Jakub Serafin 2521db4c55 (core) New Columns Menu
A menu to be shown when new colum button is added. It's give access to various diffrent shortcuts, like adding new column, unhiding existing ones, fast adding lookup columns or trigger one (authoriship or timestamp). Design document can be found here:
To turn on this menu flag GRIST_NEW_COLUMN_MENU to 1

Test Plan: UI tests suite under nbrowser/GridViewNewColumnMenu.ts

Reviewers: jarek, georgegevoian

Reviewed By: georgegevoian

Subscribers: paulfitz

Differential Revision:
2023-10-13 22:35:36 +02:00

533 lines
21 KiB

import {allCommands} from 'app/client/components/commands';
import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization';
import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec';
import {testId, theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars';
import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons';
import {
} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus';
import {Sort} from 'app/common/SortSpec';
import {dom, DomElementArg, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs';
import {RecalcWhen} from "../../common/gristTypes";
import {GristDoc} from "../components/GristDoc";
import {ColumnRec} from "../models/entities/ColumnRec";
import {FieldBuilder} from "../widgets/FieldBuilder";
import isEqual = require('lodash/isEqual');
const t = makeT('GridViewMenus');
//encapsulation over the view that menu will be generated for
interface IView {
gristDoc: GristDoc;
//adding new column to the view, and return a FieldBuilder that can be used to further modify the column
addNewColumn: () => Promise<null>;
addNewColumnWithoutRenamePopup: () => Promise<FieldBuilder>;
showColumn: (colId: number, atIndex: number) => void;
//Add new colum to the view as formula column, with given column name and
//formula equation.
// Return a FieldBuilder that can be used to further modify the column
addNewFormulaColumn(formula: string, columnName: string): Promise<FieldBuilder>;
interface IViewSection {
viewFields: any;
hiddenColumns: any;
columns: any;
interface IColumnInfo{
colId: string;
label: string;
index: number;
// Section for "Show hidden column" in a colum menu.
// If there are no hidden columns - don't show the section.
// If there is more that X - show submenu
function MenuHideColumnSection(gridView: IView, viewSection: IViewSection){
//function to generate the list with name of hidden columns and unhinging them on click
const listOfHiddenColumns = viewSection.hiddenColumns().map((col: any, index: number): IColumnInfo => { return {, label: col.label(), index: viewSection.columns().findIndex((c: any) => ===,
}; });
//Generating dom and hadling actions in menu section for hidden columns - allow to unhide it.
const hiddenColumnMenu = () => {
//if there is more than 5 hidden columns - show submenu
if(listOfHiddenColumns.length > 5){
(ctl: any)=>{
// enhance this submenu by adding search bar on the top. enhanceBySearch is doing basically two things:
// adding search bar, and expose searchCriteria observable to be used to generate list of items to be shown
return enhanceBySearch((searchCriteria)=> {
// put all hidden columns into observable
const hiddenColumns: Array<IColumnInfo> = listOfHiddenColumns;
const dynamicHiddenColumnsList = Observable.create<any[]>(null, hiddenColumns);
// when search criteria changes - filter the list of hidden columns and update the observable
searchCriteria.addListener((sc: string) => {
return dynamicHiddenColumnsList.set(
hiddenColumns.filter((c: IColumnInfo) => c.label.includes(sc)));
// generate a list of menu items from the observable
return [
// each hidden column is a menu item that will call showColumn on click
// and place column at the end of the table
(col: any) => menuItem(
()=>{ gridView.showColumn(col.colId, viewSection.columns().length); },
col.label //column label as menu item text
{}, //options - we do not need any for this submenu
t("Show hidden columns"), //text of the submenu
{class: menuItem.className} // style of the submenu
// in case there are less than five hidden columns - show them all in the main level of the menu
} else {
// generate a list of menu items from the list of hidden columns
return any) =>
()=> { gridView.showColumn(col.colId, viewSection.columns().length); },
col.label, //column label as menu item text
testId(`new-columns-menu-hidden-columns-${col.label.replace(' ', '-')}`)
return dom.maybe(() => viewSection.hiddenColumns().length > 0, ()=>[
