var ace = require('brace');
var _ = require('underscore');
// Used to load python language settings and color themes
var {setupAceEditorCompletions} = require('./AceEditorCompletions');
var {getGristConfig} = require('../../common/urlUtils');
var dom = require('../lib/dom');
var dispose = require('../lib/dispose');
var modelUtil = require('../models/modelUtil');

 * A class to help set up the ace editor with standard formatting and convenience functions
 * @param {Observable} options.observable: If given, creates a 2-way binding between the observable
 *  and the value of the editor.
 * @param {Boolean} options.saveValueOnBlurEvent: Flag to indicate whether ace editor
 *  should save the value on `blur` event.
 * @param {Function} options.calcSize: Optional function used to resize the editor. It is called
 *  with (elem, desiredSize) as arguments, and should return the actual size to use for the
 *  element. Both desiredSize and the return value are objects with 'width' and 'height' members.
function AceEditor(options) {
  options = options || {};
  // Observable subscription is not created until the dom is built
  this.observable = options.observable || null;
  this.saveValueOnBlurEvent = !(options.saveValueOnBlurEvent === false);
  this.calcSize = options.calcSize || ((_elem, size) => size);
  this.gristDoc = options.gristDoc || null;
  this.column = options.column || null;
  this.editorState = options.editorState || null;
  this._readonly = options.readonly || false;

  this.editor = null;
  this.editorDom = null;
  this.session = null;
  this._setupCallback = null;
  this._setupTimer = null;

  this.textPadding = 10; // Space after cursor when not using wrap mode

// Builds editor dom with additional setup possible in function `optSetupCallback`.
// May be called multiple times by an instance of AceEditor.
AceEditor.prototype.buildDom = function(optSetupCallback) {
  this._fullDom = dom('div.code_editor_container',
    this.editorDom = dom('div')
  this._setupCallback = optSetupCallback;
  this._setupTimer = setTimeout(() => this._setup(), 0);
  return this._fullDom;

 * You may optionally call this once the DOM returned from buildDom is attached to the document to
 * make setup and sizing more immediate.
AceEditor.prototype.onAttach = function() {
  if (this._setupTimer) {
    this._setupTimer = null;

AceEditor.prototype.writeObservable = function() {
  if (this.observable) {
    modelUtil.setSaveValue(this.observable, this.getValue());

AceEditor.prototype.getEditor = function() {
  return this.editor;

AceEditor.prototype.getValue = function() {
  return this.editor && this.editor.getValue();

 * @param {String} val: The new value to set the editor to.
 * @param {Number} optCursorPos: Position where to place the cursor: at the end if omitted.
AceEditor.prototype.setValue = function(val, optCursorPos) {
  // Note that underlying setValue() has a special meaning for second parameter:
  // undefined or 0 is selectAll, -1 is at the document start, and 1 is at the end.
  this.editor.setValue(val, optCursorPos === 0 ? -1 : 1);
  if (optCursorPos > 0 && optCursorPos < val.length) {
    var pos = this.session.getDocument().indexToPosition(optCursorPos);
    this.editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row, pos.column);

AceEditor.prototype.isBuilt = function() {
  return this.editor !== null;

// Enables or disables the AceEditor
AceEditor.prototype.enable = function(bool) {
  var editor = this.editor;
  editor.renderer.$ = bool ? 100 : 0;
  editor.gotoLine(Infinity, Infinity); // Prevents text selection on disable

 *  Commands must be added specially to the ace editor.
 *  Attaching commands to the textarea using commandGroup.attach() only
 *  works for certain keys.
 *  Note: Commands to the aceEditor are always enabled.
 *  Note: Ace defers to standard behavior when false is returned.
AceEditor.prototype.attachCommandGroup = function(commandGroup) {
  _.each(commandGroup.knownKeys, (commandName, key) => {
      name: commandName,
      // We are setting readonly as true to enable all commands
      // in a readonly mode.
      // Because FieldEditor in readonly mode will rewire all commands that
      // modify state, we are safe to enable them.
      readOnly: this._readonly,
      bindKey: {
        win: key,
        mac: key,
        sender: 'editor|cli'
      // AceEditor wants a command to return true if it got handled, whereas our command returns
      // true to avoid stopPropagation/preventDefault, i.e. if it hasn't been handled.
      exec: () => !commandGroup.commands[commandName]()

 *  Attaches a command to the editor which saves the current editor
 *  contents to the attached observable on 'Shift+Enter'.
 *  Throws error if there is no attached observable.
 *  TODO: Use instead of custom save command for more implementations of AceEditor
AceEditor.prototype.attachSaveCommand = function() {
  if (!this.observable) {
    throw new Error("Cannot attach save command to editor with no bound observable");
    name: 'saveFormula',
    bindKey: {
      sender: 'editor|cli'
    // AceEditor wants a command to return true if it got handled
    exec: () => {
      return true;

