import datetime import functools import itertools import logging import unittest import six import actions from column import SafeSortKey import moment import objtypes import testutil import test_engine log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def D(year, month, day): return moment.date_to_ts(, month, day)) class TestPrevNext(test_engine.EngineTestCase): def do_setup(self): self.load_sample(testutil.parse_test_sample({ "SCHEMA": [ [1, "Customers", [ [11, "Name", "Text", False, "", "", ""], ]], [2, "Purchases", [ [20, "manualSort", "PositionNumber", False, "", "", ""], [21, "Customer", "Ref:Customers", False, "", "", ""], [22, "Date", "Date", False, "", "", ""], [24, "Category", "Text", False, "", "", ""], [25, "Amount", "Numeric", False, "", "", ""], [26, "Prev", "Ref:Purchases", True, "None", "", ""], # To be filled [27, "Cumul", "Numeric", True, "$Prev.Cumul + $Amount", "", ""], ]], ], "DATA": { "Customers": [ ["id", "Name"], [1, "Alice"], [2, "Bob"], ], "Purchases": [ [ "id", "manualSort", "Customer", "Date", "Category", "Amount", ], [1, 1.0, 1, D(2023,12,1), "A", 10], [2, 2.0, 2, D(2023,12,4), "A", 17], [3, 3.0, 1, D(2023,12,3), "A", 20], [4, 4.0, 1, D(2023,12,9), "A", 40], [5, 5.0, 1, D(2023,12,2), "B", 80], [6, 6.0, 1, D(2023,12,6), "B", 160], [7, 7.0, 1, D(2023,12,7), "A", 320], [8, 8.0, 1, D(2023,12,5), "A", 640], ], } })) def calc_expected(self, group_key=None, sort_key=None, sort_reverse=False): # Returns expected {id, Prev, Cumul} values from Purchases table calculated according to the # given grouping and sorting parameters. group_key = group_key or (lambda r: 0) data = list(actions.transpose_bulk_action(self.engine.fetch_table('Purchases'))) expected = [] sorted_data = sorted(data, key=sort_key, reverse=sort_reverse) sorted_data = sorted(sorted_data, key=group_key) for key, group in itertools.groupby(sorted_data, key=group_key): prev = 0 cumul = 0.0 for r in group: cumul = round(cumul + r.Amount, 2) expected.append({"id":, "Prev": prev, "Cumul": cumul}) prev = expected.sort(key=lambda r: r["id"]) return expected def do_test(self, formula, group_key=None, sort_key=None, sort_reverse=False): calc_expected = lambda: self.calc_expected( group_key=group_key, sort_key=sort_key, sort_reverse=sort_reverse) def assertPrevValid(): # Check that Prev column is legitimate values, e.g. not errors. prev = self.engine.fetch_table('Purchases').columns["Prev"] self.assertTrue(is_all_ints(prev), "Prev column contains invalid values: %s" % [objtypes.encode_object(x) for x in prev]) # This verification works as follows: # (1) Set "Prev" column to the specified formula. # (2) Calculate expected values for "Prev" and "Cumul" manually, and compare to reality. # (3) Try a few actions that affect the data, and calculate again. self.do_setup() self.modify_column('Purchases', 'Prev', formula=formula) # Check the initial data. assertPrevValid() self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected()) # Check the result after removing a record. self.remove_record('Purchases', 6) self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected()) # Check the result after updating a record self.update_record('Purchases', 5, Amount=1080) # original value +1000 self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected()) first_date = D(2023, 8, 1) # Update a few other records self.update_record("Purchases", 2, Customer=1) self.update_record("Purchases", 1, Customer=2) self.update_record("Purchases", 3, Date=first_date) # becomes earliest in date order assertPrevValid() self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected()) # Check the result after re-adding a record # Note that Date here matches new date of record #3. This tests sort fallback to rowId. # Amount is the original amount +1. self.add_record('Purchases', 6, manualSort=6.0, Date=first_date, Amount=161) self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected()) # Update the manualSort value to test how it affects sort results. self.update_record('Purchases', 6, manualSort=0.5) self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected()) assertPrevValid() def do_test_prevnext(self, formula, group_key=None, sort_key=None, sort_reverse=False): # Run do_test() AND also repeat it after replacing PREVIOUS with NEXT in formula, and # reversing the expected results. # Note that this is a bit fragile: it relies on do_test() being limited to only the kinds of # changes that would be reset by another call to self.load_sample(). with self.subTest(formula=formula): # pylint: disable=no-member self.do_test(formula, group_key=group_key, sort_key=sort_key, sort_reverse=sort_reverse) nformula = formula.replace('PREVIOUS', 'NEXT') with self.subTest(formula=nformula): # pylint: disable=no-member self.do_test(nformula, group_key=group_key, sort_key=sort_key, sort_reverse=not sort_reverse) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_none(self): self.do_test_prevnext("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=None)", group_key=None, sort_key=lambda r: r.manualSort) # Check that order_by arg is required (get TypeError without it). with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, r'Prev column contains invalid values:.