import {DocCreationInfo} from 'app/common/DocListAPI'; import {UserAPI} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {assert, driver, Key} from 'mocha-webdriver'; import * as gu from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtils'; import {server, setupTestSuite} from 'test/nbrowser/testUtils'; import {EnvironmentSnapshot} from 'test/server/testUtils'; describe('DocTutorial', function () { this.timeout(30000); setupTestSuite(); gu.bigScreen(); let doc: DocCreationInfo; let api: UserAPI; let ownerSession: gu.Session; let viewerSession: gu.Session; let oldEnv: EnvironmentSnapshot; const cleanup = setupTestSuite({team: true}); before(async () => { oldEnv = new EnvironmentSnapshot(); process.env.GRIST_UI_FEATURES = 'tutorials'; await server.restart(); ownerSession = await gu.session().teamSite.user('support').login(); doc = await ownerSession.tempDoc(cleanup, 'DocTutorial.grist'); api = ownerSession.createHomeApi(); await api.updateDoc(, {type: 'tutorial'}); await api.updateDocPermissions(, {users: { '': 'viewers', '': 'viewers', }}); }); after(async function () { oldEnv.restore(); await server.restart(); }); describe('when logged out', function () { before(async () => { viewerSession = await gu.session().anon.login(); }); it('shows a tutorial card', async function() { await viewerSession.loadRelPath('/'); await gu.waitForDocMenuToLoad(); await gu.skipWelcomeQuestions(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-tutorial-card-content').isDisplayed()); // Can dismiss it. await driver.find('.test-tutorial-card-close').click(); assert.isFalse((await driver.findAll('.test-tutorial-card-content')).length > 0); // When dismissed, we can see link in the menu. assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-dm-basic-tutorial').isDisplayed()); }); it('redirects user to log in', async function() { await viewerSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}`, false); await gu.checkLoginPage(); }); }); describe('when logged in', function () { let forkUrl: string; before(async () => { ownerSession = await gu.session().teamSite.user('user1').login({showTips: true}); }); afterEach(() => gu.checkForErrors()); it('shows a tutorial card', async function() { await ownerSession.loadRelPath('/'); await gu.waitForDocMenuToLoad(); await gu.skipWelcomeQuestions(); // Make sure we have clean start. await driver.executeScript('resetDismissedPopups();'); await gu.waitForServer(); await driver.navigate().refresh(); await gu.waitForDocMenuToLoad(); // Make sure we see the card. assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-tutorial-card-content').isDisplayed()); // And can dismiss it. await driver.find('.test-tutorial-card-close').click(); assert.isFalse((await driver.findAll('.test-tutorial-card-content')).length > 0); // When dismissed, we can see link in the menu. assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-dm-basic-tutorial').isDisplayed()); // Prefs are preserved after reload. await driver.navigate().refresh(); await gu.waitForDocMenuToLoad(); assert.isFalse((await driver.findAll('.test-tutorial-card-content')).length > 0); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-dm-basic-tutorial').isDisplayed()); }); it('creates a fork the first time the document is opened', async function() { await ownerSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}`); await driver.wait(async () => { forkUrl = await driver.getCurrentUrl(); return /~/.test(forkUrl); }); }); it('shows a popup containing slides generated from the GristDocTutorial table', async function() { assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup', 2000).isDisplayed()); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-header').getText(), 'DocTutorial'); assert.equal( await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup h1', 2000).getText(), 'Intro' ); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup p').getText(), 'Welcome to the Grist Basics tutorial. We will cover the most important Grist ' + 'concepts and features. Let’s get started.' ); }); it('can be moved around and minimized', async function() { // Get the initial position of the popup. const initialDims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); // Get the move handle. const mover = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-move-handle'); const moverInitial = await mover.getRect(); const move = async (pos: {x?: number, y?: number}) => driver.withActions((actions) => actions .move({origin: driver.find('.test-floating-popup-move-handle')}) .press() .move({origin: driver.find('.test-floating-popup-move-handle'), ...pos}) .release() ); const resize = async (pos: {x?: number, y?: number}) => driver.withActions((actions) => actions .move({origin: driver.find('.test-floating-popup-resize-handle')}) .press() .move({origin: driver.find('.test-floating-popup-resize-handle'), ...pos}) .release() ); // Move it a little bit down. await move({y: 100, x: -10}); // Check it is moved but not shrinked. let dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.height, initialDims.height); // And moving down. assert.equal(dims.y, initialDims.y + 100); assert.equal(dims.x, initialDims.x - 10); // Now move it a little up and test it doesn't grow. await move({y: -100}); dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.height, initialDims.height); assert.equal(dims.y, initialDims.y); // Resize it in steps. await resize({y: 10}); await resize({y: 10}); await resize({y: 10}); await resize({y: 10}); await resize({y: 10}); await resize({y: 50}); dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.height, initialDims.height - 100); assert.equal(dims.y, initialDims.y + 100); // Resize back (in steps, to simulate user actions) await resize({y: -20}); await resize({y: -20}); await resize({y: -20}); await resize({y: -40}); dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.height, initialDims.height); assert.equal(dims.y, initialDims.y); // Now