/* global describe, it */ var assert = require('assert'); var ko = require('knockout'); var modelUtil = require('app/client/models/modelUtil'); var sinon = require('sinon'); describe('modelUtil', function() { describe("fieldWithDefault", function() { it("should be an observable with a default", function() { var foo = modelUtil.createField('foo'); var bar = modelUtil.fieldWithDefault(foo, 'defaultValue'); assert.equal(bar(), 'defaultValue'); foo('test'); assert.equal(bar(), 'test'); bar('hello'); assert.equal(bar(), 'hello'); assert.equal(foo(), 'hello'); foo(''); assert.equal(bar(), 'defaultValue'); assert.equal(foo(), ''); }); it("should exhibit specific behavior when used as a jsonObservable", function() { var custom = modelUtil.createField('custom'); var common = ko.observable('{"foo": 2, "bar": 3}'); var combined = modelUtil.fieldWithDefault(custom, function() { return common(); }); combined = modelUtil.jsonObservable(combined); assert.deepEqual(combined(), {"foo": 2, "bar": 3}); // Once the custom object is defined, the common object is not read. combined({"foo": 20}); assert.deepEqual(combined(), {"foo": 20}); // Setting the custom object to be undefined should make read return the common object again. combined(undefined); assert.deepEqual(combined(), {"foo": 2, "bar": 3}); // Setting a property with an undefined custom object should initially copy all defaults from common. combined(undefined); combined.prop('foo')(50); assert.deepEqual(combined(), {"foo": 50, "bar": 3}); // Once the custom object is defined, changes to common should not affect the combined read value. common('{"bar": 60}'); combined.prop('foo')(70); assert.deepEqual(combined(), {"foo": 70, "bar": 3}); }); }); describe("jsonObservable", function() { it("should auto parse and stringify", function() { var str = ko.observable(); var obj = modelUtil.jsonObservable(str); assert.deepEqual(obj(), {}); str('{"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}'); assert.deepEqual(obj(), {foo: 1, bar: "baz"}); obj({foo: 2, baz: "bar"}); assert.equal(str(), '{"foo":2,"baz":"bar"}'); obj.update({foo: 17, bar: null}); assert.equal(str(), '{"foo":17,"baz":"bar","bar":null}'); }); it("should support saving", function() { var str = ko.observable('{"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}'); var saved = null; str.saveOnly = function(value) { saved = value; }; var obj = modelUtil.jsonObservable(str); obj.saveOnly({foo: 2}); assert.equal(saved, '{"foo":2}'); assert.equal(str(), '{"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}'); assert.deepEqual(obj(), {"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}); obj.update({"hello": "world"}); obj.save(); assert.equal(saved, '{"foo":1,"bar":"baz","hello":"world"}'); assert.equal(str(), '{"foo":1,"bar":"baz","hello":"world"}'); assert.deepEqual(obj(), {"foo":1, "bar":"baz", "hello":"world"}); obj.setAndSave({"hello": "world"}); assert.equal(saved, '{"hello":"world"}'); assert.equal(str(), '{"hello":"world"}'); assert.deepEqual(obj(), {"hello":"world"}); }); it("should support property observables", function() { var str = ko.observable('{"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}'); var saved = null; str.saveOnly = function(value) { saved = value; }; var obj = modelUtil.jsonObservable(str); var foo = obj.prop("foo"), hello = obj.prop("hello"); assert.equal(foo(), 1); assert.equal(hello(), undefined); obj.update({"foo": 17}); assert.equal(foo(), 17); assert.equal(hello(), undefined); foo(18); assert.equal(str(), '{"foo":18,"bar":"baz"}'); hello("world"); assert.equal(saved, null); assert.equal(str(), '{"foo":18,"bar":"baz","hello":"world"}'); assert.deepEqual(obj(), {"foo":18, "bar":"baz", "hello":"world"}); foo.setAndSave(20); assert.equal(saved, '{"foo":20,"bar":"baz","hello":"world"}'); assert.equal(str(), '{"foo":20,"bar":"baz","hello":"world"}'); assert.deepEqual(obj(), {"foo":20, "bar":"baz", "hello":"world"}); }); }); describe("objObservable", function() { it("should support property observables", function() { var objObs = ko.observable({"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}); var obj = modelUtil.objObservable(objObs); var foo = obj.prop("foo"), hello = obj.prop("hello"); assert.equal(foo(), 1); assert.equal(hello(), undefined); obj.update({"foo": 17}); assert.equal(foo(), 17); assert.equal(hello(), undefined); foo(18); hello("world"); assert.deepEqual(obj(), {"foo":18, "bar":"baz", "hello":"world"}); }); }); it("should support customComputed", function() { var obs = ko.observable("hello"); var spy = sinon.spy(); var cs = modelUtil.customComputed({ read: () => obs(), save: (val) => spy(val) }); // Check that customComputed auto-updates when the underlying value changes. assert.equal(cs(), "hello"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), true); obs("world2"); assert.equal(cs(), "world2"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), true); // Check that it can be set to something else, and will stop auto-updating. cs("foo"); assert.equal(cs(), "foo"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), false); obs("world"); assert.equal(cs(), "foo"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), false); // Check that revert works. cs.revert(); assert.equal(cs(), "world"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), true); // Check that setting to the underlying value is same as revert. cs("foo"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), false); cs("world"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), true); // Check that save calls the save function. cs("foo"); assert.equal(cs(), "foo"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), false); return cs.save() .then(() => { sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy, "foo"); // Once saved, the observable should revert. assert.equal(cs(), "world"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), true); spy.resetHistory(); // Check that saveOnly works similarly to save(). return cs.saveOnly("foo2"); }) .then(() => { sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy, "foo2"); assert.equal(cs(), "world"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), true); spy.resetHistory(); // Check that saving the underlying value does NOT call save(). return cs.saveOnly("world"); }) .then(() => { sinon.assert.notCalled(spy); assert.equal(cs(), "world"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), true); spy.resetHistory(); return cs.saveOnly("bar"); }) .then(() => { assert.equal(cs(), "world"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), true); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy, "bar"); // If save() updated the underlying value, the customComputed should see it. obs("bar"); assert.equal(cs(), "bar"); assert.equal(cs.isSaved(), true); }); }); });