/* laminar.js * frontend application for Laminar Continuous Integration * https://laminar.ohwg.net */ Vue.filter('iecFileSize', function(bytes) { var exp = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)); return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, exp)).toFixed(1) + ' ' + ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB'][exp]; }); const wsp = function(path) { return new WebSocket((location.protocol === 'https:'?'wss://':'ws://') + location.host + path); } const WebsocketHandler = function() { function setupWebsocket(path, next) { var ws = wsp(path); ws.onmessage = function(msg) { msg = JSON.parse(msg.data); // "status" is the first message the websocket always delivers. // Use this to confirm the navigation. The component is not // created until next() is called, so creating a reference // for other message types must be deferred. There are some extra // subtle checks here. If this websocket already has a component, // then this is not the first time the status message has been // received. If the frontend requests an update, the status message // should not be handled here, but treated the same as any other // message. An exception is if the connection has been lost - in // that case we should treat this as a "first-time" status message. // this.comp.ws is used as a proxy for this. if (msg.type === 'status' && (!this.comp || !this.comp.ws)) { next(comp => { // Set up bidirectional reference // 1. needed to reference the component for other msg types this.comp = comp; // 2. needed to close the ws on navigation away comp.ws = this; // Update html and nav titles document.title = comp.$root.title = msg.title; // Calculate clock offset (used by ProgressUpdater) comp.$root.clockSkew = msg.time - Math.floor((new Date()).getTime()/1000); comp.$root.connected = true; // Component-specific callback handler comp[msg.type](msg.data); }); } else { // at this point, the component must be defined if (!this.comp) return console.error("Page component was undefined"); else { this.comp.$root.showNotify(msg.type, msg.data); if(typeof this.comp[msg.type] === 'function') this.comp[msg.type](msg.data); } } }; ws.onclose = function(ev) { // if this.comp isn't set, this connection has never been used // and a re-connection isn't meaningful if(!ev.wasClean && 'comp' in this) { this.comp.$root.connected = false; // remove the reference to the websocket from the component. // This not only cleans up an unneeded reference but ensures a // status message on reconnection is treated as "first-time" delete this.comp.ws; this.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(()=>{ var newWs = setupWebsocket(path, (fn) => { fn(this.comp); }); // the next() callback won't happen if the server is still // unreachable. Save the reference to the last component // here so we can recover if/when it does return. This means // passing this.comp in the next() callback above is redundant // but necessary to keep the same implementation. newWs.comp = this.comp; }, 2000); } } return ws; }; return { beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) { setupWebsocket(to.path, (fn) => { next(fn); }); }, beforeRouteUpdate(to, from, next) { this.ws.close(); clearTimeout(this.ws.reconnectTimeout); setupWebsocket(to.path, (fn) => { fn(this); next(); }); }, beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) { this.ws.close(); clearTimeout(this.ws.reconnectTimeout); next(); } }; }(); const Utils = { methods: { runIcon(result) { var marker = '⚙'; var classname = result; if (result === 'success') marker = '✔'; else if (result === 'failed' || result === 'aborted') marker = '✘'; else classname = 'spin'; return '' + marker + '︎'; }, formatDate: function(unix) { // TODO: reimplement when toLocaleDateString() accepts formatting options on most browsers var d = new Date(1000 * unix); var m = d.getMinutes(); if (m < 10) m = '0' + m; return d.getHours() + ':' + m + ' on ' + ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'][d.getDay()] + ' ' + d.getDate() + '. ' + ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ][d.getMonth()] + ' ' + d.getFullYear(); }, formatDuration: function(start, end) { if(!end) end = Math.floor(Date.now()/1000) + this.$root.clockSkew; if(end - start > 3600) return Math.floor((end-start)/3600) + ' hours, ' + Math.floor(((end-start)%3600)/60) + ' minutes'; else if(end - start > 60) return Math.floor((end-start)/60) + ' minutes, ' + ((end-start)%60) + ' seconds'; else return (end-start) + ' seconds'; } } }; const ProgressUpdater = { data() { return { jobsRunning: [] }; }, methods: { updateProgress(o) { if (o.etc) { var p = (Math.floor(Date.now()/1000) + this.$root.clockSkew - o.started) / (o.etc - o.started); if (p > 1.2) { o.overtime = true; } else if (p >= 1) { o.progress = 99; } else { o.progress = 100 * p; } } } }, beforeDestroy() { clearInterval(this.updateTimer); }, watch: { jobsRunning(val) { // this function handles several cases: // - the route has changed to a different run of the same job // - the current job has ended // - the current job has started (practically hard to reach) clearInterval(this.updateTimer); if (val.length) { // TODO: first, a non-animated progress update this.updateTimer = setInterval(() => { this.jobsRunning.forEach(this.updateProgress); this.