import {AppModel, getHomeUrl, reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {IFormData} from 'app/client/ui/BillingForm'; import {BillingAPI, BillingAPIImpl, BillingSubPage, BillingTask, IBillingPlan, IBillingSubscription} from 'app/common/BillingAPI'; import {FullUser} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI'; import {bundleChanges, Computed, Disposable, Observable} from 'grainjs'; export interface BillingModel { readonly error: Observable<string|null>; // Plans available to the user. readonly plans: Observable<IBillingPlan[]>; // Client-friendly version of the IBillingSubscription fetched from the server. // See ISubscriptionModel for details. readonly subscription: Observable<ISubscriptionModel|undefined>; readonly currentSubpage: Computed<BillingSubPage|undefined>; // The billingTask query param of the url - indicates the current operation, if any. // See BillingTask in BillingAPI for details. readonly currentTask: Computed<BillingTask|undefined>; // The planId of the plan to which the user is in process of signing up. readonly signupPlanId: Computed<string|undefined>; // The plan to which the user is in process of signing up. readonly signupPlan: Computed<IBillingPlan|undefined>; // Indicates whether the request for billing account information fails with unauthorized. // Initialized to false until the request is made. readonly isUnauthorized: Observable<boolean>; reportBlockingError(this: void, err: Error): void; // Fetch billing account managers. fetchManagers(): Promise<FullUser[]>; // Add billing account manager. addManager(email: string): Promise<void>; // Remove billing account manager. removeManager(email: string): Promise<void>; // Returns a boolean indicating if the org domain string is available. isDomainAvailable(domain: string): Promise<boolean>; // Fetches subscription data associated with the given org, if the pages are associated with an // org and the user is a plan manager. Otherwise, fetches available plans only. fetchData(forceReload?: boolean): Promise<void>; // Triggered when submit is clicked on the payment page. Performs the API billing account // management call based on currentTask, signupPlan and whether an address/tokenId was submitted. submitPaymentPage(formData?: IFormData): Promise<void>; // Cancels current subscription. cancelCurrentPlan(): Promise<void>; // Retrieves customer portal session URL. getCustomerPortalUrl(): string; // Renews plan (either by opening customer portal or creating Stripe Checkout session) renewPlan(): string; } export interface ISubscriptionModel extends IBillingSubscription { // The active plan. activePlan: IBillingPlan|null; // The upcoming plan, or null if the current plan is not set to end. upcomingPlan: IBillingPlan|null; } /** * Creates the model for the BillingPage. See app/client/ui/BillingPage for details. */ export class BillingModelImpl extends Disposable implements BillingModel { public readonly error = Observable.create<string|null>(this, null); // Plans available to the user. public readonly plans: Observable<IBillingPlan[]> = Observable.create(this, []); // Client-friendly version of the IBillingSubscription fetched from the server. // See ISubscriptionModel for details. public readonly subscription: Observable<ISubscriptionModel|undefined> = Observable.create(this, undefined); public readonly currentSubpage: Computed<BillingSubPage|undefined> = Computed.create(this, urlState().state, (use, s) => s.billing === 'billing' ? undefined : s.billing); // The billingTask query param of the url - indicates the current operation, if any. // See BillingTask in BillingAPI for details. public readonly currentTask: Computed<BillingTask|undefined> = Computed.create(this, urlState().state, (use, s) => s.params && s.params.billingTask); // The planId of the plan to which the user is in process of signing up. public readonly signupPlanId: Computed<string|undefined> = Computed.create(this, urlState().state, (use, s) => s.params && s.params.billingPlan); // The plan to which the user is in process of signing up. public readonly signupPlan: Computed<IBillingPlan|undefined> = Computed.create(this, this.plans, this.signupPlanId, (use, plans, pid) => plans.find(_p => === pid)); // Indicates whether the request for billing account information fails with unauthorized. // Initialized to false until the request is made. public readonly isUnauthorized: Observable<boolean> = Observable.create(this, false); public readonly reportBlockingError = this._reportBlockingError.bind(this); private readonly _billingAPI: BillingAPI = new BillingAPIImpl(getHomeUrl()); constructor(private _appModel: AppModel) { super(); } // Fetch billing account managers to initialize the dom. public async fetchManagers(): Promise<FullUser[]> { const billingAccount = await this._billingAPI.getBillingAccount(); return billingAccount.managers; } public async addManager(email: string): Promise<void> { await this._billingAPI.updateBillingManagers({ users: {[email]: 'managers'} }); } public async removeManager(email: string): Promise<void> { await this._billingAPI.updateBillingManagers({ users: {[email]: null} }); } public isDomainAvailable(domain: string): Promise<boolean> { return this._billingAPI.isDomainAvailable(domain); } public getCustomerPortalUrl() { return this._billingAPI.customerPortal(); } public renewPlan() { return this._billingAPI.renewPlan(); } public async cancelCurrentPlan() { const data = await this._billingAPI.cancelCurrentPlan(); return data; } public async submitPaymentPage(formData: IFormData = {}): Promise<void> { const task = this.currentTask.get(); // TODO: The server should prevent most of the errors in this function from occurring by // redirecting improper urls. try { if (task === 'signUpLite' || task === 'updateDomain') { // All that can change here is company name, and domain. const org = this._appModel.currentOrg; const name = formData.settings &&; const domain = formData.settings && formData.settings.domain; const newDomain = domain !== org?.domain; const newSettings = org && (name !== || newDomain) && formData.settings; // If the address or settings have a new value, run the update. if (newSettings) { await this._billingAPI.updateSettings(newSettings || undefined); } // If the domain has changed, should redirect page. if (newDomain) { window.location.assign(urlState().makeUrl({ org: domain, billing: 'billing', params: undefined })); return; } // If there is an org update, re-initialize the org in the client. if (newSettings) { this._appModel.topAppModel.initialize(); } } else { throw new Error('BillingPage _submit error: no task in progress'); } // Show the billing summary page after submission await urlState().pushUrl({ billing: 'billing', params: undefined }); } catch (err) { // TODO: These errors may need to be reported differently since they're not user-friendly reportError(err); throw err; } } // If forceReload is set, re-fetches and updates already fetched data. public async fetchData(forceReload: boolean = false): Promise<void> { // If these are billing settings pages for an existing org, fetch the subscription data. await this._fetchSubscription(forceReload); } private _reportBlockingError(err: Error) { // TODO billing pages don't instantiate notifications UI (they probably should). reportError(err); const details = (err as any).details; const message = (details && details.userError) || err.message; this.error.set(message); } private async _fetchSubscription(forceReload: boolean = false): Promise<void> { if (forceReload || this.subscription.get() === undefined) { try { // Unset while fetching for forceReload, so that the user (and tests) can tell that a // fetch is pending. this.subscription.set(undefined); const sub = await this._billingAPI.getSubscription(); bundleChanges(() => { this.plans.set(sub.plans); const subModel: ISubscriptionModel = { activePlan: sub.plans[sub.planIndex], upcomingPlan: sub.upcomingPlanIndex !== sub.planIndex ? sub.plans[sub.upcomingPlanIndex] : null, ...sub }; this.subscription.set(subModel); // Clear the fetch errors on success. this.isUnauthorized.set(false); this.error.set(null); }); } catch (e) { if (e.status === 401 || e.status === 403) { this.isUnauthorized.set(true); } throw e; } } } }