using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace TheSuperThinyCompiler { public class TheSuperThinyCompiler { /** * ============================================================================= * The Compiler like lisp-like function calls into some c-like function calls * ============================================================================= */ #region Compiler /** * ============================================================================ * (/^▽^)/ * THE TOKENIZER! * ============================================================================ */ public List tokenizer(string input) { var current = 0; var tokens = new List(); while (current < input.Length) { var @char = input[current]; if (@char == '(') { tokens.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenTypeEnum.paren, Value = "(" }); current++; continue; } if (@char == ')') { tokens.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenTypeEnum.paren, Value = ")" }); current++; continue; } Regex whitespace = new Regex(@"\s"); if (whitespace.IsMatch(@char.ToString())) { current++; continue; } Regex numbers = new Regex(@"[0-9]"); if (numbers.IsMatch(@char.ToString())) { string value = string.Empty; while (numbers.IsMatch(@char.ToString())) { value += @char; @char = input[++current]; } tokens.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenTypeEnum.number, Value = value }); continue; } Regex letters = new Regex(@"[a-z]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (letters.IsMatch(@char.ToString())) { string value = string.Empty; while (letters.IsMatch(@char.ToString())) { value += @char; @char = input[++current]; } tokens.Push(new Token() { Type =, Value = value }); continue; } throw new Exception($"I dont know what this character is: '{@char}'"); } return tokens; } /** * ============================================================================ * ヽ/❀o ل͜ o\ノ * THE PARSER!!! * ============================================================================ */ public LispAstNode parser(List tokens) { int current = 0; LispAstNode lispAst = new LispAstNode() { Type = LispAstTypeEnum.Program, Body = new List() }; while (current < tokens.Count) { lispAst.Body.Push(walk(tokens, ref current)); } return lispAst; } protected LispAstNode walk(List tokens, ref int current) { var token = tokens[current]; if (token.Type == TokenTypeEnum.number) { current++; return new LispAstNode() { Type = LispAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral, Value = token.Value }; } if (token.Type == TokenTypeEnum.paren && token.Value == "(") { token = tokens[++current]; var node = new LispAstNode() { Type = LispAstTypeEnum.CallExpression, Name = token.Value, Params = new List() }; token = tokens[++current]; while ((token.Type != TokenTypeEnum.paren) || (token.Type == TokenTypeEnum.paren && token.Value != ")")) { node.Params.Push(walk(tokens, ref current)); token = tokens[current]; } // skip the ')' current++; return node; } throw new Exception($"{token.Type}"); } /** * ============================================================================ * ⌒(❀>◞౪◟<❀)⌒ * THE TRAVERSER!!! * ============================================================================ */ public void traverser(LispAstNode lispAst, LispVisitorType lispVisitor) { traverseNode(lispAst, null, lispVisitor); } protected void traverseArray(List array, LispAstNode parent, LispVisitorType lispVisitor) { array.ForEach(child => traverseNode(child, parent, lispVisitor)); } protected void traverseNode(LispAstNode node, LispAstNode parent, LispVisitorType lispVisitor) { Action method = null; lispVisitor.TryGetValue(node.Type, out method); method?.Invoke(node, parent); switch (node.Type) { case LispAstTypeEnum.Program: traverseArray(node.Body, node, lispVisitor); break; case LispAstTypeEnum.CallExpression: traverseArray(node.Params, node, lispVisitor); break; case LispAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral: break; default: throw new Exception($"{node.Type}"); } } /** * ============================================================================ * ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽ * THE TRANSFORMER!!! * ============================================================================ */ public CAstNode transformer(LispAstNode lispAst) { var newAst = new CAstNode() { Type = CAstTypeEnum.Program, Body = new List() }; lispAst.Context = newAst.Body; traverser(lispAst, new LispVisitorType() { // The first lispVisitor method accepts any `NumberLiteral` [LispAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral] = (node, parent) => { parent.Context.Push(new CAstNode() { Type = CAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral, Value = node.Value, }); }, // Next up, `CallExpression`. [LispAstTypeEnum.CallExpression] = (node, parent) => { CAstNode expression = new CAstNode() { Type = CAstTypeEnum.CallExpression, Callee = new CAstNode() { Type = CAstTypeEnum.Identifier, Name = node.Name, }, arguments = new List() }; node.Context = expression.arguments; if (parent.Type != LispAstTypeEnum.CallExpression) { expression = new CAstNode() { Type = CAstTypeEnum.ExpressionStatement, Expression = expression }; } parent.Context.Push(expression); } }); return newAst; } /** * ============================================================================ * ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪ * THE CODE GENERATOR!!!! * ============================================================================ */ public string codeGenerator(CAstNode node) { switch (node.Type) { case CAstTypeEnum.Program: return node.Body.Map(codeGenerator).Join("\n"); case CAstTypeEnum.ExpressionStatement: return codeGenerator(node.Expression) + ";"; case CAstTypeEnum.CallExpression: return codeGenerator(node.Callee) + "(" + node.arguments.Map(codeGenerator).Join(",") + ")"; case CAstTypeEnum.Identifier: return node.Name; case CAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral: return node.Value; default: throw new Exception($"{node.Type}"); } } /** * ============================================================================ * (۶* ‘ヮ’)۶” * !!!!!!!!THE COMPILER!!!!!!!! * ============================================================================ */ public string compiler(string input) { var tokens = tokenizer(input); var ast = parser(tokens); var newAst = transformer(ast); var output = codeGenerator(newAst); return output; } #endregion /** * ============================================================================= * The Decompiler like c-like function calls into some lisp-like function calls * ============================================================================= */ #region DeCompiler /** * ============================================================================ * (/^▽^)/ * THE TOKENIZER! * ============================================================================ */ public List detokenizer(string input) { var tokens = new List(); var current = 0; while (current < input.Length) { var szChar = input[current].ToString(); Regex whitespace = new Regex(@"\s"); if (whitespace.IsMatch(szChar)) { current++; continue; } Regex letter = new Regex(@"[a-z]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (letter.IsMatch(szChar)) { string value = string.Empty; while (letter.IsMatch(szChar)) { value += szChar; szChar = input[++current].ToString(); } tokens.Push(new Token() { Type =, Value = value }); continue; } if (szChar == ")") { tokens.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenTypeEnum.paren, Value = szChar, }); current++; continue; } Regex number = new Regex(@"[0-9]"); if (number.IsMatch(szChar)) { string value = string.Empty; while (number.IsMatch(szChar)) { value += szChar; szChar = input[++current].ToString(); } tokens.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenTypeEnum.number, Value = value }); continue; } if (szChar == ",") { tokens.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenTypeEnum.paren, Value = szChar, }); current++; continue; } if (szChar == "(") { tokens.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenTypeEnum.paren, Value = szChar, }); current++; continue; } if (szChar == ";") { tokens.Push(new Token() { Type = TokenTypeEnum.paren, Value = szChar, }); current++; continue; } throw new Exception($"I dont know what this character is: {szChar}"); } return tokens; } /** * ============================================================================ * ヽ/❀o ل͜ o\ノ * THE PARSER!!! * ============================================================================ */ public CAstNode deparser(List tokens) { CAstNode nast = new CAstNode() { Type = CAstTypeEnum.Program, Body = new List() }; var current = 0; while (current < tokens.Count) { nast.Body.Push(dewalk(tokens, ref current)); } return nast; } protected CAstNode dewalk(List tokens, ref int current) { var token = tokens[current]; // 数字类型直接返回 if (token.Type == TokenTypeEnum.number) { current++; return new CAstNode() { Type = CAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral, Value = token.Value }; } // 函数名也直接返回 if (token.Type == { var expression = new CAstNode() { Type = CAstTypeEnum.CallExpression, Callee = new CAstNode() { Type = CAstTypeEnum.Identifier, Name = token.Value, }, arguments = new List() }; List arguments = new List(); // 跳过左括号 ++current; // 这个位置是左括号,要跳过 token = tokens[++current]; while ((token.Type != TokenTypeEnum.paren) || (token.Type == TokenTypeEnum.paren && token.Value != ")")) { if ((token.Type == TokenTypeEnum.paren) && (token.Value == "," || token.Value == ";")) { token = tokens[++current]; continue; } expression.arguments.Push(dewalk(tokens, ref current)); token = tokens[current]; } // 跳过右圆括号 current++; // 跳过分号 token = tokens[current]; if (token.Type == TokenTypeEnum.paren && token.Value == ";") current++; return expression; } throw new Exception($"{token.Type}"); } /** * ============================================================================ * ⌒(❀>◞౪◟<❀)⌒ * THE TRAVERSER!!! * ============================================================================ */ public void detraverser(CAstNode ast, CVisitorType visitor) { detraverseNode(ast, null, visitor); } protected void detraverseArray(List array, CAstNode parent, CVisitorType visitor) { array.ForEach(child => detraverseNode(child, parent, visitor)); } protected void detraverseNode(CAstNode node, CAstNode parent, CVisitorType visitor) { Action method = null; visitor.TryGetValue(node.Type, out method); method?.Invoke(node, parent); switch (node.Type) { case CAstTypeEnum.Program: detraverseArray(node.Body, node, visitor); break; case CAstTypeEnum.ExpressionStatement: detraverseNode(node.Expression, node, visitor); break; case CAstTypeEnum.CallExpression: detraverseNode(node.Callee, node, visitor); detraverseArray(node.arguments, node, visitor); break; case CAstTypeEnum.Identifier: break; case CAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral: break; } } /** * ============================================================================ * ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽ * THE TRANSFORMER!!! * ============================================================================ */ public LispAstNode detransformer(CAstNode ast) { var newAst = new LispAstNode() { Type = LispAstTypeEnum.Program, Body = new List() }; ast.Context = newAst.Body; detraverser(ast, new CVisitorType() { [CAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral] = (node, parent) => { parent.Context.Push(new LispAstNode() { Type = LispAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral, Value = node.Value, }); }, [CAstTypeEnum.CallExpression] = (node, parent) => { LispAstNode @params = new LispAstNode() { Type = LispAstTypeEnum.CallExpression, Name = node.Callee.Name, Params = new List(), }; node.Context = @params.Params; parent.Context.Push(@params); }, }); return newAst; } /** * ============================================================================ * ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪ * THE CODE GENERATOR!!!! * ============================================================================ */ public string decodeGenerator(LispAstNode node) { switch (node.Type) { case LispAstTypeEnum.Program: return node.Body.Map(decodeGenerator).Join("\n"); case LispAstTypeEnum.NumberLiteral: return node.Value; case LispAstTypeEnum.CallExpression: return "(" + node.Name + " " + node.Params.Map(decodeGenerator).Join(" ") + ")"; default: throw new Exception($"{node.Type}"); } } /** * ============================================================================ * (۶* ‘ヮ’)۶” * !!!!!!!!THE DECOMPILER!!!!!!!! * ============================================================================ */ public string decompiler(string input) { var tokens = detokenizer(input); var ast = deparser(tokens); var newAst = detransformer(ast); var output = decodeGenerator(newAst); return output; } #endregion } #region Models & Extenses public static class TypeFunctionWrapperExtenses { public static void Push(this List source, T value) => source.Add(value); public static string Join(this string[] strs, string s) => string.Join(s, strs); public static V[] Map(this List source, Func codeGenerator) => source == null || source.Count == 0 ? new V[0] : source.Select(codeGenerator).ToArray(); } #region Token Model public class Token { public TokenTypeEnum Type { get; set; } public string Value { get; set; } } public enum TokenTypeEnum { paren, name, number, } #endregion #region Lisp Style AST Model public class LispAstNode { public LispAstTypeEnum Type { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Value { get; set; } public List Params { get; set; } = new List(); public List Body { get; set; } = new List(); public List Context { get; set; } = new List(); } public enum LispAstTypeEnum { Program, CallExpression, NumberLiteral } #endregion #region C Style AST Model public class CAstNode { public CAstTypeEnum Type { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Value { get; set; } public CAstNode Expression { get; set; } public CAstNode Callee { get; set; } public List arguments { get; set; } = new List(); public List Body { get; set; } = new List(); public List Context { get; set; } = new List(); } public enum CAstTypeEnum { Program, ExpressionStatement, CallExpression, Identifier, NumberLiteral, } #endregion #region VisitorWrap // I hate writing long types over and over…… public class LispVisitorType : Dictionary> { // for visitor lisp-like AST } public class CVisitorType : Dictionary> { // for visitor C-like AST } #endregion #endregion }