  "SAMPLE_NAME": "basic",
  "SCHEMA": [
    [1, "Students", [
      [1, "firstName",   "Text",        false, "", "First Name", ""],
      [2, "lastName",    "Text",        false, "", "Last Name", ""],
      [3, "fullName",    "Any",         true, "rec.firstName + ' ' + rec.lastName", "Full Name", ""],
      [4, "fullNameLen", "Any",         true, "len(rec.fullName)", "Full Name Length", ""],
      [5, "school",      "Ref:Schools", false, "", "school", ""],
      [6, "schoolShort",  "Any",        true, "rec.school.name.split(' ')[0]", "School Short", ""],
      [9, "schoolRegion", "Any",        true,
      "addr = $school.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region", "School Region", ""]
    [2, "Schools", [
      [10, "name",        "Text",       false, "", "Name", ""],
      [12, "address",     "Ref:Address",false, "", "Address", ""]
    [3, "Address", [
      [21, "city",        "Text",       false, "", "City", ""],
      [27, "state",       "Text",       false, "", "State", ""],
      [28, "country",     "Text",       false, "'US'", "Country", ""],
      [29, "region",      "Any",        true,
            "{'US': 'North America', 'UK': 'Europe'}.get(rec.country, 'N/A')", "region", ""]
  "DATA": {
    "Students": [
      [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama",  12,     "Columbia",   "NY"],
      [2,   "George W", "Bush",    8,       "George W Bush", 13,     "Yale",       "CT"],
      [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton",  12,     "Oxford",     "Europe"],
      [4,   "George H", "Bush",    8,       "George H Bush", 13,     "Yale",       "CT"],
      [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Ronald Reagan", 13,     "Eureka",     "IL"],
      [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter",  12,     "U.S.",       "MD"],
      [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",   11,     "Yale",       "CT"]],
    "Schools": [
      ["id",  "name",                 "address"],
      [1,     "Eureka College",       2],
      [2,     "Columbia University",  7],
      [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
      [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
      [7,     "Yale Law School",      4],
      [8,     "Yale University",      4]],
    "Address": [
      ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
      [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
      [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
      [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
      [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
      [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]
}, {

  "SAMPLE_NAME": "simplest",
  "SCHEMA": [
    [1, "foo", [
      [1, "bar", "Text", false, "", "bar", ""]
  "DATA": {
    "foo": [
      ["id", "bar"],
      [1,    "apple"]

}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "basic_load",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {"USE_SAMPLE": "basic"}]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "add_record",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],
    ["APPLY", {
      // Ensure basic AddRecord works, generates undo, and triggers a formula calculation.
      "USER_ACTION": ["AddRecord", "Address", 11, {
        "city": "Washington",
        "state": "DC",
        "country": "US"
      "ACTIONS": {
        // Essentially a duplicate of the UserAction, but as a DocAction.
        "stored": [["AddRecord", "Address", 11, {
          "city": "Washington",
          "state": "DC",
          "country": "US"
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 11, {"region": "North America"}]
        "direct": [true, false],
        "undo": [["RemoveRecord", "Address", 11]],
        "retValue": [ 11 ]
       "Address" : {"region" : 1, "#lookup#": 1}
    ["APPLY", {
      // Add a Schools record which refers to the just-added Address.
      "USER_ACTION": ["AddRecord", "Schools", 9, {
        "name": "Georgetown University",
        "address": 11
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [["AddRecord", "Schools", 9, {
          "name": "Georgetown University",
          "address": 11
        "direct": [true],
        "undo": [["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 9]],
        "retValue": [9]
    ["APPLY", {
      // Set a student to the new school, and ensure formulas see the correct school and address.
      "USER_ACTION": ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"school": 9}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"school": 9}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"schoolRegion": "DC"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"schoolShort": "Georgetown"}]
        "direct": [true, false, false],
        "undo": [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"school": 6}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"schoolRegion": "Europe"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"schoolShort": "Oxford"}]
        "Students" : { "schoolShort" : 1, "schoolRegion" : 1 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        ["id", "firstName", "lastName", "school", "@fullName", "@fullNameLen", "@schoolShort",
        [1,    "Barack",    "Obama",    2,        "Barack Obama",  12,    "Columbia",    "NY"],
        [2,    "George W",  "Bush",     8,        "George W Bush", 13,    "Yale",        "CT"],
        [3,    "Bill",      "Clinton",  9,        "Bill Clinton",  12,    "Georgetown",  "DC"],
        [4,    "George H",  "Bush",     8,        "George H Bush", 13,    "Yale",        "CT"],
        [5,    "Ronald",    "Reagan",   1,        "Ronald Reagan", 13,    "Eureka",      "IL"],
        [6,    "Jimmy",     "Carter",   5,        "Jimmy Carter",  12,    "U.S.",        "MD"],
        [8,    "Gerald",    "Ford",     7,        "Gerald Ford",   11,    "Yale",        "CT"]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id", "name",                  "address"],
        [1,    "Eureka College",        2],
        [2,    "Columbia University",   7],
        [5,    "U.S. Naval Academy",    3],
        [6,    "Oxford University",     10],
        [7,    "Yale Law School",       4],
        [8,    "Yale University",       4],
        [9,    "Georgetown University", 11]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"],
        [11,    "Washington", "DC",       "US",      "North America"]]

    // Check that AddRecord applies default formulas values correctly
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "name", { "formula" : "'Williams College, ' + $address.city" }],
        ["AddRecord"   , "Schools", 10, { "address": 2}],
        ["AddRecord"   , "Schools", 11, { "name" : "Amherst College"}]

      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
           ["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "name", {"formula": "'Williams College, ' + $address.city"}],
           ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 10, {"formula": "'Williams College, ' + $address.city"}],
           ["AddRecord", "Schools", 10, { "address" : 2}],
           ["AddRecord", "Schools", 11, {"name": "Amherst College"}],
           ["UpdateRecord", "Schools", 10, {"name": "Williams College, Eureka"}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, false],
        "undo": [
           ["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "name", {"formula": ""}],
           ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 10, {"formula": ""}],
           ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 10],
           ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 11]
        "Schools": { "name": 1, "#lookup#": 2 },
        "Students" : { "schoolShort" : 7 }

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": [
        "UpdateRecord", "Schools", 10, { "address": 3}
      "ACTIONS": {
        // This tests that the formula for 'name' does NOT get recomputed
        // As it would, if default formulas created dependencies
        "stored" : [["UpdateRecord", "Schools", 10, { "address": 3}]],
        "direct" : [true],
        "undo"   : [["UpdateRecord", "Schools", 10, { "address": 2}]]

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "name", { "formula" :  "str($id) + '$' + '\\$' + \"$'\\\\'\"" }],
        ["AddRecord"   , "Schools", 12, { "address" : 70 }]

      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
           ["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "name", {"formula": "str($id) + '$' + '\\$' + \"$'\\\\'\""}],
           ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 10, {"formula": "str($id) + '$' + '\\$' + \"$'\\\\'\""}],
           ["AddRecord", "Schools", 12, {"address": 70}],
           ["UpdateRecord", "Schools", 12, {"name": "12$\\$$'\\'"}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, false],
        "undo": [
           ["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "name", {"formula": "'Williams College, ' + $address.city"}],
           ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 10, {"formula": "'Williams College, ' + $address.city"}],
           ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 12]
        "Schools": { "name": 1, "#lookup#": 1 },
        "Students" : { "schoolShort" : 7 }

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        // Does Adding Records properly set properties?
        ["AddColumn", "Schools", "numStudents", { "type" : "Int", "isFormula" : false }],
        ["AddRecord", "Schools", 13, {"name" : "NYU", "numStudents": "One-thousand"}],
        ["AddRecord", "Schools", null, {"numStudents": "1000000000000000000000000000"}],
        ["AddRecord", "Schools", null, {"numStudents": "1000000"}],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "numStudents", { "type" : "Numeric" }],
        ["AddRecord", "Schools", null, { "numStudents" : "Infinity" }]

      "ACTIONS" : {
        "stored": [
          ["AddColumn", "Schools", "numStudents",
            {"formula": "", "isFormula": false, "type": "Int" }],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30,
            {"colId": "numStudents", "widgetOptions": "", "formula": "", "isFormula": false,
             "label": "numStudents", "parentId": 2, "parentPos": 8.0, "type": "Int"}],
          ["AddRecord", "Schools", 13, {"name": "NYU", "numStudents": "One-thousand"}],
          ["AddRecord", "Schools", 14, {"numStudents": "1000000000000000000000000000"}],
          ["AddRecord", "Schools", 15, {"numStudents": 1000000}],

