// Type definitions for Bowser 1.x // Project: https://github.com/lancedikson/bowser // Definitions by: Paulo Cesar // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped declare const bowser: bowser.IBowser; export = bowser; export as namespace bowser; declare namespace bowser { export interface IBowserPlatform { ipad: boolean; ipod: boolean; iphone: boolean; /** If a tablet device is detected, the flag tablet is set instead of mobile. */ tablet: boolean; /** All detected mobile OSes are additionally flagged mobile, unless it's a tablet */ mobile: boolean; } export interface IBowserOS { mac: boolean; /**other than Windows Phone */ windows: boolean; windowsphone: boolean; /**other than android, chromeos, webos, tizen, and sailfish */ linux: boolean; chromeos: boolean; android: boolean; /** also sets one of iphone/ipad/ipod */ ios: boolean; blackberry: boolean; firefoxos: boolean; /** may also set touchpad */ webos: boolean; bada: boolean; tizen: boolean; sailfish: boolean; } export interface IBowserVersions { chrome: boolean; chromium: boolean; firefox: boolean; msie: boolean; msedge: boolean; safari: boolean; android: boolean; ios: boolean; opera: boolean; samsungBrowser: boolean; phantom: boolean; blackberry: boolean; webos: boolean; silk: boolean; bada: boolean; tizen: boolean; seamonkey: boolean; sailfish: boolean; ucbrowser: boolean; qupzilla: boolean; vivaldi: boolean; sleipnir: boolean; kMeleon: boolean; } export interface IBowserEngines { /** IE <= 11 */ msie: boolean; /**Chrome 0-27, Android <4.4, iOs, BB, etc. */ webkit: boolean; /**Chrome >=28, Android >=4.4, Opera, etc. */ blink: boolean; /**Firefox, etc. */ gecko: boolean; /** IE > 11 */ msedge: boolean; } export interface IBowserGrade { /** Grade A browser */ a: boolean; /** Grade C browser */ c: boolean; /** Grade X browser */ x: boolean; /** A human readable name for this browser. E.g. 'Chrome', '' */ name: string; /** Version number for the browser. E.g. '32.0' */ version: string|number; /** Name for this operating system. E.g. 'macOS' */ osname: string; /** Version number for this operating system. E.g. '10.12.6' */ osversion: string|number; } export interface IBowserDetection extends IBowserGrade, IBowserEngines, IBowserOS, IBowserVersions, IBowserPlatform { } export interface IBowserMinVersions { // { msie: "11", "firefox": "4" } [index: string]: string; } export interface IBowser extends IBowserDetection { (): IBowserDetection; test(browserList: string[]): boolean; _detect(ua: string): IBowser; detect(ua: string): IBowser; compareVersions(versions: string[]): number; check(minVersions: IBowserMinVersions, strictMode?: boolean|string, ua?: string): Boolean; isUnsupportedBrowser(minVersions: IBowserMinVersions, strictMode?: boolean|string, ua?: string): boolean; } }