import copy import time import logger import objtypes import testutil import test_engine from schema import RecalcWhen # pylint: disable=line-too-long log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO) attr_error = objtypes.RaisedException(AttributeError()) class TestTriggerFormulas(test_engine.EngineTestCase): col = testutil.col_schema_row sample_desc = { "SCHEMA": [ [1, "Creatures", [ col(1, "Name", "Text", False), col(2, "Ocean", "Ref:Oceans", False), col(3, "OceanName", "Text", True, "$Ocean.Name"), col(4, "BossDef", "Text", False, "$Ocean.Head"), col(5, "BossNvr", "Text", False, "$Ocean.Head", recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.NEVER), col(6, "BossUpd", "Text", False, "$Ocean.Head", recalcDeps=[2]), col(7, "BossAll", "Text", False, "$Ocean.Head", recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.MANUAL_UPDATES), ]], [2, "Oceans", [ col(11, "Name", "Text", False), col(12, "Head", "Text", False) ]], ], "DATA": { "Creatures": [ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur"], ], "Oceans": [ ["id", "Name", "Head"], [1, "Pacific", "Watatsumi"], [2, "Atlantic", "Poseidon"], [3, "Indian", "Neptune"], [4, "Arctic", "Poseidon"], ], } } sample = testutil.parse_test_sample(sample_desc) def test_no_recalc_on_load(self): # Trigger formulas don't affect data that's loaded. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], ]) def test_recalc_on_new_records(self): # Trigger formulas affect new records. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.add_record("Creatures", Name="Shark", Ocean=2) self.add_record("Creatures", Name="Squid", Ocean=1) # Check that BossNvr ("never") wasn't affected by the default formula, but the rest were. self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], [2, "Shark", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ], [3, "Squid", 1, "Watatsumi", "", "Watatsumi", "Watatsumi", "Pacific" ], ]) def test_no_recalc_on_noop_change(self): # A no-op change shouldn't trigger any updates. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=2) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], ]) def test_recalc_on_update(self): # Changes should trigger recalc of certain trigger formulas. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.add_record("Creatures", Name="Shark", Ocean=2) self.add_record("Creatures", Name="Squid", Ocean=1) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], [2, "Shark", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ], [3, "Squid", 1, "Watatsumi", "", "Watatsumi", "Watatsumi", "Pacific" ], ]) self.update_records("Creatures", ["id", "Ocean"], [ [1, 3], # Ocean for 1: Atlantic -> Indian [3, 4], # Ocean for 3: Pacific -> Arctic ]) # Only BossUpd and BossAll columns should be affected, not BossDef or BossNvr self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ], [2, "Shark", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic"], [3, "Squid", 4, "Watatsumi", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Arctic" ], ]) def test_recalc_with_direct_update(self): # Check that an update that changes both a dependency and the trigger-formula column itself # respects the latter value. self.load_sample(self.sample) out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3, BossUpd="Bob") self.assertTableData("Creatures", rows="subset", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Bob", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) # Check that the needed recalcs are the only ones that happened. self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "calls": {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}} }) out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=4, BossUpd="", BossAll="Chuck") self.assertTableData("Creatures", rows="subset", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 4, "Arthur", "Arthur", "", "Chuck", "Arctic" ], ]) # Check that the needed recalcs are the only ones that happened. self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "calls": {"Creatures": {"OceanName": 1}} }) def test_no_recalc_on_reopen(self): # Change that a reopen does not recalc at all. # Load a sample with a few more rows. Only the one true formula should be calculated sample_desc = copy.deepcopy(self.sample_desc) sample_desc["DATA"]["Creatures"] = [ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll" ], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur" ], [2, "Shark", 2, "", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon"], [3, "Squid", 4, "Watatsumi", "", "Poseidon", "" ], ] sample = testutil.parse_test_sample(sample_desc) self.assertEqual(self.call_counts, {}) self.load_sample(sample) self.assertEqual(self.call_counts, {'Creatures': {'OceanName': 3}}) def test_recalc_undo(self): self.load_sample(self.sample) data0 = [ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], ] self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=data0) # Plain update out_actions1 = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=1) data1 = [ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 1, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Watatsumi", "Watatsumi", "Pacific" ], ] self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=data1) self.assertEqual(out_actions1.