/** * rowset.js module defines a number of classes to deal with maintaining collections of rows and * listening to their changes. * * RowSource: abstract interface for a source of row changes. * - emits rowChange('add|remove|update', rows) events with rows an iterable. * - offers getAllRows() method that returns all rows currently in the RowSource. * * RowListener: base class for a listener to row changes. * - offers subscribeTo(rowSource), unsubscribeFrom(rowSource) methods. * - derived classes should implement onAddRows(), onRemoveRows(), onUpdateRows(). * * FilteredRowSource(filterFunc): a RowListener that can be subscribed to any other RowSources and * is itself a RowSource which forwards changes to rows that match filterFunc. * * RowGrouping(groupFunc): a RowListener that can be subscribed to any RowSources, groups * rows by the result of groupFunc, and exposes a per-group RowSource via its getGroup() method. * * SortedRowSet(compareFunc): a RowListener that can be subscribed to any RowSources, and exposes * an observable koArray via getKoArray(), which maintains rows from RowSources in sorted order. */ // tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file import koArray, {KoArray} from 'app/client/lib/koArray'; import {DisposableWithEvents} from 'app/common/DisposableWithEvents'; import {CompareFunc, sortedIndex} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {SkippableRows} from 'app/common/TableData'; import {RowFilterFunc} from "app/common/RowFilterFunc"; import {Observable} from 'grainjs'; /** * Special constant value that can be used for the `rows` array for the 'rowNotify' * event to indicate that the event applies to all rows. */ export const ALL: unique symbol = Symbol("ALL"); export type ChangeType = 'add' | 'remove' | 'update'; export type ChangeMethod = 'onAddRows' | 'onRemoveRows' | 'onUpdateRows'; export type RowId = number | 'new'; export type RowList = Iterable<RowId>; export type RowsChanged = RowList | typeof ALL; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // RowSource // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * RowSource is an interface expected by RowListener. It should implement `getAllRows()` method, * and should emit `rowChange('add|remove|update', rows)` events on changes, * and `rowNotify(rows, value)` event to notify listeners of a value associated with a row. * For the `rowNotify` event, rows may be the rowset.ALL constant. */ export abstract class RowSource extends DisposableWithEvents { /** * Returns an iterable over all rows in this RowSource. Should be implemented by derived classes. */ public abstract getAllRows(): RowList; /** * Returns the number of rows in this row source. */ public abstract getNumRows(): number; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // RowListener // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- const _changeTypes: {[key: string]: ChangeMethod} = { add: 'onAddRows', remove: 'onRemoveRows', update: 'onUpdateRows', }; /** * RowListener is the base class for collections that want to subscribe to rowset changes. It * offers `subscribeTo(rowSource)` method. The derived class should implement several methods * which will be called on row changes. */ export class RowListener extends DisposableWithEvents { /** * Subscribes to the given rowSource and adds the rows currently in it. */ public subscribeTo(rowSource: RowSource): void { this.onAddRows(rowSource.getAllRows()); this.listenTo(rowSource, 'rowChange', (changeType: ChangeType, rows: RowList) => { const method: ChangeMethod = _changeTypes[changeType]; this[method](rows); }); this.listenTo(rowSource, 'rowNotify', this.onRowNotify); } /** * Unsubscribes from the given rowSource removing its rows. This is not needed for disposal; * dispose() on its own is sufficient and faster. */ public unsubscribeFrom(rowSource: RowSource): void { this.stopListening(rowSource, 'rowChange'); this.stopListening(rowSource, 'rowNotify'); this.onRemoveRows(rowSource.getAllRows()); } /** * Process row additions. To be implemented