/** * DocWorker collects the methods and endpoints that relate to a single Grist document. * In hosted environment, this comprises the functionality of the DocWorker instance type. */ import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager'; import {ActionHistoryImpl} from 'app/server/lib/ActionHistoryImpl'; import {assertAccess, getOrSetDocAuth, getUserId, RequestWithLogin} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer'; import {Client} from 'app/server/lib/Client'; import * as Comm from 'app/server/lib/Comm'; import {DocSession, docSessionFromRequest} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession'; import {filterDocumentInPlace} from 'app/server/lib/filterUtils'; import {IDocStorageManager} from 'app/server/lib/IDocStorageManager'; import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import {integerParam, optStringParam, stringParam} from 'app/server/lib/requestUtils'; import {OpenMode, quoteIdent, SQLiteDB} from 'app/server/lib/SQLiteDB'; import {generateCSV} from 'app/server/serverMethods'; import * as contentDisposition from 'content-disposition'; import * as express from 'express'; import * as fse from 'fs-extra'; import * as mimeTypes from 'mime-types'; import * as path from 'path'; export interface AttachOptions { comm: Comm; // Comm object for methods called via websocket } export class DocWorker { private _comm: Comm; constructor(private _dbManager: HomeDBManager, {comm}: AttachOptions) { this._comm = comm; } public getCSV(req: express.Request, res: express.Response): void { return generateCSV(req, res, this._comm); } public async getAttachment(req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise { try { const docSession = this._getDocSession(stringParam(req.query.clientId), integerParam(req.query.docFD)); const activeDoc = docSession.activeDoc; const ext = path.extname(stringParam(req.query.ident)); const type = mimeTypes.lookup(ext); let inline = Boolean(req.query.inline); // Serving up user-uploaded HTML files inline is an open door to XSS attacks. if (type === "text/html") { inline = false; } // Construct a content-disposition header of the form 'inline|attachment; filename="NAME"' const contentDispType = inline ? "inline" : "attachment"; const contentDispHeader = contentDisposition(stringParam(req.query.name), {type: contentDispType}); const data = await activeDoc.getAttachmentData(docSession, stringParam(req.query.ident)); res.status(200) .type(ext) .set('Content-Disposition', contentDispHeader) .set('Cache-Control', 'private, max-age=3600') .send(data); } catch (err) { res.status(404).send({error: err.toString()}); } } public async downloadDoc(req: express.Request, res: express.Response, storageManager: IDocStorageManager): Promise { const mreq = req as RequestWithLogin; if (!mreq.docAuth || !mreq.docAuth.docId) { throw new Error('Cannot find document'); } const docId = mreq.docAuth.docId; // Query DB for doc metadata to get the doc title. const doc = await this._dbManager.getDoc({userId: getUserId(req), org: mreq.org, urlId: docId}); const docTitle = doc.name; // Get a copy of document for downloading. const tmpPath = await storageManager.getCopy(docId); if (req.query.template === '1') { // If template flag is on, remove data and history from the download. await removeData(tmpPath); } await filterDocumentInPlace(docSessionFromRequest(mreq), tmpPath); // NOTE: We may want to reconsider the mimeType used for Grist files. return res.type('application/x-sqlite3') .download(tmpPath, (optStringParam(req.query.title) || docTitle || 'document') + ".grist", async (err: any) => { if (err) { log.error(`Download failure for doc ${docId}`, err); } await fse.unlink(tmpPath); }); } // Register main methods related to documents. public registerCommCore(): void { const comm = this._comm; comm.registerMethods({ closeDoc: activeDocMethod.bind(null, null, 'closeDoc'), fetchTable: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'fetchTable'), fetchTableSchema: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'fetchTableSchema'), useQuerySet: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'useQuerySet'), disposeQuerySet: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'disposeQuerySet'), applyUserActions: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'applyUserActions'), applyUserActionsById: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'applyUserActionsById'), findColFromValues: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'findColFromValues'), getFormulaError: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'getFormulaError'), importFiles: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'importFiles'), finishImportFiles: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'finishImportFiles'), cancelImportFiles: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'cancelImportFiles'), addAttachments: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'addAttachments'), removeInstanceFromDoc: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'removeInstanceFromDoc'), startBundleUserActions: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'startBundleUserActions'), stopBundleUserActions: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'stopBundleUserActions'), autocomplete: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'autocomplete'), fetchURL: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'fetchURL'), getActionSummaries: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'getActionSummaries'), reloadDoc: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'reloadDoc'), fork: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'fork'), checkAclFormula: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'checkAclFormula'), getAclResources: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'viewers', 'getAclResources'), }); } // Register methods related to plugins. public registerCommPlugin(): void { this._comm.registerMethods({ forwardPluginRpc: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'forwardPluginRpc'), // TODO: consider not providing reloadPlugins on hosted grist, since it affects the // plugin manager shared across docs on a given doc worker, and seems useful only in // standalone case. reloadPlugins: activeDocMethod.bind(null, 'editors', 'reloadPlugins'), }); } // Checks that document is accessible, and adds docAuth information to request. // Otherwise issues a 403 access denied. // (This is used for endpoints like /download, /gen-csv, /attachment.) public async assertDocAccess( req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction ) { const mreq = req as RequestWithLogin; let urlId: string|undefined; try { if (optStringParam(req.query.clientId)) { const activeDoc = this._getDocSession(stringParam(req.query.clientId), integerParam(req.query.docFD)).activeDoc; // TODO: The docId should be stored in the ActiveDoc class. Currently docName is // used instead, which will coincide with the docId for hosted grist but not for // standalone grist. urlId = activeDoc.docName; } else { // Otherwise, if being used without a client, expect the doc query parameter to // be the docId. urlId = stringParam(req.query.doc); } if (!urlId) { return res.status(403).send({error: 'missing document id'}); } const docAuth = await getOrSetDocAuth(mreq, this._dbManager, urlId); assertAccess('viewers', docAuth); next(); } catch (err) { log.info(`DocWorker can't access document ${urlId} with userId ${mreq.userId}: ${err}`); res.status(err.status || 404).send({error: err.toString()}); } } private _getDocSession(clientId: string, docFD: number): DocSession { const client = this._comm.getClient(clientId); return client.getDocSession(docFD); } } /** * Translates calls from the browser client into calls of the form * `activeDoc.method(docSession, ...args)`. */ async function activeDocMethod(role: 'viewers'|'editors'|null, methodName: string, client: Client, docFD: number, ...args: any[]): Promise { const docSession = client.getDocSession(docFD); const activeDoc = docSession.activeDoc; if (role) { await docSession.authorizer.assertAccess(role); } // Include a basic log record for each ActiveDoc method call. log.rawDebug('activeDocMethod', activeDoc.getLogMeta(docSession, methodName)); return (activeDoc as any)[methodName](docSession, ...args); } /** * Remove rows from all user tables, and wipe as much history as we can. */ async function removeData(filename: string) { const db = await SQLiteDB.openDBRaw(filename, OpenMode.OPEN_EXISTING); const tableIds = (await db.all("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")) .map(row => row.name as string) .filter(name => !name.startsWith('_grist')); for (const tableId of tableIds) { await db.run(`DELETE FROM ${quoteIdent(tableId)}`); } const history = new ActionHistoryImpl(db); await history.deleteActions(1); await db.run('VACUUM'); await db.close(); }