          ["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "numStudents", {"type": "Numeric"}],
          // Record 13 is not updated since it can't be properly converted.
          // Other records aren't updated because the converted value is equivalent for JSON and DB.
          ["UpdateRecord", "Schools", 14, {"numStudents": 1e+27}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30, {"type": "Numeric"}],
          ["AddRecord", "Schools", 16, {"numStudents": "@+Infinity"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [14, 15, 16], {"name": ["14$\\$$'\\'", "15$\\$$'\\'", "16$\\$$'\\'"]}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true,
                   true, false, true,
                   true, false],
        "undo"  : [
          ["RemoveColumn", "Schools", "numStudents"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 13],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 14],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 15],
          // No updates in undo for Schools.numStudents column, because the undo removes this column.
          ["ModifyColumn", "Schools", "numStudents", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30, {"type": "Int"}],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 16]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        ["id", "firstName", "lastName", "school", "@fullName", "@fullNameLen", "@schoolShort",
        [1,    "Barack",    "Obama",    2,        "Barack Obama",  12,    "Columbia",    "NY"],
        [2,    "George W",  "Bush",     8,        "George W Bush", 13,    "Yale",        "CT"],
        [3,    "Bill",      "Clinton",  9,        "Bill Clinton",  12,    "Georgetown",  "DC"],
        [4,    "George H",  "Bush",     8,        "George H Bush", 13,    "Yale",        "CT"],
        [5,    "Ronald",    "Reagan",   1,        "Ronald Reagan", 13,    "Eureka",      "IL"],
        [6,    "Jimmy",     "Carter",   5,        "Jimmy Carter",  12,    "U.S.",        "MD"],
        [8,    "Gerald",    "Ford",     7,        "Gerald Ford",   11,    "Yale",        "CT"]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id", "name",          "address", "numStudents"],
        [1,    "Eureka College",        2,   0.0],
        [2,    "Columbia University",   7,   0.0],
        [5,    "U.S. Naval Academy",    3,   0.0],
        [6,    "Oxford University",     10,  0.0],
        [7,    "Yale Law School",       4,   0.0],
        [8,    "Yale University",       4,   0.0],
        [9,    "Georgetown University", 11,  0.0],
        [10,   "Williams College, Eureka",3, 0.0],
        [11,   "Amherst College" ,      0,   0.0],
        [12,   "12$\\$$'\\'"     ,      70,  0.0],
        [13,   "NYU"             ,       0,  "One-thousand"],
        [14,   "14$\\$$'\\'"     ,       0, 1e27],
        [15,   "15$\\$$'\\'"     ,       0,  1000000.0],
        [16,   "16$\\$$'\\'"     ,       0,  "@+Infinity"]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"],
        [11,    "Washington", "DC",       "US",      "North America"]]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "bulk_add_record",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],
    ["APPLY", {
      // Ensure basic BulkAddRecord works, generates undo, and triggers a formula calculation.
      "USER_ACTION": ["BulkAddRecord", "Address", [11, null], {
        "city": ["Washington", "Portland"],
        "state": ["DC", "OR"]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["BulkAddRecord", "Address", [11, 12], {
          "city": ["Washington", "Portland"],
          "state": ["DC", "OR"]
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [11, 12], {"country": ["US", "US"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [11, 12], {
            "region": ["North America", "North America"]
        "direct": [true, false, false],
        "undo": [["BulkRemoveRecord", "Address", [11, 12]]],
        "retValue": [ [11, 12] ]
        "Address" : { "country": 2, "region" : 2, "#lookup#": 2 }
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"],
        [11,    "Washington", "DC",       "US",      "North America"],
        [12,    "Portland",   "OR",       "US",      "North America"]]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "update_record",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 10, {"country": "GB"}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 10, {"country": "GB"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 10, {"region": "N/A"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"schoolRegion": "N/A"}]
        "direct": [true, false, false],
        "undo": [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 10, {"country": "UK"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 10, {"region": "Europe"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"schoolRegion": "Europe"}]
        "Address"  : { "region" : 1 },
        "Students" : { "schoolRegion" : 1 }

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 8],
        {"name": ["eureka", "columbia", "yale"]}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 8],
            {"name": ["eureka", "columbia", "yale"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 4, 5],
            {"schoolShort": ["columbia", "yale", "yale", "eureka"]}]
        "direct": [true, false],
        "undo": [["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 8],
          {"name": ["Eureka College", "Columbia University", "Yale University"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 4, 5],
            {"schoolShort": ["Columbia", "Yale", "Yale", "Eureka"]}]
        "Students" : { "schoolShort" : 4 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        ["id", "firstName", "lastName", "school", "@fullName", "@fullNameLen", "@schoolShort",
        [1,    "Barack",    "Obama",    2,        "Barack Obama",  12,   "columbia",    "NY"],
        [2,    "George W",  "Bush",     8,        "George W Bush", 13,   "yale",        "CT"],
        [3,    "Bill",      "Clinton",  6,        "Bill Clinton",  12,   "Oxford",      "N/A"],
        [4,    "George H",  "Bush",     8,        "George H Bush", 13,   "yale",        "CT"],
        [5,    "Ronald",    "Reagan",   1,        "Ronald Reagan", 13,   "eureka",      "IL"],
        [6,    "Jimmy",     "Carter",   5,        "Jimmy Carter",  12,   "U.S.",        "MD"],
        [8,    "Gerald",    "Ford",     7,        "Gerald Ford",   11,   "Yale",        "CT"]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address"],
        [1,     "eureka",               2],
        [2,     "columbia",             7],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4],
        [8,     "yale",                 4]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "GB",      "N/A"]]

    ["APPLY", {
      // Check that Update Record on _grist_Tables_column properly triggers schema-change actions
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3,
          {"formula": "rec.firstName.upper() + ' ' + rec.lastName"}],
        ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6,
          {"colId" : "shortSchool"}]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName",
            {"formula": "rec.firstName.upper() + ' ' + rec.lastName"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3,
            {"formula": "rec.firstName.upper() + ' ' + rec.lastName"}],
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "schoolShort", "shortSchool"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6, {"colId": "shortSchool"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
            {"fullName": ["BARACK Obama", "GEORGE W Bush", "BILL Clinton", "GEORGE H Bush", "RONALD Reagan", "JIMMY Carter", "GERALD Ford"]}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, false],
        "undo": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName",
            {"formula": "rec.firstName + ' ' + rec.lastName"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3,
            {"formula": "rec.firstName + ' ' + rec.lastName"}],
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "shortSchool", "schoolShort"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6, {"colId": "schoolShort"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
            {"fullName": ["Barack Obama", "George W Bush", "Bill Clinton", "George H Bush", "Ronald Reagan", "Jimmy Carter", "Gerald Ford"]}]
        "Students" : { "fullName" : 7, "fullNameLen" : 7 , "shortSchool" : 7}

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS" : [
        // Check that noop Update Records do not generate docactions
        ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 1, { "firstName" : "Barack", "lastName" : "Obama", "school": 2}],
        ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, { "firstName" : "Richard", "lastName" : "Nixon", "school": 8}]
      "ACTIONS" : {
        "stored" : [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"firstName" : "Richard", "lastName" : "Nixon"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"fullName" : "RICHARD Nixon"}]
        "direct": [true, false],
        "undo" : [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"firstName" : "George W", "lastName" : "Bush"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"fullName": "GEORGE W Bush"}]
        "Students" : { "fullName" : 1, "fullNameLen" : 1 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        ["id", "firstName", "lastName", "school", "@fullName", "@fullNameLen", "@shortSchool",
        [1,    "Barack",    "Obama",    2,        "BARACK Obama",  12,   "columbia",    "NY"],
        [2,    "Richard",   "Nixon",     8,       "RICHARD Nixon", 13,   "yale",        "CT"],
        [3,    "Bill",      "Clinton",  6,        "BILL Clinton",  12,   "Oxford",      "N/A"],
        [4,    "George H",  "Bush",     8,        "GEORGE H Bush", 13,   "yale",        "CT"],
        [5,    "Ronald",    "Reagan",   1,        "RONALD Reagan", 13,   "eureka",      "IL"],
        [6,    "Jimmy",     "Carter",   5,        "JIMMY Carter",  12,   "U.S.",        "MD"],
        [8,    "Gerald",    "Ford",     7,        "GERALD Ford",   11,   "Yale",        "CT"]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address"],
        [1,     "eureka",               2],
        [2,     "columbia",             7],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4],
        [8,     "yale",                 4]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "GB",      "N/A"]]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "remove_record",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],

    // Apply some 'remove' actions. Besides removing the records themselves, they should also
    // unset references that point to them.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveRecord", "Address", 4],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RemoveRecord", "Address", 4],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [7, 8], {"address": [0, 0]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [2, 4, 8], {"schoolRegion": [null, null, null]}]
        "direct": [true, true, false],
        "undo": [
          ["AddRecord", "Address", 4, {"city": "New Haven", "country": "US", "region": "North America", "state": "CT"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [7, 8], {"address": [4, 4]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [2, 4, 8], {"schoolRegion": ["CT", "CT", "CT"]}]
        "Students" : { "schoolRegion" : 3 }

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 5],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 5],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 6, {"school": 0}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 6, {"schoolRegion": null}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 6, {"schoolShort": ""}]
        "direct": [true, true, false, false],
        "undo": [
          ["AddRecord", "Schools", 5, {"name": "U.S. Naval Academy", "address": 3}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 6, {"school": 5}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 6, {"schoolRegion": "MD"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 6, {"schoolShort": "U.S."}]
        "Students" : { "schoolShort" : 1, "schoolRegion" : 1 }