menuSubHeader(t("Hidden Columns"), testId('new-columns-menu-hidden-columns')),
function MenuShortcuts(gridView: IView){
return [
menuSubHeader(t("Shortcuts"), testId('new-columns-menu-shortcuts')),
menuItemSubmenu((ctl: any)=>[
() => addNewColumnWithTimestamp(gridView, false), t("Apply to new records"),
() => addNewColumnWithTimestamp(gridView, true), t("Apply on record changes"),
], {}, t("Timestamp"), testId('new-columns-menu-shortcuts-timestamp')),
menuItemSubmenu((ctl: any)=>[
() => addNewColumnWithAuthor(gridView, false), t("Apply to new records"),
() => addNewColumnWithAuthor(gridView, true), t("Apply on record changes"),
], {}, t("Authorship"), testId('new-columns-menu-shortcuts-author')),
]; }
function MenuLookups(viewSection: IViewSection, gridView: IView){
return [
menuSubHeader(t("Lookups"), testId('new-columns-menu-lookups')),
buildLookupsOptions(viewSection, gridView)
function buildLookupsOptions(viewSection: IViewSection, gridView: IView){
const referenceCollection = viewSection.columns().filter((e: ColumnRec)=> e.pureType()=="Ref");
if(referenceCollection.length == 0){
return menuText(()=>{}, t("no reference column"), testId('new-columns-menu-lookups-none'));
//TODO: Make search work - right now enhanceBySearch searchQuery parameter is not subscribed and menu items are
// not updated when search query changes. Filter the columns names based on search query observable (like in
// MenuHideColumnSection)
return any) => menuItemSubmenu((ctl) => {
return enhanceBySearch((searchQuery) => [
...ref.refTable().columns().all().map((col: ColumnRec) =>
async () => {
await gridView.addNewFormulaColumn(`$${ref.label()}.${col.label()}`,
}, col.label()
}, {}, ref.label(), {class: menuItem.className}, testId(`new-columns-menu-lookups-${ref.label()}`)));
// Old version of column menu
// TODO: This is only valid as long as feature flag GRIST_NEW_COLUMN_MENU is existing in the system.
// Once it is removed (so production is working only with the new column menu, this function should be removed as well.
export function ColumnAddMenuOld(gridView: IView, viewSection: IViewSection) {
return [
menuItem(() => gridView.addNewColumn(), t("Add Column")),
...viewSection.hiddenColumns().map((col: any) => menuItem(
() => {
gridView.showColumn(, viewSection.viewFields().peekLength);
// .then(() => gridView.scrollPaneRight());
}, t("Show column {{- label}}", {label: col.label()})))
* Creates a menu to add a new column.
export function ColumnAddMenu(gridView: IView, viewSection: IViewSection) {
return [
async () => { await gridView.addNewColumn(); },
`+ ${t("Add Column")}`,
MenuHideColumnSection(gridView, viewSection),
MenuLookups(viewSection, gridView),
//TODO: figure out how to change columns names;
const addNewColumnWithTimestamp = async (gridView: IView, triggerOnUpdate: boolean) => {
await gridView.gristDoc.docData.bundleActions('Add new column with timestamp', async () => {
const column = await gridView.addNewColumnWithoutRenamePopup();
if (!triggerOnUpdate) {
await column.gristDoc.convertToTrigger(, 'NOW()', RecalcWhen.DEFAULT);
await column.field.displayLabel.setAndSave(t('Created At'));
await column.field.column.peek().type.setAndSave('DateTime');
} else {
await column.gristDoc.convertToTrigger(, 'NOW()', RecalcWhen.MANUAL_UPDATES);
await column.field.displayLabel.setAndSave(t('Last Updated At'));
await column.field.column.peek().type.setAndSave('DateTime');
}, {nestInActiveBundle: true});
const addNewColumnWithAuthor = async (gridView: IView, triggerOnUpdate: boolean) => {
await gridView.gristDoc.docData.bundleActions('Add new column with author', async () => {
const column = await gridView.addNewColumnWithoutRenamePopup();
if (!triggerOnUpdate) {
await column.gristDoc.convertToTrigger(, 'user.Name', RecalcWhen.DEFAULT);
await column.field.displayLabel.setAndSave(t('Created By'));
await column.field.column.peek().type.setAndSave('Text');
} else {
await column.gristDoc.convertToTrigger(, 'user.Name', RecalcWhen.MANUAL_UPDATES);
await column.field.displayLabel.setAndSave(t('Last Updated By'));
await column.field.column.peek().type.setAndSave('Text');
}, {nestInActiveBundle: true});
export interface IMultiColumnContextMenu {
// For multiple selection, true/false means the value applies to all columns, 'mixed' means it's
// true for some columns, but not all.
numColumns: number;
numFrozen: number;
disableModify: boolean|'mixed'; // If the columns are read-only. Mixed for multiple columns where some are read-only.
