var ace = require('brace'); var ko = require('knockout'); var _ = require('underscore'); // Used to load python language settings and 'chrome' ace style require('brace/mode/python'); require('brace/theme/chrome'); require('brace/ext/language_tools'); var dom = require('../lib/dom'); var dispose = require('../lib/dispose'); var modelUtil = require('../models/modelUtil'); /** * A class to help set up the ace editor with standard formatting and convenience functions * @param {Observable} options.observable: If given, creates a 2-way binding between the observable * and the value of the editor. * @param {Boolean} options.saveValueOnBlurEvent: Flag to indicate whether ace editor * should save the value on `blur` event. * @param {Function} options.calcSize: Optional function used to resize the editor. It is called * with (elem, desiredSize) as arguments, and should return the actual size to use for the * element. Both desiredSize and the return value are objects with 'width' and 'height' members. */ function AceEditor(options) { // Observable subscription is not created until the dom is built this.observable = (options && options.observable) || null; this.saveValueOnBlurEvent = !(options && (options.saveValueOnBlurEvent === false)); this.calcSize = (options && options.calcSize) || ((elem, size) => size); this.gristDoc = (options && options.gristDoc) || null; this.editor = null; this.editorDom = null; this.session = null; this._setupCallback = null; this._setupTimer = null; this.textPadding = 10; // Space after cursor when not using wrap mode } dispose.makeDisposable(AceEditor); // Builds editor dom with additional setup possible in function `optSetupCallback`. // May be called multiple times by an instance of AceEditor. AceEditor.prototype.buildDom = function(optSetupCallback) { this._fullDom = dom('div.code_editor_container', this.editorDom = dom('div') ); this._setupCallback = optSetupCallback; this._setupTimer = setTimeout(() => this._setup(), 0); return this._fullDom; }; /** * You may optionally call this once the DOM returned from buildDom is attached to the document to * make setup and sizing more immediate. */ AceEditor.prototype.onAttach = function() { if (this._setupTimer) { clearTimeout(this._setupTimer); this._setupTimer = null; this._setup(); } }; AceEditor.prototype.writeObservable = function() { if (this.observable) { modelUtil.setSaveValue(this.observable, this.getValue()); } }; AceEditor.prototype.getEditor = function() { return this.editor; }; AceEditor.prototype.getValue = function() { return this.editor && this.editor.getValue(); }; /** * @param {String} val: The new value to set the editor to. * @param {Number} optCursorPos: Position where to place the cursor: at the end if omitted. */ AceEditor.prototype.setValue = function(val, optCursorPos) { // Note that underlying setValue() has a special meaning for second parameter: // undefined or 0 is selectAll, -1 is at the document start, and 1 is at the end. this.editor.setValue(val, optCursorPos === 0 ? -1 : 1); if (optCursorPos > 0 && optCursorPos < val.length) { var pos = this.session.getDocument().indexToPosition(optCursorPos); this.editor.moveCursorTo(pos.row, pos.column); } }; AceEditor.prototype.isBuilt = function() { return this.editor !== null; }; // Enables or disables the AceEditor AceEditor.prototype.enable = function(bool) { var editor = this.editor; editor.setReadOnly(!bool); editor.renderer.$ = bool ? 100 : 0; editor.gotoLine(Infinity, Infinity); // Prevents text selection on disable }; /** * Commands must be added specially to the ace editor. * Attaching commands to the textarea using commandGroup.attach() only * works for certain keys. * * Note: Commands to the aceEditor are always enabled. * Note: Ace defers to standard behavior when false is returned. */ AceEditor.prototype.attachCommandGroup = function(commandGroup) { _.each(commandGroup.knownKeys, (command, key) => { this.editor.commands.addCommand({ name: command, bindKey: { win: key, mac: key, sender: 'editor|cli' }, // AceEditor wants a command to return true if it got handled, whereas our command returns // true to avoid stopPropagation/preventDefault, i.e. if it hasn't been handled. exec: () => !commandGroup.commands[command]() }); }); }; /** * Attaches a command to the editor which saves the current editor * contents to the attached observable on 'Shift+Enter'. * Throws error if there is no attached observable. * TODO: Use instead of custom save command for more implementations of AceEditor */ AceEditor.prototype.attachSaveCommand = function() { if (!this.observable) { throw new Error("Cannot attach save