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveRecord", "Students", 1],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [["RemoveRecord", "Students", 1]],
        "direct": [true],
        "undo": [["AddRecord", "Students", 1,
          {"firstName": "Barack", "fullName": "Barack Obama", "fullNameLen": 12, "lastName": "Obama", "school": 2, "schoolRegion": "NY", "schoolShort": "Columbia"}]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    8,       "George W Bush",13,      "Yale",       null],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton", 12,      "Oxford",     "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    8,       "George H Bush",13,      "Yale",       null],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Ronald Reagan",13,      "Eureka",     "IL"],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  0,       "Jimmy Carter", 12,      "",           null],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",  11,      "Yale",       null]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address"],
        [1,     "Eureka College",       2],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      0],
        [8,     "Yale University",      0]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "bulk_remove_record",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],
    ["APPLY", {
      // Ensure basic BulkRemoveRecord works, generates undo, and triggers a formula calculation.
      "USER_ACTION": ["BulkRemoveRecord", "Students", [2, 5, 6, 8]],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [["BulkRemoveRecord", "Students", [2, 5, 6, 8]]],
        "direct": [true],
        "undo": [["BulkAddRecord", "Students", [2, 5, 6, 8], {
          "firstName": ["George W", "Ronald", "Jimmy", "Gerald"],
          "lastName": ["Bush", "Reagan", "Carter", "Ford"],
          "school": [8, 1, 5, 7],
          "fullName": ["George W Bush", "Ronald Reagan", "Jimmy Carter", "Gerald Ford"],
          "fullNameLen": [13, 13, 12, 11],
          "schoolRegion": ["CT", "IL", "MD", "CT"],
          "schoolShort": ["Yale", "Eureka", "U.S.", "Yale"]

    ["APPLY", {
      // Ensure that BulkRemoveRecord also unsets linked records.
      "USER_ACTION": ["BulkRemoveRecord", "Schools", [6, 8]],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "Schools", [6, 8]],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [3, 4], {"school": [0, 0]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [3, 4], {"schoolRegion": [null, null]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [3, 4], {"schoolShort": ["", ""]}]
        "direct": [true, true, false, false],
        "undo": [
          ["BulkAddRecord", "Schools", [6, 8], {
            "name": ["Oxford University", "Yale University"],
            "address": [10, 4]
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [3, 4], {"school": [6, 8]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [3, 4], {"schoolRegion": ["Europe", "CT"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [3, 4], {"schoolShort": ["Oxford", "Yale"]}]
        "Students" : { "schoolRegion" : 2, "schoolShort": 2 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Students": [
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama",  12,     "Columbia",   "NY"],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 0,       "Bill Clinton",  12,     "",           null],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    0,       "George H Bush", 13,     "",           null]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address"],
        [1,     "Eureka College",       2],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4]]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "add_column",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],

    // Test basic addition of a non-formula column.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["AddColumn", "Address", "zip", {
        "type": "Text",
        "isFormula": false,
        "formula": "",
        "label": "something",
        "widgetOptions": ""
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["AddColumn", "Address", "zip", {
            "type": "Text",
            "isFormula": false,
            "formula": ""
          // Note that a metadata record outght to be added too.
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30, {
            "parentId": 3,
            "parentPos": 8.0,
            "colId": "zip",
            "type": "Text",
            "isFormula": false,
            "formula": "",
            "label": "something",
            "widgetOptions": ""
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RemoveColumn", "Address", "zip"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30]
        "retValue": [
          {"colId": "zip", "colRef": 30}

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "zip", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "",    "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "",    "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "",    "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "",    "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "",    "Europe"]]

    // Make sure we can modify this new column for existing records.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 4, 7],
        {"zip": ["61530-0001", "06520-0002", "10027-0003"]}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 4, 7],
          {"zip": ["61530-0001", "06520-0002", "10027-0003"]}]],
        "direct": [true],
        "undo": [["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 4, 7],
          {"zip": ["", "", ""]}]]
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "zip",         "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "61530-0001",  "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "",            "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "06520-0002",  "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "10027-0003",  "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "",            "Europe"]]

    // Now try adding a formula column.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": [
        "AddColumn", "Address", "zip5", {
          "isFormula": true,
          "formula": "rec.zip[:5]"
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["AddColumn", "Address", "zip5",
            { "formula": "rec.zip[:5]", "type": "Any", "isFormula": true}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 31, {
            "parentId": 3,
            "parentPos": 9.0,
            "colId": "zip5",
            "type": "Any",
            "isFormula": true,
            "formula": "rec.zip[:5]",
            "label": "zip5",
            "widgetOptions": ""
          // Since it's a formula, it immediately gets evaluated, causing some calc actions.
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 3, 4, 7, 10],
            {"zip5": ["61530", "", "06520", "10027", ""]}]
        "direct": [true, true, false],
        "undo": [
          ["RemoveColumn", "Address", "zip5"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 31]
        "retValue": [
          {"colId": "zip5", "colRef": 31}
        "Address" : { "zip5" : 5 }

    // And another formula column which refers to another table.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": [
        "AddColumn", "Schools", "zip", {
          "isFormula": true,
          "formula": "rec.address.zip[:5]",
          "label": "zippy",
          "widgetOptions": ""
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["AddColumn", "Schools", "zip", {
            "type": "Any",
            "isFormula": true,
            "formula": "rec.address.zip[:5]"
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 32, {
            "parentId": 2,
            // There are only two other fields in Schools to start with.
            "parentPos": 10.0,
            "colId": "zip",
            "type": "Any",
            "isFormula": true,
            "formula": "rec.address.zip[:5]",
            "label": "zippy",
            "widgetOptions": ""
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Schools", [1,2,5,6,7,8],
            {"zip": ["61530", "10027", "", "", "06520", "06520"]}]
        "direct": [true, true, false],
        "undo": [
          ["RemoveColumn", "Schools", "zip"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 32]
        "retValue": [
          {"colId": "zip", "colRef": 32}
        "Schools" : { "zip" : 6 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address", "@zip"],
        [1,     "Eureka College",       2,         "61530"],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7,         "10027"],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3,         ""],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10,        ""],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4,         "06520"],
        [8,     "Yale University",      4,         "06520"]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "zip",         "@zip5",  "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "61530-0001",  "61530",  "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "",            "",       "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "06520-0002",  "06520",  "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "10027-0003",  "10027",  "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "",            "",       "Europe"]]

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        // Our sample data doesn't include Views metadata, but we can have some generated via
        // AddTable action. The initial and newly-added column are as in "add_table" test case.
        ["AddTable", "Bar", [
          { "id": "hello", "type": "Text", "isFormula": false }
        ["AddColumn", "Bar", "world",
          { "type": "Text", "isFormula": true, "formula": "rec.hello.upper()"}
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          // Actions generated from AddTable.
          ["AddTable", "Bar", [
            {"isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "ManualSortPos", "id": "manualSort"},
            {"isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "Text", "id": "hello"}
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 0, "tableId": "Bar"}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [33, 34],
            { "colId": ["manualSort", "hello"],
              "formula": ["", ""],
              "isFormula": [false, false],
              "label": ["manualSort", "hello"],
              "parentId": [4, 4],
              "parentPos": [11.0, 12.0],
              "type": ["ManualSortPos", "Text"],
              "widgetOptions": ["", ""]

          // Raw view
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views", 1,
            {"type": "raw_data", "name": "Bar"}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1, {"tabPos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1, {"indentation": 0, "pagePos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1,
            {"tableRef": 4, "defaultWidth": 100, "borderWidth": 1,
              "parentId": 1, "parentKey": "record", "sortColRefs": "[]", "title": "" }],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 1,
            {"parentId": 1, "colRef": 34, "parentPos": 1.0}],

          // Raw data widget
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 2, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "record", "tableRef": 4, "title": ""}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 2, {"colRef": 34, "parentId": 2, "parentPos": 2.0}],

          // Record card widget
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 3, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "single", "tableRef": 4, "title": ""}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 3}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 3, {"colRef": 34, "parentId": 3, "parentPos": 3.0}],

          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 1, "rawViewSectionRef": 2}],

          // Actions generated from AddColumn.
          ["AddColumn", "Bar", "world",
            {"isFormula": true, "formula": "rec.hello.upper()", "type": "Text"}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 35,
            {"colId": "world", "parentPos": 13.0,
              "formula": "rec.hello.upper()", "parentId": 4, "type": "Text",
              "isFormula": true, "label": "world", "widgetOptions": ""}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 4, {"colRef": 35, "parentId": 2, "parentPos": 4.0}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 5, {"colRef": 35, "parentId": 3, "parentPos": 5.0}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
                   true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
                   true, true, true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RemoveTable", "Bar"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [33, 34]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 2],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 2],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 3],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 3],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 0, "rawViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["RemoveColumn", "Bar", "world"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 35],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 4],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", 5]
        "retValue": [
            "table_id": "Bar",
            "id": 4,
            "columns": ["hello"],
            "views": [{"sections": [1], "id": 1}]
          {"colId": "world", "colRef": 35}

    // Expect same output as before, with one extra table.
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Bar": [
        ["id", "manualSort", "hello", "@world"]
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address", "@zip"],
        [1,     "Eureka College",       2,         "61530"],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7,         "10027"],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3,         ""],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10,        ""],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4,         "06520"],
        [8,     "Yale University",      4,         "06520"]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "zip",         "@zip5",  "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "61530-0001",  "61530",  "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "",            "",       "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "06520-0002",  "06520",  "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "10027-0003",  "10027",  "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "",            "",       "Europe"]]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "remove_column",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],

    // Set some values in column-to-be-removed to defaults, to check they get omitted from undo.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 3, {"city": ""}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [["UpdateRecord", "Address", 3, {"city": ""}]],
        "direct": [true],
        "undo": [["UpdateRecord", "Address", 3, {"city": "Annapolis"}]]

