var dispose = require('../lib/dispose'); const {Computed, fromKo} = require('grainjs'); const {cssLabel, cssRow} = require('app/client/ui/RightPanel'); const {colorSelect} = require('app/client/ui2018/ColorSelect'); /** * AbstractWidget - The base of the inheritance tree for widgets. * @param {Function} field - The RowModel for this view field. * @param {string|undefined} options.defaultTextColor - A hex value to set the default text color * for the widget. Omit defaults to '#000000'. */ function AbstractWidget(field, opts = {}) { this.field = field; this.options = field.widgetOptionsJson; const {defaultTextColor = '#000000'} = opts; this.valueFormatter = this.field.visibleColFormatter; this.textColor = Computed.create(this, (use) => use(this.field.textColor) || defaultTextColor) .onWrite((val) => this.field.textColor(val === defaultTextColor ? undefined : val)); } dispose.makeDisposable(AbstractWidget); /** * Builds the DOM showing configuration buttons and fields in the sidebar. */ AbstractWidget.prototype.buildConfigDom = function() { throw new Error("Not Implemented"); }; /** * Builds the transform prompt config DOM in the few cases where it is necessary. * Child classes need not override this function if they do not require transform config options. */ AbstractWidget.prototype.buildTransformConfigDom = function() { return null; }; /** * Builds the data cell DOM. * @param {DataRowModel} row - The rowModel object. */ AbstractWidget.prototype.buildDom = function(row) { throw new Error("Not Implemented"); }; AbstractWidget.prototype.buildColorConfigDom = function() { return [ cssLabel('CELL COLOR'), cssRow( colorSelect( this.textColor, fromKo(this.field.fillColor), // Calling `` saves both fill and text color settings. () => ) ) ]; }; module.exports = AbstractWidget;