by derived classes. */ protected onAddRows(rows: RowList) { /* no-op */ } /** * Process row removals. To be implemented by derived classes. */ protected onRemoveRows(rows: RowList) { /* no-op */ } /** * Process row updates. To be implemented by derived classes. */ protected onUpdateRows(rows: RowList) { /* no-op */ } /** * Derived classes may override this event to handle row notifications. By default, it re-triggers * rowNotify on the RowListener itself. */ protected onRowNotify(rows: RowList, notifyValue: any) { this.trigger('rowNotify', rows, notifyValue); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // MappedRowSource // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A trivial RowSource returning a fixed list of rows. */ export abstract class ArrayRowSource extends RowSource { constructor(private _rows: RowId[]) { super(); } public getAllRows(): RowList { return this._rows; } public getNumRows(): number { return this._rows.length; } } /** * MappedRowSource wraps any other RowSource, and passes through all rows, replacing each row * identifier with the result of mapperFunc(row) call. * * The underlying RowSource is exposed as this.parentRowSource. * * TODO: This class is not used anywhere at the moment, and is a candidate for removal. */ export class MappedRowSource extends RowSource { private _mapperFunc: (row: RowId) => RowId; constructor( public parentRowSource: RowSource, mapperFunc: (row: RowId) => RowId, ) { super(); // Wrap mapperFunc to ensure arguments after the first one aren't passed on to it. this._mapperFunc = (row => mapperFunc(row)); // Listen to the two event types a rowSource might produce, and map the rows in them. this.listenTo(parentRowSource, 'rowChange', (changeType: ChangeType, rows: RowList) => { this.trigger('rowChange', changeType, Array.from(rows, this._mapperFunc)); }); this.listenTo(parentRowSource, 'rowNotify', (rows: RowsChanged, notifyValue: any) => { this.trigger('rowNotify', rows === ALL ? ALL : Array.from(rows, this._mapperFunc), notifyValue); }); } public getAllRows(): RowList { return Array.from(this.parentRowSource.getAllRows(), this._mapperFunc); } public getNumRows(): number { return this.parentRowSource.getNumRows(); } } /** * A RowSource with some extra rows added. */ export class ExtendedRowSource extends RowSource { constructor( public parentRowSource: RowSource, public extras: RowId[] ) { super(); // Listen to the two event types a rowSource might produce, and map the rows in them. this.listenTo(parentRowSource, 'rowChange', (changeType: ChangeType, rows: RowList) => { this.trigger('rowChange', changeType, rows); }); this.listenTo(parentRowSource, 'rowNotify', (rows: RowsChanged, notifyValue: any) => { this.trigger('rowNotify', rows === ALL ? ALL : rows, notifyValue); }); } public getAllRows(): RowList { return [...this.parentRowSource.getAllRows()].concat(this.extras); } public getNumRows(): number { return this.parentRowSource.getNumRows() + this.extras.length; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // FilteredRowSource // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- interface FilterRowChanges { adds?: RowId[]; updates?: RowId[]; removes?: RowId[]; } /** * See FilteredRowSource, for which this is the base. BaseFilteredRowSource is simpler, in that it * does not maintain excluded rows, and does not allow changes to filterFunc. */ export class BaseFilteredRowSource extends RowListener implements RowSource { protected _matchingRows: Set<RowId> = new Set(); // Set of rows matching the filter. constructor(protected _filterFunc: RowFilterFunc<RowId>) { super(); } public getAllRows(): RowList { return this._matchingRows.values(); } public getNumRows(): number { return this._matchingRows.size; } public onAddRows(rows: RowList) { const outputRows = []; for (const r of rows) { if (this._filterFunc(r)) { this._matchingRows.add(r); outputRows.push(r); } else { this._addExcludedRow(r); } } if (outputRows.length > 0) { this.trigger('rowChange', 'add', outputRows); } } public onRemoveRows(rows: