND_HTTP") ?: INTADDR_HTTP_DEFAULT; srv = new Server(*this, listen_rpc, listen_http); srv->addWatchPath(fs::path(fs::path(homeDir)/"cfg"/"nodes").string().c_str()); srv->addWatchPath(fs::path(fs::path(homeDir)/"cfg"/"jobs").string().c_str()); srv->start(); } void Laminar::stop() { srv->stop(); } bool Laminar::loadConfiguration() { if(const char* ndirs = getenv("LAMINAR_KEEP_RUNDIRS")) numKeepRunDirs = static_cast(atoi(ndirs)); std::set knownNodes; fs::path nodeCfg = fs::path(homeDir)/"cfg"/"nodes"; if(fs::is_directory(nodeCfg)) { for(fs::directory_iterator it(nodeCfg); it != fs::directory_iterator(); ++it) { if(!fs::is_regular_file(it->status()) || it->path().extension() != ".conf") continue; StringMap conf = parseConfFile(it->path().string().c_str()); std::string nodeName = it->path().stem().string(); auto existingNode = nodes.find(nodeName); std::shared_ptr node = existingNode == nodes.end() ? nodes.emplace(nodeName, std::shared_ptr(new Node)).first->second : existingNode->second; node->name = nodeName; node->numExecutors = conf.get("EXECUTORS", 6); std::string tags = conf.get("TAGS"); if(!tags.empty()) { std::istringstream iss(tags); std::set tagList; std::string tag; while(std::getline(iss, tag, ',')) tagList.insert(tag); node->tags = tagList; } knownNodes.insert(nodeName); } } // remove any nodes whose config files disappeared. // if there are no known nodes, take care not to remove and re-add the default node for(auto it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end();) { if((it->first == "" && knownNodes.size() == 0) || knownNodes.find(it->first) != knownNodes.end()) it++; else it = nodes.erase(it); } // add a default node if(nodes.empty()) { std::shared_ptr node(new Node); node->name = ""; node->numExecutors = 6; nodes.emplace("", node); } fs::path jobsDir = fs::path(homeDir)/"cfg"/"jobs"; if(fs::is_directory(jobsDir)) { for(fs::directory_iterator it(jobsDir); it != fs::directory_iterator(); ++it) { if(!fs::is_regular_file(it->status()) || it->path().extension() != ".conf") continue; StringMap conf = parseConfFile(it->path().string().c_str()); std::string tags = conf.get("TAGS"); if(!tags.empty()) { std::istringstream iss(tags); std::set tagList; std::string tag; while(std::getline(iss, tag, ',')) tagList.insert(tag); jobTags[it->path().stem().string()] = tagList; } } } return true; } std::shared_ptr Laminar::queueJob(std::string name, ParamMap params) { if(!fs::exists(fs::path(homeDir)/"cfg"/"jobs"/name+".run")) { LLOG(ERROR, "Non-existent job", name); return nullptr; } std::shared_ptr run = std::make_shared(); run->name = name; run->queuedAt = time(nullptr); for(auto it = params.begin(); it != params.end();) { if(it->first[0] == '=') { if(it->first == "=parentJob") { run->parentName = it->second; } else if(it->first == "=parentBuild") { run->parentBuild = atoi(it->second.c_str()); } else if(it->first == "=reason") { run->reasonMsg = it->second; } else { LLOG(ERROR, "Unknown internal job parameter", it->first); } it = params.erase(it); } else ++it; } run->params = params; queuedJobs.push_back(run); // notify clients Json j; j.set("type", "job_queued") .startObject("data") .set("name", name) .EndObject(); const char* msg = j.str(); for(LaminarClient* c : clients) { if(c->scope.wantsStatus(name)) c->sendMessage(msg); } assignNewJobs(); return run; } bool Laminar::stepRun(std::shared_ptr run) { bool complete = run->step(); if(!complete) { srv->addDescriptor(run->fd, [this, run](const char* b,size_t n){ handleRunLog(run, std::string(b,n)); }); } return complete; } void Laminar::handleRunLog(std::shared_ptr run, std::string s) { run->log += s; for(LaminarClient* c : clients) { if(c->scope.wantsLog(run->name, run->build)) c->sendMessage(s); } } // Reaps a zombie and steps the corresponding Run to its next state. // Should be called on SIGCHLD void Laminar::reapChildren() { int ret = 0; pid_t pid; constexpr int bufsz = 1024; static thread_local char buf[bufsz]; while((pid = waitpid(-1, &ret, WNOHANG)) > 0) { LLOG(INFO, "Reaping", pid); auto it = activeJobs.byPid().find(pid); std::shared_ptr run = *it; // The main event loop might schedule this SIGCHLD handler before the final // output handler (from addDescriptor). In that case, because it keeps a // shared_ptr to the run it would successfully add to the log output buffer, // but by then reapAdvance would have stored the log and ensured no-one cares. // Preempt this case by forcing a final (non-blocking) read here. for(ssize_t n = read(run->fd, buf, bufsz); n > 0; n = read(run->fd, buf, bufsz)) { handleRunLog(run, std::string(buf, static_cast(n))); } bool completed = true; activeJobs.byPid().modify(it, [&](std::shared_ptr run){ run->reaped(ret); completed = stepRun(run); }); if(completed) run->complete(); } assignNewJobs(); } void Laminar::notifyConfigChanged() { loadConfiguration(); // config change may allow stuck jobs to