/** * RefCountMap maintains a reference-counted key-value map. Its sole method is use(key) which * increments the counter for the key, and returns a disposable object which exposes the value via * the get() method, and decrements the counter back on disposal. * * The value is constructed on first reference using options.create(key) callback. After the last * reference is gone, and an optional gracePeriodMs elapsed, the value is cleaned up using * options.dispose(key, value) callback. */ import {IDisposable} from 'grainjs'; export interface IRefCountSub<Value> extends IDisposable { get(): Value; dispose(): void; } export class RefCountMap<Key, Value> implements IDisposable { private _map: Map<Key, RefCountValue<Value>> = new Map(); private _createKey: (key: Key) => Value; private _disposeKey: (key: Key, value: Value) => void; private _gracePeriodMs: number; /** * Values are created using options.create(key) on first use. They are disposed after last use, * using options.dispose(key, value). If options.gracePeriodMs is greater than zero, values * stick around for this long after last use. */ constructor(options: { create: (key: Key) => Value, dispose: (key: Key, value: Value) => void, gracePeriodMs: number, }) { this._createKey = options.create; this._disposeKey = options.dispose; this._gracePeriodMs = options.gracePeriodMs; } /** * Use a value, constructing it if needed, or only incrementing the reference count if this key * is already in the map. The returned subscription object has a get() method which returns the * actual value, and a dispose() method, which must be called to release this subscription (i.e. * decrement back the reference count). */ public use(key: Key): IRefCountSub<Value> { const rcValue = this._useKey(key); return { get: () => rcValue.value, dispose: () => this._releaseKey(rcValue, key), }; } /** * Return the value for the key, if one is set, or undefined otherwise, without touching * reference counts. */ public get(key: Key): Value|undefined { return this._map.get(key)?.value; } /** * Purge a key by immediately removing it from the map. Disposing the remaining IRefCountSub * values will be no-ops. */ public purgeKey(key: Key): void { // Note that we must be careful that disposing stale IRefCountSub values is a no-op even when // the same key gets re-added to the map after purgeKey. this._doDisposeKey(key); } /** * Disposing clears the map immediately, and calls options.dispose on all values. */ public dispose(): void { // Note that a clear() method like this one would not be OK. If the map were to continue being // used after clear(), subscriptions created before clear() would wreak havoc when disposed. for (const [key, r] of this._map) { r.count = 0; this._disposeKey.call(null, key, r.value); } this._map.clear(); } // For testing: set gracePeriodMs, returning the previous value. public testSetGracePeriodMs(ms: number): number { const prev = this._gracePeriodMs; this._gracePeriodMs = ms; return prev; } private _useKey(key: Key): RefCountValue<Value> { const r = this._map.get(key); if (r) { r.count += 1; r.unsetTimeout(); return r; } const value = this._createKey.call(null, key); const rcValue = new RefCountValue(value); this._map.set(key, rcValue); return rcValue; } private _releaseKey(r: RefCountValue<Value>, key: Key): void { if (r.count > 0) { r.count -= 1; if (r.count === 0) { if (this._gracePeriodMs > 0) { if (!r.disposeTimeout) { r.disposeTimeout = setTimeout(() => this._doDisposeKey(key), this._gracePeriodMs); } } else { this._doDisposeKey(key); } } } } private _doDisposeKey(key: Key): void { const r = this._map.get(key); if (r) { this._map.delete(key); r.count = 0; r.unsetTimeout(); // Important, to avoid timeout triggering after the same key is re-added. this._disposeKey.call(null, key, r.value); } } } /** * This is an implementation detail of the RefCountMap, which represents a single item. */ class RefCountValue<Value> { public count: number = 1; public disposeTimeout?: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> = undefined; constructor(public value: Value) {} public unsetTimeout() { if (this.disposeTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.disposeTimeout); this.disposeTimeout = undefined; } } }