import { ALL_PERMISSION_PROPS, emptyPermissionSet, makePartialPermissions, mergePartialPermissions, mergePermissions, MixedPermissionSet, PartialPermissionSet, PermissionSet, TablePermissionSet, toMixed } from 'app/common/ACLPermissions'; import { ACLRuleCollection } from 'app/common/ACLRuleCollection'; import { AclMatchInput, RuleSet, UserInfo } from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause'; import { getSetMapValue } from 'app/common/gutil'; import log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import { mapValues } from 'lodash'; /** * A PermissionSet with context about how it was created. Allows us to produce more * informative error messages. */ export interface PermissionSetWithContextOf<T = PermissionSet> { perms: T; ruleType: 'full'|'table'|'column'|'row'; getMemos: () => MemoSet; } export type MixedPermissionSetWithContext = PermissionSetWithContextOf<MixedPermissionSet>; export type TablePermissionSetWithContext = PermissionSetWithContextOf<TablePermissionSet>; export type PermissionSetWithContext = PermissionSetWithContextOf<PermissionSet<string>>; // Accumulator for memos of relevant rules. export type MemoSet = PermissionSet<string[]>; // Merge MemoSets by collecting all memos with de-duplication. export function mergeMemoSets(psets: MemoSet[]): MemoSet { const result: Partial<MemoSet> = {}; for (const prop of ALL_PERMISSION_PROPS) { const merged = new Set<string>(); for (const p of psets) { for (const memo of p[prop]) { merged.add(memo); } } result[prop] = [...merged]; } return result as MemoSet; } export function emptyMemoSet(): MemoSet { return { read: [], create: [], update: [], delete: [], schemaEdit: [], }; } /** * Abstract base class for processing rules given a particular input. * Main use of this class will be to calculate permissions, but will also * be used to calculate metadata about permissions. */ abstract class RuleInfo<MixedT extends TableT, TableT> { // Construct a RuleInfo for a particular input, which is a combination of user and // optionally a record. constructor(protected _acls: ACLRuleCollection, protected _input: AclMatchInput) {} public getColumnAspect(tableId: string, colId: string): MixedT { const ruleSet: RuleSet|undefined = this._acls.getColumnRuleSet(tableId, colId); return ruleSet ? this._processColumnRule(ruleSet) : this._getTableDefaultAspect(tableId); } public getTableAspect(tableId: string): TableT { const columnAccess = this._acls.getAllColumnRuleSets(tableId).map(rs => this._processColumnRule(rs)); columnAccess.push(this._getTableDefaultAspect(tableId)); return this._mergeTableAccess(columnAccess); } public getFullAspect(): MixedT { const tableAccess = this._acls.getAllTableIds().map(tableId => this.getTableAspect(tableId)); tableAccess.push(this._getDocDefaultAspect()); return this._mergeFullAccess(tableAccess); } public getUser(): UserInfo { return this._input.user; } protected abstract _processRule(ruleSet: RuleSet, defaultAccess?: () => MixedT): MixedT; protected abstract _mergeTableAccess(access: MixedT[]): TableT; protected abstract _mergeFullAccess(access: TableT[]): MixedT; private _getTableDefaultAspect(tableId: string): MixedT { const ruleSet: RuleSet|undefined = this._acls.getTableDefaultRuleSet(tableId); return ruleSet ? this._processRule(ruleSet, () => this._getDocDefaultAspect()) : this._getDocDefaultAspect(); } private _getDocDefaultAspect(): MixedT { return this._processRule(this._acls.getDocDefaultRuleSet()); } private _processColumnRule(ruleSet: RuleSet): MixedT { return this._processRule(ruleSet, () => this._getTableDefaultAspect(ruleSet.tableId)); } } /** * Pool memos from rules, on the assumption that access has been denied and we are looking * for possible explanations to offer the user. */ export class MemoInfo extends RuleInfo<MemoSet, MemoSet> { protected _processRule(ruleSet: RuleSet, defaultAccess?: () => MemoSet): MemoSet { const pset = extractMemos(ruleSet, this._input); return defaultAccess ? mergeMemoSets([pset, defaultAccess()]) : pset; } protected _mergeTableAccess(access: MemoSet[]): MemoSet { return mergeMemoSets(access); } protected _mergeFullAccess(access: MemoSet[]): MemoSet { return mergeMemoSets(access); } } export interface IPermissionInfo { getColumnAccess(tableId: string, colId: string): MixedPermissionSetWithContext; getTableAccess(tableId: string): TablePermissionSetWithContext; getFullAccess(): MixedPermissionSetWithContext; getRuleCollection(): ACLRuleCollection; } /** * Helper for evaluating rules given a particular user and optionally a record. It evaluates rules * for a column, table, or document, with caching to avoid evaluating the same rule multiple times. */ export class PermissionInfo extends RuleInfo<MixedPermissionSet, TablePermissionSet> implements IPermissionInfo { private _ruleResults = new Map<RuleSet, MixedPermissionSet>(); // Get permissions for "tableId:colId", defaulting to "tableId:*" and "*:*" as needed. // If 'mixed' is returned, different rows may have different permissions. It should never return // 'mixed' if the input includes `rec`. // Wrap permissions with information about how they were computed. This allows // us to issue more informative error messages. public getColumnAccess(tableId: string, colId: string): MixedPermissionSetWithContext { return { perms: this.getColumnAspect(tableId, colId), ruleType: 'column', getMemos: () => new MemoInfo(this._acls, this._input).getColumnAspect(tableId, colId) }; } // Combine permissions from all rules for the given table. // If 'mixedColumns' is returned, different columns have different permissions, but they do NOT // depend on rows. If 'mixed' is returned, some permissions depend on rows. // Wrap permission sets for better error messages. public getTableAccess(tableId: string): TablePermissionSetWithContext { return { perms: this.getTableAspect(tableId), ruleType: this._input?.rec ? 