import {csvDecodeRow} from 'app/common/csvFormat'; import {DocumentSettings} from 'app/common/DocumentSettings'; import * as gristTypes from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil'; import {safeJsonParse} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {getCurrency, NumberFormatOptions} from 'app/common/NumberFormat'; import NumberParse from 'app/common/NumberParse'; import {parseDateStrict} from 'app/common/parseDate'; import {DateFormatOptions, DateTimeFormatOptions, formatDecoded, FormatOptions} from 'app/common/ValueFormatter'; import flatMap = require('lodash/flatMap'); export class ValueParser { constructor(public type: string, public widgetOpts: object, public docSettings: DocumentSettings) { } public cleanParse(value: string): any { if (!value) { return value; } return this.parse(value) ?? value; } public parse(value: string): any { return value; } } export class NumericParser extends ValueParser { private _parse: NumberParse; constructor(type: string, options: NumberFormatOptions, docSettings: DocumentSettings) { super(type, options, docSettings); this._parse = new NumberParse(docSettings.locale, getCurrency(options, docSettings)); } public parse(value: string): number | null { return this._parse.parse(value); } } class DateParser extends ValueParser { public parse(value: string): any { return parseDateStrict(value, (this.widgetOpts as DateFormatOptions).dateFormat!); } } class DateTimeParser extends DateParser { constructor(type: string, widgetOpts: DateTimeFormatOptions, docSettings: DocumentSettings) { super(type, widgetOpts, docSettings); const timezone = gutil.removePrefix(type, "DateTime:") || ''; this.widgetOpts = {...widgetOpts, timezone}; } } class ChoiceListParser extends ValueParser { public cleanParse(value: string): string[] | null { value = value.trim(); const result = ( this._parseJson(value) || this._parseCsv(value) ).map(v => v.trim()) .filter(v => v); if (!result.length) { return null; } return ["L", ...result]; } private _parseJson(value: string): string[] | undefined { // Don't parse JSON non-arrays if (value[0] === "[") { const arr: unknown[] | null = safeJsonParse(value, null); return arr // Remove nulls and empty strings ?.filter(v => v || v === 0) // Convert values to strings, formatting nested JSON objects/arrays as JSON .map(v => formatDecoded(v)); } } private _parseCsv(value: string): string[] { // Split everything on newlines which are not allowed by the choice editor. return flatMap(value.split(/[\n\r]+/), row => { return csvDecodeRow(row) .map(v => v.trim()); }); } } const parsers: { [type: string]: typeof ValueParser } = { Numeric: NumericParser, Int: NumericParser, Date: DateParser, DateTime: DateTimeParser, ChoiceList: ChoiceListParser, }; // TODO these are not ready yet delete parsers.DateTime; export function createParser( type: string, widgetOpts: FormatOptions, docSettings: DocumentSettings ): (value: string) => any { const cls = parsers[gristTypes.extractTypeFromColType(type)]; if (cls) { const parser = new cls(type, widgetOpts, docSettings); return parser.cleanParse.bind(parser); } return value => value; }