# name: bobthefish # # bobthefish is a Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome. # # You will need a Powerline-patched font for this to work: # # https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/master/installation.html#patched-fonts # # I recommend picking one of these: # # https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts # # For more advanced awesome, install a nerd fonts patched font (and be sure to # enable nerd fonts support with `set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes`): # # https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts # # You can override some default prompt options in your config.fish: # # set -g theme_display_git no # set -g theme_display_git_dirty no # set -g theme_display_git_untracked no # set -g theme_display_git_ahead_verbose yes # set -g theme_display_git_dirty_verbose yes # set -g theme_display_git_stashed_verbose yes # set -g theme_display_git_default_branch yes # set -g theme_git_default_branches main trunk # set -g theme_git_worktree_support yes # set -g theme_display_vagrant yes # set -g theme_display_docker_machine no # set -g theme_display_k8s_context yes # set -g theme_display_k8s_namespace no # set -g theme_display_aws_vault_profile yes # set -g theme_display_hg yes # set -g theme_display_virtualenv no # set -g theme_display_nix no # set -g theme_display_ruby no # set -g theme_display_user ssh # set -g theme_display_hostname ssh # set -g theme_display_sudo_user yes # set -g theme_display_vi no # set -g theme_display_node yes # set -g theme_avoid_ambiguous_glyphs yes # set -g theme_powerline_fonts no # set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes # set -g theme_show_exit_status yes # set -g theme_display_jobs_verbose yes # set -g default_user your_normal_user # set -g theme_color_scheme dark # set -g fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0 # set -g theme_project_dir_length 1 # set -g theme_newline_cursor yes # ============================== # Helper methods # ============================== function __bobthefish_basename -d 'basically basename, but faster' string replace -r '^.*/' '' -- $argv end function __bobthefish_dirname -d 'basically dirname, but faster' string replace -r '/[^/]+/?$' '' -- $argv end function __bobthefish_pwd -d 'Get a normalized $PWD' # The pwd builtin accepts `-P` on at least Fish 3.x, but fall back to $PWD if that doesn't work builtin pwd -P 2>/dev/null or echo $PWD end # Note that for fish < 3.0 this falls back to unescaped, rather than trying to do something clever /shrug # After we drop support for older fishies, we can inline this without the fallback. function __bobthefish_escape_regex -a str -d 'A backwards-compatible `string escape --style=regex` implementation' string escape --style=regex "$str" 2>/dev/null or echo "$str" end function __bobthefish_git_branch -S -d 'Get the current git branch (or commitish)' set -l tag (command git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null) and echo "$tag_glyph $tag " set -l branch (command git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | string replace -r '^refs/heads/' '') and begin [ -n "$theme_git_default_branches" ] or set -l theme_git_default_branches master main [ "$theme_display_git_master_branch" != 'yes' -a "$theme_display_git_default_branch" != 'yes' ] and contains $branch $theme_git_default_branches and echo $branch_glyph and return # truncate the middle of the branch name, but only if it's 25+ characters set -l truncname $branch [ "$theme_use_abbreviated_branch_name" = 'yes' ] and set truncname (string replace -r '^(.{17}).{3,}(.