import {allCommands} from 'app/client/components/commands'; import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec'; import {testId, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {menuDivider, menuItem, menuItemCmd} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {dom, DomElementArg, styled} from 'grainjs'; import isEqual = require('lodash/isEqual'); interface IView { addNewColumn: () => void; showColumn: (colId: number, atIndex: number) => void; } interface IViewSection { viewFields: any; hiddenColumns: any; } /** * Creates a menu to add a new column. Should be used only when there are hidden columns to display, * otherwise there is no need for this menu. */ export function ColumnAddMenu(gridView: IView, viewSection: IViewSection) { return [ menuItem(() => gridView.addNewColumn(), 'Add Column'), menuDivider(), ...viewSection.hiddenColumns().map((col: any) => menuItem( () => { gridView.showColumn(, viewSection.viewFields().peekLength); // .then(() => gridView.scrollPaneRight()); }, `Show column ${col.label()}`)) ]; } interface IRowContextMenu { disableInsert: boolean; disableDelete: boolean; isViewSorted: boolean; } export function RowContextMenu({ disableInsert, disableDelete, isViewSorted }: IRowContextMenu) { const result: Element[] = []; if (isViewSorted) { // When the view is sorted, any newly added records get shifts instantly at the top or // bottom. It could be very confusing for users who might expect the record to stay above or // below the active row. Thus in this case we show a single `insert row` command. result.push( menuItemCmd(allCommands.insertRecordAfter, 'Insert row', dom.cls('disabled', disableInsert)), ); } else { result.push( menuItemCmd(allCommands.insertRecordBefore, 'Insert row above', dom.cls('disabled', disableInsert)), menuItemCmd(allCommands.insertRecordAfter, 'Insert row below', dom.cls('disabled', disableInsert)), ); } result.push( menuDivider(), menuItemCmd(allCommands.deleteRecords, 'Delete', dom.cls('disabled', disableDelete)), ); result.push( menuDivider(), menuItemCmd(allCommands.copyLink, 'Copy anchor link')); return result; } interface IMultiColumnContextMenu { // For multiple selection, true/false means the value applies to all columns, 'mixed' means it's // true for some columns, but not all. numColumns: number; disableModify: boolean|'mixed'; // If the columns are read-only. isReadonly: boolean; isFiltered: boolean; // If this view shows a proper subset of all rows in the table. isFormula: boolean|'mixed'; } interface IColumnContextMenu extends IMultiColumnContextMenu { filterOpenFunc: () => void; sortSpec: number[]; colId: number; } export function calcFieldsCondition(fields: ViewFieldRec[], condition: (f: ViewFieldRec) => boolean): boolean|"mixed" { return fields.every(condition) ? true : (fields.some(condition) ? "mixed" : false); } export function ColumnContextMenu(options: IColumnContextMenu) { const { disableModify, filterOpenFunc, colId, sortSpec, isReadonly } = options; const disableForReadonlyColumn = dom.cls('disabled', Boolean(disableModify) || isReadonly); const disableForReadonlyView = dom.cls('disabled', isReadonly); const addToSortLabel = getAddToSortLabel(sortSpec, colId); return [ menuItemCmd(allCommands.fieldTabOpen, 'Column Options'), menuItem(filterOpenFunc, 'Filter Data'), menuDivider({style: 'margin-bottom: 0;'}), cssRowMenuItem( customMenuItem(, dom('span', 'Sort', {style: 'flex: 1 0 auto; margin-right: 8px;'}, testId('sort-label')), icon('Sort','transform', 'scaley(-1)')), 'A-Z','flex', ''), cssCustomMenuItem.cls('-selected', isEqual(sortSpec, [colId])), testId('sort-asc'), ), customMenuItem(, icon('Sort'), 'Z-A', cssCustomMenuItem.cls('-selected', isEqual(sortSpec, [-colId])), testId('sort-dsc'), ), testId('sort'), ), menuDivider({style: 'margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0;'}), addToSortLabel ? [ cssRowMenuItem( customMenuItem(, cssRowMenuLabel(addToSortLabel, testId('add-to-sort-label')), icon('Sort','transform', 'scaley(-1)')), 'A-Z', cssCustomMenuItem.cls('-selected', sortSpec.includes(colId)), testId('add-to-sort-asc'), ), customMenuItem(, icon('Sort'), 'Z-A', cssCustomMenuItem.cls('-selected', sortSpec.includes(-colId)), testId('add-to-sort-dsc'), ), testId('add-to-sort'), ), menuDivider({style: 'margin-top: 0;'}), ] : null, menuItemCmd(allCommands.renameField, 'Rename column', disableForReadonlyColumn), menuItemCmd(allCommands.hideField, 'Hide column', disableForReadonlyView), menuDivider(), MultiColumnMenu(options), testId('column-menu'), ]; } /** * Note about available options. There is a difference between clearing values (writing empty * string, which makes cells blank, including Numeric cells) and converting a column to an empty * column (i.e. column with empty formula; in this case a Numeric column becomes all 0s today). * * We offer both options if data columns are selected. If only formulas, only the second option * makes sense. */ export function MultiColumnMenu(options: IMultiColumnContextMenu) { const disableForReadonlyColumn = dom.cls('disabled', Boolean(options.disableModify) || options.isReadonly); const disableForReadonlyView = dom.cls('disabled', options.isReadonly); const num: number = options.numColumns; const nameClearColumns = options.isFiltered ? (num > 1 ? `Clear ${num} entire columns` : 'Clear entire column') : (num > 1 ? `Clear ${num} columns` : 'Clear column'); const nameDeleteColumns = num > 1 ? `Delete ${num} columns` : 'Delete column'; return [ // TODO This should be made to work too for multiple columns. // menuItemCmd(allCommands.hideField, 'Hide column', disableForReadonlyView), // Offered only when selection includes formula columns, and converts only those. (options.isFormula ? menuItemCmd(allCommands.convertFormulasToData, 'Convert formula to data', disableForReadonlyColumn) : null), // With data columns selected, offer an additional option to clear out selected cells. (options.isFormula !== true ? menuItemCmd(allCommands.clearValues, 'Clear values', disableForReadonlyColumn) : null), menuItemCmd(allCommands.clearColumns, nameClearColumns, disableForReadonlyColumn), menuItemCmd(allCommands.deleteFields, nameDeleteColumns, disableForReadonlyColumn), menuDivider(), menuItemCmd(allCommands.insertFieldBefore, 'Insert column to the left', disableForReadonlyView), menuItemCmd(allCommands.insertFieldAfter, 'Insert column to the right', disableForReadonlyView), ]; } // Returns 'Add to sort' is there are columns in the sort spec but colId is not part of it. Returns // undefined if colId is the only column in the spec. Otherwise returns `Sorted (#N)` where #N is // the position (1 based) of colId in the spec. function getAddToSortLabel(sortSpec: number[], colId: number): string|undefined { const columnsInSpec = => Math.abs(n)); if (sortSpec.length !== 0 && !isEqual(columnsInSpec, [colId])) { const index = columnsInSpec.indexOf(colId); if (index > -1) { return `Sorted (#${index + 1})`; } else { return 'Add to sort'; } } } const cssRowMenuItem = styled((...args: DomElementArg[]) => dom('li', {tabindex: '-1'}, ...args), ` display: flex; outline: none; `); const cssRowMenuLabel = styled('div', ` margin-right: 8px; flex: 1 0 auto; `); const cssCustomMenuItem = styled('div', ` padding: 8px 8px; display: flex; &:not(:hover) { background-color: white; color: black; --icon-color: black; } &:last-of-type { padding-right: 24px; flex: 0 0 auto; } &:first-of-type { padding-left: 24px; flex: 1 0 auto; } &-selected, &-selected:not(:hover) { background-color: ${vars.primaryBg}; color: white; --icon-color: white; } `); function customMenuItem(action: () => void, ...args: DomElementArg[]) { const element: HTMLElement = cssCustomMenuItem( ...args, dom.on('click', () => action()), ); return element; }