isReadonly: boolean;
isRaw: boolean;
isFiltered: boolean; // If this view shows a proper subset of all rows in the table.
isFormula: boolean|'mixed';
columnIndices: number[];
totalColumnCount: number;
disableFrozenMenu: boolean;
interface IColumnContextMenu extends IMultiColumnContextMenu {
filterOpenFunc: () => void;
sortSpec: Sort.SortSpec;
colId: number;
export function calcFieldsCondition(fields: ViewFieldRec[], condition: (f: ViewFieldRec) => boolean): boolean|"mixed" {
return fields.every(condition) ? true : (fields.some(condition) ? "mixed" : false);
export function ColumnContextMenu(options: IColumnContextMenu) {
const { disableModify, filterOpenFunc, colId, sortSpec, isReadonly } = options;
const disableForReadonlyColumn = dom.cls('disabled', Boolean(disableModify) || isReadonly);
const addToSortLabel = getAddToSortLabel(sortSpec, colId);
return [
menuItemCmd(allCommands.fieldTabOpen, t("Column Options")),
menuItem(filterOpenFunc, t("Filter Data")),
menuDivider({style: 'margin-bottom: 0;'}),
dom('span', t("Sort"), {style: 'flex: 1 0 auto; margin-right: 8px;'},
icon('Sort','transform', 'scaley(-1)')),
'A-Z','flex', ''),
cssCustomMenuItem.cls('-selected', Sort.containsOnly(sortSpec, colId, Sort.ASC)),
cssCustomMenuItem.cls('-selected', Sort.containsOnly(sortSpec, colId, Sort.DESC)),
addToSortLabel ? [
cssRowMenuLabel(addToSortLabel, testId('add-to-sort-label')),
icon('Sort','transform', 'scaley(-1)')),
cssCustomMenuItem.cls('-selected', Sort.contains(sortSpec, colId, Sort.ASC)),
cssCustomMenuItem.cls('-selected', Sort.contains(sortSpec, colId, Sort.DESC)),
] : null,
menuDivider({style: 'margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0;'}),
menuItem(, t("More sort options ..."), testId('more-sort-options')),
menuDivider({style: 'margin-top: 0;'}),
menuItemCmd(allCommands.renameField, t("Rename column"), disableForReadonlyColumn),
MultiColumnMenu((options.disableFrozenMenu = true, options)),
* Note about available options. There is a difference between clearing values (writing empty
* string, which makes cells blank, including Numeric cells) and converting a column to an empty
* column (i.e. column with empty formula; in this case a Numeric column becomes all 0s today).
* We offer both options if data columns are selected. If only formulas, only the second option
* makes sense.
export function MultiColumnMenu(options: IMultiColumnContextMenu) {
const disableForReadonlyColumn = dom.cls('disabled', Boolean(options.disableModify) || options.isReadonly);
const disableForReadonlyView = dom.cls('disabled', options.isReadonly);
const num: number = options.numColumns;
const nameClearColumns = options.isFiltered ?
t('Reset {{count}} entire columns', {count: num}) :
t('Reset {{count}} columns', {count: num});
const nameDeleteColumns = t('Delete {{count}} columns', {count: num});
const nameHideColumns = t('Hide {{count}} columns', {count: num});
const frozenMenu = options.disableFrozenMenu ? null : freezeMenuItemCmd(options);
return [
frozenMenu ? [frozenMenu, menuDivider()]: null,
// Offered only when selection includes formula columns, and converts only those.
(options.isFormula ?
menuItemCmd(allCommands.convertFormulasToData, t("Convert formula to data"),
disableForReadonlyColumn) : null),
// With data columns selected, offer an additional option to clear out selected cells.
(options.isFormula !== true ?
menuItemCmd(allCommands.clearValues, t("Clear values"), disableForReadonlyColumn) : null),
(!options.isRaw ? menuItemCmd(allCommands.hideFields, nameHideColumns, disableForReadonlyView) : null),
menuItemCmd(allCommands.clearColumns, nameClearColumns, disableForReadonlyColumn),
menuItemCmd(allCommands.deleteFields, nameDeleteColumns, disableForReadonlyColumn),
menuItemCmd(allCommands.insertFieldBefore, t("Insert column to the left"), disableForReadonlyView),
menuItemCmd(allCommands.insertFieldAfter, t("Insert column to the right"), disableForReadonlyView)
export function freezeAction(options: IMultiColumnContextMenu): { text: string; numFrozen: number; } | null {
* When user clicks last column - don't offer freezing
* When user clicks on a normal column - offer him to freeze all the columns to the
* left (inclusive).
* When user clicks on a frozen column - offer him to unfreeze all the columns to the
* right (inclusive)
* When user clicks on a set of columns then:
* - If the set of columns contains the last columns that are frozen - offer unfreezing only those columns