{5})$' "\$1…\$2" $branch) echo $branch_glyph $truncname and return end set -l branch (command git show-ref --head -s --abbrev | head -n1 2>/dev/null) echo "$detached_glyph $branch" end function __bobthefish_hg_branch -S -d 'Get the current hg branch' set -l branch (command hg branch 2>/dev/null) set -l book (command hg book | command grep \* | cut -d\ -f3) echo "$branch_glyph $branch @ $book" end function __bobthefish_pretty_parent -S -a child_dir -d 'Print a parent directory, shortened to fit the prompt' set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 # Replace $HOME with ~ set -l real_home ~ set -l parent_dir (string replace -r '^'(__bobthefish_escape_regex "$real_home")'($|/)' '~$1' (__bobthefish_dirname $child_dir)) # Must check whether `$parent_dir = /` if using native dirname if [ -z "$parent_dir" ] echo -n / return end if [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] echo -n "$parent_dir/" return end string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' "$parent_dir/" end function __bobthefish_ignore_vcs_dir -a real_pwd -d 'Check whether the current directory should be ignored as a VCS segment' for p in $theme_vcs_ignore_paths set ignore_path (realpath $p 2>/dev/null) switch $real_pwd/ case $ignore_path/\* echo 1 return end end end function __bobthefish_git_project_dir -S -a real_pwd -d 'Print the current git project base directory' [ "$theme_display_git" = 'no' ] and return set -q theme_vcs_ignore_paths and [ (__bobthefish_ignore_vcs_dir $real_pwd) ] and return if [ "$theme_git_worktree_support" != 'yes' ] set -l git_toplevel (command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$git_toplevel" ] and return # If there are no symlinks, just use git toplevel switch $real_pwd/ case $git_toplevel/\* echo $git_toplevel return end # Otherwise, we need to find the equivalent directory in the $PWD set -l d $real_pwd while not [ -z "$d" ] if [ (realpath "$d") = "$git_toplevel" ] echo $d return end [ "$d" = '/' ] and return set d (__bobthefish_dirname $d) end return end set -l git_dir (command git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null) or return pushd $git_dir set git_dir $real_pwd popd switch $real_pwd/ case $git_dir/\* # Nothing works quite right if we're inside the git dir # TODO: fix the underlying issues then re-enable the stuff below # # if we're inside the git dir, sweet. just return that. # set -l toplevel (command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null) # if [ "$toplevel" ] # switch $git_dir/ # case $toplevel/\* # echo $git_dir # end # end return end set -l project_dir (__bobthefish_dirname $git_dir) switch $real_pwd/ case $project_dir/\* echo $project_dir return end set project_dir (command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null) switch $real_pwd/ case $project_dir/\* echo $project_dir end end function __bobthefish_hg_project_dir -S -a real_pwd -d 'Print the current hg project base directory' [ "$theme_display_hg" = 'yes' ] or return set -q theme_vcs_ignore_paths and [ (__bobthefish_ignore_vcs_dir $real_pwd) ] and return set -l d $real_pwd while not [ -z "$d" ] if [ -e $d/.hg ] command hg root --cwd "$d" 2>/dev/null return end [ "$d" = '/' ] and return set d (__bobthefish_dirname $d) end end function __bobthefish_project_pwd -S -a project_root_dir -a real_pwd -d 'Print the working directory relative to project root' set -q theme_project_dir_length or set -l theme_project_dir_length 0 set -l project_dir (string replace -r '^'(__bobthefish_escape_regex "$project_root_dir")'($|/)' '' $real_pwd) if [ $theme_project_dir_length -eq 0 ] echo -n $project_dir return end string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$theme_project_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $project_dir end function __bobthefish_git_ahead -S -d 'Print the ahead/behind state for the current branch' if [ "$theme_display_git_ahead_verbose" = 'yes' ] __bobthefish_git_ahead_verbose return end set -l ahead 0 set -l behind 0 for line in (command git rev-list --left-right '@{upstream}...HEAD' 2>/dev/null) switch "$line" case '>*' if [ $behind -eq 1 ] echo '±' return end set ahead 1 case '<*' if [ $ahead -eq 1 ] echo "$git_plus_minus_glyph" return end set behind 1 end end if [ $ahead -eq 1 ] echo "$git_plus_glyph" else if [ $behind -eq 1 ] echo "$git_minus_glyph" end end function __bobthefish_git_ahead_verbose -S -d 'Print a more verbose ahead/behind state for the current branch' set -l commits (command git rev-list --left-right '@{upstream}...HEAD' 2>/dev/null) or return set -l behind (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | command grep '^<')) set -l ahead (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | command grep -v '^<')) switch "$ahead $behind" case '' # no upstream case '0 0' # equal to upstream return case '* 0' # ahead of upstream echo "$git_ahead_glyph$ahead" case '0 *' # behind upstream echo "$git_behind_glyph$behind" case '*' # diverged from upstream echo "$git_ahead_glyph$ahead$git_behind_glyph$behind" end end function __bobthefish_git_dirty_verbose -S -d 'Print a more verbose dirty state for the current working tree' set -l changes (command git diff --numstat | awk '{ added += $1; removed += $2 } END { print "+" added "/-" removed }') or return echo "$changes " | string replace -r '(\+0/(-0)?|/-0)' '' end function __bobthefish_git_stashed -S -d 'Print the stashed state for the current branch' if [ "$theme_display_git_stashed_verbose" = 'yes' ] set -l stashed (command git rev-list --walk-reflogs --count refs/stash 2>/dev/null) or return echo -n "$git_stashed_glyph$stashed" else command git rev-parse --verify --quiet refs/stash >/dev/null and echo -n "$git_stashed_glyph" end end # ============================== # Segment functions # ============================== function __bobthefish_start_segment -S -d 'Start a prompt segment' set -l bg $argv[1] set -e argv[1] set -l fg $argv[1] set -e argv[1] set_color normal # clear out anything bold or underline... set_color -b $bg $fg $argv switch "$__bobthefish_current_bg" case '' # If there's no background, just start one echo -n ' ' case "$bg" # If the background is already the same color, draw a separator echo -ns $right_arrow_glyph ' ' case '*' # otherwise, draw the end of the previous segment and the start of the next set_color $__bobthefish_current_bg echo -ns $right_black_arrow_glyph ' ' set_color $fg $argv end set __bobthefish_current_bg $bg end function __bobthefish_path_segment -S -a segment_dir -d 'Display a shortened form of a directory' set -l segment_color $color_path set -l segment_basename_color $color_path_basename if not [ -w "$segment_dir" ] set segment_color $color_path_nowrite set segment_basename_color $color_path_nowrite_basename end __bobthefish_start_segment $segment_color set -l directory set -l parent switch "$segment_dir" case / set directory '/' case "$HOME" set directory '~' case '*' set parent (__bobthefish_pretty_parent "$segment_dir") set directory (__bobthefish_basename "$segment_dir") end echo -n $parent set_color -b $segment_basename_color echo -ns $directory ' ' end function __bobthefish_finish_segments -S -d 'Close open prompt segments' if [ -n "$__bobthefish_current_bg" ] set_color normal set_color $__bobthefish_current_bg echo -ns $right_black_arrow_glyph ' ' end if [ "$theme_newline_cursor" = 'yes' ] echo -ens "\n" set_color $fish_color_autosuggestion if set -q theme_newline_prompt echo -ens "$theme_newline_prompt" else if [ "$theme_powerline_fonts" = 'no' -a "$theme_nerd_fonts" != 'yes' ] echo -ns '> ' else echo -ns "$right_arrow_glyph " end else if [ "$theme_newline_cursor" = 'clean' ] echo -ens "\n" end set_color normal set __bobthefish_current_bg end # ============================== # Status segment # ============================== function __bobthefish_prompt_status -S -a last_status -d 'Display flags for a non-zero exit status, private mode, root user, and background jobs' set -l nonzero set -l superuser set -l bg_jobs # Last exit was nonzero [ $last_status -ne 0 ] and set nonzero 1 # If superuser (uid == 0) # # Note that iff the current user is root and '/' is not writeable by root this # will be wrong. But I can't think of a single reason that would happen, and # it is literally 99.5% faster