var assert = require('chai').assert; var sinon = require('sinon'); var Promise = require('bluebird'); var ko = require('knockout'); var dom = require('app/client/lib/dom'); var clientUtil = require('../clientUtil'); var G = require('app/client/lib/browserGlobals').get('DocumentFragment'); var utils = require('../../utils'); describe('dom', function() { clientUtil.setTmpMochaGlobals(); describe("dom construction", function() { it("should create elements with the right tag name, class and ID", function() { var elem = dom('div', "Hello world"); assert.equal(elem.tagName, "DIV"); assert(!elem.className); assert(!; assert.equal(elem.textContent, "Hello world"); elem = dom('', "Hello world"); assert.equal(elem.tagName, "SPAN"); assert.equal(elem.className, "bar baz"); assert.equal(, "foo"); assert.equal(elem.textContent, "Hello world"); }); it("should set attributes", function() { var elem = dom('a', { title: "foo", id: "bar" }); assert.equal(elem.title, "foo"); assert.equal(, "bar"); }); it("should set children", function() { var elem = dom('div', "foo", dom('a#a'), [dom('a#b'), "bar", dom('a#c')], dom.frag(dom('a#d'), "baz", dom('a#e'))); assert.equal(elem.childNodes.length, 8); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[0].data, "foo"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[1].id, "a"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[2].id, "b"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[3].data, "bar"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[4].id, "c"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[5].id, "d"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[6].data, "baz"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[7].id, "e"); }); it('should flatten nested arrays and arrays returned from functions', function() { var values = ['apple', 'orange', ['banana', 'mango']]; var elem = dom('ul',, index) { return dom('li', value); }), [ dom('li', 'pear'), [ dom('li', 'peach'), dom('li', 'cranberry'), ], dom('li', 'date') ] ); assert.equal(elem.outerHTML, "<ul><li>apple</li><li>orange</li>" + "<li>bananamango</li><li>pear</li><li>peach</li><li>cranberry</li>" + "<li>date</li></ul>"); elem = dom('ul', function(innerElem) { return [ dom('li', 'plum'), dom('li', 'pomegranate') ]; }, function(innerElem) { return function(moreInnerElem) { return [ dom('li', 'strawberry'), dom('li', 'blueberry') ]; }; } ); assert.equal(elem.outerHTML, "<ul><li>plum</li><li>pomegranate</li>" + "<li>strawberry</li><li>blueberry</li></ul>"); }); it("should append append values returned from functions except undefined", function() { var elem = dom('div', function(divElem) { divElem.classList.add('yogurt'); return dom('div', 'sneakers'); }, dom('span', 'melon') ); assert.equal(elem.classList[0], 'yogurt', 'function shold have applied new class to outer div'); assert.equal(elem.childNodes.length, 2); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[0].innerHTML, "sneakers"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[1].innerHTML, "melon"); elem = dom('div', function(divElem) { return undefined; } ); assert.equal(elem.childNodes.length, 0, "undefined returned from a function should not be added to the DOM tree"); }); it('should not append nulls', function() { var elem = dom('div', [ "hello", null, "world", null, "jazz" ], 'hands', null ); assert.equal(elem.childNodes.length, 4, "undefined returned from a function should not be added to the DOM tree"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[0].data, "hello"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[1].data, "world"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[2].data, "jazz"); assert.equal(elem.childNodes[3].data, "hands"); }); }); utils.timing.describe("dom", function() { var built, child; before(function() { child = dom('bar'); });, "should be fast", function() { built = utils.repeat(100, function() { return dom('div#id1.class1.class2', {disabled: 'disabled'}, 'foo', child, ['hello', 'world'], function(elem) { return 'test'; } ); }); });, "should be fast", function() { utils.repeat(100, function() { dom('div#id1.class1.class2.class3'); dom('div#id1.class1.class2.class3'); dom('div#id1.class1.class2.class3'); dom('div#id1.class1.class2.class3'); dom('div#id1.class1.class2.class3'); }); }); after(function() { assert.equal(built.getAttribute('disabled'), 'disabled'); assert.equal(built.tagName, 'DIV'); assert.equal(built.className, 'class1 class2'); assert.equal(built.childNodes.length, 5); assert.equal(built.childNodes[0].data, 'foo'); assert.equal(built.childNodes[1], child); assert.equal(built.childNodes[2].data, 'hello'); assert.equal(built.childNodes[3].data, 'world'); assert.equal(built.childNodes[4].data, 'test'); }); }); describe("dom.frag", function() { it("should create DocumentFragments", function() { var elem1 = dom.frag(["hello", "world"]); assert(elem1 instanceof G.DocumentFragment); assert.equal(elem1.childNodes.length, 2); assert.equal(elem1.childNodes[0].data, "hello"); assert.equal(elem1.childNodes[1].data, "world"); var elem2 = dom.frag("hello", "world"); assert(elem2 instanceof G.DocumentFragment); assert.equal(elem2.childNodes.length, 2); assert.equal(elem2.childNodes[0].data, "hello"); assert.equal(elem2.childNodes[1].data, "world"); var elem3 = dom.frag(dom("div"), [dom("span"), "hello"], "world"); assert.equal(elem3.childNodes.length, 4); assert.equal(elem3.childNodes[0].tagName, "DIV"); assert.equal(elem3.childNodes[1].tagName, "SPAN"); assert.equal(elem3.childNodes[2].data, "hello"); assert.equal(elem3.childNodes[3].data, "world"); }); }); describe("inlineable", function() { it("should return a function suitable for use as dom argument", function() { var ctx = {a:1}, b = dom('span'), c = {c:1}; var spy = sinon.stub().returns(c); var inlinable = dom.inlineable(spy); // When the first argument is a Node, then calling inlineable is the same as calling spy., b, c, 1, "asdf"); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); sinon.assert.calledOn(spy, ctx); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy, b, c, 1, "asdf"); assert.strictEqual(spy.returnValues[0], c); spy.reset(); spy.returns(c); // When the first Node