$forceUpdate(); }, 1000); } } } }; const Home = function() { var state = { jobsQueued: [], jobsRecent: [] }; var chtUtilization, chtBuildsPerDay, chtBuildsPerJob, chtTimePerJob; var updateUtilization = function(busy) { chtUtilization.data.datasets[0].data[0] += busy ? 1 : -1; chtUtilization.data.datasets[0].data[1] -= busy ? 1 : -1; chtUtilization.update(); } return { template: '#home', mixins: [WebsocketHandler, Utils, ProgressUpdater], data: function() { return state; }, methods: { status: function(msg) { state.jobsQueued = msg.queued; state.jobsRunning = msg.running; state.jobsRecent = msg.recent; this.$forceUpdate(); // setup charts chtUtilization = new Chart(document.getElementById("chartUtil"), { type: 'pie', data: { labels: ["Busy", "Idle"], datasets: [{ data: [ msg.executorsBusy, msg.executorsTotal - msg.executorsBusy ], backgroundColor: ["tan", "darkseagreen"] }] } }); chtBuildsPerDay = new Chart(document.getElementById("chartBpd"), { type: 'line', data: { labels: (()=>{ res = []; var now = new Date(); for (var i = 6; i >= 0; --i) { var then = new Date(now.getTime() - i * 86400000); res.push(["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"][then.getDay()]); } return res; })(), datasets: [{ label: 'Successful Builds', backgroundColor: "rgba(143,188,143,0.65)", //darkseagreen at 0.65 borderColor: "forestgreen", data: msg.buildsPerDay.map((e)=>{ return e.success || 0; }) }, { label: 'Failed Builds', backgroundColor: "rgba(233,150,122,0.65)", //darkseagreen at 0.65 borderColor: "crimson", data: msg.buildsPerDay.map((e)=>{ return e.failed || 0; }) }] } }); chtBuildsPerJob = new Chart(document.getElementById("chartBpj"), { type: 'horizontalBar', data: { labels: Object.keys(msg.buildsPerJob), datasets: [{ label: 'Most runs per job in last 24hrs', backgroundColor: "lightsteelblue", data: Object.keys(msg.buildsPerJob).map((e)=>{ return msg.buildsPerJob[e]; }) }] } }); chtTimePerJob = new Chart(document.getElementById("chartTpj"), { type: 'horizontalBar', data: { labels: Object.keys(msg.timePerJob), datasets: [{ label: 'Longest average runtime this week', backgroundColor: "lightsteelblue", data: Object.keys(msg.timePerJob).map((e)=>{ return msg.timePerJob[e]; }) }] } }); }, job_queued: function(data) { state.jobsQueued.splice(0, 0, data); this.$forceUpdate(); }, job_started: function(data) { state.jobsQueued.splice(state.jobsQueued.length - data.queueIndex - 1, 1); state.jobsRunning.splice(0, 0, data); this.$forceUpdate(); updateUtilization(true); }, job_completed: function(data) { if (data.result === "success") chtBuildsPerDay.data.datasets[0].data[6]++; else chtBuildsPerDay.data.datasets[1].data[6]++; chtBuildsPerDay.update(); for (var i = 0; i < state.jobsRunning.length; ++i) { var job = state.jobsRunning[i]; if (job.name == data.name && job.number == data.number) { state.jobsRunning.splice(i, 1); state.jobsRecent.splice(0, 0, data); this.$forceUpdate(); break; } } updateUtilization(false); for (var j = 0; j < chtBuildsPerJob.data.datasets[0].data.length; ++j) { if (chtBuildsPerJob.data.labels[j] == job.name) { chtBuildsPerJob.data.datasets[0].data[j]++; chtBuildsPerJob.update(); break; } } } } }; }(); const Jobs = function() { var state = { jobs: [], search: '', tags: [], tag: null }; return { template: '#jobs', mixins: [WebsocketHandler, Utils, ProgressUpdater], data: function() { return state; }, methods: { status: function(msg) { state.jobs = msg.jobs; state.jobsRunning = msg.running; // mix running and completed jobs for (var i in msg.running) { var idx = state.jobs.findIndex(job => job.name === msg.running[i].name); if (idx > -1) state.jobs[idx] = msg.running[i]; else { // special case: first run of a job. state.jobs.unshift(msg.running[i]); state.jobs.sort(function(a, b){return a.name < b.name ? -1 : a.name > b.name ? 1 : 0;}); } } var tags = {}; for (var i in state.jobs) { for (var j in state.jobs[i].tags) { tags[state.jobs[i].tags[j]] = true; } } state.tags = Object.keys(tags); }, job_started: function(data) { var updAt = null; // jobsRunning must be maintained for ProgressUpdater for (var i in state.jobsRunning) { if (state.jobsRunning[i].name === data.name) { updAt = i; break; } } if (updAt === null) { state.jobsRunning.unshift(data); } else { state.jobsRunning[updAt] = data; } updAt = null; for (var i in state.jobs) { if (state.jobs[i].name === data.name) { updAt = i; break; } } if (updAt === null) { // first execution of new job. TODO insert without resort state.jobs.unshift(data); state.jobs.sort(function(a, b){return a.name < b.name ? -1 : a.name > b.name ? 1 : 0;}); } else { state.jobs[updAt] = data; } this.