import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization' const t = makeT('ExampleInfo'); export interface IExampleInfo { id: number; urlId: string; title: string; imgUrl: string; tutorialUrl: string; welcomeCard: WelcomeCard; } interface WelcomeCard { title: string; text: string; tutorialName: string; } export const buildExamples = (): IExampleInfo[] => [{ id: 1, // Identifies the example in UserPrefs.seenExamples urlId: 'lightweight-crm', title: t('Title', {context: "CRM"}), imgUrl: '', tutorialUrl: '', welcomeCard: { title: t('WelcomeTitle', {context: "CRM"}), text: t('WelcomeText', {context: "CRM"}), tutorialName: t('WelcomeTutorialName', {context: "CRM"}), }, }, { id: 2, // Identifies the example in UserPrefs.seenExamples urlId: 'investment-research', title: t('Title', {context: "investmentResearch"}), imgUrl: '', tutorialUrl: '', welcomeCard: { title: t('WelcomeTitle', {context: "investmentResearch"}), text: t('WelcomeText', {context: "investmentResearch"}), tutorialName: t('WelcomeTutorialName', {context: "investmentResearch"}), }, }, { id: 3, // Identifies the example in UserPrefs.seenExamples urlId: 'afterschool-program', title: t('Title', {context: "afterschool"}), imgUrl: '', tutorialUrl: '', welcomeCard: { title: t('WelcomeTitle', {context: "afterschool"}), text: t('WelcomeText', {context: "afterschool"}), tutorialName: t('WelcomeTutorialName', {context: "afterschool"}), }, }];