import {ServerQuery} from 'app/common/ActiveDocAPI'; import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError'; import {DocData} from 'app/common/DocData'; import {parseFormula} from 'app/common/Formula'; import {removePrefix} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {quoteIdent} from 'app/server/lib/SQLiteDB'; /** * Represents a query for Grist data with support for SQL-based * formulas. Use of this representation should be limited to within a * trusted part of Grist since it assembles SQL strings. */ export interface ExpandedQuery extends ServerQuery { // Errors detected for given columns because of formula issues. We // need to make sure the result of the query contains these error // objects. It is awkward to write a sql selection that constructs // an error object, so instead we select 0 in the case of an error, // and substitute in the error object in javascript after the SQL // step. That means we need to pass the error message along // explicitly. constants?: { [colId: string]: ['E', string] | ['P']; }; // A list of join clauses to bring in data from other tables. joins?: string[]; // A list of selections for regular data and data computed via formulas. selects?: string[]; // A list of conditions for filtering query results. wheres?: string[]; } /** * Add JOINs and SELECTs to a query in order to implement formulas via SQL. * * Supports simple formulas that load a column via a reference. * The referenced column itself cannot (yet) be a formula. * Filtered columns cannot (yet) be a formula. * * If onDemandFormulas is set, ignore stored formula columns, and compute them using SQL. */ export function expandQuery(iquery: ServerQuery, docData: DocData, onDemandFormulas: boolean = true): ExpandedQuery { const query: ExpandedQuery = { tableId: iquery.tableId, filters: iquery.filters, limit: iquery.limit }; // Start accumulating a set of joins and selects needed for the query. const joins = new Set(); const selects = new Set(); // Iterate through all formulas, adding joins and selects as we go. if (onDemandFormulas) { // Look up the main table for the query. const tables = docData.getTable('_grist_Tables')!; const columns = docData.getTable('_grist_Tables_column')!; const tableRef = tables.findRow('tableId', query.tableId); if (!tableRef) { throw new ApiError('table not found', 404); } // Find any references to other tables. const dataColumns = columns.filterRecords({parentId: tableRef, isFormula: false}); const references = new Map(); for (const column of dataColumns) { const refTableId = removePrefix(column.type as string, 'Ref:'); if (refTableId) { references.set(column.colId as string, refTableId); } } selects.add(`${quoteIdent(query.tableId)}.id`); for (const column of dataColumns) { selects.add(`${quoteIdent(query.tableId)}.${quoteIdent(column.colId as string)}`); } const formulaColumns = columns.filterRecords({parentId: tableRef, isFormula: true}); for (const column of formulaColumns) { const formula = parseFormula(column.formula as string); const colId = column.colId as string; let sqlFormula = ""; let error = ""; if (formula.kind === 'foreignColumn') { const altTableId = references.get(formula.refColId); const altTableRef = tables.findRow('tableId', altTableId); if (altTableId && altTableRef) { const altColumn = columns.filterRecords({parentId: altTableRef, isFormula: false, colId: formula.colId}); // TODO: deal with a formula column in the other table. if (altColumn.length > 0) { const alias = `${query.tableId}_${formula.refColId}`; joins.add(`LEFT JOIN ${quoteIdent(altTableId)} AS ${quoteIdent(alias)} ` + `ON ${quoteIdent(alias)}.id = ` + `${quoteIdent(query.tableId)}.${quoteIdent(formula.refColId)}`); sqlFormula = `${quoteIdent(alias)}.${quoteIdent(formula.colId)}`; } else { error = "Cannot find column"; } } else { error = "Cannot find table"; } } else if (formula.kind === 'column') { const altColumn = columns.filterRecords({parentId: tableRef, isFormula: false, colId: formula.colId}); // TODO: deal with a formula column. if (altColumn.length > 0) { sqlFormula = `${quoteIdent(query.tableId)}.