    // Test removing a regular data column.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveColumn", "Address", "city"],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21],
          ["RemoveColumn", "Address", "city"]],
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {
            "parentId": 3,
            "parentPos": 1.0,
            "colId": "city",
            "type": "Text",
            "label": "City"
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 4, 7, 10],
            {"city": ["Eureka", "New Haven", "New York", "Oxford"]}],
          ["AddColumn", "Address", "city", {
            "type": "Text",
            "isFormula": false,
            "formula": ""

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]

    // Test removing a formula column.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen"],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4],
          ["RemoveColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen"]
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], {"fullNameLen": [12, 13, 12, 13, 13, 12, 11]}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4, {
            "parentId": 1,
            "parentPos": 4.0,
            "colId": "fullNameLen",
            "type": "Any",
            "isFormula": true,
            "formula": "len(rec.fullName)",
            "label" : "Full Name Length"
          ["AddColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {
            "type": "Any",
            "isFormula": true,
            "formula": "len(rec.fullName)"

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Students": [
        ["id","firstName","lastName","school","@fullName",      "@schoolShort","@schoolRegion"],
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama",  "Columbia",   "NY"],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    8,       "George W Bush", "Yale",       "CT"],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton",  "Oxford",     "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    8,       "George H Bush", "Yale",       "CT"],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Ronald Reagan", "Eureka",     "IL"],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter",  "U.S.",       "MD"],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",   "Yale",       "CT"]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]

    // If we end up with an invalid reference, we should get reference errors in the data, but not die.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveColumn", "Address", "state"],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 27],
          ["RemoveColumn", "Address", "state"],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8],
            {"schoolRegion": [["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"],
              ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"],
        "direct": [true, true, false],
        "undo": [
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 27, {
            "parentId": 3,
            "parentPos": 2.0,
            "colId": "state",
            "type": "Text",
            "label": "State"
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 3, 4, 7, 10],
            {"state": ["IL", "MD", "CT", "NY", "England"]}],
          ["AddColumn", "Address", "state", {
            "type": "Text",
            "isFormula": false,
            "formula": ""
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8], {"schoolRegion": ["NY", "CT", "CT", "IL", "MD", "CT"]}]
        "Students" : { "schoolRegion" : 7 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Students": [
        ["id","firstName","lastName","school","@fullName", "@schoolShort","@schoolRegion"],
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama",  "Columbia", ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    8,       "George W Bush", "Yale",     ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton",  "Oxford",   "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    8,       "George H Bush", "Yale",     ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Ronald Reagan", "Eureka",   ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter",  "U.S.",     ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",   "Yale",     ["E","AttributeError"]]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "UK",      "Europe"]]

    // Test that when we remove a Reference column, we don't get errors modifying its target
    // table.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["RemoveColumn", "Students", "school"],
        ["RemoveColumn", "Students", "schoolShort"],
        ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 1],
        ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 8]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 5],
          ["RemoveColumn", "Students", "school"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6],
          ["RemoveColumn", "Students", "schoolShort"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 8],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3,
            {"schoolRegion": ["E","AttributeError"]}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true, false],
        "undo": [
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], {"schoolShort": ["Columbia", "Yale", "Oxford", "Yale", "Eureka", "U.S.", "Yale"]}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 5, {"parentPos": 5.0, "parentId": 1,
            "colId": "school", "type": "Ref:Schools", "label": "school"
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1,2,3,4,5,6,8], {"school": [2,8,6,8,1,5,7]}],
          ["AddColumn", "Students", "school", {"isFormula": false,
            "formula": "", "type": "Ref:Schools"}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6, {
            "parentPos": 6.0, "isFormula": 1, "parentId": 1,
            "colId": "schoolShort", "formula": "rec.school.name.split(' ')[0]",
            "type": "Any", "label": "School Short"
          ["AddColumn", "Students", "schoolShort", {"isFormula": true,
            "formula": "rec.school.name.split(' ')[0]", "type": "Any"}],
          ["AddRecord", "Schools", 1, {"name": "Eureka College", "address": 2}],
          ["AddRecord", "Schools", 8, {"name": "Yale University", "address": 4}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 3, {"schoolRegion": "Europe"}]
        "Students" : { "schoolRegion" : 7 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        ["id","firstName","lastName","@fullName",     "@schoolRegion"],
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   "Barack Obama",  ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    "George W Bush", ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", "Bill Clinton",  ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    "George H Bush", ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  "Ronald Reagan", ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  "Jimmy Carter",  ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    "Gerald Ford",   ["E","AttributeError"]]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address"],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "UK",      "Europe"]]

    // To test that columns get removed from the views, use AddTable (which causes a View to be
    // created) and then RemoveColumn from that.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["AddTable", "ViewTest", [
          { "id": "hello", "type": "Text", "isFormula": false, "label": "", "widgetOptions": ""},
          { "id": "world", "type": "Text", "isFormula": true, "formula": "rec.hello.upper()", "label": "", "widgetOptions": ""}
        ["RemoveColumn", "ViewTest", "hello"]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["AddTable", "ViewTest", [
            {"isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "ManualSortPos", "id": "manualSort"},
            {"isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "Text", "id": "hello"},
            {"isFormula": true, "formula": "rec.hello.upper()", "type": "Text", "id": "world"}
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 0, "tableId": "ViewTest"}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [30,31,32], {
            "colId": ["manualSort","hello","world"],
            "formula": ["","","rec.hello.upper()"],
            "parentPos": [8.0,9.0,10.0],
            "isFormula": [false,false,true],
            "label": ["manualSort","",""],
            "parentId": [4,4,4],
            "type": ["ManualSortPos","Text","Text"],
            "widgetOptions": ["","",""]
          // Raw view
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views", 1,
            {"type": "raw_data", "name": "ViewTest"}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1, {"tabPos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1, {"indentation": 0, "pagePos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1,
            {"tableRef": 4, "defaultWidth": 100, "borderWidth": 1,
              "parentId": 1, "parentKey": "record", "sortColRefs": "[]", "title": ""}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1,2],
            {"parentId": [1,1], "colRef": [31,32], "parentPos": [1.0,2.0]}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 2, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "record", "tableRef": 4, "title": ""}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [3, 4], {"colRef": [31, 32], "parentId": [2, 2], "parentPos": [3.0, 4.0]}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 3, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "single", "tableRef": 4, "title": ""}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 3}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [5, 6], {"colRef": [31, 32], "parentId": [3, 3], "parentPos": [5.0, 6.0]}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 1, "rawViewSectionRef": 2}],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1, 3, 5]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 31],
          ["RemoveColumn", "ViewTest", "hello"]

        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
                   true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RemoveTable", "ViewTest"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [30,31,32]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1,2]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 2],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [3, 4]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 3],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [5, 6]],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 0, "rawViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1, 3, 5],
            {"colRef": [31, 31, 31], "parentId": [1, 2, 3], "parentPos": [1.0, 3.0, 5.0]}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 31,
            {"colId": "hello", "parentPos": 9.0,
              "parentId": 4, "type": "Text"
          ["AddColumn", "ViewTest", "hello",
            {"isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "Text"}]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "rename_column",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["RenameColumn", "Address", "city", "town"],
        ["RenameColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", "nameLen"],
        ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 10, {"town": "Ox-ford"}]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RenameColumn", "Address", "city", "town"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"colId": "town"}],
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", "nameLen"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4, {"colId": "nameLen"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 10, {"town": "Ox-ford"}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RenameColumn", "Address", "town", "city"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"colId": "city"}],
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "nameLen", "fullNameLen"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4, {"colId": "fullNameLen"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 10, {"town": "Oxford"}]
        "Students" : {"nameLen" : 7}
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Students": [
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama", 12,      "Columbia",   "NY"],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    8,       "George W Bush",13,      "Yale",       "CT"],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton", 12,      "Oxford",     "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    8,       "George H Bush",13,      "Yale",       "CT"],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Ronald Reagan",13,      "Eureka",     "IL"],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter", 12,      "U.S.",       "MD"],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",  11,      "Yale",       "CT"]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "town",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Ox-ford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]