to check it this way, so that's a tradeoff I'm # willing to make. [ -w / -o -w /private/ ] and [ (id -u) -eq 0 ] and set superuser 1 # Jobs display if set -q AUTOJUMP_SOURCED # Autojump special case: check if there are jobs besides the `autojump` # job, since that one is (briefly) backgrounded every time we `cd` set bg_jobs (jobs -c | string match -v --regex '(Command|autojump)' | wc -l) [ "$bg_jobs" -eq 0 ] and set bg_jobs # clear it out so it doesn't show when `0` else if [ "$theme_display_jobs_verbose" = 'yes' ] set bg_jobs (jobs -p | wc -l) [ "$bg_jobs" -eq 0 ] and set bg_jobs # clear it out so it doesn't show when `0` else # `jobs -p` is faster if we redirect to /dev/null, because it exits # after the first match. We'll use that unless the user wants to # display the actual job count jobs -p >/dev/null and set bg_jobs 1 end end if [ "$nonzero" -o "$fish_private_mode" -o "$superuser" -o "$bg_jobs" ] __bobthefish_start_segment $color_initial_segment_exit if [ "$nonzero" ] set_color normal set_color -b $color_initial_segment_exit if [ "$theme_show_exit_status" = 'yes' ] echo -ns $last_status ' ' else echo -n $nonzero_exit_glyph end end if [ "$fish_private_mode" ] set_color normal set_color -b $color_initial_segment_private echo -n $private_glyph end if [ "$superuser" ] set_color normal if [ -z "$FAKEROOTKEY" ] set_color -b $color_initial_segment_su else set_color -b $color_initial_segment_exit end echo -n $superuser_glyph end if [ "$bg_jobs" ] set_color normal set_color -b $color_initial_segment_jobs if [ "$theme_display_jobs_verbose" = 'yes' ] echo -ns $bg_job_glyph $bg_jobs ' ' else echo -n $bg_job_glyph end end end end # ============================== # Container and VM segments # ============================== function __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant -S -d 'Display Vagrant status' [ "$theme_display_vagrant" = 'yes' -a -f Vagrantfile ] or return # .vagrant/machines/$machine/$provider/id for file in .vagrant/machines/*/*/id read -l id <"$file" if [ -n "$id" ] switch "$file" case '*/virtualbox/id' __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant_vbox $id case '*/vmware_fusion/id' __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant_vmware $id case '*/parallels/id' __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant_parallels $id end end end end function __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant_vbox -S -a id -d 'Display VirtualBox Vagrant status' set -l vagrant_status set -l vm_status (VBoxManage showvminfo --machinereadable $id 2>/dev/null | command grep 'VMState=' | tr -d '"' | cut -d '=' -f 2) switch "$vm_status" case 'running' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_running_glyph" case 'poweroff' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_poweroff_glyph" case 'aborted' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_aborted_glyph" case 'saved' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_saved_glyph" case 'stopping' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_stopping_glyph" case '' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_unknown_glyph" end [ -z "$vagrant_status" ] and return __bobthefish_start_segment $color_vagrant echo -ns $vagrant_status ' ' end function __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant_vmware -S -a id -d 'Display VMWare Vagrant status' set -l vagrant_status if [ (pgrep -f "$id") ] set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_running_glyph" else set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_poweroff_glyph" end [ -z "$vagrant_status" ] and return __bobthefish_start_segment $color_vagrant echo -ns $vagrant_status ' ' end function __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant_parallels -S -d 'Display Parallels Vagrant status' set -l vagrant_status set -l vm_status (prlctl list $id -o status 2>/dev/null | command tail -1) switch "$vm_status" case 