*TypeError'): self.do_test("PREVIOUS(rec)", sort_key=lambda r: # These assertions are just to ensure that do_test() tests do exercise the feature being # tested, i.e. fail when comparisons are NOT correct. with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, r'Observed data not as expected'): self.do_test("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=None)", sort_key=lambda r: with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, r'Observed data not as expected'): self.do_test("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=None)", group_key=(lambda r: r.Customer), sort_key=(lambda r: # Make sure the test case above exercises the disambiguation by 'manualSort' (i.e. fails if # 'manualSort' isn't used to disambiguate). with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, r'Observed data not as expected'): self.do_test("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=None)", sort_key=lambda r: @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_date(self): self.do_test_prevnext("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by='Date')", group_key=None, sort_key=lambda r: (SafeSortKey(r.Date), r.manualSort)) # Make sure the test case above exercises the disambiguation by 'manualSort' (i.e. fails if it # isn't used to disambiguate). with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, r'Observed data not as expected'): self.do_test("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by='Date')", group_key=None, sort_key=lambda r: (SafeSortKey(r.Date), @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_date_manualsort(self): # Same as the previous test case (with just 'Date'), but specifies 'manualSort' explicitly. self.do_test_prevnext("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=('Date', 'manualSort'))", group_key=None, sort_key=lambda r: (SafeSortKey(r.Date), r.manualSort)) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_rdate(self): self.do_test_prevnext("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by='-Date')", group_key=None, sort_key=lambda r: (SafeSortKey(r.Date), -r.manualSort), sort_reverse=True) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_rdate_id(self): self.do_test_prevnext("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=('-Date', 'id'))", group_key=None, sort_key=lambda r: (SafeSortKey(r.Date),, sort_reverse=True) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_customer_rdate(self): self.do_test_prevnext("PREVIOUS(rec, group_by=('Customer',), order_by='-Date')", group_key=(lambda r: r.Customer), sort_key=lambda r: (SafeSortKey(r.Date),, sort_reverse=True) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_category_date(self): self.do_test_prevnext("PREVIOUS(rec, group_by=('Category',), order_by='Date')", group_key=(lambda r: r.Category), sort_key=lambda r: SafeSortKey(r.Date)) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_category_date2(self): self.do_test_prevnext("PREVIOUS(rec, group_by='Category', order_by='Date')", group_key=(lambda r: r.Category), sort_key=lambda r: SafeSortKey(r.Date)) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_n_cat_date(self): self.do_test_prevnext("PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=('Category', 'Date'))", sort_key=lambda r: (SafeSortKey(r.Category), SafeSortKey(r.Date))) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY2, "Python 2 only") def test_prevnext_py2(self): # On Python2, we expect NEXT/PREVIOUS to raise a NotImplementedError. It's not hard to make # it work, but the stricter argument syntax supported by Python3 is helpful, and we'd like # to drop Python2 support anyway. self.do_setup() self.modify_column('Purchases', 'Prev', formula='PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=None)') self.add_column('Purchases', 'Next', formula="NEXT(rec, group_by='Category', order_by='Date')") self.add_column('Purchases', 'Rank', formula="RANK(rec, order_by='Date', order='desc')") # Check that all values are the expected exception. err = objtypes.RaisedException(NotImplementedError()) self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=[ dict(id=r, Prev=err, Next=err, Rank=err, Cumul=err) for r in range(1, 9) ]) def do_test_renames(self, formula, renamed_formula, calc_expected_pre, calc_expected_post): self.do_setup() self.modify_column('Purchases', 'Prev', formula=formula) # Check the initial data. self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected_pre()) # Do the renames self.apply_user_action(['RenameColumn', 'Purchases', 'Category', 'cat']) self.apply_user_action(['RenameColumn', 'Purchases', 'Date', 'Fecha']) self.apply_user_action(['RenameColumn', 'Purchases', 'Customer', 'person']) # Check that rename worked. self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[ dict(id=26, colId="Prev", formula=renamed_formula) ]) # Check that data is as expected, and reacts to changes. self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected_post()) self.update_record("Purchases", 