    // Test that when we rename a Reference column, changes to the target table still work.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["RenameColumn", "Students", "school", "university"],
        ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 1],
        ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 8]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "school", "university"],
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "schoolShort",
            {"formula": "rec.university.name.split(' ')[0]"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "schoolRegion", { "formula":
            "addr = $university.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [5,6,9], {
            "colId": ["university", "schoolShort", "schoolRegion"],
            "formula": [
              "rec.university.name.split(' ')[0]",
              "addr = $university.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"
          ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 1],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 5, {"university": 0}],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Schools", 8],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [2, 4], {"university": [0, 0]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [2, 4, 5], {"schoolRegion": [null, null, null]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [2, 4, 5], {"schoolShort": ["", "", ""]}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false],
        "undo": [
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "university", "school"],
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "schoolShort",
            {"formula": "rec.school.name.split(' ')[0]"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "schoolRegion", { "formula":
            "addr = $school.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [5,6,9], {
            "colId": ["school", "schoolShort", "schoolRegion"],
            "formula": [
              "rec.school.name.split(' ')[0]",
              "addr = $school.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"
          ["AddRecord", "Schools", 1, {"name": "Eureka College", "address": 2}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 5, {"university": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "Schools", 8, {"name": "Yale University", "address": 4}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [2, 4], {"university": [8, 8]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [2, 4, 5], {"schoolRegion": ["CT", "CT", "IL"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [2, 4, 5], {"schoolShort": ["Yale", "Yale", "Eureka"]}]
        "Students" : { "schoolShort" : 7, "schoolRegion" : 7 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        ["id","firstName","lastName","university","@fullName","@nameLen", "@schoolShort", "@schoolRegion"],
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama", 12,    "Columbia", "NY" ],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    0,       "George W Bush",13,    "",         null ],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton", 12,    "Oxford",   "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    0,       "George H Bush",13,    "",         null ],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  0,       "Ronald Reagan",13,    "",         null ],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter", 12,    "U.S.",     "MD" ],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",  11,    "Yale",     "CT" ]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address"],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "town",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Ox-ford",    "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        // Check that column renaming plays well with property columns
        ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "state", { "type" : "Int" }],
        ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, { "state" : 73 }]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
            ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "state", {"type": "Int"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 27, {"type": "Int"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"state": 73}]
        "direct": [true, true, true],
        "undo": [
            ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "state", {"type": "Text"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 27, {"type": "Text"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"state": "IL"}]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        ["id","firstName","lastName","university","@fullName","@nameLen", "@schoolShort", "@schoolRegion"],
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama", 12,    "Columbia",  "NY" ],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    0,       "George W Bush",13,    "",          null ],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton", 12,    "Oxford",    "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    0,       "George H Bush",13,    "",          null ],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  0,       "Ronald Reagan",13,    "",          null ],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter", 12,    "U.S.",      "MD" ],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",  11,    "Yale",      "CT" ]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",          "address"],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "town",     "state", "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     73,       "US",   "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",     "US",   "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",     "US",   "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",     "US",   "North America"],
        [10,    "Ox-ford",    "England","UK",   "Europe"]]

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["RenameColumn", "Address", "state", "stateName"],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "stateName", { "type" : "Numeric"}]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
            ["RenameColumn", "Address", "state", "stateName"],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "schoolRegion", { "formula":
              "addr = $university.address\naddr.stateName if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"
            ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [27, 9], {
              "colId": ["stateName", "schoolRegion"],
              "formula": ["",
                "addr = $university.address\naddr.stateName if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"]
            ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "stateName", {"type": "Numeric"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 27, {"type": "Numeric"}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true],
        "undo": [
            ["RenameColumn", "Address", "stateName", "state"],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "schoolRegion", { "formula":
              "addr = $university.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"
            ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [27, 9], {
              "colId": ["state", "schoolRegion"],
              "formula": ["",
                "addr = $university.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"]
            ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "stateName", {"type": "Int"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 27, {"type": "Int"}]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        ["id","firstName","lastName","university","@fullName","@nameLen", "@schoolShort", "@schoolRegion"],
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama", 12,    "Columbia",  "NY" ],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    0,       "George W Bush",13,    "",          null ],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton", 12,    "Oxford",    "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    0,       "George H Bush",13,    "",          null ],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  0,       "Ronald Reagan",13,    "",          null ],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter", 12,    "U.S.",      "MD" ],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",  11,    "Yale",      "CT" ]],
      "Schools": [
        ["id",  "name",          "address"],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "town", "stateName", "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     73,       "US",   "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",     "US",   "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",     "US",   "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",     "US",   "North America"],
        [10,    "Ox-ford",    "England","UK",   "Europe"]]

    // Check that renaming a column to same name without changes is a no-op.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION" : ["RenameColumn", "Students", "university", "university"],
      "ACTIONS" : {
        "stored" : [],
        "undo" : []
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "rename_column2",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],

    // Check that we can rename a column via a metadata update.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6, {"colId": "short"}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "schoolShort", "short"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6, {"colId": "short"}]
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "short", "schoolShort"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6, {"colId": "schoolShort"}]

    // Check that we can rename a column to a conflicting name, and a unique name will be chosen.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6, {"colId": "school"}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "short", "school2"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6, {"colId": "school2"}]
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RenameColumn", "Students", "school2", "short"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 6, {"colId": "short"}]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Students": [
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama",  12,     "Columbia",   "NY"],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    8,       "George W Bush", 13,     "Yale",       "CT"],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton",  12,     "Oxford",     "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    8,       "George H Bush", 13,     "Yale",       "CT"],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Ronald Reagan", 13,     "Eureka",     "IL"],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter",  12,     "U.S.",       "MD"],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",   11,     "Yale",       "CT"]]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "modify_column",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],

    ["APPLY", {
      // Check that Modifying formulas works
      "USER_ACTION": ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"formula": "'Anytown'"}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"formula": "'Anytown'"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"formula": "'Anytown'"}]
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"formula": ""}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"formula": ""}]

    ["APPLY", {
      // Modifying formulas and triggering calc actions
      "USER_ACTION": ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName", {
        "formula": "rec.lastName + ' - ' + rec.firstName"
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName",
            {"formula": "rec.lastName + ' - ' + rec.firstName"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3,
            {"formula": "rec.lastName + ' - ' + rec.firstName"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1,2,3,4,5,6,8], {
            "fullName": [
              "Obama - Barack",
              "Bush - George W",
              "Clinton - Bill",
              "Bush - George H",
              "Reagan - Ronald",
              "Carter - Jimmy",
              "Ford - Gerald"
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1,2,3,4,5,6,8], {
            "fullNameLen": [14,15,14,15,15,14,13]
        "direct": [true, true, false, false],
        "undo": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName",
            {"formula": "rec.firstName + ' ' + rec.lastName"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3,
            {"formula": "rec.firstName + ' ' + rec.lastName"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
            {"fullName": ["Barack Obama", "George W Bush", "Bill Clinton", "George H Bush", "Ronald Reagan", "Jimmy Carter", "Gerald Ford"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
            {"fullNameLen": [12, 13, 12, 13, 13, 12, 11]}]
        "Students" : { "fullName" : 7, "fullNameLen" : 7 }

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        // Check that Default formulas are triggered on add record
        ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"firstName": "G.W."}],
        ["AddRecord", "Address", 11, {"country": "US"}]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"firstName": "G.W."}],
          ["AddRecord", "Address", 11, {"country": "US"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 11, {"city": "Anytown"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 11, {"region": "North America" }],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"fullName": "Bush - G.W."}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"fullNameLen": 11}]
        "direct": [true, true, false, false, false, false],
        "undo": [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"firstName": "George W"}],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Address", 11],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"fullName": "Bush - George W"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 2, {"fullNameLen": 15}]
        "Address" : { "city": 1, "region" : 1, "#lookup#": 1 },
        "Students": { "fullName" : 1, "fullNameLen" : 1 }

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        // Check that nothing bad happens when going back and forth between types
        // in a formula column
        ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {"type": "Text"}],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {"type": "Int"}],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {"type": "Any"}]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"type": "Text"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"type": "Text"}],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"type": "Int"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"type": "Int"}],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"type": "Any"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"type": "Any"}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true],
        "undo": [
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"type": "Any"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"type": "Any"}],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"type": "Text"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"type": "Text"}],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"type": "Int"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"type": "Int"}]
        "Students" : { "fullNameLen" : 7 }

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        // Check that nothing bad happens when going back and forth between formula
        // and non-formula
        ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {"isFormula": false, "type": "Int"}],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {"isFormula": true, "formula" : "len($fullName) - 1"}],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {"isFormula": false}]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"isFormula": false, "type": "Int"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"isFormula": false, "type": "Int"}],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"formula": "len($fullName) - 1", "isFormula": true}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"formula": "len($fullName) - 1", "isFormula": true}],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {"isFormula": false}],
            ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
              {"fullNameLen": [13, 10, 13, 14, 14, 13, 12]}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4, {"isFormula": false}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, false, true],
        "undo": [
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"isFormula": true, "type": "Any"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"isFormula": true, "type": "Any"}],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen",
              {"isFormula": false, "formula" : "len(rec.fullName)"}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4,
              {"isFormula": false, "formula" : "len(rec.fullName)"}],
            ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
              {"fullNameLen": [14, 11, 14, 15, 15, 14, 13]}],
            ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {"isFormula": true}],
            ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 4, {"isFormula": true}]
        "Students" : { "fullNameLen" : 7 }

    // XXX
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Students": [
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Obama - Barack", 13,      "Columbia",   "NY"],
        [2,   "G.W.",     "Bush",    8,       "Bush - G.W.",    10,      "Yale",       "CT"],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Clinton - Bill", 13,      "Oxford",     "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    8,       "Bush - George H",14,      "Yale",       "CT"],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Reagan - Ronald",14,      "Eureka",     "IL"],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Carter - Jimmy", 13,      "U.S.",       "MD"],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Ford - Gerald",  12,      "Yale",       "CT"]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"],
        [11,    "Anytown",    "",         "US",      "North America"]]

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        // Modifying types converts some values, leaves others as alttext.
        ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"city" : "567"}],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"type" : "Int"}]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"city" : "567"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"type" : "Int"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"city" : 567}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"type" : "Int"}]
        "direct": [true, true, false, true],
        "undo" : [
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"city": "Eureka"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"city" : "567"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"type": "Text"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"type": "Text"}]


    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": [
        // Updating a record creates alttext strings properly
        "UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"city": "Eureka"}
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"city": "Eureka"}]],
        "direct": [true],
        "undo" : [["UpdateRecord", "Address", 2, {"city" : 567}]]