'running' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_running_glyph" case 'stopped' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_poweroff_glyph" case 'paused' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_saved_glyph" case 'suspended' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_saved_glyph" case 'stopping' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_stopping_glyph" case '' set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$vagrant_unknown_glyph" end [ -z "$vagrant_status" ] and return __bobthefish_start_segment $color_vagrant echo -ns $vagrant_status ' ' end function __bobthefish_prompt_docker -S -d 'Display Docker machine name' [ "$theme_display_docker_machine" = 'no' -o -z "$DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME" ] and return __bobthefish_start_segment $color_vagrant echo -ns $DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME ' ' end function __bobthefish_k8s_context -S -d 'Get the current k8s context' set -l config_paths "$HOME/.kube/config" [ -n "$KUBECONFIG" ] and set config_paths (string split ':' "$KUBECONFIG") $config_paths for file in $config_paths [ -f "$file" ] or continue while read -l key val if [ "$key" = 'current-context:' ] set -l context (string trim -c '"\' ' -- $val) [ -z "$context" ] and return 1 echo $context return end end <$file end return 1 end function __bobthefish_k8s_namespace -S -d 'Get the current k8s namespace' kubectl config view --minify --output "jsonpath={..namespace}" end function __bobthefish_prompt_k8s_context -S -d 'Show current Kubernetes context' [ "$theme_display_k8s_context" = 'yes' ] or return set -l context (__bobthefish_k8s_context) or return [ "$theme_display_k8s_namespace" = 'yes' ] and set -l namespace (__bobthefish_k8s_namespace) [ -z $context -o "$context" = 'default' ] and [ -z $namespace -o "$namespace" = 'default' ] and return set -l segment $k8s_glyph ' ' $context [ -n "$namespace" ] and set segment $segment ':' $namespace __bobthefish_start_segment $color_k8s echo -ns $segment ' ' end # ============================== # Cloud Tools # ============================== function __bobthefish_prompt_aws_vault_profile -S -d 'Show AWS Vault profile' [ "$theme_display_aws_vault_profile" = 'yes' ] or return [ -n "$AWS_VAULT" -a -n "$AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION" ] or return set -l profile $AWS_VAULT set -l now (date --utc +%s) set -l expiry (date -d "$AWS_SESSION_EXPIRATION" +%s) set -l diff_mins (math "floor(( $expiry - $now ) / 60)") set -l diff_time $diff_mins"m" [ $diff_mins -le 0 ] and set -l diff_time '0m' [ $diff_mins -ge 60 ] and set -l diff_time (math "floor($diff_mins / 60)")"h"(math "$diff_mins % 60")"m" set -l segment $profile ' (' $diff_time ')' set -l status_color $color_aws_vault [ $diff_mins -le 0 ] and set -l status_color $color_aws_vault_expired __bobthefish_start_segment $status_color echo -ns $segment ' ' end # ============================== # User / hostname info segments # ============================== # Polyfill for fish < 2.5.0 if not type -q prompt_hostname if not set -q __bobthefish_prompt_hostname set -g __bobthefish_prompt_hostname (hostname | string replace -r '\..*' '') end function prompt_hostname echo $__bobthefish_prompt_hostname end end function __bobthefish_prompt_user -S -d 'Display current user and hostname' [ "$theme_display_user" = 'yes' -o \( "$theme_display_user" != 'no' -a -n "$SSH_CLIENT" \) -o \( -n "$default_user" -a "$USER" != "$default_user" \) ] and set -l display_user [ "$theme_display_sudo_user" = 'yes' -a -n "$SUDO_USER" ] and set -l display_sudo_user [ "$theme_display_hostname" = 'yes' -o \( "$theme_display_hostname" != 'no' -a -n "$SSH_CLIENT" \) ] and set -l display_hostname if set -q display_user __bobthefish_start_segment $color_username echo -ns (whoami) end if set -q display_sudo_user if set -q display_user echo -ns ' ' else __bobthefish_start_segment $color_username end echo -ns "($SUDO_USER)" end if set -q display_hostname if set -q display_user or set -q display_sudo_user # reset colors without starting a new segment... # (so we can have a bold username and non-bold hostname) set_color normal set_color -b $color_hostname[1] $color_hostname[2..