#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot # Deeper insights can be obtained by querying Laminar's database directly. # This example uses gnuplot to create a graph of the distribution of the # average run time of jobs. # The following will output a png... set terminal pngcairo size 800,580 enhanced font 'Helvetica,10' set output 'build-time-distribution.png' # ..comment it out to use an interactive widget # plot style set tics font "Helvetica,10" set title font "Helvetica,11" set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror set border 3 back lt 1 lc rgb "#808080" set grid back lt 0 lc rgb "#d0d0d0" lw 0.5 set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "#7483af" lw 2 # Fetch the path to Laminar's sqlite database db = system("echo $LAMINAR_HOME") . '/laminar.sqlite' # Label the axes set xtics ("<30s" 0, "30s-1m" 1, "1m-5m" 2, "5m-10m" 3, "10m-20m" 4, "20m-40m" 5, "40m-60m" 6, ">60m" 7) set ylabel "Number of jobs" set xlabel "Average run time" set title "Distribution of average run times" plot '< sqlite3 -separator $''\n'' ' . db . ' \ "WITH ba AS (SELECT name,AVG(completedAt-startedAt) a FROM builds GROUP BY name) SELECT \ COUNT(CASE WHEN a < 30 THEN 1 END), \ COUNT(CASE WHEN a >= 30 AND a < 60 THEN 1 END), \ COUNT(CASE WHEN a >= 60 AND a < 300 THEN 1 END), \ COUNT(CASE WHEN a >= 300 AND a < 600 THEN 1 END), \ COUNT(CASE WHEN a >= 600 AND a < 1200 THEN 1 END), \ COUNT(CASE WHEN a >= 1200 AND a < 2400 THEN 1 END), \ COUNT(CASE WHEN a >= 2400 AND a < 3600 THEN 1 END), \ COUNT(CASE WHEN a >= 3600 THEN 1 END) FROM ba;"' \ using 0:1 with linespoints title '' ls 1 # uncomment this if using an interactive window #pause mouse close # Release the output set output