RowList) { const outputRows = []; for (const r of rows) { if (this._matchingRows.delete(r)) { outputRows.push(r); } this._deleteExcludedRow(r); } if (outputRows.length > 0) { this.trigger('rowChange', 'remove', outputRows); } } public onUpdateRows(rows: RowList) { const changes = this._updateRowsHelper({}, rows); if (changes.removes) { this.trigger('rowChange', 'remove', changes.removes); } if (changes.updates) { this.trigger('rowChange', 'update', changes.updates); } if (changes.adds) { this.trigger('rowChange', 'add', changes.adds); } } public onRowNotify(rows: RowsChanged, notifyValue: any) { if (rows === ALL) { this.trigger('rowNotify', ALL, notifyValue); } else { const outputRows = []; for (const r of rows) { if (this._matchingRows.has(r)) { outputRows.push(r); } } if (outputRows.length > 0) { this.trigger('rowNotify', outputRows, notifyValue); } } } /** * Helper which goes through the given rows, applies _filterFunc() to them, and depending on the * result, adds the row to one of the arrays: changes.adds, changes.removes, or changes.updates. * Returns `changes` (the first parameter). */ protected _updateRowsHelper(changes: FilterRowChanges, rows: RowList) { for (const r of rows) { if (this._filterFunc(r)) { if (this._matchingRows.has(r)) { (changes.updates || (changes.updates = [])).push(r); } else if (this._deleteExcludedRow(r)) { this._matchingRows.add(r); (changes.adds || (changes.adds = [])).push(r); } } else { if (this._matchingRows.delete(r)) { this._addExcludedRow(r); (changes.removes || (changes.removes = [])).push(r); } } } return changes; } // These are implemented by FilteredRowSource, but the base class doesn't need to do anything. protected _addExcludedRow(row: RowId): void { /* no-op */ } protected _deleteExcludedRow(row: RowId): boolean { return true; } } /** * FilteredRowSource can listen to any other RowSource, and passes through only the rows matching * the given filter function. In particular, an 'update' event may turn into an 'add' or 'remove' * if the row starts or stops matching the function. * * FilteredRowSource is also a RowListener, so to subscribe to a rowSource, use `subscribeTo()`. */ export class FilteredRowSource extends BaseFilteredRowSource { private _excludedRows: Set<RowId> = new Set(); // Set of rows NOT matching the filter. /** * Change the filter function. This may trigger 'remove' and 'add' events as necessary to indicate * that rows stopped or started matching the new filter. */ public updateFilter(filterFunc: RowFilterFunc<RowId>) { this._filterFunc = filterFunc; const changes: FilterRowChanges = {}; // After the first call, _excludedRows may have additional rows, but there is no harm in it, // as we know they don't match, and so will be ignored by _updateRowsHelper. this._updateRowsHelper(changes, this._matchingRows); this._updateRowsHelper(changes, this._excludedRows); if (changes.removes) { this.trigger('rowChange', 'remove', changes.removes); } if (changes.adds) { this.trigger('rowChange', 'add', changes.adds); } } /** * Re-apply the filter to the given rows, triggering add/remove events as needed. This is also * similar to what happens on an rowChange/update event from a RowSource, except that no 'update' * event is propagated if filter status hasn't changed. */ public refilterRows(rows: RowList) { const changes = this._updateRowsHelper({}, rows); if (changes.removes) { this.trigger('rowChange', 'remove', changes.removes); } if (changes.adds) { this.trigger('rowChange', 'add', changes.adds); } } /** * Returns an iterable over all rows that got filtered out by this FilteredRowSource. */ public getHiddenRows() { return this._excludedRows.values(); } protected _addExcludedRow(row: RowId): void { this._excludedRows.add(row); } protected _deleteExcludedRow(row: RowId): boolean { return this._excludedRows.delete(row); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // RowGrouping // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Private helper object that maintains a set of rows for a particular group. */ class