resize it beyond the maximum size and check it doesn't move. await resize({y: -10}); dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.height, initialDims.height); assert.equal(dims.y, initialDims.y); // Now resize it to the minimum size. await resize({y: 700}); dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.height, 300); // Get window inner size. const windowHeight: any = await driver.executeScript('return window.innerHeight'); const windowWidth: any = await driver.executeScript('return window.innerWidth'); assert.equal(dims.y + dims.height, windowHeight - 16); // Now move it offscreen as low as possible. await move({y: windowHeight - dims.y - 10}); // Make sure it is still visible. dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.y, windowHeight - 32); // 32px is a header size assert.isBelow(dims.x, windowWidth - (32 * 4) + 1); // 120px is the right overflow value. // Now move it to the right as far as possible. await move({x: windowWidth - dims.x - 10}); // Make sure it is still visible. dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.y, windowHeight - 32); assert.equal(dims.x, windowWidth - 32 * 4); // Now move it to the left as far as possible. await move({x: -3000}); // Make sure it is still visible. dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.isBelow(dims.x, 0); assert.isAbove(dims.x + dims.width, 30); const miniButton = driver.find(".test-floating-popup-minimize-maximize"); // Now move it back, but this time manually as the move handle is off screen. await driver.withActions((a) => a .move({origin: miniButton }) .press() .move({origin: miniButton, x: Math.abs(dims.x) + 20}) .release() ); // Maximize it (it was minimized as we used the button to move it). await driver.find(".test-floating-popup-minimize-maximize").click(); // Now move it to the top as far as possible. // Move it a little right, so that we don't end up on the logo. Driver is clicking logo sometimes. await move({y: -windowHeight, x: 100}); // Make sure it is still visible. dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.y, 16); assert.isAbove(dims.x, 100); assert.isBelow(dims.x, windowWidth); // Move back where it was. let moverNow = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-move-handle').getRect(); await move({x: moverInitial.x - moverNow.x}); // And restore the size by double clicking the resizer. await driver.withActions((a) => a.doubleClick(driver.find('.test-floating-popup-resize-handle'))); // Now test if we can't resize it offscreen. await move({y: 10000}); await move({y: -100}); // Header is about 100px above the viewport. dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.isBelow(dims.y, windowHeight); assert.isAbove(dims.x, windowHeight - 140); // Now resize as far as possible. await resize({y: 10}); await resize({y: 300}); // Make sure it is still visible. dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.isBelow(dims.y, windowHeight - 16); // Now move back and resize. moverNow = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-move-handle').getRect(); await move({x: moverInitial.x - moverNow.x, y: moverInitial.y - moverNow.y}); await driver.withActions((a) => a.doubleClick(driver.find('.test-floating-popup-resize-handle'))); dims = await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-window').getRect(); assert.equal(dims.height, initialDims.height); assert.equal(dims.y, initialDims.y); assert.equal(dims.x, initialDims.x); }); it('is visible on all pages', async function() { for (const page of ['access-rules', 'raw', 'code', 'settings']) { await driver.find(`.test-tools-${page}`).click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup').isDisplayed()); } }); it('does not break navigation via browser history', async function() { // Navigating via browser history was partially broken at one point; if you // started a tutorial, and wanted to leave via the browser's back button, you // couldn't. for (const page of ['code', 'data', 'acl']) { await driver.navigate().back(); const currentUrl = await driver.getCurrentUrl(); assert.match(currentUrl, new RegExp(`/p/${page}$`)); } await driver.navigate().back(); await driver.navigate().back(); await driver.findWait('.test-dm-doclist', 2000); await driver.navigate().forward(); await gu.waitForDocToLoad(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup', 2000).isDisplayed()); }); it('shows the GristDocTutorial page and table to editors', async function() { assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['Page 1', 'Page 2', 'GristDocTutorial']); await driver.find('.test-tools-raw').click(); await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-list', 1000); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-id', /GristDocTutorial/).isPresent()); }); it('does not show the GristDocTutorial page or table to non-editors', async function() { viewerSession = await gu.session().teamSite.user('user2').login(); await viewerSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}`); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['Page 1', 'Page 2']); await driver.find('.test-tools-raw').click(); await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-list', 1000); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.isFalse(await driver.findContent('.test-raw-data-table-id', /GristDocTutorial/).isPresent()); }); it('does not show behavioral tips', async function() { await gu.openPage('Page 1'); await gu.openAddWidgetToPage(); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-behavioral-prompt').isPresent(), false); await gu.sendKeys(Key.ESCAPE); }); it('only allows users access to their own forks', async function() { await driver.navigate().to(forkUrl); assert.match(await driver.findWait('.test-error-header', 2000).getText(), /Access denied/); await viewerSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}`); let