'row' : 'table', getMemos: () => new MemoInfo(this._acls, this._input).getTableAspect(tableId) }; } // Combine permissions from all rules throughout. // If 'mixed' is returned, then different tables, rows, or columns have different permissions. // Wrap permission sets for better error messages. public getFullAccess(): MixedPermissionSetWithContext { return { perms: this.getFullAspect(), ruleType: 'full', getMemos: () => new MemoInfo(this._acls, this._input).getFullAspect() }; } public getRuleCollection() { return this._acls; } protected _processRule(ruleSet: RuleSet, defaultAccess?: () => MixedPermissionSet): MixedPermissionSet { return getSetMapValue(this._ruleResults, ruleSet, () => { const pset = evaluateRule(ruleSet, this._input); return toMixed(defaultAccess ? mergePartialPermissions(pset, defaultAccess()) : pset); }); } protected _mergeTableAccess(access: MixedPermissionSet[]): TablePermissionSet { return mergePermissions(access, (bits) => ( bits.every(b => b === 'allow') ? 'allow' : bits.every(b => b === 'deny') ? 'deny' : bits.every(b => b === 'allow' || b === 'deny') ? 'mixedColumns' : 'mixed' )); } protected _mergeFullAccess(access: TablePermissionSet[]): MixedPermissionSet { return mergePermissions(access, (bits) => ( bits.every(b => b === 'allow') ? 'allow' : bits.every(b => b === 'deny') ? 'deny' : 'mixed' )); } } /** * Evaluate a RuleSet on a given input (user and optionally record). If a record is needed but not * included, the result may include permission values like 'allowSome', 'denySome', or 'mixed' (for * rules with memo). */ function evaluateRule(ruleSet: RuleSet, input: AclMatchInput): PartialPermissionSet { let pset: PartialPermissionSet = emptyPermissionSet(); for (const rule of ruleSet.body) { try { if (rule.matchFunc!(input)) { pset = mergePartialPermissions(pset, rule.permissions); } } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'NEED_ROW_DATA') { pset = mergePartialPermissions(pset, makePartialPermissions(rule.permissions)); if (rule.memo) { // Quick reminder: // - memos are only shown for denies, if user can't update/delete/create, they are not shown when user // can't read. Schema permissions are not row dependent. // - memos can be extracted if ACL allows something, but they are not shown. // - partial permissions are merged, so denySome + deny = deny, and allowSome + allow = allow. // - but allow + denySome + deny = mixed, and allow + allowSome + deny = mixed. // - mixed is a final state, it can't be combined with anything else and disables any optimizations (forces // row checks). // - allowSome and denySome are not final states, they will be replaced by allow/deny/mixed. // If rule has a memo, it will be shown if user is denied access to something, only if: // - this rule denied this access // - this rule would have allowed this access, but it didn't pass (e.g. row check failed, different user, etc) // // But there is one problem. If there is mix of deny and denySome (so some rules deny access based on the row, // and some denies access unconditionally - or based on a user), the overall access is denied, and there is no // reason to know exactly which row dependent rule denied it. So the access is denied at table/column level, // without actually scanning the rows. This is a good optimization, but it means that we won't be able to show // the memo, because we won't have the row data (rec in input) to test which rule (a row dependent rule) // matched the data (see extractMemos below). // To fix that, we need to convert denySome to mixed, which is a final state, and will force row checks, as // the optimizer won't be able to tell if the access is denied or not, without actually scanning each row that // is touched in the bundle. With that, we will be able to determine which rule denied the access, as the // check will be performed for each row. // We don't need to do that for allowSome, as this bit is converted only to "allow" or "mixed". When it is // "allow", the memos won't be shown, and when it is "mixed", rows will be scanned anyway. // We'll replace only denySome in create/update/delete bits. read doesn't show memo and schemaEdit is not row // dependent. const dataChangePerms: Array<keyof PermissionSet> = ['create', 'update', 'delete']; const changesData = (perm: string) => dataChangePerms.includes(perm as keyof PermissionSet); pset = mapValues(pset, (val, perm) => val === 'denySome' && changesData(perm) ? "mixed" : val); } } else { // Unexpected error. Interpret rule pessimistically. // Anything it would explicitly allow, no longer allow through this rule. // Anything it would explicitly deny, go ahead and deny. pset = mergePartialPermissions(pset, mapValues(rule.permissions, val => (val === 'allow' ? "" : val))); const prefixedTableName = input.docId ? `${input.docId}.${ruleSet.tableId}` : ruleSet.tableId; log.warn("ACLRule for %s (`%s`) failed: %s", prefixedTableName, rule.aclFormula, e.stack); } } } return pset; } /** * If a rule has a memo, and passes, add that memo for all permissions it denies. * If a rule has a memo, and fails, add that memo for all permissions it allows. */ function extractMemos(ruleSet: RuleSet, input: AclMatchInput): MemoSet { const pset = emptyMemoSet(); for (const rule of ruleSet.body) { try { const passing = rule.matchFunc!(input); for (const prop of ALL_PERMISSION_PROPS) { const p = rule.permissions[prop]; const memos: string[] = pset[prop]; if (rule.memo) { if (passing && p === 'deny') { memos.push(rule.memo); } else if (!passing && p === 'allow') { memos.push(rule.memo); } } } } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'NEED_ROW_DATA') { // If a rule is failing unexpectedly, give some information via memos. // TODO: Could give a more structured result. for (const prop of ALL_PERMISSION_PROPS) { pset[prop].push(`Rule [${rule.aclFormula}] for ${ruleSet.tableId} has an error: ${e.message}`); } } } } return pset; }