Bowser ------ A Browser detector. Because sometimes, there is no other way, and not even good modern browsers always provide good feature detection mechanisms. [![bowser ci](]( So... it works like this: ``` js if (bowser.msie && bowser.version <= 6) { alert('Hello China'); } ``` Flags set for detected Browsers[Engines] ----- * `chrome`[`webkit`] * `firefox`[`gecko`] * `msie` * Android native browser as `android`[`webkit`] * iOS native browser as `ios`[`webkit`] * `opera`[`webkit` if >12] * `phantomjs`[`webkit`] * `safari`[`webkit`] * `seamonkey`[`gecko`] * BlackBerry native browser as `blackberry`[`webkit`] * WebOS native browser as `webos`[`webkit`] * Amazon Kindle browser as `silk`[`webkit`] Flags set for detected mobile Operating Systems ----- * `android` * Windows Phone as `windowsphone` * `ios` (`iphone`/`ipad`/`ipod`) * `blackberry` * `firefoxos` * `webos` Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and WebOS will all report the OS version number if it is contained in the UA string in the `osversion` field. iOS is always reported as `ios` and additionally as `iphone`/`ipad`/`ipod`, whichever one matches best. If WebOS device is an HP TouchPad the flag `touchpad` is additionally set. All detected mobile OSes are additionally flagged `mobile`. Notes ---- Safari, Chrome and some other minor browsers will report that they have `webkit` engines, Firefox and Seamonkey will report that they have `gecko` engines. ``` js if (bowser.webkit) { // do stuff with safari & chrome & opera & android & blackberry & webos } ``` Ender installation ----- If you don't already have [Ender]( (an npm package) install it now (and don't look back) $ npm install ender then add bowser to your module collection $ ender add bowser use it like this: ``` js if ($ { alert('Hello Silicon Valley'); } ``` Graded Browser Support --------- One useful feature of Bowser is that aside from checking one browser from another -- it will keep up to date with [Yahoo's Graded Browser Support]( chart, giving you access to each grade on the bowser object ``` js if (bowser.a) { // support full feature set } else if (bowser.c) { // serve degraded version } else { // unsupported (bowser.x) } ``` Building -------- If you'd like to contribute a change to bowser, modify the files in src/, then run the following (you'll need node + npm installed): $ npm install $ make Testing ------- We started a list `src/useragents.js` with example user agents and their expected bowser object. Whenever you add support for new browsers or notice a bug / mismatch, please update the list and check if all tests are still passing. To run the test call `$ make test`