var dispose = require('app/client/lib/dispose'); var bluebird = require('bluebird'); var {assert} = require('chai'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var clientUtil = require('../clientUtil'); var dom = require('app/client/lib/dom'); require('chai').config.truncateThreshold = 10000; describe('dispose', function() { clientUtil.setTmpMochaGlobals(); function Bar() { this.dispose = sinon.spy(); this.destroy = sinon.spy(); } describe("Disposable", function() { it("should dispose objects passed to autoDispose", function() { var bar = new Bar(); var baz = new Bar(); var container1 = dom('div', dom('span')); var container2 = dom('div', dom('span')); var cleanup = sinon.spy(); var stopListening = sinon.spy(); function Foo() { = this.autoDispose(bar); this.baz = this.autoDisposeWith('destroy', baz); this.child1 = this.autoDispose(container1.appendChild(dom('div'))); this.child2 = container2.appendChild(dom('div')); this.autoDisposeWith(dispose.emptyNode, container2); this.autoDisposeCallback(cleanup); this.stopListening = stopListening; } dispose.makeDisposable(Foo); var foo = new Foo(); assert(!foo.isDisposed()); assert.equal(container1.children.length, 2); assert.equal(container2.children.length, 2); foo.dispose(); assert(foo.isDisposed()); assert.equal(bar.dispose.callCount, 1); assert.equal(bar.destroy.callCount, 0); assert.equal(baz.dispose.callCount, 0); assert.equal(baz.destroy.callCount, 1); assert.equal(stopListening.callCount, 1); assert(bar.dispose.calledOn(bar)); assert(bar.dispose.calledWithExactly()); assert(baz.destroy.calledOn(baz)); assert(baz.destroy.calledWithExactly()); assert(cleanup.calledOn(foo)); assert(cleanup.calledWithExactly()); // Verify that disposal is called in reverse order of autoDispose calls. assert(cleanup.calledBefore(baz.destroy)); assert(baz.destroy.calledBefore(bar.dispose)); assert(bar.dispose.calledBefore(stopListening)); // Verify that DOM children got removed: in the second case, the container should be // emptied. assert.equal(container1.children.length, 1); assert.equal(container2.children.length, 0); }); it('should call multiple registered autoDisposeCallbacks in reverse order', function() { let spy = sinon.spy(); function Foo() { this.autoDisposeCallback(() => { spy(1); }); this.autoDisposeCallback(() => { spy(2); }); } dispose.makeDisposable(Foo); var foo = new Foo(spy); foo.autoDisposeCallback(() => { spy(3); }); foo.dispose(); assert(foo.isDisposed()); assert.equal(spy.callCount, 3); assert.deepEqual(spy.firstCall.args, [3]); assert.deepEqual(spy.secondCall.args, [2]); assert.deepEqual(spy.thirdCall.args, [1]); }); }); describe("create", function() { // Capture console.error messages. const consoleErrors = []; const origConsoleError = console.error; before(function() { console.error = (...args) => consoleErrors.push( => ''+x)); }); after(function() { console.error = origConsoleError; }); it("should dispose partially constructed objects", function() { var bar = new Bar(); var baz = new Bar(); function Foo(throwWhen) { if (throwWhen === 0) { throw new Error("test-error1"); } = this.autoDispose(bar); if (throwWhen === 1) { throw new Error("test-error2"); } this.baz = this.autoDispose(baz); if (throwWhen === 2) { throw new Error("test-error3"); } } dispose.makeDisposable(Foo); var foo; // If we throw right away, no surprises, nothing gets called. assert.throws(function() { foo = Foo.create(0); }, /test-error1/); assert.strictEqual(foo, undefined); assert.equal(bar.dispose.callCount, 0); assert.equal(baz.dispose.callCount, 0); // If we constructed one object, that one object should have gotten disposed. assert.throws(function() { foo = Foo.create(1); }, /test-error2/); assert.strictEqual(foo, undefined); assert.equal(bar.dispose.callCount, 1); assert.equal(baz.dispose.callCount, 0); bar.dispose.resetHistory(); // If we constructed two objects, both should have gotten disposed. assert.throws(function() { foo = Foo.create(2); }, /test-error3/); assert.strictEqual(foo, undefined); assert.equal(bar.dispose.callCount, 1); assert.equal(baz.dispose.callCount, 1); assert(baz.dispose.calledBefore(bar.dispose)); bar.dispose.resetHistory(); baz.dispose.resetHistory(); // If we don't throw, then nothing should get disposed until we call .dispose(). assert.doesNotThrow(function() { foo = Foo.create(3); }); assert(!foo.isDisposed()); assert.equal(bar.dispose.callCount, 0); assert.equal(baz.dispose.callCount, 0); foo.dispose(); assert(foo.isDisposed()); assert.equal(bar.dispose.callCount, 1); assert.equal(baz.dispose.callCount, 1); assert(baz.dispose.calledBefore(bar.dispose)); const name = consoleErrors[0][1]; assert(name ===; assert.deepEqual(consoleErrors[0], ['Error constructing %s:', name, 'Error: test-error1']); assert.deepEqual(consoleErrors[1], ['Error constructing %s:', name, 'Error: test-error2']); assert.deepEqual(consoleErrors[2], ['Error constructing %s:', name, 'Error: test-error3']); assert.equal(consoleErrors.length, 3); }); it("promised objects should resolve during normal creation", function() { const bar = new Bar(); bar.marker = 1; const barPromise = bluebird.Promise.resolve(bar); function Foo() { = this.autoDisposePromise(barPromise); } dispose.makeDisposable(Foo); const foo = Foo.create(); return => { assert.ok(bar.marker); }); }); it("promised objects should resolve to null if owner is disposed", function() { let resolveBar; const barPromise = new bluebird.Promise(resolve => resolveBar = resolve); function Foo() { = this.autoDisposePromise(barPromise); } dispose.makeDisposable(Foo); const foo = Foo.create(); const fooBar =; foo.dispose(); assert(foo.isDisposed); assert( === null); const bar = new Bar(); resolveBar(bar); return fooBar.then(bar => { assert.isNull(bar); }); }); }); });