import { DocData } from 'app/common/DocData'; import { SchemaTypes } from 'app/common/schema'; import { ShareOptions } from 'app/common/ShareOptions'; import { MetaRowRecord, MetaTableData } from 'app/common/TableData'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; /** * For special shares, we need to refer to resources that may not * be listed in the _grist_ACLResources table, and have rules that * aren't backed by storage in _grist_ACLRules. So we implement * a small helper to add an overlay of extra resources and rules. * They are distinguishable from real, stored resources and rules * by having negative IDs. */ export class TableWithOverlay { private _extraRecords = new Array>(); private _extraRecordsById = new Map>(); private _nextFreeVirtualId: number = -1; public constructor(private _originalTable: MetaTableData) {} // Add a record to the table, but only as an overlay - no // persistent changes are made. Uses negative row IDs. // Returns the ID assigned to the record. The passed in // record is expected to have an ID of zero. public addRecord(rec: MetaRowRecord): number { if ( !== 0) { throw new Error('Expected a zero ID'); } const id = this._nextFreeVirtualId; const recWithCorrectId: MetaRowRecord = {...rec, id}; this._extraRecords.push({...rec, id}); this._extraRecordsById.set(id, recWithCorrectId); this._nextFreeVirtualId--; return id; } // Support the few MetaTableData methods we actually use // in ACLRuleCollection and ACLShareRules. public getRecord(resourceId: number) { // Reroute negative IDs to our local stash of records. if (resourceId < 0) { return this._extraRecordsById.get(resourceId); } // Everything else, we just pass along. return this._originalTable.getRecord(resourceId); } public getRecords() { return [...this._originalTable.getRecords(), ...this._extraRecords]; } public findMatchingRowId(properties: Partial>): number { // Check stored records. const rowId = this._originalTable.findMatchingRowId(properties); if (rowId) { return rowId; } // Check overlay. return this._extraRecords.find((rec) => Object.keys(properties).every((p) => isEqual( (rec as any)[p], (properties as any)[p])))?.id || 0; } } /** * Helper for managing special share rules. */ export class ACLShareRules { public constructor( public docData: DocData, public resourcesTable: TableWithOverlay<'_grist_ACLResources'>, public rulesTable: TableWithOverlay<'_grist_ACLRules'>, ) {} /** * Add any rules needed for the specified share. * * The only kind of share we support for now is form endpoint * sharing. */ public addRulesForShare(shareRef: number, shareOptions: ShareOptions) { // TODO: Unpublished shares could and should be blocked earlier, // by home server if (!shareOptions.publish) { this._blockShare(shareRef); return; } // Let's go looking for sections related to the share. // It was decided that the relationship between sections and // shares is via pages. Every section on a given page can belong // to at most one share. // Ignore sections which do not have `publish` set to `true` in // `shareOptions`. const pages = this.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Pages').filterRecords({ shareRef, }); const parentViews = new Set( => page.viewRef)); const sections = this.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Views_section').getRecords().filter( section => { if (!parentViews.has(section.parentId)) { return false; } const options = JSON.parse(section.shareOptions || '{}'); return Boolean(options.publish) && Boolean(options.form); } ); const tableRefs = new Set( => section.tableRef)); const tables = this.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables').getRecords().filter( table => tableRefs.has( ); // For tables associated with forms, allow creation of records, // and reading of referenced columns. // TODO: should probably be limiting to a set of columns associated // with section - but for form widget that could potentially be very // confusing since it may not be easy to see that certain columns // haven't been made visible for it? For now, just working at table // level. for (const table of tables) { this._shareTableForForm(table, shareRef); } } /** * When accessing a document via a share, by default no user tables are * accessible. Everything added to the share gives additional * access, and never reduces access, making it easy to grant * access to multiple parts of the document. * * We do leave access unchanged for metadata tables, since they are * censored via an alternative mechanism. */ public addDefaultRulesForShares() { const tableIds = this.