otherForkUrl: string; await driver.wait(async () => { otherForkUrl = await driver.getCurrentUrl(); return /~/.test(forkUrl); }); ownerSession = await gu.session().teamSite.user('user1').login(); await driver.navigate().to(otherForkUrl!); assert.match(await driver.findWait('.test-error-header', 2000).getText(), /Access denied/); await driver.navigate().to(forkUrl); await gu.waitForDocToLoad(); }); it('supports navigating to the next or previous slide', async function() { await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup', 2000); assert.isTrue(await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-next', 2000).isDisplayed()); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-previous').isDisplayed()); await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-next').click(); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup h1').getText(), 'Pages' ); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup h1 + p').getText(), 'On the left-side panel is a list of pages which are views of your data. Right' + ' now, there are two pages, Page 1 and Page 2. You are looking at Page 1.' ); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-next').isDisplayed()); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-previous').isDisplayed()); await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-previous').click(); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup h1').getText(), 'Intro' ); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup p').getText(), 'Welcome to the Grist Basics tutorial. We will cover the most important Grist ' + 'concepts and features. Let’s get started.' ); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-next').isDisplayed()); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-previous').isDisplayed()); }); it('supports navigating to a specific slide', async function() { const slide3 = await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-slide-3'); await slide3.mouseMove(); await gu.waitToPass( async () => assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-tooltip').isDisplayed()), 500 ); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-tooltip').getText(), 'Adding Columns and Rows'); await; await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-slide-3').click(); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup h1').getText(), 'Adding Columns and Rows' ); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup p').getText(), "You can add new columns to your table by clicking the ‘+’ icon" + ' to the far right of your column headers.' ); const slide1 = await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-slide-1'); await slide1.mouseMove(); await gu.waitToPass( async () => assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-tooltip').isDisplayed()), 500 ); assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-tooltip').getText(), 'Intro'); await; assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup h1').getText(), 'Intro' ); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup p').getText(), 'Welcome to the Grist Basics tutorial. We will cover the most important Grist ' + 'concepts and features. Let’s get started.' ); }); it('can open images in a lightbox', async function() { await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup img').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-lightbox').isDisplayed()); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-lightbox-image').getAttribute('src'), '' ); await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-lightbox-close').click(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-lightbox').isPresent()); }); it('can be minimized and maximized by clicking a button in the header', async function() { await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-minimize-maximize').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-header').isDisplayed()); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-body').isDisplayed()); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-footer').isDisplayed()); await driver.find('.test-floating-popup-minimize-maximize').click(); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-header').isDisplayed()); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-body').isDisplayed()); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-footer').isDisplayed()); }); it('can be minimized and maximized by double clicking the header', async function() { await driver.withActions(a => a.doubleClick(driver.find('.test-floating-popup-title'))); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-header').isDisplayed()); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-body').isDisplayed()); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-footer').isDisplayed()); await driver.withActions(a => a.doubleClick(driver.find('.test-floating-popup-title'))); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-header').isDisplayed()); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-body').isDisplayed()); assert.isTrue(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-footer').isDisplayed()); }); it('does not play an easter egg when opening an anchor link encoded with rr', async function() { await gu.getCell({rowNum: 1, col: 0}).click(); const link = await gu.getAnchor(); const easterEggLink = link.replace('.r1', '.rr1'); await driver.get(easterEggLink); await gu.waitForAnchor(); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-behavioral-prompt').isPresent()); await gu.assertIsRickRowing(false); }); it('remembers the last slide the user had open', async function() { await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-slide-3').click(); // There's a 1000ms debounce in place for updates to the last slide. await driver.sleep(1000 + 250); await gu.waitForServer(); await driver.navigate().refresh(); await gu.waitForDocToLoad(); await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup', 