dequeue assignNewJobs(); } void Laminar::abortAll() { for(std::shared_ptr run : activeJobs) { run->abort(); } } bool Laminar::nodeCanQueue(const Node& node, const Run& run) const { // if a node is too busy, it can't take the job if(node.busyExecutors >= node.numExecutors) return false; // if the node has no tags, allow the build if(node.tags.size() == 0) return true; auto it = jobTags.find(run.name); // if the job has no tags, it cannot be run on this node if(it == jobTags.end()) return false; // otherwise, allow the build if job and node have a tag in common for(const std::string& tag : it->second) { if(node.tags.find(tag) != node.tags.end()) return true; } return false; } void Laminar::assignNewJobs() { auto it = queuedJobs.begin(); while(it != queuedJobs.end()) { bool assigned = false; for(auto& sn : nodes) { std::shared_ptr node = sn.second; std::shared_ptr run = *it; if(nodeCanQueue(*node.get(), *run)) { fs::path cfgDir = fs::path(homeDir)/"cfg"; boost::system::error_code err; // create a workspace for this job if it doesn't exist fs::path ws = fs::path(homeDir)/"run"/run->name/"workspace"; if(!fs::exists(ws)) { if(!fs::create_directories(ws, err)) { LLOG(ERROR, "Could not create job workspace", run->name); break; } // prepend the workspace init script if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".init")) run->addScript((cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".init").string(), ws.string()); } uint buildNum = buildNums[run->name] + 1; // create the run directory fs::path rd = fs::path(homeDir)/"run"/run->name/std::to_string(buildNum); bool createWorkdir = true; if(fs::is_directory(rd)) { LLOG(WARNING, "Working directory already exists, removing", rd.string()); fs::remove_all(rd, err); if(err) { LLOG(WARNING, "Failed to remove working directory", err.message()); createWorkdir = false; } } if(createWorkdir && !fs::create_directory(rd, err)) { LLOG(ERROR, "Could not create working directory", rd.string()); break; } run->runDir = rd.string(); // create an archive directory fs::path archive = fs::path(homeDir)/"archive"/run->name/std::to_string(buildNum); if(fs::is_directory(archive)) { LLOG(WARNING, "Archive directory already exists", archive.string()); } else if(!fs::create_directories(archive)) { LLOG(ERROR, "Could not create archive directory", archive.string()); break; } // add scripts // global before-run script if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"before")) run->addScript((cfgDir/"before").string()); // per-node before-run script if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"nodes"/node->name+".before")) run->addScript((cfgDir/"nodes"/node->name+".before").string()); // job before-run script if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".before")) run->addScript((cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".before").string()); // main run script. must exist. run->addScript((cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".run").string()); // job after-run script if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".after")) run->addScript((cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".after").string()); // per-node after-run script if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"nodes"/node->name+".after")) run->addScript((cfgDir/"nodes"/node->name+".after").string()); // global after-run script if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"after")) run->addScript((cfgDir/"after").string()); // add environment files if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"env")) run->addEnv((cfgDir/"env").string()); if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"nodes"/node->name+".env")) run->addEnv((cfgDir/"nodes"/node->name+".env").string()); if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".env")) run->addEnv((cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".env").string()); // add job timeout if specified if(fs::exists(cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".conf")) { int timeout = parseConfFile(fs::path(cfgDir/"jobs"/run->name+".conf").string().c_str()).get("TIMEOUT", 0); if(timeout > 0) { // A raw pointer to run is used here so as not to have a circular reference. // The captured raw pointer is safe because if the Run is destroyed the Promise // will be cancelled and the callback never called. Run* r = run.get(); r->timeout = srv->addTimeout(timeout, [r](){ r->abort(); }); } } // start the job node->busyExecutors++; run->node = node; run->startedAt = time(nullptr); run->laminarHome = homeDir; run->build = buildNum; // set the last known result if exists db->stmt("SELECT result FROM builds WHERE name = ? ORDER BY completedAt DESC LIMIT 1") .bind(run->name) .fetch([=](int result){ run->lastResult = RunState(result); }); // update next build number buildNums[run->name] = buildNum; LLOG(INFO, "Queued job to