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossUpd": 1, "BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}}) # Update with a manual update to one of the trigger columns out_actions2 = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3, BossUpd="Bob") data2 = [ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Bob", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ] self.assertTableData("Creatures", rows="subset", data=data2) self.assertEqual(out_actions2.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}}) # Undo, one at a time. It should not cause recalc of trigger columns, because an undo sets # those explicitly. out_actions2_undo = self.apply_undo_actions(out_actions2.undo) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=data1) self.assertEqual(out_actions2_undo.calls, {"Creatures": {"OceanName": 1}}) out_actions1_undo = self.apply_undo_actions(out_actions1.undo) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=data0) self.assertEqual(out_actions1_undo.calls, {"Creatures": {"OceanName": 1}}) def test_recalc_triggers(self): # A trigger that depends on some columns should not be triggered by other ones. self.load_sample(self.sample) # BossUpd and BossAll both depend on the "Ocean" column, so both get updated. out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossUpd": 1, "BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}}) # Undo, then check that a change that doesn't touch Ocean only triggers BossAll recalc. self.apply_undo_actions(out_actions.undo) out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale") self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Whale", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1}}) def test_recalc_trigger_changes(self): # After changing a trigger formula dependencies, changes to the old dependency should no # longer cause a recalc. self.load_sample(self.sample) # Change column BossUpd to depend on column Name rather than on column Ocean. self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcDeps=['L', 1]) # Make a change to Ocean. It should not cause an update to BossUpd, only BossAll. out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}}) # But changes to the new dependency should trigger recalc. out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale") self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossUpd": 1, "BossAll": 1}}) # If dependencies are changed to empty, only new records should cause BossUpd recalc. self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcDeps=['L']) out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Porpoise", Ocean=2) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Porpoise", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}}) out_actions = self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Porpoise", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ], [2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossDef": 1, "BossUpd": 1, "BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}}) def test_recalc_trigger_off(self): # Change BossUpd dependency to never, and check that neither changes nor new records cause # recalc. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.NEVER) # Check a change out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale", Ocean=3) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}}) # Check a new record -- doesn't affect BossUpd any more. out_actions = self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Indian" ], [2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "", "Poseidon", "Atlantic" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossDef": 1, "BossAll": 1, "OceanName": 1}}) def test_renames(self): # After renaming tables or columns, trigger formulas should still be triggered the same way. self.load_sample(self.sample) # Do some renamings: they shouldn't trigger updates to trigger formulas. self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Creatures", "Ocean", "Sea"]) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], ]) self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Creatures", "BossUpd", "foo"]) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], ]) self.apply_user_action(["RenameTable", "Creatures", "Critters"]) self.assertTableData("Critters", data=[ ["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], ]) self.apply_user_action(["RenameColumn", "Critters", "BossAll", "bar"]) self.assertTableData("Critters", data=[ ["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "bar", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], ]) # After renames, correct trigger formulas continue getting triggered. out_actions = self.update_record("Critters", 1, Sea=3) self.assertTableData("Critters", data=[ ["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "bar", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Critters": {"foo": 1, "bar": 1, "OceanName": 1}}) # After renames, changes shouldn't trigger unnecessary recalcs (foo, formerly BossUpd, should # not be triggered