""" This module contains a class for creating a User containing basic user info and optional, user-defined attributes that reference user attribute tables. A User has the same API as the 'user' variable from access rules. Currently, its primary purpose is to expose user info to trigger formulas, so that they can reference info about the current user. The 'data' parameter represents a dictionary containing at least the following fields: - Access: string or None - UserID: integer or None - Email: string or None - Name: string or None - Origin: string or None - LinkKey: dictionary Additional keys may be included, which may have a value that is either None or of type tuple with the following shape: [table_id, row_id] The first element is the id (name) of the user attribute table, and the second element is the id of the row that matched based on the user attribute definition. See 'GranularAccess.ts' for the Node equivalent that serializes the user information found in 'data'. """ import six class User(object): """ User containing user info and optional attributes. Setting 'is_sample' will substitute user attributes with typed equivalents, for use by autocompletion. """ def __init__(self, data, tables, is_sample=False): for attr in ('Access', 'UserID', 'Email', 'Name', 'Origin'): setattr(self, attr, data[attr]) self.LinkKey = LinkKey(data['LinkKey']) for name, value in six.iteritems(data): if hasattr(self, name) or not value: continue table_name, row_id = value table = tables.get(table_name) if not table: continue # TODO: Investigate use of __dir__ in Record for type information record = table.sample_record if is_sample else table.get_record(row_id) setattr(self, name, record) class LinkKey(object): def __init__(self, data): for name, value in six.iteritems(data): setattr(self, name, value)