import { parsePermissions } from 'app/common/ACLPermissions'; import { ILogger } from 'app/common/BaseAPI'; import { RowRecord } from 'app/common/DocActions'; import { DocData } from 'app/common/DocData'; import { AclMatchFunc, ParsedAclFormula, RulePart, RuleSet, UserAttributeRule } from 'app/common/GranularAccessClause'; import { getSetMapValue } from 'app/common/gutil'; import sortBy = require('lodash/sortBy'); const defaultMatchFunc: AclMatchFunc = () => true; // This is the hard-coded default RuleSet that's added to any user-created default rule. const DEFAULT_RULE_SET: RuleSet = { tableId: '*', colIds: '*', body: [{ aclFormula: "user.Access in ['editors', 'owners']", matchFunc: (input) => ['editors', 'owners'].includes(String(input.user.Access)), permissions: parsePermissions('all'), permissionsText: 'all', }, { aclFormula: "user.Access in ['viewers']", matchFunc: (input) => ['viewers'].includes(String(input.user.Access)), permissions: parsePermissions('+R'), permissionsText: '+R', }, { aclFormula: "", matchFunc: defaultMatchFunc, permissions: parsePermissions('none'), permissionsText: 'none', }], }; // If the user-created rules become dysfunctional, we can swap in this emergency set. // It grants full access to owners, and no access to anyone else. const EMERGENCY_RULE_SET: RuleSet = { tableId: '*', colIds: '*', body: [{ aclFormula: "user.Access in ['owners']", matchFunc: (input) => ['owners'].includes(String(input.user.Access)), permissions: parsePermissions('all'), permissionsText: 'all', }, { aclFormula: "", matchFunc: defaultMatchFunc, permissions: parsePermissions('none'), permissionsText: 'none', }], }; export class ACLRuleCollection { // Store error if one occurs while reading rules. Rules are replaced with emergency rules // in this case. public ruleError: Error|undefined; // In the absence of rules, some checks are skipped. For now this is important to maintain all // existing behavior. TODO should make sure checking access against default rules is equivalent // and efficient. private _haveRules = false; // Map of tableId to list of column RuleSets (those with colIds other than '*') private _columnRuleSets = new Map(); // Maps 'tableId:colId' to one of the RuleSets in the list _columnRuleSets.get(tableId). private _tableColumnMap = new Map(); // Map of tableId to the single default RuleSet for the table (colIds of '*') private _tableRuleSets = new Map(); // The default RuleSet (tableId '*', colIds '*') private _defaultRuleSet: RuleSet = DEFAULT_RULE_SET; // List of all tableIds mentioned in rules. private _tableIds: string[] = []; // Maps name to the corresponding UserAttributeRule. private _userAttributeRules = new Map(); // Whether there are ANY user-defined rules. public haveRules(): boolean { return this._haveRules; } // Return the RuleSet for "tableId:colId", or undefined if there isn't one for this column. public getColumnRuleSet(tableId: string, colId: string): RuleSet|undefined { return this._tableColumnMap.get(`${tableId}:${colId}`); } // Return all RuleSets for "tableId:", not including "tableId:*". public getAllColumnRuleSets(tableId: string): RuleSet[] { return this._columnRuleSets.get(tableId) || []; } // Return the RuleSet for "tableId:*". public getTableDefaultRuleSet(tableId: string): RuleSet|undefined { return this._tableRuleSets.get(tableId); } // Return the RuleSet for "*:*". public getDocDefaultRuleSet(): RuleSet { return this._defaultRuleSet; } // Return the list of all tableId mentions in ACL rules. public getAllTableIds(): string[] { return this._tableIds; } // Returns a Map of user attribute name to the corresponding UserAttributeRule. public getUserAttributeRules(): Map { return this._userAttributeRules; } /** * Update granular access from DocData. */ public async update(docData: DocData, options: ReadAclOptions) { const {ruleSets, userAttributes} = this._safeReadAclRules(docData, options); // Build a map of user characteristics rules. const userAttributeMap = new Map(); for (const userAttr of userAttributes) { userAttributeMap.set(, userAttr); } // Build maps of ACL rules. const colRuleSets = new Map(); const tableColMap = new Map(); const tableRuleSets = new Map(); const tableIds = new Set(); let defaultRuleSet: RuleSet = DEFAULT_RULE_SET; this._haveRules = (ruleSets.length > 0); for (const ruleSet of ruleSets) { if (ruleSet.tableId === '*') { if (ruleSet.colIds === '*') { defaultRuleSet = { ...ruleSet, body: [...ruleSet.body, ...DEFAULT_RULE_SET.body], }; } else { // tableId of '*' cannot list particular columns. throw new Error(`Invalid rule for tableId ${ruleSet.tableId}, colIds ${ruleSet.colIds}`); } } else if (ruleSet.colIds === '*') { tableIds.add(ruleSet.tableId); if (tableRuleSets.has(ruleSet.tableId)) { throw new Error(`Invalid duplicate default rule for ${ruleSet.tableId}`); } tableRuleSets.set(ruleSet.tableId, ruleSet); } else { tableIds.add(ruleSet.tableId); getSetMapValue(colRuleSets, ruleSet.tableId, () => []).push(ruleSet); for (const colId of ruleSet.colIds) { tableColMap.set(`${ruleSet.tableId}:${colId}`, ruleSet); } } } // Update GranularAccess state. this._columnRuleSets = colRuleSets; this._tableColumnMap = tableColMap; this._tableRuleSets = tableRuleSets; this._defaultRuleSet = defaultRuleSet; this._tableIds = [...tableIds]; this._userAttributeRules = userAttributeMap; } private _safeReadAclRules(docData: DocData, options: ReadAclOptions): ReadAclResults { try { this.ruleError = undefined; return readAclRules(docData, options); } catch (e) { this.ruleError = e; // Report the error indirectly. return {ruleSets: [EMERGENCY_RULE_SET], userAttributes: []}; } } } export interface ReadAclOptions { log: ILogger; // For logging warnings during rule processing. compile?: (parsed: ParsedAclFormula) => AclMatchFunc; } export interface ReadAclResults { ruleSets: RuleSet[]; userAttributes: UserAttributeRule[]; } /** * Parse all ACL rules in the document from DocData into a list of RuleSets and of * UserAttributeRules. This is used by both client-side code and server-side. */ function readAclRules(docData: DocData, {log, compile}: ReadAclOptions): ReadAclResults { const resourcesTable = docData.getTable('_grist_ACLResources')!; const rulesTable = docData.getTable('_grist_ACLRules')!; const ruleSets: RuleSet[] = []; const userAttributes: UserAttributeRule[] = []; // Group rules by resource first, ordering by rulePos. Each group will become a RuleSet. const rulesByResource = new Map(); for (const ruleRecord of sortBy(rulesTable.getRecords(), 'rulePos')) { getSetMapValue(rulesByResource, ruleRecord.resource, () => []).push(ruleRecord); } for (const [resourceId, rules] of rulesByResource.entries()) { const resourceRec = resourcesTable.getRecord(resourceId as number); if (!resourceRec) { log.error(`ACLRule ${rules[0].id} ignored; refers to an invalid ACLResource ${resourceId}`); continue; } if (!resourceRec.tableId || !resourceRec.colIds) { // This should only be the case for the old-style default rule/resource, which we // intentionally ignore and skip. continue; } const tableId = resourceRec.tableId as string; const colIds = resourceRec.colIds === '*' ? '*' : (resourceRec.colIds as string).split(','); const body: RulePart[] = []; for (const rule of rules) { if (rule.userAttributes) { if (tableId !== '*' || colIds !== '*') { log.warn(`ACLRule ${} ignored; user attributes must be on the default resource`); continue; } const parsed = JSON.parse(String(rule.userAttributes)); // TODO: could perhaps use ts-interface-checker here. if (!(parsed && typeof parsed === 'object' && [, parsed.tableId, parsed.lookupColId, parsed.charId] .every(p => p && typeof p === 'string'))) { log.warn(`User attribute rule ${} is invalid`); continue; } parsed.origRecord = rule; userAttributes.push(parsed as UserAttributeRule); } else if (body.length > 0 && !body[body.length - 1].aclFormula) { log.warn(`ACLRule ${} ignored because listed after default rule`); } else if (rule.aclFormula && !rule.aclFormulaParsed) { log.warn(`ACLRule ${} ignored because missing its parsed formula`); } else { body.push({ origRecord: rule, aclFormula: String(rule.aclFormula), matchFunc: rule.aclFormula ? compile?.(JSON.parse(String(rule.aclFormulaParsed))) : defaultMatchFunc, permissions: parsePermissions(String(rule.permissionsText)), permissionsText: String(rule.permissionsText), }); } } const ruleSet: RuleSet = {tableId, colIds, body}; ruleSets.push(ruleSet); } return {ruleSets, userAttributes}; }