$forceUpdate(); }, job_completed: function(data) { for (var i in state.jobs) { if (state.jobs[i].name === data.name) { state.jobs[i] = data; // forceUpdate in second loop break; } } for (var i in state.jobsRunning) { if (state.jobsRunning[i].name === data.name) { state.jobsRunning.splice(i, 1); this.$forceUpdate(); break; } } }, filteredJobs: function() { var ret = state.jobs; var tag = state.tag; if (tag) { ret = ret.filter(function(job) { return job.tags.indexOf(tag) >= 0; }); } var search = this.search; if (search) { ret = ret.filter(function(job) { return job.name.indexOf(search) > -1; }); } return ret; }, } }; }(); var Job = function() { var state = { jobsRunning: [], jobsRecent: [], lastSuccess: null, lastFailed: null, nQueued: 0, pages: 0, sort: {} }; return Vue.extend({ template: '#job', mixins: [WebsocketHandler, Utils, ProgressUpdater], data: function() { return state; }, methods: { status: function(msg) { state.jobsRunning = msg.running; state.jobsRecent = msg.recent; state.lastSuccess = msg.lastSuccess; state.lastFailed = msg.lastFailed; state.nQueued = msg.nQueued; state.pages = msg.pages; state.sort = msg.sort; var chtBt = new Chart(document.getElementById("chartBt"), { type: 'bar', data: { labels: msg.recent.map(function(e) { return '#' + e.number; }).reverse(), datasets: [{ label: 'Build time', backgroundColor: (new Array(msg.recent.length)).fill('darkseagreen'), borderColor: (new Array(msg.recent.length)).fill('forestgreen'), data: msg.recent.map(function(e) { return e.completed - e.started; }).reverse() }] } }); for (var i = 0, n = msg.recent.length; i < n; ++i) { if (msg.recent[i].result != "success") { chtBt.data.datasets[0].backgroundColor[n - i - 1] = "darksalmon"; chtBt.data.datasets[0].borderColor[n - i - 1] = "crimson"; } } chtBt.update(); }, job_queued: function() { state.nQueued++; }, job_started: function(data) { state.nQueued--; state.jobsRunning.splice(0, 0, data); this.$forceUpdate(); }, job_completed: function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < state.jobsRunning.length; ++i) { var job = state.jobsRunning[i]; if (job.number === data.number) { state.jobsRunning.splice(i, 1); state.jobsRecent.splice(0, 0, data); this.$forceUpdate(); // TODO: update the chart break; } } }, page_next: function() { state.sort.page++; this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(state.sort)); }, page_prev: function() { state.sort.page--; this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(state.sort)); }, do_sort: function(field) { if(state.sort.field == field) { state.sort.order = state.sort.order == 'asc' ? 'dsc' : 'asc'; } else { state.sort.order = 'dsc'; state.sort.field = field; } this.ws.send(JSON.stringify(state.sort)); } } }); }(); const Run = function() { var state = { job: { artifacts: [] }, latestNum: null, log: '', autoscroll: false }; var firstLog = false; var logHandler = function(vm, d) { state.log += ansi_up.ansi_to_html(d.replace(//g,'>')); vm.$forceUpdate(); if (!firstLog) { firstLog = true; } else if (state.autoscroll) { window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); } }; return { template: '#run', mixins: [WebsocketHandler, Utils, ProgressUpdater], data: function() { return state; }, methods: { status: function(data) { state.jobsRunning = []; state.job = data; state.latestNum = data.latestNum; state.jobsRunning = [data]; }, job_started: function(data) { state.latestNum++; this.$forceUpdate(); }, job_completed: function(data) { state.job = data; state.jobsRunning = []; this.$forceUpdate(); }, runComplete: function(run) { return !!run && (run.result === 'aborted' || run.result === 'failed' || run.result === 'success'); }, }, beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) { next(vm => { state.log = ''; vm.logws = wsp(to.path + '/log'); vm.logws.onmessage = function(msg) { logHandler(vm, msg.data); } }); }, beforeRouteUpdate(to, from, next) { var vm = this; vm.logws.close(); state.log = ''; vm.logws = wsp(to.path + '/log'); vm.logws.onmessage = function(msg) { logHandler(vm, msg.data); } next(); }, beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) { this.logws.close(); next(); } }; }(); new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { title: '', // populated by status ws message clockSkew: 0, connected: false, notify: 'localStorage' in window && localStorage.getItem('showNotifications') == 1 }, computed: { supportsNotifications() { return 'Notification' in window && Notification.permission !== 'denied'; } }, methods: { toggleNotifications(en) { if(Notification.permission !== 'granted') Notification.requestPermission(p => this.notify = (p === 'granted')) else this.notify = en; }, showNotify(msg, data) { if(this.notify && msg === 'job_completed') new Notification('Job ' + data.result, { body: data.name + ' ' + '#' + data.number + ': ' + data.result }); } }, watch: { notify(e) { localStorage.setItem('showNotifications', e ? 1 : 0); } }, router: new VueRouter({ mode: 'history', routes: [ { path: '/', component: Home }, { path: '/jobs', component: Jobs }, { path: '/jobs/:name', component: Job }, { path: '/jobs/:name/:number', component: Run } ], }), });