# git helper functions # unused function __git_is_repo -d "Test if the current directory is a Git repository" if not command git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>/dev/null return 1 end end # unused function __git_repository_root -d "Get the top level directory of the current git repository" command git rev-parse --show-toplevel end # unused function __git_is_empty -d "Test if a repository is empty" git_is_repo; and test -z (command git rev-list -n 1 --all 2>/dev/null) end # unused function __git_is_tag -d "Test if HEAD is on top of a tag (can be simple, annotated or signed)" __git_is_detached_head; and command git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD 2>/dev/null > /dev/null end function __git_ahead -a ahead behind diverged none command git rev-list --count --left-right "@{upstream}...HEAD" 2>/dev/null | command awk " /^0\t0/ { print \"$none\" ? \"$none\" : \"\"; exit 0 } /^[0-9]+\t0/ { print \"$behind\" ? \"$behind\" : \"-\"; exit 0 } /^0\t[0-9]+/ { print \"$ahead\" ? \"$ahead\" : \"+\"; exit 0 } // { print \"$diverged\" ? \"$diverged\" : \"±\"; exit 0 } " end function __git_branch_name -d "Get the name of the current Git branch, tag or sha1" set -l branch_name (command git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) if test -z "$branch_name" set -l tag_name (command git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD 2>/dev/null) if test -z "$tag_name" command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null else printf "%s\n" "$tag_name" end else printf "%s\n" "$branch_name" end end function __git_is_staged -d "Test if there are changes staged for commit" not command git diff --cached --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code 2>/dev/null end function __git_is_dirty -d "Test if there are changes not staged for commit" not command git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code 2>/dev/null end function __count_files command awk ' BEGIN { n = 0 } { n++ } END { print n exit !n }' end # function __git_dirty_files -d "Get the number of modified files" # pushd (__git_repository_root) # command git ls-files --modified --exclude-standard | __count_files # popd # end function __git_untracked_files -d "Get the number of untracked files in a repository" command git ls-files --others --directory --exclude-standard | __count_files end function __git_has_untracked -d "Test if there are any untracked files in the working tree" test "0" != (__git_untracked_files) end function __git_is_detached_head -d "Test if the repository is in a detached HEAD state" not command git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null > /dev/null end function __git_is_stashed -d "Test if there are changes in the Git stash" command git rev-parse --verify --quiet refs/stash > /dev/null 2>/dev/null end function __git_is_touched -d "Test if there are any changes in the working tree" __git_is_staged; or __git_is_dirty end ################################################################33 # prompt function ################################################################33 function fish_prompt set -l status_copy $status set -l pwd_info (pwd_info "/") set -l dir set -l base set -l dark_mode 1 #default to dark mode set -l base_color set -l text_color set -l split_color if functions -q is_dark_mode is_dark_mode; or set -e dark_mode end if set -lq dark_mode set base_color BBB 333 set text_color white # set split_color 000 else set base_color 555 DDD set text_color black # set split_color FFF end set split_color $base_color[2] if test "$PWD" = ~ set base "~" else if pwd_is_home set dir "~/" else if test "$PWD" != / set dir "/" end set base (set_color red)"/" end if test ! -z "$pwd_info[1]" set base "$pwd_info[1]" end if test ! -z "$pwd_info[2]" set dir "$dir$pwd_info[2]/" end if test ! -z "$pwd_info[3]" segment $base_color " $pwd_info[3] " end if set branch_name (__git_branch_name) if __git_is_stashed segment "$text_color" blue "♺" # "╍╍" end # set -l untracked_files (__git_untracked_files) # if test "0" != "$untracked_files" # segment "$text_color" blue "$untracked_files?" #﹖" if __git_has_untracked segment "$text_color" blue "?" #﹖" end # set -l dirty_files (__git_dirty_files) # if test "0" != "$dirty_files" # segment "$text_color" red "$dirty_files╍" if __git_is_dirty segment "$text_color" red "⁝" # " ╍" end # set -l staged_files (__git_staged_files) # if test "0" != "$staged_files" if __git_is_staged segment "$text_color" yellow "🮸 " #"🮶" end set -l git_color "$split_color" "$text_color" set -l git_glyph "" if __git_is_detached_head set git_glyph "➤" if __git_is_tag set git_glyph "🏷" end end set -l prompt # set -l git_ahead (__git_ahead "🠕 " "🠗 " "⤲ ") set -l git_ahead (__git_ahead) if test -z "$git_ahead" else if test "+" = "$git_ahead" set git_ahead "🠕" set git_color $text_color green else if test "-" = "$git_ahead" set git_ahead "🠗" set git_color $text_color yellow else set git_ahead "⤲" set git_color $text_color red end if test "$branch_name" = master -o "$branch_name" = main set prompt " $git_glyph $git_ahead" else set prompt " $git_glyph $branch_name $git_ahead" end segment "$git_color[1]" "$git_color[2]" "$prompt" end segment $base_color " $dir"(set_color $text_color)"$base " if test ! -z "$SSH_CLIENT" set -l color bbb 222 if test 0 -eq (id -u "$USER") set color red 222 end segment $color (host_info " usr@host ") else if test 0 -eq (id -u "$USER") segment red 222 " \$ " end if test "$status_copy" -ne 0 segment red white (set_color -o)" ! "(set_color normal) else if last_job_id > /dev/null segment white 333 " %% " end if [ "$theme_display_virtualenv" != 'no' ]; and set -q VIRTUAL_ENV segment yellow blue " "(basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV")" " end if [ "$theme_display_ruby" != 'no' ]; and set -q RUBY_VERSION segment red fff " "(basename "$RUBY_VERSION")" " end if test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" switch $fish_bind_mode case default segment white red "[N]" case insert segment black green "[I]" case replace-one segment yellow blue "[R]" case visual segment white magenta "[V]" end end segment_close end