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        // Modify Column type conversion in a case there the entire column is "ok"
        ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", { "type" : "Text" }],
        ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2,3,4,7,10, 11], {"city": ["7","7","7","7","7", "7"] }],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", { "type" : "Int" }]
       "ACTIONS" : {
        "stored": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"type": "Text"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"type": "Text"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11], {"city": ["7", "7", "7", "7", "7", "7"]}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11], {"city": [7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7]}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"type": "Int"}]

        "direct": [true, true, true, true, false, true],
        "undo": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"type": "Int"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11], {"city": ["Eureka", "Annapolis", "New Haven", "New York", "Oxford", "Anytown"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11], {"city": ["7", "7", "7", "7", "7", "7"]}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "city", {"type": "Text"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 21, {"type": "Text"}]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Students": [
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Obama - Barack", 13,      "Columbia",   "NY"],
        [2,   "G.W.",     "Bush",    8,       "Bush - G.W.",    10,      "Yale",       "CT"],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Clinton - Bill", 13,      "Oxford",     "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    8,       "Bush - George H",14,      "Yale",       "CT"],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Reagan - Ronald",14,      "Eureka",     "IL"],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Carter - Jimmy", 13,      "U.S.",       "MD"],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Ford - Gerald",  12,      "Yale",       "CT"]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city", "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     7,         "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     7,         "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     7,         "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     7,         "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    7,    "England",       "UK",      "Europe"],
        [11,    7,           "",       "US",      "North America"]]

   ["APPLY", {
      // Check that turning a non-formula column, with no formula, into a formula
      // works as expected
      "USER_ACTION" : ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "state", { "isFormula" : true, "type": "Any" }],
      "ACTIONS" : {
        "stored" : [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "state", {"isFormula": true, "type": "Any"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 27, {"isFormula": true, "type": "Any"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11], {"state": [null, null, null, null, null, null]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8], {"schoolRegion": [null, null, null, null, null, null]}]
        "direct": [true, true, false, false],
        "undo" : [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Address", "state", {"isFormula": false, "type": "Text"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 27, {"isFormula": false, "type": "Text"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Address", [2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11],
            {"state": ["IL", "MD", "CT", "NY", "England", ""]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8], {"schoolRegion": ["NY", "CT", "CT", "IL", "MD", "CT"]}]
        "Address"  : { "state" : 6 },
        "Students" : { "schoolRegion" : 7 }

   ["APPLY", {
     // Property generation
     "USER_ACTION": ["UpdateRecord", "Students", 1, {"fullNameLen" : "Fourteen"}],
     "ACTIONS" : {
      "stored" : [["UpdateRecord", "Students", 1, {"fullNameLen": "Fourteen"}]],
      "direct": [true],
      "undo" : [["UpdateRecord", "Students", 1, {"fullNameLen": 13}]]

   ["APPLY", {
     // Check formula error handling
     "USER_ACTIONS" : [
       ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName", {"formula" : "!#@%&T#$UDSAIKVFsdhifzsk" }],
       ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "schoolRegion", {"formula" : "5*len($firstName) // $fullNameLen" }]
     "ACTIONS" : {
       "stored" : [
         ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName", {"formula": "!#@%&T#$UDSAIKVFsdhifzsk"}],
         ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3, {"formula": "!#@%&T#$UDSAIKVFsdhifzsk"}],
         ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "schoolRegion", {"formula": "5*len($firstName) // $fullNameLen"}],
         ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 9, {"formula": "5*len($firstName) // $fullNameLen"}],
         ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
           {"fullName" : [["E","SyntaxError"], ["E","SyntaxError"], ["E","SyntaxError"],
             ["E","SyntaxError"], ["E","SyntaxError"], ["E","SyntaxError"], ["E","SyntaxError"]]
         // In previous section, we set $fullNameLen to the string "Fourteen" for Student #1, so
         // the calculation for that record fails with TypeError.
         ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
           {"schoolRegion": [["E", "TypeError"], 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2]}]
       "direct": [true, true, true, true, false, false],
       "undo" : [
         ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName", {"formula": "rec.lastName + ' - ' + rec.firstName"}],
         ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3, {"formula": "rec.lastName + ' - ' + rec.firstName"}],
         ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "schoolRegion",
           {"formula": "addr = $school.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"}],
         ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 9,
           {"formula": "addr = $school.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
            {"fullName": ["Obama - Barack", "Bush - G.W.", "Clinton - Bill", "Bush - George H", "Reagan - Ronald", "Carter - Jimmy", "Ford - Gerald"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
            {"schoolRegion": [null, null, "Europe", null, null, null, null]}]
       "Students" : { "schoolRegion" : 7, "fullName" : 7 }

   ["APPLY", {
     // Check that error handling works properly when evaluating a no-longer
     // error-full formula
     "USER_ACTION" :
       ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName", {"formula" : "$firstName"}],
     "ACTIONS" : {
       "stored" : [
         ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName", {"formula": "$firstName"}],
         ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3, {"formula": "$firstName"}],
         ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
           {"fullName": ["Barack", "G.W.", "Bill", "George H", "Ronald", "Jimmy", "Gerald"]}]
       "direct": [true, true, false],
       "undo" : [
         ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName", {"formula": "!#@%&T#$UDSAIKVFsdhifzsk"}],
         ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3, {"formula": "!#@%&T#$UDSAIKVFsdhifzsk"}],
         ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
           {"fullName": [["E", "SyntaxError"], ["E", "SyntaxError"], ["E", "SyntaxError"], ["E", "SyntaxError"], ["E", "SyntaxError"], ["E", "SyntaxError"], ["E", "SyntaxError"]]}]

     "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
     "Students": [
       [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2, "Barack", "Fourteen", "Columbia", ["E","TypeError"]],
       [2,   "G.W.",     "Bush",    8, "G.W.",      10, "Yale",     2],
       [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6, "Bill",      13, "Oxford",   1],
       [4,   "George H", "Bush",    8, "George H",  14, "Yale",     2],
       [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1, "Ronald",    14, "Eureka",   2],
       [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5, "Jimmy",     13, "U.S.",     1],
       [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7, "Gerald",    12, "Yale",     2]],
     "Address": [
       ["id",  "city", "@state",    "country", "@region"],
       [2,     7,           null,       "US",      "North America"],
       [3,     7,           null,       "US",      "North America"],
       [4,     7,           null,       "US",      "North America"],
       [7,     7,           null,       "US",      "North America"],
       [10,    7,           null,       "UK",      "Europe"],
       [11,    7,           null,       "US",      "North America"]]

  ["APPLY", {
    // Check that ModifyColumn properly handles noops on redundant updates
    "USER_ACTIONS" : [
      ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName", {"isFormula" : true }],
      ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 3, { "formula" : "$firstName" }],
      ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullName",
        {"isFormula" : true, "formula" : "$firstName", "label": "Entire Name"}]
    "ACTIONS" : {
      "stored" : [
        ["RenameColumn", "Students", "fullName", "Entire_Name"],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {
          "formula": "len($Entire_Name) - 1"
        ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [3, 4], {
          "label": ["Entire Name", "Full Name Length"],
          "colId": ["Entire_Name", "fullNameLen"],
          "formula": ["$firstName", "len($Entire_Name) - 1"]
      "direct": [true, true, true],
      "undo" : [
        ["RenameColumn", "Students", "Entire_Name", "fullName"],
        ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "fullNameLen", {
          "formula": "len($fullName) - 1"
        ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [3, 4], {
          "label": ["Full Name", "Full Name Length"],
          "colId": ["fullName", "fullNameLen"],
          "formula": ["$firstName", "len($fullName) - 1"]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "column_conversions",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "simplest"],
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {"USE_SAMPLE": "simplest"}],

    ["APPLY", {
      // Add a DateTime column
      "USER_ACTION": ["AddColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "DateTime", "isFormula": false}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["AddColumn", "foo", "c_date", {
            "type":          "DateTime",
            "isFormula":     false,
            "formula":       ""
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 2, {
            "colId": "c_date", "formula": "", "isFormula": false, "label": "c_date", "parentId": 1,
            "parentPos": 2.0, "type": "DateTime", "widgetOptions": ""}
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RemoveColumn", "foo", "c_date"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 2]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "simplest",
      "foo": [
        ["id", "bar",   "c_date"],
        [1,    "apple", null]

    ["APPLY", {
      // Change it to Int
      "USER_ACTION": ["ModifyColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "Int"}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 2, {"type": "Int"}]
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "DateTime"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 2, {"type": "DateTime"}]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "simplest",
      "foo": [
        ["id", "bar",   "c_date"],
        [1,    "apple", null]

    ["APPLY", {
      // Change it to Numeric
      "USER_ACTION": ["ModifyColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "Numeric"}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "Numeric"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 2, {"type": "Numeric"}]
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 2, {"type": "Int"}]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "simplest",
      "foo": [
        ["id", "bar",   "c_date"],
        [1,    "apple", null]

    ["APPLY", {
      // Change it back to DateTime
      "USER_ACTION": ["ModifyColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "DateTime"}],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          // Note absence of UpdateRecord for 0 to null, because 0 is compatible with DateTime
          ["ModifyColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "DateTime"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 2, {"type": "DateTime"}]
        "direct": [true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "foo", "c_date", {"type": "Numeric"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 2, {"type": "Numeric"}]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "simplest",
      "foo": [
        ["id", "bar",   "c_date"],
        [1,    "apple", null]