* - If the set of columns is right after the frozen columns or spans across - offer freezing only those columns
* All of the above are a single command - toggle freeze
const length = options.numColumns;
// make some assertions - number of columns selected should always be > 0
if (length === 0) { return null; }
const indices = options.columnIndices;
const firstColumnIndex = indices[0];
const lastColumnIndex = indices[indices.length - 1];
const numFrozen = options.numFrozen;
// if set has last column in it - don't offer freezing
if (lastColumnIndex == options.totalColumnCount - 1) {
return null;
const isNormalColumn = length === 1 && (firstColumnIndex + 1) > numFrozen;
const isFrozenColumn = length === 1 && (firstColumnIndex+ 1) <= numFrozen;
const isSet = length > 1;
const isLastFrozenSet = isSet && lastColumnIndex + 1 === numFrozen;
const isFirstNormalSet = isSet && firstColumnIndex === numFrozen;
const isSpanSet = isSet && firstColumnIndex <= numFrozen && lastColumnIndex >= numFrozen;
let text = '';
if (!isSet) {
if (isNormalColumn) {
// text to show depends on what user selected and how far are we from
// last frozen column
// if user clicked the first column or a column just after frozen set
if (firstColumnIndex === 0 || firstColumnIndex === numFrozen) {
text = t('Freeze {{count}} columns', {count: 1});
} else {
// else user clicked any other column that is farther, offer to freeze
// proper number of column
const properNumber = firstColumnIndex - numFrozen + 1;
text = numFrozen ?
t('Freeze {{count}} more columns', {count: properNumber}) :
t('Freeze {{count}} columns', {count: properNumber});
return {
numFrozen : firstColumnIndex + 1
} else if (isFrozenColumn) {
// when user clicked last column in frozen set - offer to unfreeze this column
if (firstColumnIndex + 1 === numFrozen) {
text = t('Unfreeze {{count}} columns', {count: 1});
} else {
// else user clicked column that is not the last in a frozen set
// offer to unfreeze proper number of columns
const properNumber = numFrozen - firstColumnIndex;
text = properNumber === numFrozen ?
t('Unfreeze all columns') :
t('Unfreeze {{count}} columns', {count: properNumber});
return {
numFrozen : indices[0]
} else {
return null;
} else {
if (isLastFrozenSet) {
text = t('Unfreeze {{count}} columns', {count: length});
return {
numFrozen : numFrozen - length
} else if (isFirstNormalSet) {
text = t('Freeze {{count}} columns', {count: length});
return {
numFrozen : numFrozen + length
} else if (isSpanSet) {
const toFreeze = lastColumnIndex + 1 - numFrozen;
text = t('Freeze {{count}} more columns', {count: toFreeze});
return {
numFrozen : numFrozen + toFreeze
} else {
return null;
function freezeMenuItemCmd(options: IMultiColumnContextMenu) {
// calculate action available for this options
const toggle = freezeAction(options);
// if we can't offer freezing - don't create a menu at all
// this shouldn't happen - as current design offers some action on every column
if (!toggle) { return null; }
// create menu item if we have something to offer
return menuItemCmd(allCommands.toggleFreeze, toggle.text);
// Returns 'Add to sort' is there are columns in the sort spec but colId is not part of it. Returns
// undefined if colId is the only column in the spec. Otherwise returns `Sorted (#N)` where #N is
// the position (1 based) of colId in the spec.
function getAddToSortLabel(sortSpec: Sort.SortSpec, colId: number): string|undefined {
const columnsInSpec = =>Sort.getColRef(n));
if (sortSpec.length !== 0 && !isEqual(columnsInSpec, [colId])) {
const index = columnsInSpec.indexOf(colId);
if (index > -1) {
return t("Sorted (#{{count}})", {count: index + 1});
} else {
return t("Add to sort");
const cssRowMenuItem = styled((...args: DomElementArg[]) => dom('li', {tabindex: '-1'}, ...args), `
display: flex;
outline: none;
const cssRowMenuLabel = styled('div', `
margin-right: 8px;
flex: 1 0 auto;
const cssCustomMenuItem = styled('div', `
padding: 8px 8px;
display: flex;
&:not(:hover) {
background-color: ${theme.menuBg};
color: ${theme.menuItemFg};
--icon-color: ${theme.menuItemFg};
&:last-of-type {
padding-right: 24px;
flex: 0 0 auto;
&:first-of-type {
padding-left: 24px;
flex: 1 0 auto;
&-selected, &-selected:not(:hover) {
background-color: ${theme.menuItemSelectedBg};
color: ${theme.menuItemSelectedFg};
--icon-color: ${theme.menuItemSelectedFg};
function customMenuItem(action: () => void, ...args: DomElementArg[]) {
const element: HTMLElement = cssCustomMenuItem(
dom.on('click', () => action()),
return element;