Dmitry S fc44a60edf (core) When reporting email in log metadata, use normalized email.
There has been inconsistency in using display email vs normalized email, which
ends up creating some duplication in downstream analyses (e.g. the same user
showing up twice with different capitalization).

1. Add UserProfile.loginEmail field with normalized email to prefer, when set, over the inconsistently used
2. In one place where it's not available, normalize the display email manually.
3. Clean up some code in Client.ts.

Unrelated tweak to API Console to be clear when a URL parameter wasn't found (rather than show whatever happens to be the first value).

Several test robustness improvements:
- Misplaced parenthesis in gristWebDriverUtils has been causing optTimeout argument to be ignored in tests, and treated always as indefinite.
- Attempt to fix SortMenu test by ignoring (retrying with logging) errors in waitForServer, which include "script timeout" errors that come from a non-configurable selenium or chromedriver timeout.
- Attempt to improve onNewTab() helper, which plays a role in failing Billing tests.

Test Plan: Tested manually the capitalization of logged emails. Counting on existing tests to catch issues.

Reviewers: georgegevoian

Reviewed By: georgegevoian

Differential Revision:
2024-02-15 10:49:01 -05:00

223 lines
8.5 KiB

import bluebird from 'bluebird';
import { ChildProcess } from 'child_process';
import * as net from 'net';
import * as path from 'path';
import { ConnectionOptions } from 'typeorm';
import uuidv4 from 'uuid/v4';
import {AbortSignal} from 'node-abort-controller';
import {EngineCode} from 'app/common/DocumentSettings';
import {TelemetryMetadataByLevel} from 'app/common/Telemetry';
import log from 'app/server/lib/log';
import {OpenMode, SQLiteDB} from 'app/server/lib/SQLiteDB';
import {getDocSessionAccessOrNull, getDocSessionUser, OptDocSession} from './DocSession';
// This method previously lived in this file. Re-export to avoid changing imports all over.
export {timeoutReached} from 'app/common/gutil';
* Promisify a node-style callback function. E.g.
* fromCallback(cb => someAsyncFunc(someArgs, cb));
* This is merely a type-checked version of bluebird.fromCallback().
* (Note that providing it using native Promises is also easy, but bluebird's big benefit is
* support of long stack traces (when enabled for debugging).
type NodeCallback<T> = (err: Error|undefined|null, value?: T) => void;
type NodeCallbackFunc<T> = (cb: NodeCallback<T>) => void;
const _fromCallback = bluebird.fromCallback;
export function fromCallback<T>(nodeFunc: NodeCallbackFunc<T>): Promise<T> {
return _fromCallback(nodeFunc);
* Finds and returns a promise for the first available TCP port.
* @param {Number} firstPort: First port number to check, defaults to 8000.
* @param {Number} optCount: Number of ports to check, defaults to 200.
* @returns Promise<Number>: Promise for an available port.
export function getAvailablePort(firstPort: number = 8000, optCount: number = 200): Promise<number> {
const lastPort = firstPort + optCount - 1;
function checkNext(port: number): Promise<number> {
if (port > lastPort) {
throw new Error("No available ports between " + firstPort + " and " + lastPort);
return new bluebird((resolve: (p: number) => void, reject: (e: Error) => void) => {
const server = net.createServer();
server.on('error', reject);
server.on('close', () => resolve(port));
server.listen(port, 'localhost', () => server.close());
.catch(() => checkNext(port + 1));
return bluebird.try(() => checkNext(firstPort));
* Promisified version of net.connect(). Takes the same arguments, and returns a Promise for the
* connected socket. (Types are specified as in @types/node.)
export function connect(options: { port: number, host?: string, localAddress?: string, localPort?: string,
family?: number, allowHalfOpen?: boolean; }): Promise<net.Socket>;
export function connect(port: number, host?: string): Promise<net.Socket>;
export function connect(sockPath: string): Promise<net.Socket>;
export function connect(arg: any, ...moreArgs: any[]): Promise<net.Socket> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const s = net.connect(arg, ...moreArgs, () => resolve(s));
s.on('error', reject);
* Promisified version of net.Server.listen().
export function listenPromise<T extends net.Server>(server: T): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => server.once('listening', resolve).once('error', reject));
* Returns whether the path `inner` is contained within the directory `outer`.
