import {PassThrough} from 'stream'; import {FilterColValues} from "app/common/ActiveDocAPI"; import {ActiveDocSource, doExportDoc, doExportSection, doExportTable, ExportData, ExportHeader, ExportParameters, Filter} from 'app/server/lib/Export'; import {createExcelFormatter} from 'app/server/lib/ExcelFormatter'; import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import {Alignment, Border, Buffer as ExcelBuffer, stream as ExcelWriteStream, Fill, Workbook} from 'exceljs'; import {Rpc} from 'grain-rpc'; import {Stream} from 'stream'; import {MessagePort, threadId} from 'worker_threads'; export const makeXLSXFromOptions = handleExport(doMakeXLSXFromOptions); function handleExport( make: (a: ActiveDocSource, testDates: boolean, output: Stream, ...args: T) => Promise ) { return async function({port, testDates, args}: {port: MessagePort, testDates: boolean, args: T}) { try { const start =; log.debug("workerExporter %s %s: started", threadId,; const rpc = new Rpc({ sendMessage: async (m) => port.postMessage(m), logger: { info: m => {}, warn: m => log.warn(m) }, }); const activeDocSource = rpc.getStub("activeDocSource"); port.on('message', (m) => rpc.receiveMessage(m)); const outputStream = new PassThrough(); bufferedPipe(outputStream, (chunk) => rpc.postMessage(chunk)); await make(activeDocSource, testDates, outputStream, ...args); port.close(); log.debug("workerExporter %s %s: done in %s ms", threadId,, - start); } catch (e) { log.debug("workerExporter %s %s: error %s", threadId,, String(e)); // When Error objects move across threads, they keep only the 'message' property. We can // keep other properties (like 'status') if we throw a plain object instead. (Didn't find a // good reference on this, is vaguely related.) throw {message: e.message, ...e}; } }; } // ExcelJS's WorkbookWriter produces many tiny writes (even though they pass through zipping). To // reduce overhead and context switching, buffer them and pass on in chunks. (In practice, this // helps performance only slightly.) function bufferedPipe(stream: Stream, callback: (chunk: Buffer) => void, threshold = 64*1024) { let buffers: Buffer[] = []; let length = 0; let flushed = 0; function flush() { if (length > 0) { const data = Buffer.concat(buffers); flushed += data.length; callback(data); buffers = []; length = 0; } } stream.on('data', (chunk) => { // Whenever data is written to the stream, add it to the buffer. buffers.push(chunk); length += chunk.length; // If the buffer is large enough, post it to the callback. Also post the very first chunk: // since this becomes an HTTP response, a quick first chunk lets the browser prompt the user // more quickly about what to do with the download. if (length >= threshold || flushed === 0) { flush(); } }); stream.on('end', flush); } export async function doMakeXLSXFromOptions( activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource, testDates: boolean, stream: Stream, options: ExportParameters ) { const {tableId, viewSectionId, filters, sortOrder, linkingFilter, header} = options; if (viewSectionId) { return doMakeXLSXFromViewSection({activeDocSource, testDates, stream, viewSectionId, header, sortOrder: sortOrder || null, filters: filters || null, linkingFilter: linkingFilter || null}); } else if (tableId) { return doMakeXLSXFromTable({activeDocSource, testDates, stream, tableId, header}); } else { return doMakeXLSX({activeDocSource, testDates, stream, header}); } } /** * @async * Returns a XLSX stream of a view section that can be transformed or parsed. * * @param {Object} options - options for the export. * @param {Object} options.activeDocSource - the activeDoc that the table being converted belongs to. * @param {Integer} options.viewSectionId - id of the viewsection to export. * @param {Integer[]} options.activeSortOrder (optional) - overriding sort order. * @param {Filter[]} options.filters (optional) - filters defined from ui. * @param {FilterColValues} options.linkingFilter (optional) * @param {Stream} - the stream to write to. * @param {boolean} options.testDates - whether to use static dates for testing. * @param {string} options.header (optional) - which field of the column to use as header */ async function doMakeXLSXFromViewSection({ activeDocSource, testDates, stream, viewSectionId, sortOrder, filters, linkingFilter, header }: { activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource, testDates: boolean, stream: Stream, viewSectionId: number, sortOrder: number[] | null, filters: Filter[] | null, linkingFilter: FilterColValues | null, header?: ExportHeader, }) { const data = await doExportSection(activeDocSource, viewSectionId, sortOrder, filters, linkingFilter); const {exportTable, end} = convertToExcel(stream, testDates, {header}); exportTable(data); return end(); } /** * @async * Returns a XLSX stream of a table that can be transformed or parsed. * * @param {Object} options - options for the export. * @param {Object} options.activeDocSource - the activeDoc that the table being converted belongs to. * @param {Integer} options.tableId - id of the table to export. * @param {Stream} - the stream to write