-1] echo -ns '@' (prompt_hostname) else __bobthefish_start_segment $color_hostname echo -ns (prompt_hostname) end end set -q display_user or set -q display_sudo_user or set -q display_hostname and echo -ns ' ' end # ============================== # Virtual environment segments # ============================== function __bobthefish_rvm_parse_ruby -S -a ruby_string -a scope -d 'Parse RVM Ruby string' # Function arguments: # - 'ruby-2.2.3@rails', 'jruby-1.7.19'... # - 'default' or 'current' set -l IFS @ echo "$ruby_string" | read __ruby __rvm_{$scope}_ruby_gemset __ set IFS - echo "$__ruby" | read __rvm_{$scope}_ruby_interpreter __rvm_{$scope}_ruby_version __ set -e __ruby set -e __ end function __bobthefish_rvm_info -S -d 'Current Ruby information from RVM' # look for rvm install path set -q rvm_path or set -l rvm_path ~/.rvm /usr/local/rvm # More `sed`/`grep`/`cut` magic... set -l __rvm_default_ruby (grep GEM_HOME $rvm_path/environments/default 2>/dev/null | sed -e"s/'//g" | sed -e's/.*\///') set -l __rvm_current_ruby (rvm-prompt i v g) [ "$__rvm_default_ruby" = "$__rvm_current_ruby" ] and return set -l __rvm_default_ruby_gemset set -l __rvm_default_ruby_interpreter set -l __rvm_default_ruby_version set -l __rvm_current_ruby_gemset set -l __rvm_current_ruby_interpreter set -l __rvm_current_ruby_version # Parse default and current Rubies to global variables __bobthefish_rvm_parse_ruby $__rvm_default_ruby default __bobthefish_rvm_parse_ruby $__rvm_current_ruby current # Show unobtrusive RVM prompt # If interpreter differs form default interpreter, show everything: if [ "$__rvm_default_ruby_interpreter" != "$__rvm_current_ruby_interpreter" ] if [ "$__rvm_current_ruby_gemset" = 'global' ] rvm-prompt i v else rvm-prompt i v g end # If version differs form default version else if [ "$__rvm_default_ruby_version" != "$__rvm_current_ruby_version" ] if [ "$__rvm_current_ruby_gemset" = 'global' ] rvm-prompt v else rvm-prompt v g end # If gemset differs form default or 'global' gemset, just show it else if [ "$__rvm_default_ruby_gemset" != "$__rvm_current_ruby_gemset" ] rvm-prompt g end end function __bobthefish_prompt_rubies -S -d 'Display current Ruby information' [ "$theme_display_ruby" = 'no' ] and return set -l ruby_version if type -fq rvm-prompt set ruby_version (__bobthefish_rvm_info) else if type -fq rbenv set ruby_version (rbenv version-name) # Don't show global ruby version... set -q RBENV_ROOT or set -l RBENV_ROOT $HOME/.rbenv [ -e "$RBENV_ROOT/version" ] and read -l global_ruby_version <"$RBENV_ROOT/version" [ "$global_ruby_version" ] or set -l global_ruby_version system [ "$ruby_version" = "$global_ruby_version" ] and return else if type -q chruby # chruby is implemented as a function, so omitting the -f is intentional set ruby_version $RUBY_VERSION else if type -fq asdf set -l asdf_current_ruby (asdf current ruby 2>/dev/null) or return echo "$asdf_current_ruby" | read -l asdf_ruby_version asdf_provenance # If asdf changes their ruby version provenance format, update this to match [ (string trim -- "$asdf_provenance") = "(set by $HOME/.tool-versions)" ] and return set ruby_version $asdf_ruby_version end [ -z "$ruby_version" ] and return __bobthefish_start_segment $color_rvm echo -ns $ruby_glyph $ruby_version ' ' end function __bobthefish_virtualenv_python_version -S -d 'Get current Python version' switch (python --version 2>&1 | tr '\n' ' ') case 'Python 2*PyPy*' echo $pypy_glyph case 'Python 3*PyPy*' echo -s $pypy_glyph $superscript_glyph[3] case 'Python 2*' echo $superscript_glyph[2] case 'Python 3*' echo $superscript_glyph[3] end end function __bobthefish_prompt_virtualfish -S -d "Display current Python virtual environment (only for virtualfish, virtualenv's