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    <h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="Bowser.html">Bowser</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a href="Bowser.html#.getParser">getParser</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Bowser.html#.parse">parse</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="Parser.html">Parser</a><ul class='methods'><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getBrowser">getBrowser</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getBrowserName">getBrowserName</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getBrowserVersion">getBrowserVersion</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getEngine">getEngine</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getEngineName">getEngineName</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getOS">getOS</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getOSName">getOSName</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getOSVersion">getOSVersion</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getPlatform">getPlatform</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getPlatformType">getPlatformType</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getResult">getResult</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#getUA">getUA</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#is">is</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#isBrowser">isBrowser</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#parse">parse</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#parseBrowser">parseBrowser</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#parseEngine">parseEngine</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#parseOS">parseOS</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#parsePlatform">parsePlatform</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#satisfies">satisfies</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#some">some</a></li><li data-type='method'><a href="Parser.html#test">test</a></li></ul></li></ul><h3>Global</h3><ul><li><a href="global.html#assign">assign</a></li><li><a href="global.html#find">find</a></li><li><a href="global.html#getAndroidVersionName">getAndroidVersionName</a></li><li><a href="global.html#getBrowserAlias">getBrowserAlias</a></li><li><a href="global.html#getBrowserTypeByAlias">getBrowserTypeByAlias</a></li><li><a href="global.html#getFirstMatch">getFirstMatch</a></li><li><a href="global.html#getMacOSVersionName">getMacOSVersionName</a></li><li><a href="global.html#getSecondMatch">getSecondMatch</a></li><li><a href="global.html#getVersionPrecision">getVersionPrecision</a></li><li><a href="global.html#map">map</a></li><li><a href="global.html#matchAndReturnConst">matchAndReturnConst</a></li></ul>

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    <h1 class="page-title">parser.js</h1>


            <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>import browserParsersList from './parser-browsers.js';
import osParsersList from './parser-os.js';
import platformParsersList from './parser-platforms.js';
import enginesParsersList from './parser-engines.js';
import Utils from './utils.js';

 * The main class that arranges the whole parsing process.
class Parser {
   * Create instance of Parser
   * @param {String} UA User-Agent string
   * @param {Boolean} [skipParsing=false] parser can skip parsing in purpose of performance
   * improvements if you need to make a more particular parsing
   * like {@link Parser#parseBrowser} or {@link Parser#parsePlatform}
   * @throw {Error} in case of empty UA String
   * @constructor
  constructor(UA, skipParsing = false) {
    if (UA === void (0) || UA === null || UA === '') {
      throw new Error("UserAgent parameter can't be empty");

    this._ua = UA;

     * @typedef ParsedResult
     * @property {Object} browser
     * @property {String|undefined} [browser.name]
     * Browser name, like `"Chrome"` or `"Internet Explorer"`
     * @property {String|undefined} [browser.version] Browser version as a String `"12.01.45334.10"`
     * @property {Object} os
     * @property {String|undefined} [os.name] OS name, like `"Windows"` or `"macOS"`
     * @property {String|undefined} [os.version] OS version, like `"NT 5.1"` or `"10.11.1"`
     * @property {String|undefined} [os.versionName] OS name, like `"XP"` or `"High Sierra"`
     * @property {Object} platform
     * @property {String|undefined} [platform.type]
     * platform type, can be either `"desktop"`, `"tablet"` or `"mobile"`
     * @property {String|undefined} [platform.vendor] Vendor of the device,
     * like `"Apple"` or `"Samsung"`
     * @property {String|undefined} [platform.model] Device model,
     * like `"iPhone"` or `"Kindle Fire HD 7"`
     * @property {Object} engine
     * @property {String|undefined} [engine.name]
     * Can be any of this: `WebKit`, `Blink`, `Gecko`, `Trident`, `Presto`, `EdgeHTML`
     * @property {String|undefined} [engine.version] String version of the engine
    this.parsedResult = {};

    if (skipParsing !== true) {

   * Get UserAgent string of current Parser instance
   * @return {String} User-Agent String of the current &lt;Parser> object
   * @public
  getUA() {
    return this._ua;

   * Test a UA string for a regexp
   * @param {RegExp} regex
   * @return {Boolean}
  test(regex) {
    return regex.test(this._ua);