}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "add_table",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["AddTable", "Foo", []],
        ["AddTable", "Bar", [
          { "id": "hello", "label": "hello", "type": "Text", "isFormula": false, "widgetOptions": ""},
          { "id": "world", "label": "world", "type": "Text", "isFormula": true,  "formula": "rec.hello.upper()", "widgetOptions": ""},
          { "id": "foo",   "label": "foo", "type": "Ref:Foo", "isFormula": false, "widgetOptions": "" }
        ["AddRecord", "Bar", 1, {"hello": "a", "foo": 0}],
        ["AddRecord", "Bar", 2, {"hello": "b", "foo": 1}],
        ["AddRecord", "Bar", 3, {"hello": "c", "foo": 1}]

      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["AddTable", "Foo", [
            {"id": "manualSort", "formula": "", "isFormula": false, "type": "ManualSortPos"}
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 0, "tableId": "Foo"}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30, {"colId": "manualSort", "formula": "", "isFormula": false,
           "label": "manualSort", "parentId": 4, "parentPos": 8.0, "type": "ManualSortPos", "widgetOptions": ""}],
          // Raw view
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views", 1,
            {"type": "raw_data", "name": "Foo"}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1, {"tabPos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1, {"indentation": 0, "pagePos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1,
            {"tableRef": 4, "defaultWidth": 100, "borderWidth": 1,
              "parentId": 1, "parentKey": "record", "sortColRefs": "[]", "title": ""}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 2, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "record", "tableRef": 4, "title": ""}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 3, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "single", "tableRef": 4, "title": ""}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 3}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 1, "rawViewSectionRef": 2}],
          ["AddTable", "Bar", [
            {"id": "manualSort", "formula": "", "isFormula": false, "type": "ManualSortPos"},
            {"isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "Text", "id": "hello"},
            {"isFormula": true, "formula": "rec.hello.upper()", "type": "Text", "id": "world"},
            {"isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "Ref:Foo", "id": "foo"}]
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables", 5, {"primaryViewId": 0, "tableId": "Bar"}],

          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [31,32,33,34], {
            "colId": ["manualSort","hello","world","foo"],
            "isFormula": [false,false,true,false],
            "formula": ["","","rec.hello.upper()",""],
            "type": ["ManualSortPos","Text","Text","Ref:Foo"],
            "label": ["manualSort","hello","world","foo"],
            "parentId": [5,5,5,5],
            "parentPos": [9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0],
            "widgetOptions": ["","","",""]

          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views", 2,
            {"type": "raw_data", "name": "Bar"}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 2, {"tabPos": 2.0, "viewRef": 2}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Pages", 2, {"pagePos": 2.0, "viewRef": 2, "indentation": 0}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 4,
            {"tableRef": 5, "defaultWidth": 100, "borderWidth": 1,
              "parentId": 2, "parentKey": "record", "sortColRefs": "[]", "title": ""}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1,2,3],
            {"parentId": [4,4,4], "colRef": [32,33,34], "parentPos": [1.0,2.0,3.0]}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 5, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "record", "tableRef": 5, "title": ""}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [4, 5, 6], {"colRef": [32, 33, 34], "parentId": [5, 5, 5], "parentPos": [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 6, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "single", "tableRef": 5, "title": ""}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 5, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 6}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [7, 8, 9], {"colRef": [32, 33, 34], "parentId": [6, 6, 6], "parentPos": [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 5, {"primaryViewId": 2, "rawViewSectionRef": 5}],
          ["AddRecord", "Bar", 1, {"foo": 0, "hello": "a", "manualSort": 1.0}],
          ["AddRecord", "Bar", 2, {"foo": 1, "hello": "b", "manualSort": 2.0}],
          ["AddRecord", "Bar", 3, {"foo": 1, "hello": "c", "manualSort": 3.0}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Bar", [1, 2, 3], {"world": ["A", "B", "C"]}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
                   true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
                   true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
                   true, true, true, false],
        "undo": [
          ["RemoveTable", "Foo"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 2],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 3],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 0, "rawViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["RemoveTable", "Bar"],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 5],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [31,32,33,34]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 2],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 2],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 2],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 4],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [1,2,3]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 5],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [4, 5, 6]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 6],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 5, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section_field", [7, 8, 9]],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 5, {"primaryViewId": 0, "rawViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Bar", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Bar", 2],
          ["RemoveRecord", "Bar", 3]
        "retValue": [
          // AddTable "Foo" retValue
            "table_id": "Foo",
            "id": 4,
            "columns": [],
            "views": [
              { "sections": [ 1 ], "id": 1 }
          // AddTable "Bar" retValue
            "table_id": "Bar",
            "id": 5,
            "columns": ["hello", "world", "foo"],
            "views": [
              { "sections": [ 4 ], "id": 2 }
          // AddRecord retValues
          1, 2, 3
        //"Bar" : { "world" : 3 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Foo": [
        ["id", "manualSort"]
      "Bar": [
        ["id", "hello", "foo", "manualSort", "@world"],
        [1,    "a",     0,     1.0,          "A"],
        [2,    "b",     1,     2.0,          "B"],
        [3,    "c",     1,     3.0,          "C"]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "remove_table",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],

     ["APPLY", {
       "USER_ACTION": ["AddTable", "Foo", []],
       "ACTIONS": {
         "stored": [
           ["AddTable", "Foo", [{"id": "manualSort", "formula": "",
            "isFormula": false, "type": "ManualSortPos"}]],
           ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 0, "tableId": "Foo"}],
           ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30, {"colId": "manualSort", "formula": "", "isFormula": false,
            "label": "manualSort", "parentId": 4, "parentPos": 8.0, "type": "ManualSortPos", "widgetOptions": ""}],
           // Raw view
           ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views", 1,
             {"type": "raw_data", "name": "Foo"}],
           ["AddRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1, {"tabPos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1}],
           ["AddRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1, {"pagePos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1, "indentation": 0}],
           ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1,
             {"tableRef": 4, "defaultWidth": 100, "borderWidth": 1,
               "parentId": 1, "parentKey": "record", "sortColRefs": "[]", "title": ""}],
           // Raw data widget
           ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 2, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "record", "tableRef": 4, "title": ""}],
           // Record card widget
           ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 3, {"borderWidth": 1, "defaultWidth": 100, "parentKey": "single", "tableRef": 4, "title": ""}],
           // As part of adding a table, we also set the primaryViewId.
           ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 3}],
           ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 1, "rawViewSectionRef": 2}]
         "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true],
         "undo": [
           ["RemoveTable", "Foo"],
           ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4],
           ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30],
           ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
           ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
           ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
           ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 1],
           ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 2],
           ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", 3],
           ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 0}],
           ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 0, "rawViewSectionRef": 0}]
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "basic",
      "Foo": [["id", "manualSort"]]

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveTable", "Foo"],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Views_section", [1, 2, 3]],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"rawViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 0}],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Views", 1],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 0}],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4],
          ["RemoveTable", "Foo"]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Views_section", [1, 2, 3],
            {"borderWidth": [1, 1, 1], "defaultWidth": [100, 100, 100], "parentId": [1, 0, 0],
              "parentKey": ["record", "record", "single"], "sortColRefs": ["[]", "", ""], "tableRef": [4, 4, 4]}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"rawViewSectionRef": 2}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"recordCardViewSectionRef": 3}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_TabBar", 1, {"tabPos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Pages", 1, {"pagePos": 1.0, "viewRef": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Views", 1, {"name": "Foo", "type": "raw_data"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"primaryViewId": 1}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 30,
            {"colId": "manualSort",
             "label": "manualSort", "parentId": 4, "parentPos": 8.0,
             "type": "ManualSortPos"}],
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables", 4, {"tableId": "Foo"}],
          ["AddTable", "Foo",  [{"formula": "",
           "id": "manualSort", "isFormula": false, "type": "ManualSortPos"}]]
      {"USE_SAMPLE": "basic"}

    // When there is a Reference column to a deleted table, the reference column is also deleted.
    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveTable", "Schools"],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          // Students.school is converted from Ref:Schools to Int
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "school", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 5, {"type": "Int"}],