argument is omitted, then the call is deferred. Check that it works // correctly. var func =, c, 1, "asdf"); sinon.assert.notCalled(spy); assert.equal(typeof func, 'function'); assert.deepEqual(spy.returnValues, []); let r = func(b); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); sinon.assert.calledOn(spy, ctx); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy, b, c, 1, "asdf"); assert.deepEqual(r, c); assert.strictEqual(spy.returnValues[0], c); }); }); utils.timing.describe("dom.inlinable", function() { var elem, spy, inlinableCounter, inlinableSpy, count = 0; before(function() { elem = dom('span'); spy = sinon.stub(); inlinableCounter = dom.inlinable(function(elem, a, b) { count++; }); inlinableSpy = dom.inlinable(spy); });, "should be fast", function() { utils.repeat(10000, function() { inlinableCounter(1, "asdf")(elem); inlinableCounter(1, "asdf")(elem); inlinableCounter(1, "asdf")(elem); inlinableCounter(1, "asdf")(elem); inlinableCounter(1, "asdf")(elem); }); inlinableSpy()(elem); inlinableSpy(1)(elem); inlinableSpy(1, "asdf")(elem); inlinableSpy(1, "asdf", 56)(elem); inlinableSpy(1, "asdf", 56, "hello")(elem); }); after(function() { assert.equal(count, 50000); sinon.assert.callCount(spy, 5); assert.deepEqual(spy.args[0], [elem]); assert.deepEqual(spy.args[1], [elem, 1]); assert.deepEqual(spy.args[2], [elem, 1, "asdf"]); assert.deepEqual(spy.args[3], [elem, 1, "asdf", 56]); assert.deepEqual(spy.args[4], [elem, 1, "asdf", 56, "hello"]); }); }); describe("dom.defer", function() { it("should call supplied function after the current call stack", function() { var obj = {}; var spy1 = sinon.spy(); var spy2 = sinon.spy(); var div, span; dom('div', span = dom('span', dom.defer(spy1, obj)), div = dom('div', spy2) ); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy2); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy2, div); sinon.assert.notCalled(spy1); return Promise.delay(0).then(function() { sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy2); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy1); assert(spy2.calledBefore(spy1)); sinon.assert.calledOn(spy1, obj); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy1, span); }); }); }); describe("dom.onDispose", function() { it("should call supplied function when an element is cleaned up", function() { var obj = {}; var spy1 = sinon.spy(); var spy2 = sinon.spy(); var div, span; div = dom('div', span = dom('span', dom.onDispose(spy1, obj)), dom.onDispose(spy2) ); sinon.assert.notCalled(spy1); sinon.assert.notCalled(spy2); ko.virtualElements.emptyNode(div); sinon.assert.notCalled(spy2); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy1); sinon.assert.calledOn(spy1, obj); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy1, span); ko.removeNode(div); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy1); sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy2); sinon.assert.calledOn(spy2, undefined); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy2, div); }); }); describe("dom.autoDispose", function() { it("should call dispose the supplied value when an element is cleaned up", function() { var obj = { dispose: sinon.spy() }; var div = dom('div', dom.autoDispose(obj)); ko.cleanNode(div); sinon.assert.calledOnce(obj.dispose); sinon.assert.calledOn(obj.dispose, obj); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(obj.dispose); }); }); describe("dom.findLastChild", function() { it("should return last matching child", function() { var el = dom('div', dom('div.a.b'), dom('div.b.c'), dom('div.c.d')); assert.equal(dom.findLastChild(el, '.b').className, 'b c'); assert.equal(dom.findLastChild(el, '.f'), null); assert.equal(dom.findLastChild(el, '.c.d').className, 'c d'); assert.equal(dom.findLastChild(el, '.b.a').className, 'a b'); function filter(elem) { return elem.classList.length === 2; } assert.equal(dom.findLastChild(el, filter).className, 'c d'); }); }); describe("dom.findAncestor", function() { var el1, el2, el3, el4; before(function() { el1 = dom('', el2 = dom('', el3 = dom('div.baz') ), el4 = dom('') ); }); function assertSameElem(elem1, elem2) { assert(elem1 === elem2, "Expected " + elem1 + " to be " + elem2); } it("should return the child itself if it matches", function() { assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, null, '.baz'), el3); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el3, '.baz'), el3); }); it("should stop at the nearest match", function() { assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, null, '.foo'), el2); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el1, '.foo'), el2); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el2, '.foo'), el2); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el3, '.foo'), null); }); it("should not go past container", function() { assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, null, '.bar'), el1); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el1, '.bar'), el1); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el2, '.bar'), null); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el3, '.bar'), null); }); it("should fail if child is outside of container", function() { assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el4, '.foo'), null); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el2, el3, '.foo'), null); }); it("should return null for no matches", function() { assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, null, '.blah'), null); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el1, '.blah'), null); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el2, '.blah'), null); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el3, '.blah'), null); }); function filter(elem) { return elem.classList.length === 2; } it("should handle a custom filter function", function() { assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, null, filter), el1); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el1, filter), el1); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el2, filter), null); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el3, filter), null); assertSameElem(dom.findAncestor(el3, el4, filter), null); }); }); });