   * Get parsed browser object
   * @return {Object}
  parseBrowser() {
    this.parsedResult.browser = {};

    const browserDescriptor = Utils.find(browserParsersList, (_browser) => {
      if (typeof _browser.test === 'function') {
        return _browser.test(this);

      if (_browser.test instanceof Array) {
        return _browser.test.some(condition => this.test(condition));

      throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid");

    if (browserDescriptor) {
      this.parsedResult.browser = browserDescriptor.describe(this.getUA());

    return this.parsedResult.browser;

   * Get parsed browser object
   * @return {Object}
   * @public
  getBrowser() {
    if (this.parsedResult.browser) {
      return this.parsedResult.browser;

    return this.parseBrowser();

   * Get browser's name
   * @return {String} Browser's name or an empty string
   * @public
  getBrowserName(toLowerCase) {
    if (toLowerCase) {
      return String(this.getBrowser().name).toLowerCase() || '';
    return this.getBrowser().name || '';

   * Get browser's version
   * @return {String} version of browser
   * @public
  getBrowserVersion() {
    return this.getBrowser().version;

   * Get OS
   * @return {Object}
   * @example
   * this.getOS();
   * {
   *   name: 'macOS',
   *   version: '10.11.12'
   * }
  getOS() {
    if (this.parsedResult.os) {
      return this.parsedResult.os;

    return this.parseOS();

   * Parse OS and save it to this.parsedResult.os
   * @return {*|{}}
  parseOS() {
    this.parsedResult.os = {};

    const os = Utils.find(osParsersList, (_os) => {
      if (typeof _os.test === 'function') {
        return _os.test(this);

      if (_os.test instanceof Array) {
        return _os.test.some(condition => this.test(condition));

      throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid");

    if (os) {
      this.parsedResult.os = os.describe(this.getUA());

    return this.parsedResult.os;

   * Get OS name
   * @param {Boolean} [toLowerCase] return lower-cased value
   * @return {String} name of the OS — macOS, Windows, Linux, etc.
  getOSName(toLowerCase) {
    const { name } = this.getOS();

    if (toLowerCase) {
      return String(name).toLowerCase() || '';

    return name || '';

   * Get OS version
   * @return {String} full version with dots ('10.11.12', '5.6', etc)
  getOSVersion() {
    return this.getOS().version;

   * Get parsed platform
   * @return {{}}
  getPlatform() {
    if (this.parsedResult.platform) {
      return this.parsedResult.platform;

    return this.parsePlatform();

   * Get platform name
   * @param {Boolean} [toLowerCase=false]
   * @return {*}
  getPlatformType(toLowerCase = false) {
    const { type } = this.getPlatform();

    if (toLowerCase) {
      return String(type).toLowerCase() || '';

    return type || '';

   * Get parsed platform
   * @return {{}}
  parsePlatform() {
    this.parsedResult.platform = {};

    const platform = Utils.find(platformParsersList, (_platform) => {
      if (typeof _platform.test === 'function') {
        return _platform.test(this);

      if (_platform.test instanceof Array) {
        return _platform.test.some(condition => this.test(condition));

      throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid");

    if (platform) {
      this.parsedResult.platform = platform.describe(this.getUA());

    return this.parsedResult.platform;

   * Get parsed engine
   * @return {{}}
  getEngine() {
    if (this.parsedResult.engine) {
      return this.parsedResult.engine;

    return this.parseEngine();

   * Get engines's name
   * @return {String} Engines's name or an empty string
   * @public
  getEngineName(toLowerCase) {
    if (toLowerCase) {
      return String(this.getEngine().name).toLowerCase() || '';
    return this.getEngine().name || '';

   * Get parsed platform
   * @return {{}}
  parseEngine() {
    this.parsedResult.engine = {};

    const engine = Utils.find(enginesParsersList, (_engine) => {
      if (typeof _engine.test === 'function') {
        return _engine.test(this);

      if (_engine.test instanceof Array) {
        return _engine.test.some(condition => this.test(condition));

      throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid");

    if (engine) {
      this.parsedResult.engine = engine.describe(this.getUA());

    return this.parsedResult.engine;

   * Parse full information about the browser
   * @returns {Parser}
  parse() {

    return this;

   * Get parsed result
   * @return {ParsedResult}
  getResult() {
    return Utils.assign({}, this.parsedResult);

