// Type definitions for Bowser v2 // Project: https://github.com/lancedikson/bowser // Definitions by: Alexander P. Cerutti declare module "bowser" { /** * Bowser class. * Keep it simple as much as it can be. * It's supposed to work with collections of {@link Parser} instances * rather then solve one-instance problems. * All the one-instance stuff is located in Parser class. */ class Bowser { constructor(); /** * Creates a {@link module:parser:Parser} instance * * @param {String} UA UserAgent string * @param {Boolean} [skipParsing=false] same as skipParsing for {@link Parser} * @returns {Parser} * @throws {Error} when UA is not a String * * @example * const parser = Bowser.getParser(window.navigator.userAgent); * const result = parser.getResult(); */ static getParser(UA: string, skipParsing?: boolean): Parser /** * Creates a {@link Parser} instance and runs {@link Parser.getResult} immediately * * @param UA * @return {ParsedResult} * * @example * const result = Bowser.parse(window.navigator.userAgent); */ static parse(UA: string): Parser.ParsedResult } /** * The main class that arranges the whole parsing process. */ class Parser { constructor(UA: string, skipParsing?: boolean); /** * Get parsed browser object * @return {Parser.BrowserDetails} Browser's details */ getBrowser(): Parser.BrowserDetails; /** * Get browser's name * @return {String} Browser's name or an empty string */ getBrowserName(): string; /** * Get browser's version * @return {String} version of browser */ getBrowserVersion(): string; /** * Get OS * @return {Parser.OSDetails} - OS Details * * @example * this.getOS(); // { * // name: 'macOS', * // version: '10.11.12', * // } */ getOS(): Parser.OSDetails; /** * Get OS name * @param {Boolean} [toLowerCase] return lower-cased value * @return {String} name of the OS — macOS, Windows, Linux, etc. */ getOSName(toLowerCase?: boolean): string; /** * Get OS version * @return {String} full version with dots ('10.11.12', '5.6', etc) */ getOSVersion(): string; /** * Get parsed platform * @returns {Parser.PlatformDetails} */ getPlatform(): Parser.PlatformDetails; /** * Get platform name * @param {boolean} toLowerCase */ getPlatformType(toLowerCase?: boolean): string; /** * Get parsed engine * @returns {Parser.EngineDetails} */ getEngine(): Parser.EngineDetails; /** * Get parsed result * @return {Parser.ParsedResult} */ getResult(): Parser.ParsedResult; /** * Get UserAgent string of current Parser instance * @return {String} User-Agent String of the current object */ getUA(): string; /** * Is anything? Check if the browser is called "anything", * the OS called "anything" or the platform called "anything" * @param {String} anything * @returns {Boolean} */ is(anything: any): boolean; /** * Parse full information about the browser */ parse(): void; /** * Get parsed browser object * @returns {Parser.BrowserDetails} */ parseBrowser(): Parser.BrowserDetails; /** * Get parsed engine * @returns {Parser.EngineDetails} */ parseEngine(): Parser.EngineDetails; /** * Parse OS and save it to this.parsedResult.os * @returns {Parser.OSDetails} */ parseOS(): Parser.OSDetails; /** * Get parsed platform * @returns {Parser.PlatformDetails} */ parsePlatform(): Parser.PlatformDetails; /** * Check if parsed browser matches certain conditions * * @param {Parser.checkTree} checkTree It's one or two layered object, * which can include a platform or an OS on the first layer * and should have browsers specs on the bottom-laying layer * * @returns {Boolean|undefined} Whether the browser satisfies the set conditions or not. * Returns `undefined` when the browser is no described in the checkTree object. * * @example * const browser = new Bowser(UA); * if (browser.check({chrome: '>118.01.1322' })) * // or with os * if (browser.check({windows: { chrome: '>118.01.1322' } })) * // or with platforms * if (browser.check({desktop: { chrome: '>118.01.1322' } })) */ satisfies(checkTree: Parser.checkTree): boolean | undefined; /** * Check if any of the given values satifies `.is(anything)` * @param {string[]} anythings * @returns {boolean} true if at least one condition is satisfied, false otherwise. */ some(anythings: string[]): boolean | undefined; /** * Test a UA string for a regexp * @param regex * @returns {boolean} true if the regex matches the UA, false otherwise. */ test(regex: RegExp): boolean } namespace Parser { interface ParsedResult { browser: Details; os: OSDetails; platform: PlatformDetails; engine: Details; } interface Details { name?: string; version?: Array<{index: number, input: string} | boolean | string | any>; } interface OSDetails extends Details { versionName?: string; } interface PlatformDetails { type?: string; vendor?: string; model?: string; } type BrowserDetails = Details; type EngineDetails = Details; interface checkTree { [key: string]: any; } } class Utils { /** * Get first matched item for a string * @param {RegExp} regexp * @param {String} ua * @return {Array|{index: number, input: string}|*|boolean|string} */ static getFirstMatch(regexp: RegExp, ua: string): Array<{index: number, input: string} | boolean | string | any>; /** * Get second matched item for a string * @param regexp * @param {String} ua * @return {Array|{index: number, input: string}|*|boolean|string} */ static getSecondMatch(regexp: RegExp, ua: string): Array<{index: number, input: string} | boolean | string | any>; /** * Match a regexp and return a constant or undefined * @param {RegExp} regexp * @param {String} ua * @param {*} _const Any const that will be returned if regexp matches the string * @return {*} */ static matchAndReturnConst(regexp: RegExp, ua: string, _const: any): any | undefined; /** * Retrieves Windows commercial name from NT Core version name * @param {string} version * @returns {string | undefined} */ static getWindowsVersionName(version: string): string | undefined; /** * Get version precisions count * * @example * getVersionPrecision("1.10.3") // 3 * * @param {string} version * @return {number} */ static getVersionPrecision(version: string): number /** * Calculate browser version weight * * @example * compareVersions('', '') // 1 * compareVersions('', ''); // 1 * compareVersions('', ''); // 0 * compareVersions('', '1.0800.2'); // -1 * compareVersions('', '1.10', true); // 0 * * @param {String} versionA versions versions to compare * @param {String} versionB versions versions to compare * @param {boolean} [isLoose] enable loose comparison * @return {Number} comparison result: -1 when versionA is lower, * 1 when versionA is bigger, 0 when both equal */ static compareVersions(versionA: string, versionB: string, isLoose?: boolean): number; /** * Array::map polyfill * * @param {Array} arr * @param {Function} iterator * @return {Array} */ static map(arr: Array, iterator: Function): Array } export = Bowser; }