${quoteIdent(formula.colId)}`; } else { error = "Cannot find column"; } } else if (formula.kind === 'literalNumber') { sqlFormula = `${formula.value}`; } else if (formula.kind === 'error') { error = formula.msg; } else { throw new Error('Unrecognized type of formula'); } if (error) { // We add a trivial selection, and store errors in the query for substitution later. sqlFormula = '0'; if (!query.constants) { query.constants = {}; } query.constants[colId] = ['E', error]; } if (sqlFormula) { selects.add(`${sqlFormula} as ${quoteIdent(colId)}`); } } } else { // Select all data and formula columns. selects.add(`${quoteIdent(query.tableId)}.*`); } // Copy decisions to the query object, and return. query.joins = [...joins]; query.selects = [...selects]; return query; } /** * Build a query that relates two homogenous tables sharing a common set of columns, * returning rows that exist in both tables (if they have differences), and rows from * `leftTableId` that don't exist in `rightTableId`. * * In practice, this is currently only used for generating diffs and add/update actions * for incremental imports into existing tables. Specifically, `leftTableId` is the * source table, and `rightTableId` is the destination table. * * Columns from the query result are prefixed with the table id and a '.' separator. * * NOTE: Intended for internal use from trusted parts of Grist only. * * @param {string} leftTableId Name of the left table in the comparison. * @param {string} rightTableId Name of the right table in the comparison. * @param {Map} selectColumns Map of left table column ids to their matching equivalent * from the right table. All of these columns will be included in the result, aliased by table id. * @param {Map} joinColumns Map of left table column ids to their matching equivalent * from the right table. These columns are used to join `leftTableID` to `rightTableId`. * @returns {ExpandedQuery} The constructed query. */ export function buildComparisonQuery(leftTableId: string, rightTableId: string, selectColumns: Map, joinColumns: Map): ExpandedQuery { const query: ExpandedQuery = { tableId: leftTableId, filters: {} }; // Start accumulating the JOINS, SELECTS and WHERES needed for the query. const joins: string[] = []; const selects: string[] = []; const wheres: string[] = []; // Include the 'id' column from both tables. selects.push( `${quoteIdent(leftTableId)}.id AS ${quoteIdent(leftTableId + '.id')}`, `${quoteIdent(rightTableId)}.id AS ${quoteIdent(rightTableId + '.id')}` ); // Select columns from both tables using the table id as a prefix for each column name. selectColumns.forEach((rightTableColumn, leftTableColumn) => { const leftColumnAlias = `${leftTableId}.${leftTableColumn}`; const rightColumnAlias = `${rightTableId}.${rightTableColumn}`; selects.push( `${quoteIdent(leftTableId)}.${quoteIdent(leftTableColumn)} AS ${quoteIdent(leftColumnAlias)}`, `${quoteIdent(rightTableId)}.${quoteIdent(rightTableColumn)} AS ${quoteIdent(rightColumnAlias)}` ); }); // Join both tables on `joinColumns`, including unmatched rows from `leftTableId`. const joinConditions: string[] = []; joinColumns.forEach((rightTableColumn, leftTableColumn) => { const leftExpression = `${quoteIdent(leftTableId)}.${quoteIdent(leftTableColumn)}`; const rightExpression = `${quoteIdent(rightTableId)}.${quoteIdent(rightTableColumn)}`; joinConditions.push(`${leftExpression} = ${rightExpression}`); }); joins.push(`LEFT JOIN ${quoteIdent(rightTableId)} ON ${joinConditions.join(' AND ')}`); // Filter out matching rows where all non-join columns from both tables are identical. const whereConditions: string[] = []; for (const [leftTableColumn, rightTableColumn] of selectColumns.entries()) { if (joinColumns.has(leftTableColumn)) { continue; } const leftColumnAlias = quoteIdent(`${leftTableId}.${leftTableColumn}`); const rightColumnAlias = quoteIdent(`${rightTableId}.${rightTableColumn}`); // Only include rows that have differences in column values. whereConditions.push(`${leftColumnAlias} IS NOT ${rightColumnAlias}`); } wheres.push(`(${whereConditions.join(' OR ')})`); // Copy decisions to the query object, and return. query.joins = joins; query.selects = selects; query.wheres = wheres; return query; }