   * Check if parsed browser matches certain conditions
   * @param {Object} checkTree It's one or two layered object,
   * which can include a platform or an OS on the first layer
   * and should have browsers specs on the bottom-laying layer
   * @returns {Boolean|undefined} Whether the browser satisfies the set conditions or not.
   * Returns `undefined` when the browser is no described in the checkTree object.
   * @example
   * const browser = Bowser.getParser(window.navigator.userAgent);
   * if (browser.satisfies({chrome: '>118.01.1322' }))
   * // or with os
   * if (browser.satisfies({windows: { chrome: '>118.01.1322' } }))
   * // or with platforms
   * if (browser.satisfies({desktop: { chrome: '>118.01.1322' } }))
  satisfies(checkTree) {
    const platformsAndOSes = {};
    let platformsAndOSCounter = 0;
    const browsers = {};
    let browsersCounter = 0;

    const allDefinitions = Object.keys(checkTree);

    allDefinitions.forEach((key) => {
      const currentDefinition = checkTree[key];
      if (typeof currentDefinition === 'string') {
        browsers[key] = currentDefinition;
        browsersCounter += 1;
      } else if (typeof currentDefinition === 'object') {
        platformsAndOSes[key] = currentDefinition;
        platformsAndOSCounter += 1;

    if (platformsAndOSCounter > 0) {
      const platformsAndOSNames = Object.keys(platformsAndOSes);
      const OSMatchingDefinition = Utils.find(platformsAndOSNames, name => (this.isOS(name)));

      if (OSMatchingDefinition) {
        const osResult = this.satisfies(platformsAndOSes[OSMatchingDefinition]);

        if (osResult !== void 0) {
          return osResult;

      const platformMatchingDefinition = Utils.find(
        name => (this.isPlatform(name)),
      if (platformMatchingDefinition) {
        const platformResult = this.satisfies(platformsAndOSes[platformMatchingDefinition]);

        if (platformResult !== void 0) {
          return platformResult;

    if (browsersCounter > 0) {
      const browserNames = Object.keys(browsers);
      const matchingDefinition = Utils.find(browserNames, name => (this.isBrowser(name, true)));

      if (matchingDefinition !== void 0) {
        return this.compareVersion(browsers[matchingDefinition]);

    return undefined;

   * Check if the browser name equals the passed string
   * @param browserName The string to compare with the browser name
   * @param [includingAlias=false] The flag showing whether alias will be included into comparison
   * @returns {boolean}
  isBrowser(browserName, includingAlias = false) {
    const defaultBrowserName = this.getBrowserName().toLowerCase();
    let browserNameLower = browserName.toLowerCase();
    const alias = Utils.getBrowserTypeByAlias(browserNameLower);

    if (includingAlias &amp;&amp; alias) {
      browserNameLower = alias.toLowerCase();
    return browserNameLower === defaultBrowserName;

  compareVersion(version) {
    let expectedResults = [0];
    let comparableVersion = version;
    let isLoose = false;

    const currentBrowserVersion = this.getBrowserVersion();

    if (typeof currentBrowserVersion !== 'string') {
      return void 0;

    if (version[0] === '>' || version[0] === '&lt;') {
      comparableVersion = version.substr(1);
      if (version[1] === '=') {
        isLoose = true;
        comparableVersion = version.substr(2);
      } else {
        expectedResults = [];
      if (version[0] === '>') {
      } else {
    } else if (version[0] === '=') {
      comparableVersion = version.substr(1);
    } else if (version[0] === '~') {
      isLoose = true;
      comparableVersion = version.substr(1);

    return expectedResults.indexOf(
      Utils.compareVersions(currentBrowserVersion, comparableVersion, isLoose),
    ) > -1;

  isOS(osName) {
    return this.getOSName(true) === String(osName).toLowerCase();

  isPlatform(platformType) {
    return this.getPlatformType(true) === String(platformType).toLowerCase();

  isEngine(engineName) {
    return this.getEngineName(true) === String(engineName).toLowerCase();

   * Is anything? Check if the browser is called "anything",
   * the OS called "anything" or the platform called "anything"
   * @param {String} anything
   * @param [includingAlias=false] The flag showing whether alias will be included into comparison
   * @returns {Boolean}
  is(anything, includingAlias = false) {
    return this.isBrowser(anything, includingAlias) || this.isOS(anything)
      || this.isPlatform(anything);

   * Check if any of the given values satisfies this.is(anything)
   * @param {String[]} anythings
   * @returns {Boolean}
  some(anythings = []) {
    return anythings.some(anything => this.is(anything));

export default Parser;


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