activate.fish changes prompt by itself) or conda environment." [ "$theme_display_virtualenv" = 'no' -o -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" -a -z "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" ] and return set -l version_glyph (__bobthefish_virtualenv_python_version) if [ "$version_glyph" ] __bobthefish_start_segment $color_virtualfish echo -ns $virtualenv_glyph $version_glyph ' ' end if [ "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ] echo -ns (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV") ' ' else if [ "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" ] echo -ns (basename "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV") ' ' end end function __bobthefish_prompt_virtualgo -S -d 'Display current Go virtual environment' [ "$theme_display_virtualgo" = 'no' -o -z "$VIRTUALGO" ] and return __bobthefish_start_segment $color_virtualgo echo -ns $go_glyph ' ' (basename "$VIRTUALGO") ' ' set_color normal end function __bobthefish_prompt_desk -S -d 'Display current desk environment' [ "$theme_display_desk" = 'no' -o -z "$DESK_ENV" ] and return __bobthefish_start_segment $color_desk echo -ns $desk_glyph ' ' (basename -a -s '.fish' "$DESK_ENV") ' ' set_color normal end function __bobthefish_prompt_node -S -d 'Display current node version' [ "$theme_display_node" = 'yes' -o "$theme_display_nvm" = 'yes' ] or return set -l node_manager set -l node_manager_dir if type -q nvm set node_manager 'nvm' set node_manager_dir $NVM_DIR else if type -fq fnm set node_manager 'fnm' set node_manager_dir $FNM_DIR end [ -n "$node_manager_dir" ] or return set -l node_version ("$node_manager" current 2> /dev/null) [ -z $node_version -o "$node_version" = 'none' -o "$node_version" = 'system' ] and return [ -n "$color_nvm" ] and set -x color_node $color_nvm __bobthefish_start_segment $color_node echo -ns $node_glyph $node_version ' ' set_color normal end function __bobthefish_prompt_nix -S -d 'Display current nix environment' [ "$theme_display_nix" = 'no' -o -z "$IN_NIX_SHELL" ] and return __bobthefish_start_segment $color_nix echo -ns $nix_glyph $IN_NIX_SHELL ' ' set_color normal end # ============================== # VCS segments # ============================== function __bobthefish_prompt_hg -S -a hg_root_dir -a real_pwd -d 'Display the actual hg state' set -l dirty (command hg stat; or echo -n '*') set -l flags "$dirty" [ "$flags" ] and set flags '' set -l flag_colors $color_repo if [ "$dirty" ] set flag_colors $color_repo_dirty end __bobthefish_path_segment $hg_root_dir __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_colors echo -ns $hg_glyph ' ' __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_colors echo -ns (__bobthefish_hg_branch) $flags ' ' set_color normal set -l project_pwd (__bobthefish_project_pwd $hg_root_dir $real_pwd) if [ "$project_pwd" ] if [ -w "$real_pwd" ] __bobthefish_start_segment $color_path else __bobthefish_start_segment $color_path_nowrite end echo -ns $project_pwd ' ' end end function __bobthefish_prompt_git -S -a git_root_dir -a real_pwd -d 'Display the actual git state' set -l dirty '' if [ "$theme_display_git_dirty" != 'no' ] set -l show_dirty (command git config --bool bash.showDirtyState 2>/dev/null) if [ "$show_dirty" != 'false' ] set dirty (command git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code 2>/dev/null; or echo -n "$git_dirty_glyph") if [ "$dirty" -a "$theme_display_git_dirty_verbose" = 'yes' ] set dirty "$dirty"(__bobthefish_git_dirty_verbose) end end end set -l staged (command git diff --cached --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code 2>/dev/null; or echo -n "$git_staged_glyph") set -l stashed (__bobthefish_git_stashed) set -l ahead (__bobthefish_git_ahead) set -l new '' if [ "$theme_display_git_untracked" != 'no' ] set -l show_untracked (command git config --bool bash.showUntrackedFiles 2>/dev/null) if [ "$show_untracked" != 'false' ] set new (command git ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory --no-empty-directory 2>/dev/null) if [ "$new" ] set new "$git_untracked_glyph" end end end set -l flags "$dirty$staged$stashed$ahead$new" [ "$flags" ] and set flags " $flags" set -l flag_colors $color_repo if [ "$dirty" ] set flag_colors $color_repo_dirty else if [ "$staged" ] set flag_colors $color_repo_staged end __bobthefish_path_segment $git_root_dir __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_colors echo -ns (__bobthefish_git_branch) $flags ' ' set_color normal if [ "$theme_git_worktree_support" != 'yes' ] set -l project_pwd (__bobthefish_project_pwd $git_root_dir $real_pwd) if [ "$project_pwd" ] if [ -w "$real_pwd" ] __bobthefish_start_segment $color_path else __bobthefish_start_segment $color_path_nowrite end echo -ns $project_pwd ' ' end return end set -l project_pwd (command git rev-parse --show-prefix 2>/dev/null | string trim --right --chars=/) set -l work_dir (command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null) # only show work dir if it's a parent… if [ "$work_dir" ] switch $real_pwd/ case $work_dir/\* string match "$git_root_dir*" $work_dir >/dev/null and set work_dir (string sub -s (math 1 + (string length $git_root_dir)) $work_dir) case \* set -e work_dir end end if [ "$project_pwd" -o "$work_dir" ] set -l colors $color_path if not [ -w "$real_pwd" ] set colors $color_path_nowrite end __bobthefish_start_segment $colors # handle work_dir != project dir if [ "$work_dir" ] set -l work_parent (__bobthefish_dirname $work_dir) if [ "$work_parent" ] echo -n "$work_parent/" end set_color normal set_color -b $color_repo_work_tree echo -n (__bobthefish_basename $work_dir) set_color normal set_color -b $colors [ "$project_pwd" ] and echo -n '/' end echo -ns $project_pwd ' ' else set project_pwd $real_pwd string match "$git_root_dir*" $project_pwd >/dev/null and set project_pwd (string sub -s (math 1 + (string length $git_root_dir)) $project_pwd) set project_pwd (string trim --left --chars=/ -- $project_pwd) if [ "$project_pwd" ] set -l colors $color_path if not [ -w "$real_pwd" ] set colors $color_path_nowrite end __bobthefish_start_segment $colors echo -ns $project_pwd ' ' end end end function __bobthefish_prompt_dir -S -a real_pwd -d 'Display a shortened form of the current directory' __bobthefish_path_segment "$real_pwd" end # ============================== # Apply theme # ============================== function fish_prompt -d 'bobthefish, a fish theme optimized for awesome' # Save the last status for later (do this before anything else) set -l last_status $status # Use a simple prompt on dumb terminals. if [ "$TERM" = 'dumb' ] echo '> ' return end __bobthefish_glyphs __bobthefish_colors $theme_color_scheme type -q bobthefish_colors and bobthefish_colors # Start each line with a blank slate set -l __bobthefish_current_bg # Status flags and input mode __bobthefish_prompt_status $last_status # User / hostname info __bobthefish_prompt_user # Containers and VMs __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant __bobthefish_prompt_docker __bobthefish_prompt_k8s_context # Cloud Tools __bobthefish_prompt_aws_vault_profile # Virtual environments __bobthefish_prompt_nix __bobthefish_prompt_desk __bobthefish_prompt_rubies __bobthefish_prompt_virtualfish __bobthefish_prompt_virtualgo __bobthefish_prompt_node set -l real_pwd (__bobthefish_pwd) # VCS set -l git_root_dir (__bobthefish_git_project_dir $real_pwd) set -l hg_root_dir (__bobthefish_hg_project_dir $real_pwd) if [ "$git_root_dir" -a "$hg_root_dir" ] # only show the closest parent switch $git_root_dir case $hg_root_dir\* __bobthefish_prompt_git $git_root_dir $real_pwd case \* __bobthefish_prompt_hg $hg_root_dir $real_pwd end else if [ "$git_root_dir" ] __bobthefish_prompt_git $git_root_dir $real_pwd else if [ "$hg_root_dir" ] __bobthefish_prompt_hg $hg_root_dir $real_pwd else __bobthefish_prompt_dir $real_pwd end __bobthefish_finish_segments end