export function isPathWithin(outer: string, inner: string): boolean {
const rel = path.relative(outer, inner);
const index = rel.indexOf(path.sep);
const firstDir = index < 0 ? rel : rel.slice(0, index);
return firstDir !== "..";
* Returns a promise that's resolved when `child` exits, or rejected if it could not be started.
* The promise resolves to the numeric exit code, or the string signal that terminated the child.
* Note that this must be called synchronously after creating the ChildProcess, since a delay may
* cause the 'error' or 'exit' message from the child to be missed, and the resulting exitPromise
* would then hang forever.
export function exitPromise(child: ChildProcess): Promise<number|string> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Called if process could not be spawned, or could not be killed(!), or sending a message failed.
child.on('error', reject);
child.on('exit', (code: number, signal: string) => resolve(signal || code));
* Get database url in DATABASE_URL format popularized by heroku, suitable for
* use by psql, sqlalchemy, etc.
export function getDatabaseUrl(options: ConnectionOptions, includeCredentials: boolean): string {
if (options.type === 'sqlite') {
return `sqlite://${options.database}`;
} else if (options.type === 'postgres') {
const pass = options.password ? `:${options.password}` : '';
const creds = includeCredentials && options.username ? `${options.username}${pass}@` : '';
const port = options.port ? `:${options.port}` : '';
return `postgres://${creds}${}${port}/${options.database}`;
} else {
return `${options.type}://?`;
* Collect checks to be applied to incoming documents that are alleged to be
* Grist documents. For now, the only check is a sqlite-level integrity check,
* as suggested by
export async function checkAllegedGristDoc(docSession: OptDocSession, fname: string) {
const db = await SQLiteDB.openDBRaw(fname, OpenMode.OPEN_READONLY);
try {
const integrityCheckResults = await db.all('PRAGMA integrity_check');
if (integrityCheckResults.length !== 1 || integrityCheckResults[0].integrity_check !== 'ok') {
const uuid = uuidv4();'Integrity check failure on import', {uuid, integrityCheckResults,
throw new Error(`Document failed integrity checks - is it corrupted? Event ID: ${uuid}`);
} finally {
await db.close();
* Extract access, userId, email, and client (if applicable) from session, for logging purposes.
export function getLogMetaFromDocSession(docSession: OptDocSession) {
const client = docSession.client;
const access = getDocSessionAccessOrNull(docSession);
const user = getDocSessionUser(docSession);
const email = user?.loginEmail || user?.email;
return {
...(user ? {userId:, email} : {}),
...(client ? client.getLogMeta() : {}), // Client if present will repeat and add to user info.
* Extract telemetry metadata from session.
export function getTelemetryMetaFromDocSession(docSession: OptDocSession): TelemetryMetadataByLevel {
const client = docSession.client;
const access = getDocSessionAccessOrNull(docSession);
const user = getDocSessionUser(docSession);
return {
limited: {
full: {
...(user ? {userId:} : {}),
...(client ? client.getFullTelemetryMeta() : {}), // Client if present will repeat and add to user info.
* Only offer choices of engine on experimental deployments (staging/dev).
export function getSupportedEngineChoices(): EngineCode[]|undefined {
if (process.env.GRIST_EXPERIMENTAL_PLUGINS === '1' ||
return ['python2', 'python3'];
return undefined;
* Returns a promise that resolves in the given number of milliseconds or rejects
* when the given signal is raised.
export async function delayAbort(msec: number, signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<void> {
let cleanup: () => void = () => {};
try {
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const timeout = setTimeout(() => resolve(), msec);
signal?.addEventListener('abort', reject);
cleanup = () => {
// Be careful to clean up both the timer and the listener to avoid leaks.
signal?.removeEventListener('abort', reject);
} finally {
* For a Redis URI, we expect no path component, or a path component
* that is an integer database number. We'd like to scope pub/sub to
* individual databases. Redis doesn't do that, so we construct a
* key prefix to have the same effect.
export function getPubSubPrefix(): string {
const redisUrl = process.env.REDIS_URL;
if (!redisUrl) { return 'db-x'; }
const dbNumber = new URL(redisUrl).pathname.replace(/^\//, '');
if (dbNumber.match(/[^0-9]/)) {
throw new Error('REDIS_URL has an unexpected structure');
return `db-${dbNumber}`;