RowGroupHelper<Value> extends RowSource { private _rows: Set<RowId> = new Set(); constructor(public readonly groupValue: Value) { super(); } public getAllRows() { return this._rows.values(); } public getNumRows(): number { return this._rows.size; } public _addAll(rows: RowList) { for (const r of rows) { this._rows.add(r); } } public _removeAll(rows: RowList) { for (const r of rows) { this._rows.delete(r); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Helper function that does map.get(key).push(r), creating an Array for the given key if * necessary. */ function _addToMapOfArrays<K, V>(map: Map<K, V[]>, key: K, r: V): void { let arr = map.get(key); if (!arr) { map.set(key, arr = []); } arr.push(r); } /** * RowGrouping is a RowListener which groups rows by the results of _groupFunc(row) and exposes * per-group RowSources via getGroup(val). * * @param {Function} groupFunc: called with row identifier, should return the value to group by. * The returned value must be a primitive value such as a String or Number. */ export class RowGrouping<Value> extends RowListener { // Maps row identifiers to groupValues. private _rowsToValues: Map<RowId, Value> = new Map(); // Maps group values to RowGroupHelpers private _valuesToGroups: Map<Value, RowGroupHelper<Value>> = new Map(); constructor(private _groupFunc: (row: RowId) => Value) { super(); // On disposal, dispose all RowGroupHelpers that we maintain. this.onDispose(() => { for (const rowGroupHelper of this._valuesToGroups.values()) { rowGroupHelper.dispose(); } }); } /** * Returns a RowSource for the group of rows for which groupFunc(row) is equal to groupValue. */ public getGroup(groupValue: Value): RowGroupHelper<Value> { let group = this._valuesToGroups.get(groupValue); if (!group) { group = new RowGroupHelper(groupValue); this._valuesToGroups.set(groupValue, group); } return group; } // Implementation of the RowListener interface. public onAddRows(rows: RowList) { const groupedRows = new Map(); for (const r of rows) { const newValue = this._groupFunc(r); _addToMapOfArrays(groupedRows, newValue, r); this._rowsToValues.set(r, newValue); } groupedRows.forEach((groupRows, groupValue) => { const group = this.getGroup(groupValue); group._addAll(groupRows); group.trigger('rowChange', 'add', groupRows); }); } public onRemoveRows(rows: RowList) { const groupedRows = new Map(); for (const r of rows) { _addToMapOfArrays(groupedRows, this._rowsToValues.get(r), r); this._rowsToValues.delete(r); } // Note that we don't dispose the RowGroupHelper itself when it becomes empty, because this // group may be in use elsewhere (even if empty at the moment). RowGroupHelpers are only // disposed together with the RowGrouping object itself. groupedRows.forEach((groupRows, groupValue) => { const group = this._valuesToGroups.get(groupValue)!; group._removeAll(groupRows); group.trigger('rowChange', 'remove', groupRows); }); } public onUpdateRows(rows: RowList) { let updateGroup, removeGroup, insertGroup; for (const r of rows) { const oldValue = this._rowsToValues.get(r); const newValue = this._groupFunc(r); if (newValue === oldValue) { _addToMapOfArrays(updateGroup || (updateGroup = new Map()), oldValue, r); } else { this._rowsToValues.set(r, newValue); _addToMapOfArrays(removeGroup || (removeGroup = new Map()), oldValue, r); _addToMapOfArrays(insertGroup || (insertGroup = new Map()), newValue, r); } } if (removeGroup) { removeGroup.forEach((groupRows, groupValue) => { const group = this._valuesToGroups.get(groupValue)!; group._removeAll(groupRows); group.trigger('rowChange', 'remove', groupRows); }); } if (updateGroup) { updateGroup.forEach((groupRows, groupValue) => { const group = this._valuesToGroups.get(groupValue)!; group.trigger('rowChange', 'update', groupRows); }); } if (insertGroup) { insertGroup.forEach((groupRows, groupValue) => { const group = this.getGroup(groupValue); group._addAll(groupRows); group.trigger('rowChange', 'add', groupRows); }); } } public onRowNotify(rows: RowsChanged, notifyValue: any) { if (rows === ALL) { for (const