import {UserAPIImpl} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {WebhookSubscription} from 'app/server/lib/DocApi'; import axios from 'axios'; import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import {assert} from 'chai'; import {tmpdir} from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import {createClient} from 'redis'; import {configForUser} from 'test/gen-server/testUtils'; import {serveSomething, Serving} from 'test/server/customUtil'; import {prepareDatabase} from 'test/server/lib/helpers/PrepareDatabase'; import {prepareFilesystemDirectoryForTests} from 'test/server/lib/helpers/PrepareFilesystemDirectoryForTests'; import {signal} from 'test/server/lib/helpers/Signal'; import {TestProxyServer} from 'test/server/lib/helpers/TestProxyServer'; import {TestServer} from 'test/server/lib/helpers/TestServer'; import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils'; import clone = require('lodash/clone'); const chimpy = configForUser('Chimpy'); // some doc ids const docIds: { [name: string]: string } = { ApiDataRecordsTest: 'sample_7', Timesheets: 'sample_13', Bananas: 'sample_6', Antartic: 'sample_11' }; let dataDir: string; let suitename: string; let serverUrl: string; let userApi: UserAPIImpl; async function cleanRedisDatabase() { const cli = createClient(process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL); await cli.flushdbAsync(); await cli.quitAsync(); } function backupEnvironmentVariables() { let oldEnv: NodeJS.ProcessEnv; before(() => { oldEnv = clone(process.env); }); after(() => { Object.assign(process.env, oldEnv); }); } const webhooksTestPort = Number(process.env.WEBHOOK_TEST_PORT || 34365); const webhooksTestProxyPort = Number(process.env.WEBHOOK_TEST_PROXY_PORT || 22335); describe('Webhooks-Proxy', function () { // A testDir of the form grist_test_{USER}_{SERVER_NAME} // - its a directory that will be base for all test related files and activities const username = process.env.USER || "nobody"; const tmpDir = path.join(tmpdir(), `grist_test_${username}_docapi_webhooks_proxy`); let home: TestServer; let docs: TestServer; this.timeout(30000); testUtils.setTmpLogLevel('debug'); // test might override environment values, therefore we need to backup current ones to restore them later backupEnvironmentVariables(); function setupMockServers(name: string, tmpDir: string, cb: () => Promise<void>) { let api: UserAPIImpl; before(async function () { suitename = name; await cb(); // create TestDoc as an empty doc into Private workspace userApi = api = home.makeUserApi(ORG_NAME); const wid = await getWorkspaceId(api, 'Private'); docIds.TestDoc = await api.newDoc({name: 'TestDoc'}, wid); }); after(async function () { // remove TestDoc await api.deleteDoc(docIds.TestDoc); delete docIds.TestDoc; // stop all servers await home.stop(); await docs.stop(); }); } describe('Proxy is configured', function () { runServerConfigurations({GRIST_HTTPS_PROXY:`http://localhost:${webhooksTestProxyPort}`}, ()=>testWebhookProxy(true)); }); describe('Proxy not configured', function () { runServerConfigurations({GRIST_HTTPS_PROXY:undefined}, ()=>testWebhookProxy(false)); }); function runServerConfigurations(additionaEnvConfiguration: NodeJS.ProcessEnv, subTestCall: Function) { additionaEnvConfiguration = { ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS: `,localhost:${webhooksTestPort}`, GRIST_DATA_DIR: dataDir, ...additionaEnvConfiguration }; before(async function () { // Clear redis test database if redis is in use. if (process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL) { await cleanRedisDatabase(); } await prepareFilesystemDirectoryForTests(tmpDir); await prepareDatabase(tmpDir); }); /** * Doc api tests are run against three different setup: * - a merged server: a single server serving both as a home and doc worker * - two separated servers: requests are sent to a home server which then forward them to a doc worker * - a doc worker: request are sent directly to the doc worker (note that even though it is not * used for testing we starts anyway a home server, needed for setting up the test cases) * * Future tests must be added within the testDocApi() function. */ describe("should work with a merged server", async () => { setupMockServers('merged', tmpDir, async () => { home = docs = await TestServer.startServer('home,docs', tmpDir, suitename, additionaEnvConfiguration); serverUrl = home.serverUrl; }); subTestCall(); }); // the way these tests are written, non-merged server requires redis. if (process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL) { describe("should work with a home server and a docworker", async () => { setupMockServers('separated', tmpDir, async () => { home = await TestServer.startServer('home', tmpDir, suitename, additionaEnvConfiguration); docs = await TestServer.startServer('docs', tmpDir, suitename, additionaEnvConfiguration, home.serverUrl); serverUrl = home.serverUrl; }); subTestCall(); }); describe("should work directly with a docworker", async () => { setupMockServers('docs', tmpDir, async () => { home = await TestServer.startServer('home', tmpDir, suitename, additionaEnvConfiguration); docs = await TestServer.startServer('docs', tmpDir, suitename, additionaEnvConfiguration, home.serverUrl); serverUrl = docs.serverUrl; }); subTestCall(); }); } } function testWebhookProxy(shouldProxyBeCalled: boolean) { describe('calling registered webhooks after data update', function () { let serving: Serving; // manages the test webhook server let testProxyServer: TestProxyServer; // manages the test webhook server let redisMonitor: any; // Create couple of promises that can be used to monitor // if the endpoint was called. const successCalled = signal(); const notFoundCalled = signal(); async function autoSubscribe( endpoint: string, docId: string, options?: { tableId?: string, isReadyColumn?: string | null, eventTypes?: string[] }) { // Subscribe helper that returns a method to unsubscribe. const data = await subscribe(endpoint, docId, options); return () => unsubscribe(docId, data, options?.tableId ?? 'Table1'); } function unsubscribe(docId: string, data: any, tableId = 'Table1') { return `${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docId}/tables/${tableId}/_unsubscribe`, data, chimpy ); } async function subscribe(endpoint: string, docId: string, options?: { tableId?: string, isReadyColumn?: string | null, eventTypes?: string[] }) { // Subscribe helper that returns a method to unsubscribe. const {data, status} = await `${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docId}/tables/${options?.tableId ?? 'Table1'}/_subscribe`, { eventTypes: options?.eventTypes ?? ['add', 'update'], url: `${serving.url}/${endpoint}`, isReadyColumn: options?.isReadyColumn === undefined ? 'B' : options?.isReadyColumn }, chimpy ); assert.equal(status, 200); return data as WebhookSubscription; } async function clearQueue(docId: string) { const deleteResult = await axios.delete( `${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docId}/webhooks/queue`, chimpy ); assert.equal(deleteResult.status, 200); } before(async function () { this.timeout(30000); serving = await serveSomething(app => { app.use(bodyParser.json());'/200', ({body}, res) => { successCalled.emit(body[0].A); res.sendStatus(200); res.end(); });'/404', ({body}, res) => { notFoundCalled.emit(body[0].A); res.sendStatus(404); // Webhooks treats it as an error and will retry. Probably it shouldn't work this way. res.end(); }); }, webhooksTestPort); testProxyServer = await TestProxyServer.Prepare(webhooksTestProxyPort); }); after(async function () { await serving.shutdown(); await testProxyServer.dispose(); }); before(async function () { this.timeout(30000); if (process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL) { redisMonitor = createClient(process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL); } }); after(async function () { if (process.env.TEST_REDIS_URL) { await redisMonitor.quitAsync(); } }); if (shouldProxyBeCalled) { it("Should call proxy", async function () { //Run standard subscribe-modify data-check response - unsubscribe scenario, we are not mutch // intrested in it, only want to check if proxy was used await runTestCase(); assert.isTrue(testProxyServer.wasProxyCalled()); }); } else { it("Should not call proxy", async function () { //Run standard subscribe-modify data-check response - unsubscribe scenario, we are not mutch // intrested in it, only want to check if proxy was used await runTestCase(); assert.isFalse(testProxyServer.wasProxyCalled()); }); } async function runTestCase() { //Create a test document. const ws1 = (await userApi.getOrgWorkspaces('current'))[0].id; const docId = await userApi.newDoc({name: 'testdoc2'}, ws1); const doc = userApi.getDocAPI(docId); await`${serverUrl}/api/docs/${docId}/apply`, [ ['ModifyColumn', 'Table1', 'B', {type: 'Bool'}], ], chimpy); // Try to clear the queue, even if it is empty. await clearQueue(docId); const cleanup: (() => Promise<any>)[] = []; // Subscribe a valid webhook endpoint. cleanup.push(await autoSubscribe('200', docId)); // Subscribe an invalid webhook endpoint. cleanup.push(await autoSubscribe('404', docId)); // Prepare signals, we will be waiting for those two to be called. successCalled.reset(); notFoundCalled.reset(); // Trigger both events. await doc.addRows("Table1", { A: [1], B: [true], }); // Wait for both of them to be called (this is correct order) await successCalled.waitAndReset(); await notFoundCalled.waitAndReset(); // Broken endpoint will be called multiple times here, and any subsequent triggers for working // endpoint won't be called. await notFoundCalled.waitAndReset(); // But the working endpoint won't be called more then once. assert.isFalse(successCalled.called()); //Cleanup all await Promise.all( => fn())).finally(() => cleanup.length = 0); await clearQueue(docId); } }); } }); const ORG_NAME = 'docs-1'; async function getWorkspaceId(api: UserAPIImpl, name: string) { const workspaces = await api.getOrgWorkspaces('current'); return workspaces.find((w) => === name)!.id; }