import {Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, OneToMany, PrimaryGeneratedColumn} from "typeorm"; import {WorkspaceProperties, workspacePropertyKeys} from "app/common/UserAPI"; import {nativeValues} from 'app/gen-server/lib/values'; import {AclRuleWs} from "./AclRule"; import {Document} from "./Document"; import {Organization} from "./Organization"; import {Resource} from "./Resource"; @Entity({name: 'workspaces'}) export class Workspace extends Resource { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() public id: number; @ManyToOne(type => Organization) @JoinColumn({name: 'org_id'}) public org: Organization; @OneToMany(type => Document, document => document.workspace) public docs: Document[]; @OneToMany(type => AclRuleWs, aclRule => aclRule.workspace) public aclRules: AclRuleWs[]; // Property that may be returned when the workspace is fetched to indicate the access the // fetching user has on the workspace, i.e. 'owners', 'editors', 'viewers' public access: string; // A computed column that is true if the workspace is a support workspace. @Column({name: 'support', type: 'boolean', insert: false, select: false}) public isSupportWorkspace?: boolean; // a computed column with permissions. // {insert: false} makes sure typeorm doesn't try to put values into such // a column when creating workspaces. @Column({name: 'permissions', type: 'text', select: false, insert: false}) public permissions?: any; @Column({name: 'removed_at', type: nativeValues.dateTimeType, nullable: true}) public removedAt: Date|null; public checkProperties(props: any): props is Partial<WorkspaceProperties> { return super.checkProperties(props, workspacePropertyKeys); } public updateFromProperties(props: Partial<WorkspaceProperties>) { super.updateFromProperties(props); } }