2000); assert.equal( await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup h1', 2000).getText(), 'Adding Columns and Rows' ); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup p').getText(), "You can add new columns to your table by clicking the ‘+’ icon" + ' to the far right of your column headers.' ); }); it('always opens the same fork whenever the document is opened', async function() { assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: [0], rowNums: [1]}), ['Zane Rails']); await gu.getCell(0, 1).click(); await gu.sendKeys('Redacted', Key.ENTER); await gu.waitForServer(); await ownerSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}`); let currentUrl: string; await driver.wait(async () => { currentUrl = await driver.getCurrentUrl(); return /~/.test(forkUrl); }); assert.equal(currentUrl!, forkUrl); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: [0], rowNums: [1]}), ['Redacted']); }); it('skips starting or resuming a tutorial if the open mode is set to default', async function() { await ownerSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}/m/default`); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['Page 1', 'Page 2', 'GristDocTutorial']); await driver.find('.test-tools-raw').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findContentWait('.test-raw-data-table-id', /GristDocTutorial/, 2000).isPresent()); assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup').isPresent()); }); it('can restart tutorials', async function() { // Simulate that the tutorial has been updated since it was forked. await api.updateDoc(, {name: 'DocTutorial V2'}); await api.applyUserActions(, [['AddTable', 'NewTable', [{id: 'A'}]]]); // Load the fork of the tutorial. await driver.navigate().to(forkUrl); await gu.waitForDocToLoad(); await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup', 2000); // Check that the new table isn't in the fork. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['Page 1', 'Page 2', 'GristDocTutorial']); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: [0], rowNums: [1]}), ['Redacted']); // Restart the tutorial. await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-restart').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup', 2000); // Check that progress was reset. assert.equal( await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup h1', 2000).getText(), 'Intro' ); assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup p').getText(), 'Welcome to the Grist Basics tutorial. We will cover the most important Grist ' + 'concepts and features. Let’s get started.' ); // Check that edits were reset. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: [0], rowNums: [1]}), ['Zane Rails']); // Check that changes made to the tutorial since it was last started are included. assert.equal(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-header').getText(), 'DocTutorial V2'); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['Page 1', 'Page 2', 'GristDocTutorial', 'NewTable']); }); it('allows editors to replace original', async function() { // Make an edit to one of the tutorial slides. await gu.openPage('GristDocTutorial'); await gu.getCell(1, 1).click(); await gu.sendKeys( '# Intro', Key.chord(Key.SHIFT, Key.ENTER), Key.chord(Key.SHIFT, Key.ENTER), 'Welcome to the Grist Basics tutorial V2.', Key.ENTER, ); await gu.waitForServer(); // Check that the update is immediately reflected in the tutorial popup. assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup p').getText(), 'Welcome to the Grist Basics tutorial V2.' ); // Replace the original via the Share menu. await driver.find('.test-tb-share').click(); await driver.find('.test-replace-original').click(); await driver.findWait('.test-modal-confirm', 3000).click(); await gu.waitForServer(); // Switch to another user and restart the tutorial. viewerSession = await gu.session().teamSite.user('user2').login(); await viewerSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}`); await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-restart').click(); await driver.find('.test-modal-confirm').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup', 2000); // Check that the changes we made earlier are included. assert.equal( await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup p').getText(), 'Welcome to the Grist Basics tutorial V2.' ); }); it('redirects to the last visited site when finished', async function() { const otherSiteSession = await gu.session().personalSite.user('user1').addLogin(); await otherSiteSession.loadDocMenu('/'); await ownerSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}`); await driver.findWait('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-slide-13', 2000).click(); await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup-next').click(); await gu.waitForDocMenuToLoad(); assert.match(await driver.getCurrentUrl(), /o\/docs\/$/); }); }); describe('without tutorial flag set', function () { before(async () => { await api.updateDoc(, {type: null}); ownerSession = await gu.session().teamSite.user('user1').login(); await ownerSession.loadDoc(`/doc/${}`); }); afterEach(() => gu.checkForErrors()); it('shows the GristDocTutorial page and table', async function() { assert.deepEqual(await gu.getPageNames(), ['Page 1', 'Page 2', 'GristDocTutorial', 'NewTable']); await gu.openPage('GristDocTutorial'); assert.deepEqual( await gu.getVisibleGridCells({cols: [1, 2], rowNums: [1]}), [ '# Intro\n\nWelcome to the Grist Basics tutorial V2.', '', ] ); await driver.find('.test-tools-raw').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.isTrue(await driver.findContentWait('.test-raw-data-table-id', /GristDocTutorial/, 2000).isPresent()); }); it('does not show the tutorial popup', async function() { assert.isFalse(await driver.find('.test-doc-tutorial-popup').isPresent()); }); }); });