################################################################################################################################################ # Fortify lets you build secure software fast with an appsec platform that automates testing throughout the DevSecOps pipeline. Fortify static,# # dynamic, interactive, and runtime security testing is available on premises or as a service. To learn more about Fortify, start a free trial # # or contact our sales team, visit microfocus.com/appsecurity. # # # # Use this workflow template as a basis for integrating Fortify on Demand Static Application Security Testing(SAST) into your GitHub workflows.# # This template demonstrates the steps to prepare the code+dependencies, initiate a scan, download results once complete and import into # # GitHub Security Code Scanning Alerts. Existing customers should review inputs and environment variables below to configure scanning against # # an existing application in your Fortify on Demand tenant. Additional information is available in the comments throughout the workflow, the # # documentation for the Fortify actions used, and the Fortify on Demand / ScanCentral Client product documentation. If you need additional # # assistance with configuration, feel free to create a help ticket in the Fortify on Demand portal. # ################################################################################################################################################ name: Fortify on Demand Scan # TODO: Customize trigger events based on your DevSecOps processes and typical FoD SAST scan time on: workflow_dispatch: push: branches: [ master ] pull_request: # The branches below must be a subset of the branches above branches: [ master ] jobs: FoD-SAST-Scan: # Use the appropriate runner for building your source code. # TODO: Use a Windows runner for .NET projects that use msbuild. Additional changes to RUN commands will be required to switch to Windows syntax. runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Check out source code - name: Check Out Source Code uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: # Fetch at least the immediate parents so that if this is a pull request then we can checkout the head. fetch-depth: 2 # If this run was triggered by a pull request event, then checkout the head of the pull request instead of the merge commit. - run: git checkout HEAD^2 if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} # Java 8 required by ScanCentral Client and FoD Uploader(Univeral CI Tool) - name: Setup Java uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 1.8 # Prepare source+dependencies for upload. The default example is for a Maven project that uses pom.xml. # TODO: Update PACKAGE_OPTS based on the ScanCentral Client documentation for your project's included tech stack(s). Helpful hints: # ScanCentral Client will download dependencies for maven (-bt mvn) and gradle (-bt gradle). # ScanCentral Client can download dependencies for msbuild projects (-bt msbuild); however, you must convert the workflow to use a Windows runner. # ScanCentral has additional options that should be set for PHP and Python projects # For other build tools, add your build commands to download necessary dependencies and prepare according to Fortify on Demand Packaging documentation. # ScanCentral Client documentation is located at https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/fortify-software-security-center/ - name: Download Fortify ScanCentral Client uses: fortify/gha-setup-scancentral-client@v1 - name: Package Code + Dependencies run: scancentral package $PACKAGE_OPTS -o package.zip env: PACKAGE_OPTS: "-bt mvn" # Start Fortify on Demand SAST scan and wait until results complete. For more information on FoDUploader commands, see https://github.com/fod-dev/fod-uploader-java # TODO: Update ENV variables for your application and create the necessary GitHub Secrets. Helpful hints: # Credentials and release ID should be obtained from your FoD tenant (either Personal Access Token or API Key can be used). # Automated Audit preference should be configured for the release's Static Scan Settings in the Fortify on Demand portal. - name: Download Fortify on Demand Universal CI Tool uses: fortify/gha-setup-fod-uploader@v1 - name: Perform SAST Scan run: java -jar $FOD_UPLOAD_JAR -z package.zip -aurl $FOD_API_URL -purl $FOD_URL -rid "$FOD_RELEASE_ID" -tc "$FOD_TENANT" -uc "$FOD_USER" "$FOD_PAT" $FOD_UPLOADER_OPTS -n "$FOD_UPLOADER_NOTES" env: FOD_TENANT: ${{ secrets.FOD_TENANT }} FOD_USER: ${{ secrets.FOD_USER }} FOD_PAT: ${{ secrets.FOD_PAT }} FOD_RELEASE_ID: ${{ secrets.FOD_RELEASE_ID }} FOD_URL: "https://ams.fortify.com/" FOD_API_URL: "https://api.ams.fortify.com/" FOD_UPLOADER_OPTS: "-ep 2 -pp 0 -I 1 -apf" FOD_UPLOADER_NOTES: 'Triggered by GitHub Actions (${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }})' # Once scan completes, pull SAST issues from Fortify on Demand and generate SARIF output. # TODO: Review Action inputs. For most users, these will be the same as used in the Perform SAST Scan step. - name: Download Results uses: fortify/gha-fod-generate-sarif@1.1.0 with: base-url: https://ams.fortify.com tenant: ${{ secrets.FOD_TENANT }} user: ${{ secrets.FOD_USER }} password: ${{ secrets.FOD_PAT }} release-id: ${{ secrets.FOD_RELEASE_ID }} output: ./sarif/output.sarif # Import Fortify on Demand results to GitHub Security Code Scanning - name: Import Results uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v1 with: sarif_file: ./sarif/output.sarif