1, cat="B") self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected_post()) self.update_record("Purchases", 3, Fecha=D(2023,8,1)) self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=calc_expected_post()) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_renaming_prev_str(self): self.do_test_renaming_prevnext_str("PREVIOUS") @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_renaming_next_str(self): self.do_test_renaming_prevnext_str("NEXT") def do_test_renaming_prevnext_str(self, func): # Given some PREVIOUS/NEXT calls with group_by and order_by, rename columns mentioned there, # and check columns get adjusted and data remains correct. formula = "{}(rec, group_by='Category', order_by='Date')".format(func) renamed_formula = "{}(rec, group_by='cat', order_by='Fecha')".format(func) self.do_test_renames(formula, renamed_formula, calc_expected_pre = functools.partial(self.calc_expected, group_key=(lambda r: r.Category), sort_key=lambda r: SafeSortKey(r.Date), sort_reverse=(func == 'NEXT') ), calc_expected_post = functools.partial(self.calc_expected, group_key=(lambda r:, sort_key=lambda r: SafeSortKey(r.Fecha), sort_reverse=(func == 'NEXT') ), ) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_renaming_prev_tuple(self): self.do_test_renaming_prevnext_tuple('PREVIOUS') @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_renaming_next_tuple(self): self.do_test_renaming_prevnext_tuple('NEXT') def do_test_renaming_prevnext_tuple(self, func): formula = "{}(rec, group_by=('Customer',), order_by=('Category', '-Date'))".format(func) renamed_formula = "{}(rec, group_by=('person',), order_by=('cat', '-Fecha'))".format(func) # To handle "-" prefix for Date. class Reverse(object): def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def __lt__(self, other): return other.key < self.key self.do_test_renames(formula, renamed_formula, calc_expected_pre = functools.partial(self.calc_expected, group_key=(lambda r: r.Customer), sort_key=lambda r: (SafeSortKey(r.Category), Reverse(SafeSortKey(r.Date))), sort_reverse=(func == 'NEXT') ), calc_expected_post = functools.partial(self.calc_expected, group_key=(lambda r: r.person), sort_key=lambda r: (SafeSortKey(, Reverse(SafeSortKey(r.Fecha))), sort_reverse=(func == 'NEXT') ), ) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_rank(self): self.do_setup() formula = "RANK(rec, group_by='Category', order_by='Date')" self.add_column('Purchases', 'Rank', formula=formula) self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "Date", "Category", "Rank"], [1, D(2023,12,1), "A", 1 ], [2, D(2023,12,4), "A", 3 ], [3, D(2023,12,3), "A", 2 ], [4, D(2023,12,9), "A", 6 ], [5, D(2023,12,2), "B", 1 ], [6, D(2023,12,6), "B", 2 ], [7, D(2023,12,7), "A", 5 ], [8, D(2023,12,5), "A", 4 ], ]) formula = "RANK(rec, order_by='Date', order='desc')" self.modify_column('Purchases', 'Rank', formula=formula) self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "Date", "Category", "Rank"], [1, D(2023,12,1), "A", 8 ], [2, D(2023,12,4), "A", 5 ], [3, D(2023,12,3), "A", 6 ], [4, D(2023,12,9), "A", 1 ], [5, D(2023,12,2), "B", 7 ], [6, D(2023,12,6), "B", 3 ], [7, D(2023,12,7), "A", 2 ], [8, D(2023,12,5), "A", 4 ], ]) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_rank_rename(self): self.do_setup() self.add_column('Purchases', 'Rank', formula="RANK(rec, group_by=\"Category\", order_by='Date')") self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "Date", "Category", "Rank"], [1, D(2023,12,1), "A", 1 ], [2, D(2023,12,4), "A", 3 ], [3, D(2023,12,3), "A", 2 ], [4, D(2023,12,9), "A", 6 ], [5, D(2023,12,2), "B", 1 ], [6, D(2023,12,6), "B", 2 ], [7, D(2023,12,7), "A", 5 ], [8, D(2023,12,5), "A", 4 ], ]) self.apply_user_action(['RenameColumn', 'Purchases', 'Category', 'cat']) self.apply_user_action(['RenameColumn', 'Purchases', 'Date', 'when']) renamed_formula = "RANK(rec, group_by=\"cat\", order_by='when')" self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[ dict(id=28, colId="Rank", formula=renamed_formula) ]) self.assertTableData('Purchases', cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "when", "cat", "Rank"], [1, D(2023,12,1), "A", 1 ], [2, D(2023,12,4), "A", 3 ], [3, D(2023,12,3), "A", 2 ], [4, D(2023,12,9), "A", 6 ], [5, D(2023,12,2), "B", 1 ], [6, D(2023,12,6), "B", 2 ], [7, D(2023,12,7), "A", 5 ], [8, D(2023,12,5), "A", 4 ], ]) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY3, "Python 3 only") def test_prevnext_rename_result_attr(self): self.do_setup() self.add_column('Purchases', 'PrevAmount', formula="PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=None).Amount") self.add_column('Purchases', 'NextAmount', formula="NEXT(rec, order_by=None).Amount") self.apply_user_action(['RenameColumn', 'Purchases', 'Amount', 'Dollars']) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", rows="subset", data=[ dict(id=28, colId="PrevAmount", formula="PREVIOUS(rec, order_by=None).Dollars"), dict(id=29, colId="NextAmount", formula="NEXT(rec, order_by=None).Dollars"), ]) def is_all_ints(array): return all(isinstance(x, int) for x in array)