// Wraps words to the current width of the editor
AceEditor.prototype.adjustContentToWidth = function() {
  var characterWidth = this.editor.renderer.characterWidth;
  var contentWidth = this.editor.renderer.scroller.clientWidth;

  if(contentWidth > 0) {
    this.editor.getSession().setWrapLimit(parseInt(contentWidth/characterWidth, 10) - 1);

 * Provides opportunity to execute some functionality when value in the editor has changed.
 * Happens every time user types something to the control.
AceEditor.prototype.onChange = function() {
  if (this.editorState) this.editorState.set(this.getValue());

AceEditor.prototype.setFontSize = function(pxVal) {

AceEditor.prototype._setup = function() {
  // Standard editor setup
  this.editor = this.autoDisposeWith('destroy', ace.edit(this.editorDom));
  if (this.gristDoc && this.column) {
    const getSuggestions = (prefix) => {
      const section = this.gristDoc.viewModel.activeSection();
      // If section is disposed or is pointing to an empty row, don't try to autocomplete.
      if (!section?.getRowId()) {
        return [];
      const tableId = section.table().tableId();
      const columnId = this.column.colId();
      const rowId = section.activeRowId();
      return this.gristDoc.docComm.autocomplete(prefix, tableId, columnId, rowId);
    setupAceEditorCompletions(this.editor, {getSuggestions});
    enableLiveAutocompletion: true,   // use autocompletion without needing special activation.
  this.session = this.editor.getSession();

  const gristTheme = this.gristDoc?.currentTheme;
  if (!getGristConfig().enableCustomCss && gristTheme) {
    this.autoDispose(gristTheme.addListener((theme) => {

  // Default line numbers to hidden

  this.editor.on('change', this.onChange.bind(this));
  this.editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity;

  // Set up the bound observable if supplied
  if (this.observable) {
    var subscription = this.observable.subscribeInit(val => {if (val !== undefined) {this.setValue(val);}});
    // Dispose with dom since subscription is created when dom is created

    if (this.saveValueOnBlurEvent) {
      this.editor.on('blur', () => {

  if (this._setupCallback) {, this.editor);
    this._setupCallback = null;

AceEditor.prototype.resize = function() {
  var wrap = this.session.getUseWrapMode();
  var contentWidth = wrap ? 0 : this._getContentWidth();
  var contentHeight = this._getContentHeight();
  var desiredSize = {
    width: wrap ? 0 : contentWidth + this.textPadding,
    height: contentHeight,
  var size = this.calcSize(this._fullDom, desiredSize);
  if (size.height < contentHeight) {
    // Editor will show a vertical scrollbar, so recalculate to make space for it.
    desiredSize.width += 20;
    size = this.calcSize(this._fullDom, desiredSize);
  if (size.width < contentWidth) {
    // Editor will show a horizontal scrollbar, so recalculate to make space for it.
    desiredSize.height += 20;
    size = this.calcSize(this._fullDom, desiredSize);

  // Setting height or width to number like 100.00000005 won't work (it will be truncated).
  // Unfortunately ace editor will do the same math we do, and will expect the height or width
  // of the container to be 100.0000005, and when it finds out that it is only 100px will show
  // scrollbars. To fix this issue we will make the container a little bit bigger.
  // This won't help for zooming (where the same problem occurs but in many more places), but will
  // help for Windows users who have different pixel ratio. = size.width ? Math.ceil(size.width) + 'px' : 'auto'; = size.height ? Math.ceil(size.height) + 'px' : 'auto';

AceEditor.prototype._getContentWidth = function() {
  return this.session.getScreenWidth() * this.editor.renderer.characterWidth;

AceEditor.prototype._getContentHeight = function() {
  return Math.max(1, this.session.getScreenLength()) * this.editor.renderer.lineHeight;

AceEditor.prototype._setAceTheme = function(gristTheme) {
  const {enableCustomCss} = getGristConfig();
  const gristAppearance = gristTheme?.appearance;
  const aceTheme = gristAppearance === 'dark' && !enableCustomCss ? 'dracula' : 'chrome';

let _RangeConstructor = null; //singleton, load it lazily
AceEditor.makeRange = function(a, b, c, d) {
  _RangeConstructor = _RangeConstructor || ace.acequire('ace/range').Range;
  return new _RangeConstructor(a, b, c, d);

module.exports = AceEditor;