/* global describe, it */ var assert = require('chai').assert; var ko = require('knockout'); var kf = require('app/client/lib/koForm'); var koArray = require('app/client/lib/koArray'); var clientUtil = require('../clientUtil'); var G = require('app/client/lib/browserGlobals').get('$'); describe('koForm', function() { clientUtil.setTmpMochaGlobals(); function triggerInput(input, property, value) { input[property] = value; G.$(input).trigger('input'); } function triggerChange(input, property, value) { input[property] = value; G.$(input).trigger('change'); } function triggerClick(elem) { G.$(elem).trigger('click'); } describe("button", function() { it("should call a function", function() { var calls = 0; var btn = kf.button(function() { calls++; }, 'Test'); triggerClick(btn); triggerClick(btn); triggerClick(btn); assert.equal(calls, 3); }); }); describe("checkButton", function() { it("should bind an observable", function() { var obs = ko.observable(false); // Test observable->widget binding. var btn = kf.checkButton(obs, "Test"); assert(!btn.classList.contains('active')); obs(true); assert(btn.classList.contains('active')); btn = kf.checkButton(obs, "Test2"); assert(btn.classList.contains('active')); obs(false); assert(!btn.classList.contains('active')); // Test widget->observable binding. assert.equal(obs(), false); triggerClick(btn); assert.equal(obs(), true); triggerClick(btn); assert.equal(obs(), false); }); }); describe("buttonSelect", function() { it("should bind an observable", function() { var obs = ko.observable('b'); var a, b, c; kf.buttonSelect(obs, a = kf.optionButton('a', 'Test A'), b = kf.optionButton('b', 'Test B'), c = kf.optionButton('c', 'Test C') ); // Test observable->widget binding. assert(!a.classList.contains('active')); assert(b.classList.contains('active')); assert(!c.classList.contains('active')); obs('a'); assert(a.classList.contains('active')); assert(!b.classList.contains('active')); obs('c'); assert(!a.classList.contains('active')); assert(!b.classList.contains('active')); assert(c.classList.contains('active')); // Test widget->observable binding. assert.equal(obs(), 'c'); triggerClick(b); assert.equal(obs(), 'b'); }); }); describe("checkbox", function() { it("should bind an observable", function() { var obs = ko.observable(false); var check = kf.checkbox(obs, "Foo").querySelector('input'); // Test observable->widget binding. assert.equal(check.checked, false); obs(true); assert.equal(check.checked, true); check = kf.checkbox(obs, "Foo").querySelector('input'); assert.equal(check.checked, true); obs(false); assert.equal(check.checked, false); // Test widget->observable binding. triggerChange(check, 'checked', true); assert.equal(obs(), true); assert.equal(check.checked, true); triggerChange(check, 'checked', false); assert.equal(obs(), false); assert.equal(check.checked, false); }); }); describe("text", function() { it("should bind an observable", function() { var obs = ko.observable('hello'); var input = kf.text(obs).querySelector('input'); // Test observable->widget binding. assert.equal(input.value, 'hello'); obs('world'); assert.equal(input.value, 'world'); // Test widget->observable binding. triggerChange(input, 'value', 'foo'); assert.equal(obs(), 'foo'); }); }); describe("text debounce", function() { it("should bind an observable", function() { var obs = ko.observable('hello'); var input = kf.text(obs, {delay: 300}).querySelector('input'); // Test observable->widget binding. assert.equal(input.value, 'hello'); obs('world'); assert.equal(input.value, 'world'); // Test widget->observable binding using interrupted by 'Enter' or loosing focus debounce. triggerInput(input, 'value', 'bar'); assert.equal(input.value, 'bar'); // Ensure that observable value wasn't changed immediately assert.equal(obs(), 'world'); // Simulate 'change' event (hitting 'Enter' or loosing focus) triggerChange(input, 'value', 'bar'); // Ensure that observable value was changed on 'change' event assert.equal(obs(), 'bar'); // Test widget->observable binding using debounce. triggerInput(input, 'value', 'helloworld'); input.selectionStart = 3; input.selectionEnd = 7; assert.equal(input.value.substring(input.selectionStart, input.selectionEnd), 'lowo'); assert.equal(input.value, 'helloworld'); // Ensure that observable value wasn't changed immediately, needs to wait 300 ms assert.equal(obs(), 'bar'); // Ensure that after delay value were changed return clientUtil.waitForChange(obs, 350) .then(() => { assert.equal(obs(), 'helloworld'); assert.equal(input.value, 'helloworld'); // Ensure that selection is the same and cursor didn't jump to the end assert.equal(input.value.substring(input.selectionStart, input.selectionEnd), 'lowo'); }); }); }); describe("numText", function() { it("should bind an observable", function() { var obs = ko.observable(1234); var input = kf.numText(obs).querySelector('input'); // Test observable->widget binding. assert.equal(input.value, '1234'); obs('-987.654'); assert.equal(input.value, '-987.654'); // Test widget->observable binding. triggerInput(input, 'value', '-1.2'); assert.strictEqual(obs(), -1.2); }); }); describe("select", function() { it("should bind an observable", function() { var obs = ko.observable("b"); var input = kf.select(obs, ["a", "b", "c"]).querySelector('select'); var options = Array.prototype.slice.call(input.querySelectorAll('option'), 0); function selected() { return options.map(function(option) { return option.selected; }); } // Test observable->widget binding. assert.deepEqual(selected(), [false, true, false]); obs("a"); assert.deepEqual(selected(), [true, false, false]); obs("c"); assert.deepEqual(selected(), [false, false, true]); // Test widget->observable binding. triggerChange(options[0], 'selected', true); assert.deepEqual(selected(), [true, false, false]); assert.equal(obs(), "a"); triggerChange(options[1], 'selected', true); assert.deepEqual(selected(), [false, true, false]); assert.equal(obs(), "b"); }); it("should work with option array of objects", function() { var obs = ko.observable(); var foo = ko.observable('foo'); var bar = ko.observable('bar'); var values = koArray([ { label: foo, value: 'a1' }, { label: bar, value: 'b1' }, ]); var select = kf.select(obs, values); var options = Array.from(select.querySelectorAll('option')); assert.deepEqual(options.map(el => el.textContent), ['foo', 'bar']); triggerChange(options[0], 'selected', true); assert.equal(obs(), 'a1'); foo('foo2'); bar('bar2'); options = Array.from(select.querySelectorAll('option')); assert.deepEqual(options.map(el => el.textContent), ['foo2', 'bar2']); triggerChange(options[1], 'selected', true); assert.equal(obs(), 'b1'); }); it("should store actual, non-stringified values", function() { let obs = ko.observable(); let values = [ { label: 'a', value: 1 }, { label: 'b', value: '2' }, { label: 'c', value: true }, { label: 'd', value: { hello: 'world' } }, { label: 'e', value: new Date() }, ]; let options = Array.from(kf.select(obs, values).querySelectorAll('option')); for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { triggerChange(options[i], 'selected', true); assert.strictEqual(obs(), values[i].value); } }); it("should allow multi-select and save sorted values", function() { let obs = ko.observable(); let foo = { foo: 'bar' }; let values = [{ label: 'a', value: foo }, 'd', { label: 'c', value: 1 }, 'b']; let options = Array.from( kf.select(obs, values, { multiple: true}).querySelectorAll('option')); triggerChange(options[0], 'selected', true); triggerChange(options[2], 'selected', true); triggerChange(options[3], 'selected', true); assert.deepEqual(obs(), [1, foo, 'b']); }); }); });