command to editor with no bound observable"); } var key = 'Shift+Enter'; this.editor.commands.addCommand({ name: 'saveFormula', bindKey: { win: key, mac: key, sender: 'editor|cli' }, // AceEditor wants a command to return true if it got handled exec: () => { this.writeObservable(); return true; } }); }; // Wraps words to the current width of the editor AceEditor.prototype.adjustContentToWidth = function() { var characterWidth = this.editor.renderer.characterWidth; var contentWidth = this.editor.renderer.scroller.clientWidth; if(contentWidth > 0) { this.editor.getSession().setWrapLimit(parseInt(contentWidth/characterWidth, 10) - 1); } }; AceEditor.prototype.setFontSize = function(pxVal) { this.editor.setFontSize(pxVal); this.resize(); }; AceEditor.prototype._setup = function() { // Standard editor setup this.editor = this.autoDisposeWith('destroy', ace.edit(this.editorDom)); if (this.gristDoc) { // Add some autocompletion with partial access to document const aceLanguageTools = ace.acequire('ace/ext/language_tools'); const gristDoc = this.gristDoc; aceLanguageTools.setCompleters([]); aceLanguageTools.addCompleter({ // Default regexp stops at periods, which doesn't let autocomplete // work on members. So we expand it to include periods. // We also include $, which grist uses for column names. identifierRegexps: [/[a-zA-Z_0-9.$\u00A2-\uFFFF]/], // For autocompletion we ship text to the sandbox and run standard completion there. getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) { if (prefix.length === 0) { callback(null, []); return; } const tableId = gristDoc.viewModel.activeSection().table().tableId(); gristDoc.docComm.autocomplete(prefix, tableId) .then(suggestions => { // ACE autocompletions are very poorly documented. This is somewhat helpful: // callback(null, => { if (Array.isArray(suggestion)) { const [funcname, argSpec, isGrist] = suggestion; const meta = isGrist ? 'grist' : 'python'; return {value: funcname + '(', caption: funcname + argSpec, score: 1, meta, funcname}; } else { return {value: suggestion, score: 1, meta: "python"}; } })); }); }, }); // Create Autocomplete object at this point so we can turn autoSelect off. // There doesn't seem to be any way to get ace to respect autoSelect otherwise. // It is important for autoSelect to be off so that hitting enter doesn't automatically // use a suggestion, a change of behavior that doesn't seem particularly desirable and // which also breaks several existing tests. const {Autocomplete} = ace.acequire('ace/autocomplete'); // lives in brace/ext/language_tools const completer = new Autocomplete(); this.editor.completer = completer; this.editor.completer.autoSelect = false; aceCompleterAddHelpLinks(completer); // Explicitly destroy the auto-completer on disposal, since it doesn't not remove the element // it adds to body even when it detaches itself. Ace's AutoCompleter doesn't expose any // interface for this, so this takes some hacking. (One reason for this is that Ace seems to // expect that a single AutoCompleter would be used for all editor instances.) this.autoDisposeCallback(() => { if (completer.editor) { completer.detach(); } if (completer.popup) { completer.popup.destroy(); // This is not enough, but seems relevant to call. ko.removeNode(completer.popup.container); // Removes the element and cleans up JQuery state if any. } }); } this.editor.setOptions({ enableLiveAutocompletion: true, // use autocompletion without needing special activation. }); this.session = this.editor.getSession(); this.session.setMode('ace/mode/python'); this.editor.setTheme('ace/theme/chrome'); // Default line numbers to hidden this.editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); this.session.setTabSize(2); this.session.setUseWrapMode(true); this.editor.on('change', this.resize.bind(this)); this.editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity; this.editor.setFontSize(11); this.resize(); // Set up the bound observable if supplied if (this.observable) { var subscription = this.observable.subscribeInit(val => {if (val !== undefined) {this.setValue(val);}}); // Dispose with dom since subscription is created when dom is created dom(this.editorDom, dom.autoDispose(subscription) ); if (this.saveValueOnBlurEvent) { this.editor.on('blur', () => { this.writeObservable(); }); } } if (this._setupCallback) {, this.editor); this._setupCallback = null; } }; AceEditor.prototype.resize = function() { var wrap = this.session.getUseWrapMode(); var contentWidth = wrap ? 0 : this._getContentWidth(); var desiredSize = { width: wrap ? 