by a change to Name). out_actions = self.update_record("Critters", 1, Name="Whale") self.assertTableData("Critters", data=[ ["id","Name", "Sea", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "foo", "bar", "OceanName"], [1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Critters": {"bar": 1}}) def test_schema_changes(self): # Schema changes like add/modify column should not cause trigger-formulas to recalculate. self.load_sample(self.sample) # Adding a column doesn't trigger recalcs. out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["AddColumn", "Creatures", "Size", {"type": "Text", "isFormula": False}]) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Size"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic", ""], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {}) # Only BossAll should recalc since the record changed. out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Size="Big") self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Size"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", "Big"], ]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {"Creatures": {"BossAll": 1}}) # New records trigger recalc as usual. out_actions = self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "Size"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", "Big"], [2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", ""], ]) # ModifyColumn doesn't trigger recalcs. out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["ModifyColumn", "Creatures", "Size", {type: 'Numeric'}]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {}) def test_changing_trigger_formula(self): self.load_sample(self.sample) # Modifying trigger formula doesn't trigger recalc. out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["ModifyColumn", "Creatures", "BossAll", {"formula": 'UPPER($Ocean.Head)'}]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.calls, {}) # But when it runs, recalc uses the new formula. out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale") self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Whale", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "POSEIDON", "Atlantic" ], ]) def test_remove_dependency(self): # Remove a dependency column, and check that recalcDeps list is updated. self.load_sample(self.sample) def get_recalc_deps(col_ref): data = self.engine.fetch_table('_grist_Tables_column', col_ref, query={'id': [col_ref]}) return data.columns['recalcDeps'][0] self.assertEqual(get_recalc_deps(6), [2]) # Add another dependency, so that we can test partial removal. self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcDeps=['L', 2, 3]) self.assertEqual(get_recalc_deps(6), [2, 3]) # Remove a column that it's a Dependency of BossUpd self.apply_user_action(["RemoveColumn", "Creatures", "Ocean"]) self.assertEqual(get_recalc_deps(6), [3]) self.apply_user_action(["RemoveColumn", "Creatures", "OceanName"]) self.assertEqual(get_recalc_deps(6), None) # None of these operations should have changed trigger-formula columns. self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll"], [1, "Dolphin", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur" ], ]) # Check that it still responds to suitable triggers. # Make a change to some other column. BossUpd doesn't get updated. out_actions = self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale") self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll" ], [1, "Whale", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", attr_error], ]) # Add a record. BossUpd's formula still runs, though with an error. out_actions = self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee") self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll" ], [1, "Whale", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", attr_error], [2, "Manatee", attr_error, "", attr_error, attr_error], ]) def test_no_trigger_by_formulas(self): # A column that depends on any record update ("allupdates") should not be affected by formula # recalculations. self.load_sample(self.sample) # Name of Ocean affects a formula column; Head affects calculation; neither triggers recalc. self.update_record('Oceans', 2, Head="POSEIDON", Name="ATLANTIC") self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "ATLANTIC" ], ]) self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "ATLANTIC" ], [2, "Manatee", 2, "POSEIDON", "", "POSEIDON", "POSEIDON", "ATLANTIC" ], ]) # On the other hand, an explicit dependency on a formula column WILL be triggered. self.update_record("_grist_Tables_column", 6, recalcDeps=['L', 2, 3]) self.update_record('Oceans', 2, Name="atlantic") self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "POSEIDON", "Arthur", "atlantic" ], [2, "Manatee", 2, "POSEIDON", "", "POSEIDON", "POSEIDON", "atlantic" ], ]) def test_no_auto_dependencies(self): # Evaluating a trigger formula should not create dependencies on cells used during # evaluation. