import { getFirstMatch } from './utils'; const TYPES_LABELS = { tablet: 'tablet', mobile: 'mobile', desktop: 'desktop', }; /* * Tablets go first since usually they have more specific * signs to detect. */ export default [ /* Huawei */ { test: [/huawei/i], describe(ua) { const model = getFirstMatch(/(can\-l01)/i, ua) && "Nova"; const platform = { type:, vendor: 'Huawei' }; if (model) { platform.model = model; } return platform; }, }, /* Nexus Tablet */ { test: [/nexus\s*(?:7|8|9|10).*/i], describe() { return { type: TYPES_LABELS.tablet, vendor: 'Nexus', }; }, }, /* iPad */ { test: [/ipad/i], describe() { return { type: TYPES_LABELS.tablet, vendor: 'Apple', model: 'iPad', }; }, }, /* Amazon Kindle Fire */ { test: [/kftt build/i], describe() { return { type: TYPES_LABELS.tablet, vendor: 'Amazon', model: 'Kindle Fire HD 7', }; }, }, /* Another Amazon Tablet with Silk */ { test: [/silk/i], describe() { return { type: TYPES_LABELS.tablet, vendor: 'Amazon', }; }, }, /* Tablet */ { test: [/tablet/i], describe() { return { type: TYPES_LABELS.tablet, }; }, }, /* iPod/iPhone */ { test(parser) { const iDevice = parser.test(/ipod|iphone/i); const likeIDevice = parser.test(/like (ipod|iphone)/i); return iDevice && !likeIDevice; }, describe(ua) { const model = getFirstMatch(/(ipod|iphone)/i, ua); return { type:, vendor: 'Apple', model, }; }, }, /* Nexus Mobile */ { test: [/nexus\s*[0-6].*/i, /galaxy nexus/i], describe() { return { type:, vendor: 'Nexus', }; }, }, /* Mobile */ { test: [/[^-]mobi/i], describe() { return { type:, }; }, }, /* BlackBerry */ { test(parser) { return parser.getBrowserName(true) === 'blackberry'; }, describe() { return { type:, vendor: 'BlackBerry', }; }, }, /* Bada */ { test(parser) { return parser.getBrowserName(true) === 'bada'; }, describe() { return { type:, }; }, }, /* Windows Phone */ { test(parser) { return parser.getBrowserName() === 'windows phone'; }, describe() { return { type:, vendor: 'Microsoft', }; }, }, /* Android Tablet */ { test(parser) { const osMajorVersion = Number(String(parser.getOSVersion()).split('.')[0]); return parser.getOSName(true) === 'android' && (osMajorVersion >= 3); }, describe() { return { type: TYPES_LABELS.tablet, }; }, }, /* Android Mobile */ { test(parser) { return parser.getOSName(true) === 'android'; }, describe() { return { type:, }; }, }, /* desktop */ { test(parser) { return parser.getOSName(true) === 'macos'; }, describe() { return { type: TYPES_LABELS.desktop, vendor: 'Apple', }; }, }, /* Windows */ { test(parser) { return parser.getOSName(true) === 'windows'; }, describe() { return { type: TYPES_LABELS.desktop, }; }, }, /* Linux */ { test(parser) { return parser.getOSName(true) === 'linux'; }, describe() { return { type: TYPES_LABELS.desktop, }; }, }, ];