to. * @param {boolean} options.testDates - whether to use static dates for testing. * @param {string} options.header (optional) - which field of the column to use as header * */ async function doMakeXLSXFromTable({activeDocSource, testDates, stream, tableId, header}: { activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource, testDates: boolean, stream: Stream, tableId: string, header?: ExportHeader, }) { const data = await doExportTable(activeDocSource, {tableId}); const {exportTable, end} = convertToExcel(stream, testDates, {header}); exportTable(data); return end(); } /** * Creates excel document with all tables from an active Grist document. */ async function doMakeXLSX({activeDocSource, testDates, stream, header}: { activeDocSource: ActiveDocSource, testDates: boolean, stream: Stream, header?: ExportHeader, }): Promise { const {exportTable, end} = convertToExcel(stream, testDates, {header}); await doExportDoc(activeDocSource, async (table: ExportData) => exportTable(table)); return end(); } /** * Converts export data to an excel file. * If a stream is provided, use it via the more memory-efficient * WorkbookWriter, otherwise fall back on using a Workbook directly, * and return a buffer. * (The second option is for grist-static; at the time of writing * WorkbookWriter doesn't appear to be available in a browser context). */ function convertToExcel(stream: Stream|undefined, testDates: boolean, options: { header?: ExportHeader }): { exportTable: (table: ExportData) => void, end: () => Promise, } { // Create workbook and add single sheet to it. Using the WorkbookWriter interface avoids // creating the entire Excel file in memory, which can be very memory-heavy. See // (The options useStyles and // useSharedStrings replicate more closely what was used previously.) // If there is no stream, write with a Workbook. const wb: Workbook | ExcelWriteStream.xlsx.WorkbookWriter = stream ? new ExcelWriteStream.xlsx.WorkbookWriter({ useStyles: true, useSharedStrings: true, stream }) : new Workbook(); const maybeCommit = stream ? (t: any) => t.commit() : (t: any) => {}; if (testDates) { // HACK: for testing, we will keep static dates const date = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0)); wb.modified = date; wb.created = date; wb.lastPrinted = date; wb.creator = 'test'; wb.lastModifiedBy = 'test'; } // Prepare border - some of the cells can have background colors, in that case border will // not be visible const borderStyle: Border = { color: { argb: 'FFE2E2E3' }, // dark gray - default border color for gdrive style: 'thin' }; const borders = { left: borderStyle, right: borderStyle, top: borderStyle, bottom: borderStyle }; const headerBackground: Fill = { type: 'pattern', pattern: 'solid', fgColor: { argb: 'FFEEEEEE' } // gray }; const headerFontColor = { color: { argb: 'FF000000' // black } }; const centerAlignment: Partial = { horizontal: 'center' }; function exportTable(table: ExportData) { const { columns, rowIds, access, tableName } = table; const ws = wb.addWorksheet(sanitizeWorksheetName(tableName)); // Build excel formatters. const formatters = => createExcelFormatter(col.formatter.type, col.formatter.widgetOpts)); // Generate headers for all columns with correct styles for whole column. // Actual header style for a first row will be overwritten later. const colHeader = options.header ?? 'label'; ws.columns =, c) => ({ header: col[colHeader], style: formatters[c].style() })); // style up the header row for (let i = 1; i <= columns.length; i++) { // apply to all rows (including header) ws.getColumn(i).border = borders; // apply only to header const header = ws.getCell(1, i); header.fill = headerBackground; header.font = headerFontColor; header.alignment = centerAlignment; } // Make each column a little wider. ws.columns.forEach(column => { if (!column.header) { return; } // 14 points is about 100 pixels in a default font (point is around 7.5 pixels) column.width = column.header.length < 14 ? 14 : column.header.length; }); // Populate excel file with data for (const row of rowIds) { maybeCommit(ws.addRow(, c) => formatters[c].formatAny(getter(row))))); } maybeCommit(ws); } async function end(): Promise { if (!stream) { return wb.xlsx.writeBuffer(); } return maybeCommit(wb); } return {exportTable, end}; } /** * Removes invalid characters, see */ export function sanitizeWorksheetName(tableName: string): string { return tableName // Convert invalid characters to spaces .replace(/[*?:/\\[\]]/g, ' ') // Collapse multiple spaces into one .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') // Trim spaces and single quotes from the ends .replace(/^['\s]+/, '') .replace(/['\s]+$/, ''); } // This method exists only to make Piscina happier. With it, // Piscina will load this file using a regular require(), // which under Electron will deal fine with Electron's ASAR // app bundle. Without it, Piscina will try fancier methods // that aren't at the time of writing correctly patched to // deal with an ASAR app bundle, and so report that this // file doesn't exist instead of exporting an XLSX file. // export default function doNothing() { }