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) # Update a value that trigger-cells used during calculation; it should not cause a recalc. self.update_record('Oceans', 3, Head="NEPTUNE") self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) def test_self_trigger(self): # A trigger formula may be triggered by changes to the column itself. # Check that it gets recalculated. sample_desc = copy.deepcopy(self.sample_desc) creatures_table = sample_desc["SCHEMA"][0] creatures_columns = creatures_table[-1] # Set BossUpd column to depend on Ocean and itself. # Append something to ensure we are testing a case without a fixed point, to ensure # that doesn't cause an infinite update loop. self.assertEqual(creatures_columns[5][1], "BossUpd") creatures_columns[5] = testutil.col_schema_row( 6, "BossUpd", "Text", False, "UPPER(value or $Ocean.Head) + '+'", recalcDeps=[2, 6] ) # Previously there was a bug that meant that columns involved in lookups # did not recalculate their trigger formulas after changes to themselves creatures_columns.append(testutil.col_schema_row( 21, "Lookup", "Any", True, "Creatures.lookupRecords(BossUpd='')" )) sample = testutil.parse_test_sample(sample_desc) self.load_sample(sample) self.assertTableData("Creatures", cols="subset", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic" ], ]) self.update_record('Creatures', 1, Ocean=3) self.assertTableData("Creatures", cols="subset", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "ARTHUR+", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) self.update_record('Creatures', 1, BossUpd="None") self.assertTableData("Creatures", cols="subset", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "NONE+", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) self.update_record('Creatures', 1, BossUpd="") self.assertTableData("Creatures", cols="subset", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "NEPTUNE+", "Neptune", "Indian" ], ]) def test_last_update_recipe(self): # Use a formula to store time of last-update. Check that it works as expected. # Check that times don't update on reload. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.add_column('Creatures', 'LastChange', type='DateTime:UTC', isFormula=False, formula="NOW()", recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.MANUAL_UPDATES) # To compare times, use actual times after checking approximately. now = time.time() self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastChange"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic", None], ]) self.add_record("Creatures", None, Name="Manatee", Ocean=2) self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Ocean=3) now = time.time() [time1, time2] = self.engine.fetch_table('Creatures').columns['LastChange'] self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastChange"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian", time1], [2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", time2], ]) self.assertLessEqual(abs(time1 - now), 1) self.assertLessEqual(abs(time2 - now), 1) # An indirect change doesn't affect the time, but a direct change does. self.update_record("Oceans", 2, Name="ATLANTIC") self.update_record("Creatures", 1, Name="Whale") [time3, time4] = self.engine.fetch_table('Creatures').columns['LastChange'] self.assertGreater(time3, time1) self.assertEqual(time4, time2) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastChange"], [1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian", time3], [2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "ATLANTIC", time2], ]) def test_last_modified_by_recipe(self): user1 = { 'Name': 'Foo Bar', 'UserID': 1, 'StudentInfo': ['Students', 1], 'LinkKey': {}, 'Origin': None, 'Email': '', 'Access': 'owners' } user2 = { 'Name': 'Baz Qux', 'UserID': 2, 'StudentInfo': ['Students', 1], 'LinkKey': {}, 'Origin': None, 'Email': '', 'Access': 'owners' } # Use formula to store last modified by data (user name and email). Check that it works as expected. self.load_sample(self.sample) self.add_column('Creatures', 'LastModifiedBy', type='Text', isFormula=False, formula="user.Name + ' <' + user.Email + '>'", recalcWhen=RecalcWhen.MANUAL_UPDATES ) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastModifiedBy"], [1, "Dolphin", 2, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Arthur", "Atlantic", ""], ]) self.apply_user_action( ['AddRecord', "Creatures", None, {"Name": "Manatee", "Ocean": 2}], user=user1 ) self.apply_user_action( ['UpdateRecord', "Creatures", 1, {"Ocean": 3}], user=user2 ) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastModifiedBy"], [1, "Dolphin", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian", "Baz Qux "], [2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "Atlantic", "Foo Bar "], ]) # An indirect change doesn't affect the user, but a direct change does. self.apply_user_action( ['UpdateRecord', "Oceans", 2, {"Name": "ATLANTIC"}], user=user2 ) self.apply_user_action( ['UpdateRecord', "Creatures", 1, {"Name": "Whale"}], user=user1 ) self.assertTableData("Creatures", data=[ ["id","Name", "Ocean", "BossDef", "BossNvr", "BossUpd", "BossAll", "OceanName", "LastModifiedBy"], [1, "Whale", 3, "Arthur", "Arthur", "Neptune", "Neptune", "Indian", "Foo Bar "], [2, "Manatee", 2, "Poseidon", "", "Poseidon", "Poseidon", "ATLANTIC", "Foo Bar "], ])