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables').getRecords() .map(table => table.tableId) .filter(tableId => !tableId.startsWith('_grist_')) .sort(); for (const tableId of tableIds) { const resource = this._findOrAddResource({ tableId, colIds: '*', }); const aclFormula = `user.ShareRef is not None`; const aclFormulaParsed = JSON.stringify([ 'NotEq', [ 'Attr', [ "Name", "user" ], "ShareRef" ], ['Const', null] ]); this.rulesTable.addRecord(this._makeRule({ resource, aclFormula, aclFormulaParsed, permissionsText: '-CRUDS', })); } } /** * When accessing a document via a share, any regular granular access * rules should not apply. This requires an extra conditional. */ public transformNonShareRules(state: { rule: MetaRowRecord<'_grist_ACLRules'>, aclFormulaParsed: object, }) { state.rule.aclFormula = 'user.ShareRef is None and (' + String(state.rule.aclFormula || 'True') + ')'; state.aclFormulaParsed = [ 'And', [ 'Eq', [ 'Attr', [ 'Name', 'user' ], 'ShareRef' ], ['Const', null] ], state.aclFormulaParsed || [ 'Const', true ] ]; state.rule.aclFormulaParsed = JSON.stringify(state.aclFormulaParsed); return state.aclFormulaParsed; } /** * Allow creating records in a table. */ private _shareTableForForm(table: MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Tables'>, shareRef: number) { const resource = this._findOrAddResource({ tableId: table.tableId, colIds: '*', }); let aclFormula = `user.ShareRef == ${shareRef}`; let aclFormulaParsed = JSON.stringify([ 'Eq', [ 'Attr', [ "Name", "user" ], "ShareRef" ], [ 'Const', shareRef ] ]); this.rulesTable.addRecord(this._makeRule({ resource, aclFormula, aclFormulaParsed, permissionsText: '+C', })); // This is a hack to grant read schema access, needed for forms - // Should not be needed once forms are actually available, but // until them is very handy to allow using the web client to // submit records. aclFormula = `user.ShareRef == ${shareRef} and == 0`; aclFormulaParsed = JSON.stringify( [ 'And', [ 'Eq', [ 'Attr', [ "Name", "user" ], "ShareRef" ], ['Const', shareRef] ], [ 'Eq', [ 'Attr', ['Name', 'rec'], 'id'], ['Const', 0]]]); this.rulesTable.addRecord(this._makeRule({ resource, aclFormula, aclFormulaParsed, permissionsText: '+R', })); this._shareTableReferencesForForm(table, shareRef); } /** * Give read access to referenced columns. */ private _shareTableReferencesForForm(table: MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Tables'>, shareRef: number) { const tables = this.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables'); const columns = this.docData.getMetaTable('_grist_Tables_column'); const tableColumns = columns.filterRecords({ parentId:, }).filter(c => c.type.startsWith('Ref:') || c.type.startsWith('RefList:')); for (const column of tableColumns) { const visibleColRef = column.visibleCol; // This could be blank in tests, not sure about real life. if (!visibleColRef) { continue; } const visibleCol = columns.getRecord(visibleColRef); if (!visibleCol) { continue; } const referencedTable = tables.getRecord(visibleCol.parentId); if (!referencedTable) { continue; } const tableId = referencedTable.tableId; const colId = visibleCol.colId; const resource = this._findOrAddResource({ tableId: tableId, colIds: colId, }); const aclFormula = `user.ShareRef == ${shareRef}`; const aclFormulaParsed = JSON.stringify( [ 'Eq', [ 'Attr', [ "Name", "user" ], "ShareRef" ], ['Const', shareRef] ]); this.rulesTable.addRecord(this._makeRule({ resource, aclFormula, aclFormulaParsed, permissionsText: '+R', })); } } /** * Find a resource we need, and return its rowId. The resource is * added if it is not already present. */ private _findOrAddResource(properties: { tableId: string, colIds: string, }): number { const resource = this.resourcesTable.findMatchingRowId(properties); if (resource !== 0) { return resource; } return this.resourcesTable.addRecord({ id: 0,, }); } private _blockShare(shareRef: number) { const resource = this._findOrAddResource({ tableId: '*', colIds: '*', }); const aclFormula = `user.ShareRef == ${shareRef}`; const aclFormulaParsed = JSON.stringify( [ 'Eq', [ 'Attr', [ "Name", "user" ], "ShareRef" ], ['Const', shareRef] ]); this.rulesTable.addRecord(this._makeRule({ resource, aclFormula, aclFormulaParsed, permissionsText: '-CRUDS', })); } private _makeRule(options: { resource: number, aclFormula: string, aclFormulaParsed: string, permissionsText: string, }): MetaRowRecord<'_grist_ACLRules'> { const {resource, aclFormula, aclFormulaParsed, permissionsText} = options; return { id: 0, resource, aclFormula, aclFormulaParsed, memo: '', permissionsText, userAttributes: '', rulePos: 0, // The following fields are unused and deprecated. aclColumn: 0, permissions: 0, principals: '', }; } }