0 : contentWidth + this.textPadding, height: this._getContentHeight() }; var size = this.calcSize(this._fullDom, desiredSize); if (size.width < contentWidth) { // Editor will show a horizontal scrollbar, so recalculate to make space for it. desiredSize.height += 20; size = this.calcSize(this._fullDom, desiredSize); } = size.width ? size.width + 'px' : 'auto'; = size.height + 'px'; this.editor.resize(); }; AceEditor.prototype._getContentWidth = function() { return this.session.getScreenWidth() * this.editor.renderer.characterWidth; }; AceEditor.prototype._getContentHeight = function() { return Math.max(1, this.session.getScreenLength()) * this.editor.renderer.lineHeight; }; let _RangeConstructor = null; //singleton, load it lazily AceEditor.makeRange = function(a,b,c,d) { _RangeConstructor = _RangeConstructor || ace.acequire('ace/range').Range; return new _RangeConstructor(a,b,c,d); }; /** * When autocompleting a known function (with funcname received from the server call), turn the * function name into a link to Grist documentation. * * ACE autocomplete is poorly documented, and poorly customizable, so this is accomplished by * monkey-patching it. Further, the only text styling is done via styled tokens, but we can style * them to look like links, and handle clicks to open the destination URL. * * This implementation relies a lot on the details of the implementation in * node_modules/brace/ext/language_tools.js. Updates to brace module may easily break it. */ function aceCompleterAddHelpLinks(completer) { // Replace the $init function in order to intercept the creation of the autocomplete popup. const init = completer.$init; completer.$init = function() { const popup = init.apply(this, arguments); customizeAceCompleterPopup(this, popup); return popup; }; } function customizeAceCompleterPopup(completer, popup) { // Replace the $tokenizeRow function to produce customized tokens to style the link part. const origTokenize = popup.session.bgTokenizer.$tokenizeRow; popup.session.bgTokenizer.$tokenizeRow = function(row) { const tokens = origTokenize(row); return retokenizeAceCompleterRow([row], tokens); }; // Replace the click handler with one that handles link clicks. popup.removeAllListeners("click"); popup.on("click", function(e) { if (!maybeAceCompleterLinkClick(e)) { completer.insertMatch(); } e.stop(); }); } function retokenizeAceCompleterRow(rowData, tokens) { if (!rowData.funcname) { // Not a special completion, pass through the result of ACE's original tokenizing. return tokens; } // ACE's original tokenizer splits rowData.caption into tokens to highlight matching portions. // We jump in, and further divide the tokens so that those that form the link get an extra CSS // class. ACE's will turn token.type into CSS classes by splitting the type on "." and prefixing // the resulting substrings with "ace_". // Funcname may be the recognized name itself (e.g. "UPPER"), or a method (like // "Table1.lookupOne"), in which case only the portion after the dot is the recognized name. // Figure out the portion that should be linkified. const dot = rowData.funcname.lastIndexOf("."); const linkStart = dot < 0 ? 0 : dot + 1; const linkEnd = rowData.funcname.length; const newTokens = []; // Include into new tokens a special token that will be hidden, but include the link URL. On // click, we find it to know what URL to open. const href = '' + rowData.funcname.slice(linkStart, linkEnd).toLowerCase(); newTokens.push({value: href, type: 'grist_link_hidden'}); // Go through tokens, splitting them if needed, and modifying those that form the link part. let position = 0; for (const t of tokens) { // lStart/lEnd are indices of the link within the token, possibly negative. const lStart = linkStart - position, lEnd = linkEnd - position; if (lStart > 0) { const beforeLink = t.value.slice(0, lStart); newTokens.push({value: beforeLink, type: t.type}); } if (lEnd > 0) { const inLink = t.value.slice(Math.max(0, lStart), lEnd); const newType = t.type + (t.type ? '.' : '') + 'grist_link'; newTokens.push({value: inLink, type: newType}); } if (lEnd < t.value.length) { const afterLink = t.value.slice(lEnd); newTokens.push({value: afterLink, type: t.type}); } position += t.value.length; } return newTokens; } // On any click on AceCompleter popup, we check if we happened to click .ace_grist_link class. If // so, we should be able to find the URL and open another window to it. function maybeAceCompleterLinkClick(event) { const tgt =; if (tgt && tgt.matches('.ace_grist_link')) { const dest = tgt.parentElement.querySelector('.ace_grist_link_hidden'); if (dest) {, "_blank"); return true; } } return false; } module.exports = AceEditor;