group of this._valuesToGroups.values()) { group.trigger('rowNotify', ALL, notifyValue); } } else { const groupedRows = new Map(); for (const r of rows) { _addToMapOfArrays(groupedRows, this._rowsToValues.get(r), r); } groupedRows.forEach((groupRows, groupValue) => { const group = this._valuesToGroups.get(groupValue)!; group.trigger('rowNotify', groupRows, notifyValue); }); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // SortedRowSet // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * SortedRowSet is a RowListener which maintains a set of rows in a sorted order, according to the * results of compareFunc. The sorted rows are exposed as an observable koArray. * * SortedRowSet re-emits 'rowNotify(rows, value)' events from RowSources that it subscribes to. */ export class SortedRowSet extends RowListener { private _allRows: Set<RowId> = new Set(); private _isPaused: boolean = false; private _koArray: KoArray<RowId>; private _keepFunc?: (rowId: number|'new') => boolean; constructor(private _compareFunc: CompareFunc<RowId>, private _skippableRows?: SkippableRows) { super(); this._koArray = this.autoDispose(koArray<RowId>()); this._keepFunc = _skippableRows?.getKeepFunc(); } /** * Returns the sorted observable koArray maintained by this SortedRowSet. */ public getKoArray() { return this._koArray; } /** * Disable the populating of koArray temporarily. When pause(false) is called, the array is * brought back up to date. This is useful if there are multiple changes, e.g. subscriptions and * compareFunc updates, to avoid sorting multiple times. */ public pause(doPause: boolean) { if (!doPause && this._isPaused) { this._koArray.assign(Array.from(this._allRows).sort(this._compareFunc)); } this._isPaused = Boolean(doPause); } /** * Re-sorts the array according to the new compareFunc. */ public updateSort(compareFunc: CompareFunc<RowId>): void { this._compareFunc = compareFunc; if (!this._isPaused) { this._koArray.assign(Array.from(this._koArray.peek()).sort(this._compareFunc)); } } public onAddRows(rows: RowList) { for (const r of rows) { this._allRows.add(r); } if (this._isPaused) { return; } if (this._canChangeIncrementally(rows)) { for (const r of rows) { const insertIndex = sortedIndex(this._koArray.peek(), r, this._compareFunc); this._koArray.splice(insertIndex, 0, r); } } else { this._koArray.assign(this._keep(Array.from(this._allRows).sort(this._compareFunc))); } } public onRemoveRows(rows: RowList) { for (const r of rows) { this._allRows.delete(r); } if (this._isPaused) { return; } if (this._canChangeIncrementally(rows)) { for (const r of rows) { const index = this._koArray.peek().indexOf(r); if (index !== -1) { this._koArray.splice(index, 1); } } } else { this._koArray.assign(this._keep(Array.from(this._allRows).sort(this._compareFunc))); } } public onUpdateRows(rows: RowList) { // If paused, do nothing, since we'll re-sort later anyway. if (this._isPaused) { return; } // If all affected rows are in correct place relative to their neighbors, then the array is // still sorted, and there is nothing to do. (It's a common case when the update affects fields // not participating in the sort.) // // Note that the logic is all or none, since we can't assume that a single row is in its right // place by comparing to neighbors because the neighbors might themselves be affected and wrong. const sortedRows = Array.from(rows).sort(this._compareFunc); if (_allRowsSorted(this._koArray.peek(), this._allRows, sortedRows, this._compareFunc)) { return; } if (this._canChangeIncrementally(rows)) { // Note that we can't add any rows before we remove all affected rows, because affected rows // may no longer be in the correct sort order, so binary search is broken until they are gone. this.onRemoveRows(rows); this.onAddRows(rows); } else { this._koArray.assign(this._keep(Array.from(this._koArray.peek()).sort(this._compareFunc))); } } // Check whether a change in the specified rows can be applied incrementally. private _canChangeIncrementally(rows: RowList) { return !this._keepFunc && isSmallChange(rows); } // Filter out any rows that should be skipped. This is a no-op if no _keepFunc was found. // All rows that sort within nContext rows of something meant to be kept are also kept. private _keep(rows: RowId[], nContext: number = 2) { // Nothing to be done if there's no _keepFunc. if (!this._keepFunc) { return rows; } // Seed a list of rows to be kept (we'll expand it as we go). const keeping = rows.map(this._keepFunc); // Within a range of skipped rows, we'll keep one as an interstitial, with its // rowId replaced with a special "skip" id that makes it get rendered a special // way (with "..." in every cell). // Start with a blank list (we'll fill it out as we go). const edge = rows.map(() => false); // Keep the first and last (typically 'new') row. const n = rows.length; if (n >= 1) { keeping[0] = true; } if (n >= 2) { keeping[n - 1] = true; } // Sweep forwards through the list of kept rows, keeping an extra nContext rows // after each. let last = - nContext - 1; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (keeping[i]) { last = i; } else if (i - last <= nContext) { keeping[i] = true; } } // Sweep backwards through the list of kept rows, keeping an extra nContext rows // before each. last = n + nContext + 1; for (let i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (keeping[i]) { last = i; } else if (last - i <= nContext) { keeping[i] = true; } } // Keep one extra "edge" row from each sequence of rows that are to be skipped. let skipping: boolean = false; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (keeping[i]) { skipping = false; } else { if (!skipping) { edge[i] = true; skipping = true; } } } // Go ahead and filter out the rows to keep, tweaking the row id of the // "edge" rows. const skipRowId = this._skippableRows?.getSkipRowId() || 0; return rows .map((v, i) => edge[i] ? skipRowId : v) .filter((v, i) => keeping[i] || edge[i] || v === 'new'); } } type RowTester = (rowId: RowId) => boolean; /** * RowWatcher is a RowListener that maintains an observable function that checks whether a row * is in the connected RowSource. */ export class RowWatcher extends RowListener { /** * Observable function that returns true if the row is in the connected RowSource. */ public rowFilter: Observable<RowTester> = Observable.create(this, () => false); // We count the number of times the row is added or removed from the source. // In most cases row is added and removed only once. private _rowCounter: Map<RowId, number> = new Map(); public clear() { this._rowCounter.clear(); this.rowFilter.set(() => false); this.stopListening(); } protected onAddRows(rows: RowList) { for (const r of rows) { this._rowCounter.set(r, (this._rowCounter.get(r) || 0) + 1); } this.rowFilter.set((row) => (this._rowCounter.get(row) ?? 0) > 0); } protected onRemoveRows(rows: RowList) { for (const r of rows) { this._rowCounter.set(r, (this._rowCounter.get(r) || 0) - 1); } this.rowFilter.set((row) => (this._rowCounter.get(row) ?? 0) > 0); } } function isSmallChange(rows: RowList) { return Array.isArray(rows) && rows.length <= 2; } /** * Helper function to tell if array[index] is in order relative to its neighbors. */ function _isIndexInOrder<T>(array: T[], index: number, compareFunc: CompareFunc<T>): boolean { const r = array[index]; return ((index === 0 || compareFunc(array[index - 1], r) <= 0) && (index === array.length - 1 || compareFunc(r, array[index + 1]) <= 0)); } /** * Helper function to tell if each of sortedRows, if present in the array, is in order relative to * its neighbors. sortedRows should be sorted the same way as the array. */ function _allRowsSorted<T>(array: T[], allRows: Set<T>, sortedRows: Iterable<T>, compareFunc: CompareFunc<T>): boolean { let last = 0; for (const r of sortedRows) { if (!allRows.has(r)) { continue; } const index = array.indexOf(r, last); if (index === -1 || !_isIndexInOrder(array, index, compareFunc)) { // rows of sortedRows are not present in the array in the same relative order. return false; } last = index; } return true; }