node", run->name, run->build, node->name); // notify clients Json j; j.set("type", "job_started") .startObject("data") .set("queueIndex", std::distance(it,queuedJobs.begin())) .set("name", run->name) .set("queued", run->startedAt - run->queuedAt) .set("started", run->startedAt) .set("number", run->build) .set("reason", run->reason()); db->stmt("SELECT completedAt - startedAt FROM builds WHERE name = ? ORDER BY completedAt DESC LIMIT 1") .bind(run->name) .fetch([&](uint etc){ j.set("etc", time(nullptr) + etc); }); j.EndObject(); const char* msg = j.str(); for(LaminarClient* c : clients) { if(c->scope.wantsStatus(run->name, run->build) // The run page also should know that another job has started // (so maybe it can show a previously hidden "next" button). // Hence this small hack: || (c->scope.type == MonitorScope::Type::RUN && c->scope.job == run->name)) c->sendMessage(msg); } // notify the rpc client if the start command was used run->started.fulfiller->fulfill(); // setup run completion handler run->notifyCompletion = [this](Run* r) { runFinished(r); }; // trigger the first step of the run if(stepRun(run)) { // should never happen LLOG(INFO, "No steps for run"); run->complete(); } assigned = true; break; } } if(assigned) { activeJobs.insert(*it); it = queuedJobs.erase(it); } else ++it; } } void Laminar::runFinished(Run * r) { std::shared_ptr node = r->node; node->busyExecutors--; LLOG(INFO, "Run completed", r->name, to_string(r->result)); time_t completedAt = time(nullptr); // compress log std::string maybeZipped = r->log; size_t logsize = r->log.length(); if(r->log.length() >= COMPRESS_LOG_MIN_SIZE) { std::string zipped(r->log.size(), '\0'); unsigned long zippedSize = zipped.size(); if(::compress((uint8_t*) zipped.data(), &zippedSize, (const uint8_t*) r->log.data(), logsize) == Z_OK) { zipped.resize(zippedSize); std::swap(maybeZipped, zipped); } } std::string reason = r->reason(); db->stmt("INSERT INTO builds VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)") .bind(r->name, r->build, node->name, r->queuedAt, r->startedAt, completedAt, int(r->result), maybeZipped, logsize, r->parentName, r->parentBuild, reason) .exec(); // notify clients Json j; j.set("type", "job_completed") .startObject("data") .set("name", r->name) .set("number", r->build) .set("queued", r->startedAt - r->queuedAt) .set("completed", completedAt) .set("started", r->startedAt) .set("result", to_string(r->result)) .set("reason", r->reason()); j.startArray("artifacts"); populateArtifacts(j, r->name, r->build); j.EndArray(); j.EndObject(); const char* msg = j.str(); for(LaminarClient* c : clients) { if(c->scope.wantsStatus(r->name, r->build)) c->sendMessage(msg); } // notify the waiters for(LaminarWaiter* w : waiters) { w->complete(r); } // erase reference to run from activeJobs activeJobs.byRunPtr().erase(r); // remove old run directories // We cannot count back the number of directories to keep from the currently // finishing job because there may well be older, still-running instances of // this job and we don't want to delete their rundirs. So instead, check // whether there are any more active runs of this job, and if so, count back // from the oldest among them. If there are none, count back from the latest // known build number of this job, which may not be that of the run that // finished here. auto it = activeJobs.byJobName().equal_range(r->name); uint oldestActive = (it.first == it.second)? buildNums[r->name] : (*it.first)->build - 1; for(int i = static_cast(oldestActive - numKeepRunDirs); i > 0; i--) { fs::path d = fs::path(homeDir)/"run"/r->name/std::to_string(i); // Once the directory does not exist, it's probably not worth checking // any further. 99% of the time this loop should only ever have 1 iteration // anyway so hence this (admittedly debatable) optimization. if(!fs::exists(d)) break; fs::remove_all(d); } } // Small helper function to return the full contents of a file given its path. // It reads in the whole file into the given string reference. // This is a terrible way to serve files (especially large ones). Hopefully // no-one uses this function and configures their webservers appropriately. static bool slurp(fs::path path, std::string& output) { if(!fs::is_regular_file(path)) return false; std::ifstream fstr(path.string()); fstr.seekg(0, std::ios::end); ssize_t sz = fstr.tellg(); if(fstr.good()) { output.resize(static_cast(sz)); fstr.seekg(0); fstr.read(&output[0], sz); return true; } return false; } bool Laminar::getArtefact(std::string path, std::string& result) { if(archiveUrl != ARCHIVE_URL_DEFAULT) { // we shouldn't have got here. Probably an invalid link. return false; } fs::path file(fs::path(homeDir)/"archive"/path); return slurp(file, result); } std::string Laminar::getCustomCss() { fs::path file(fs::path(homeDir)/"custom"/"style.css"); std::string result; slurp(file, result); return result; }