          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [10, 12]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 2],
          ["RemoveTable", "Schools"],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
            {"schoolRegion": [["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"],
              ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"],
              ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"]]
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8],
            {"schoolShort": [["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"],
              ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"],
              ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"]]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, false, false],
        "undo": [
          ["ModifyColumn", "Students", "school", {"type": "Ref:Schools"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 5, {"type": "Ref:Schools"}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [10, 12], {
            "colId": ["name", "address"],
            "label": ["Name", "Address"], "parentId": [2, 2], "parentPos": [1.0, 2.0],
            "type": ["Text", "Ref:Address"]
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables", 2, {"tableId": "Schools"}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "Schools", [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8],
            {"name": [
              "Eureka College", "Columbia University", "U.S. Naval Academy",
              "Oxford University", "Yale Law School", "Yale University"],
             "address": [2, 7, 3, 10, 4, 4]}],
          ["AddTable", "Schools", [
            {"isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "Text", "id": "name"},
            {"isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "Ref:Address", "id": "address"}]
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], {"schoolRegion": ["NY", "CT", "Europe", "CT", "IL", "MD", "CT"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], {"schoolShort": ["Columbia", "Yale", "Oxford", "Yale", "Eureka", "U.S.", "Yale"]}]
        "Students" : { "schoolRegion" : 7, "schoolShort" : 7 }
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Students": [
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   "Barack Obama", 12, 2, ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    "George W Bush",13, 8, ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", "Bill Clinton", 12, 6, ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    "George H Bush",13, 8, ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  "Ronald Reagan",13, 1, ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  "Jimmy Carter", 12, 5, ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"]],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    "Gerald Ford",  11, 7, ["E","AttributeError"], ["E","AttributeError"]]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveTable", "Students"],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9]],
          ["RemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1],
          ["RemoveTable", "Students"]
        "direct": [true, true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["BulkAddRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9], {
            "colId": ["firstName", "lastName", "fullName", "fullNameLen", "school", "schoolShort",
            "formula": ["", "", "rec.firstName + ' ' + rec.lastName", "len(rec.fullName)", "",
              "rec.school.name.split(' ')[0]",
                "addr = $school.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region"],
            "isFormula": [false, false, true, true, false, true, true],
            "label": ["First Name", "Last Name", "Full Name", "Full Name Length", "school","School Short",
              "School Region"],
            "parentId": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], "parentPos": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
            "type": ["Text", "Text", "Any", "Any", "Int", "Any", "Any"]
          ["AddRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "Students"}],
          ["BulkAddRecord", "Students", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8], {
            "firstName": ["Barack", "George W", "Bill", "George H", "Ronald", "Jimmy", "Gerald"],
            "fullName": ["Barack Obama", "George W Bush", "Bill Clinton", "George H Bush", "Ronald Reagan", "Jimmy Carter", "Gerald Ford"],
            "fullNameLen": [12, 13, 12, 13, 13, 12, 11],
            "lastName": ["Obama", "Bush", "Clinton", "Bush", "Reagan", "Carter", "Ford"],
            "school": [2, 8, 6, 8, 1, 5, 7],
            "schoolRegion": [["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"],
              ["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"]],
            "schoolShort": [["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"],
                ["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"], ["E", "AttributeError"]]
          ["AddTable", "Students", [
            { "isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "Text", "id": "firstName"},
            { "isFormula": false, "formula": "", "type": "Text", "id": "lastName"},
            { "isFormula": true,
              "formula": "rec.firstName + ' ' + rec.lastName", "type": "Any",
              "id": "fullName"},
            { "isFormula": true, "formula": "len(rec.fullName)", "type": "Any", "id": "fullNameLen"},
            { "isFormula": true,
              "formula": "rec.school.name.split(' ')[0]", "type": "Any",
              "id": "schoolShort"},
            { "isFormula": true, "formula": "addr = $school.address\naddr.state if addr.country == 'US' else addr.region", "type": "Any" ,
              "id": "schoolRegion"},
            {"formula": "", "id": "school", "isFormula": false, "type": "Int"}
    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "rename_table",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],

    ["APPLY", {
      // Check that tables can be renamed.
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["RenameTable", "Students", "People"],
        ["RenameTable", "Schools", "School"]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RenameTable", "Students", "People"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "People"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "People", "school", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["RenameTable", "Schools", "School"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 2, {"tableId": "School"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "People", "school", {"type": "Ref:School"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 5, {"type": "Ref:School"}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RenameTable", "People", "Students"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "Students"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "People", "school", {"type": "Ref:Schools"}],
          ["RenameTable", "School", "Schools"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 2, {"tableId": "Schools"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "People", "school", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 5, {"type": "Ref:Schools"}]
        "People" : { "fullName" : 7, "schoolRegion" : 7, "schoolShort" : 7, "fullNameLen" : 7, "#lookup#": 7 },
        "School": {"#lookup#": 6}

    ["APPLY", {
      // Check that tables can be renamed to a differently-cased name which SQLite considers
      // equivalent (see RenameTable in DocStorage.js)
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["RenameTable", "People", "PEOPLE"],
        ["RenameTable", "PEOPLE", "People"]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RenameTable", "People", "PEOPLE"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "PEOPLE"}],
          ["RenameTable", "PEOPLE", "People"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "People"}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RenameTable", "PEOPLE", "People"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "People"}],
          ["RenameTable", "People", "PEOPLE"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "PEOPLE"}]

    ["APPLY", {
      // Check that references to renamed tables continue to work.
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveRecord", "School", 8],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RemoveRecord", "School", 8],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"school": [0, 0]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"schoolRegion": [null, null]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"schoolShort": ["", ""]}]
        "direct": [true, true, false ,false],
        "undo": [
          ["AddRecord", "School", 8, {"name": "Yale University", "address": 4}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"school": [8, 8]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"schoolRegion": ["CT", "CT"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"schoolShort": ["Yale", "Yale"]}]
        "People" : { "schoolRegion" : 2, "schoolShort" : 2 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "People": [
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama", 12,           "Columbia",   "NY"],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    0,       "George W Bush",13,           "",           null],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton", 12,           "Oxford",     "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    0,       "George H Bush",13,           "",           null],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Ronald Reagan",13,           "Eureka",     "IL"],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter", 12,           "U.S.",       "MD"],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",  11,           "Yale",       "CT"]],
      "School": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address"],
        [1,     "Eureka College",       2],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]
}, {

  "TEST_CASE": "user_rename_table",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "basic"],

    ["APPLY", {
      // Check that tables can be renamed.
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "People"}],
        ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 2, {"tableId": "School"}]
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RenameTable", "Students", "People"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "People"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "People", "school", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["RenameTable", "Schools", "School"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 2, {"tableId": "School"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "People", "school", {"type": "Ref:School"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 5, {"type": "Ref:School"}]
        "direct": [true, true, true, true, true, true, true],
        "undo": [
          ["RenameTable", "People", "Students"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 1, {"tableId": "Students"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "People", "school", {"type": "Ref:Schools"}],
          ["RenameTable", "School", "Schools"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", 2, {"tableId": "Schools"}],
          ["ModifyColumn", "People", "school", {"type": "Int"}],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 5, {"type": "Ref:Schools"}]
        "People" : { "fullName" : 7, "schoolRegion" : 7, "schoolShort" : 7, "fullNameLen" : 7, "#lookup#": 7 },
        "School": {"#lookup#": 6}

    ["APPLY", {
      // Check that references to renamed tables continue to work.
      "USER_ACTION": ["RemoveRecord", "School", 8],
      "ACTIONS": {
        "stored": [
          ["RemoveRecord", "School", 8],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"school": [0, 0]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"schoolRegion": [null, null]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"schoolShort": ["", ""]}]
        "direct": [true, true, false, false],
        "undo": [
          ["AddRecord", "School", 8, {"name": "Yale University", "address": 4}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"school": [8, 8]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"schoolRegion": ["CT", "CT"]}],
          ["BulkUpdateRecord", "People", [2, 4], {"schoolShort": ["Yale", "Yale"]}]
        "People" : { "schoolRegion" : 2, "schoolShort" : 2 }

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "People": [
        [1,   "Barack",   "Obama",   2,       "Barack Obama", 12,           "Columbia",   "NY"],
        [2,   "George W", "Bush",    0,       "George W Bush",13,           "",           null],
        [3,   "Bill",     "Clinton", 6,       "Bill Clinton", 12,           "Oxford",     "Europe"],
        [4,   "George H", "Bush",    0,       "George H Bush",13,           "",           null],
        [5,   "Ronald",   "Reagan",  1,       "Ronald Reagan",13,           "Eureka",     "IL"],
        [6,   "Jimmy",    "Carter",  5,       "Jimmy Carter", 12,           "U.S.",       "MD"],
        [8,   "Gerald",   "Ford",    7,       "Gerald Ford",  11,           "Yale",       "CT"]],
      "School": [
        ["id",  "name",                 "address"],
        [1,     "Eureka College",       2],
        [2,     "Columbia University",  7],
        [5,     "U.S. Naval Academy",   3],
        [6,     "Oxford University",    10],
        [7,     "Yale Law School",      4]],
      "Address": [
        ["id",  "city",       "state",    "country", "@region"],
        [2,     "Eureka",     "IL",       "US",      "North America"],
        [3,     "Annapolis",  "MD",       "US",      "North America"],
        [4,     "New Haven",  "CT",       "US",      "North America"],
        [7,     "New York",   "NY",       "US",      "North America"],
        [10,    "Oxford",     "England",  "UK",      "Europe"]]
}, {
  "TEST_CASE" : "reserved_keywords",
  "BODY": [
    ["LOAD_SAMPLE", "simplest"],

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
        ["AddColumn", "foo", "on",          {"type": "Text", "isFormula": false}],
        ["AddColumn", "foo", "alter",       {"type": "Text", "isFormula": false}],
        ["AddColumn", "foo", "create",      {"type": "Text", "isFormula": false}],
        ["AddColumn", "foo", "drop",        {"type": "Text", "isFormula": false}],
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      "ACTIONS": {
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        [1,    "apple", "",   "",      "",       "",     "",            ""]

    ["APPLY", {
      "USER_ACTIONS": [
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        ["RenameColumn", "foo", "alter", "on"],
        ["RenameColumn", "foo", "create", "alter"],
        ["RenameColumn", "foo", "drop", "create"],
        ["RenameColumn", "foo", "transaction", "drop"],
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          ["RenameColumn", "foo", "create", "drop"],
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          ["RenameColumn", "foo", "transaction", "table"],
          ["UpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", 7, {"colId": "table"}]

    ["CHECK_OUTPUT", {
      "USE_SAMPLE": "simplest",
      "foo": [
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        [1,    "apple", "",       "",   "",      "",       "",     ""]

