import {CellValue} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import {DocData} from 'app/common/DocData'; import {DocumentSettings} from 'app/common/DocumentSettings'; import {isObject} from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import {countIf} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {NumberFormatOptions} from 'app/common/NumberFormat'; import NumberParse from 'app/common/NumberParse'; import {dateTimeWidgetOptions, guessDateFormat} from 'app/common/parseDate'; import {MetaRowRecord} from 'app/common/TableData'; import {createFormatter} from 'app/common/ValueFormatter'; import {createParserRaw, ValueParser} from 'app/common/ValueParser'; import * as moment from 'moment-timezone'; interface GuessedColInfo { type: string; widgetOptions?: object; } export interface GuessResult { values?: CellValue[]; colInfo: GuessedColInfo; } type ColMetadata = Partial<MetaRowRecord<'_grist_Tables_column'>>; export interface GuessColMetadata { values: CellValue[]; colMetadata?: ColMetadata; // omitted if no changes are proposed. } /** * Class for guessing if an array of values should be interpreted as a specific column type. * T is the type of values that strings should be parsed to and is stored in the column. */ abstract class ValueGuesser<T> { /** * Guessed column type and maybe widget options. */ public abstract colInfo(): GuessedColInfo; /** * Parse a single string to a typed value in such a way that formatting the value returns the original string. * If the string cannot be parsed, return the original string. */ public abstract parse(value: string): T | string; /** * Attempt to parse at least 90% the string values losslessly according to the guessed colInfo. * Return null if this cannot be done. */ public guess(values: Array<string | null>, docSettings: DocumentSettings): GuessResult | null { const colInfo = this.colInfo(); const {type, widgetOptions} = colInfo; const formatter = createFormatter(type, widgetOptions || {}, docSettings); const result: any[] = []; // max number of non-parsed strings to allow before giving up const maxUnparsed = countIf(values, v => Boolean(v)) * 0.1; let unparsed = 0; for (const value of values) { if (!value) { if (this.allowBlank()) { result.push(null); continue; } else { return null; } } const parsed = this.parse(value); // Give up if too many strings failed to parse or if the parsed value changes when converted back to text if ((typeof parsed === "string" && ++unparsed > maxUnparsed) || !this.isEqualFormatted(formatter.formatAny(parsed), value)) { return null; } result.push(parsed); } return {values: result, colInfo}; } /** * Whether this type of column can store nulls directly. */ protected allowBlank(): boolean { return true; } protected isEqualFormatted(formatted1: string, formatted2: string): boolean { return formatted1 === formatted2; } } class BoolGuesser extends ValueGuesser<boolean> { public colInfo(): GuessedColInfo { return {type: 'Bool'}; } public parse(value: string): boolean | string { if (value === "true") { return true; } else if (value === "false") { return false; } else { return value; } } /** * This is the only type that can't store nulls, it converts them to false. */ protected allowBlank(): boolean { return false; } } class NumericGuesser extends ValueGuesser<number> { private _parser: ValueParser; constructor(docSettings: DocumentSettings, private _options: NumberFormatOptions) { super(); this._parser = createParserRaw('Numeric', _options, docSettings); } public colInfo(): GuessedColInfo { const result: GuessedColInfo = {type: 'Numeric'}; if (Object.keys(this._options).length) { result.widgetOptions = this._options; } return result; } public parse(value: string): number | string { return this._parser.cleanParse(value); } protected isEqualFormatted(formatted1: string, formatted2: string): boolean { // Consider format guessing successful if it returns the typed-in numeric value exactly or // differing only in whitespace. formatted1 = formatted1.replace(NumberParse.removeCharsRegex, ""); formatted2 = formatted2.replace(NumberParse.removeCharsRegex, ""); return formatted1 === formatted2; } } class DateGuesser extends ValueGuesser<number> { // _format should be a full moment format string // _tz should be the document's default timezone constructor(private _format: string, private _tz: string) { super(); } public colInfo(): GuessedColInfo { const widgetOptions = dateTimeWidgetOptions(this._format, false); let type; if (widgetOptions.timeFormat) { type = 'DateTime:' + this._tz; } else { type = 'Date'; this._tz = "UTC"; } return {widgetOptions, type}; } // Note that this parsing is much stricter than parseDate to prevent loss of information. // Dates which can be parsed by parseDate based on the guessed widget options may not be parsed here. public parse(value: string): number | string { const m =, this._format, true, this._tz); return m.isValid() ? m.valueOf() / 1000 : value; } } export function guessColInfoWithDocData(values: Array<string | null>, docData: DocData) { return guessColInfo(values, docData.docSettings(), docData.docInfo().timezone); } export function guessColInfo( values: Array<string | null>, docSettings: DocumentSettings, timezone: string ): GuessResult { // Use short-circuiting of || to only do as much work as needed, // in particular not guessing date formats before trying other types. return ( new BoolGuesser() .guess(values, docSettings) || new NumericGuesser( docSettings, NumberParse.fromSettings(docSettings).guessOptions(values) ) .guess(values, docSettings) || new DateGuesser(guessDateFormat(values, timezone), timezone) .guess(values, docSettings) || // Don't return the same values back if there's no conversion to be done, // as they have to be serialized and transferred over a pipe to Python. {colInfo: {type: 'Text'}} ); } /** * Guess column info for a new column, returning the metadata suitable for using with AddTable or * AddColumn user actions. In particular, widgetOptions, if any, are returned as a JSON string. * Will suggest turning the column to an empty one if all the values are empty (null or ""). */ export function guessColInfoForImports(values: CellValue[], docData: DocData): GuessColMetadata { if (values.every(v => (v === null || v === ''))) { // Suggest empty column. return {values, colMetadata: {type: 'Any', isFormula: true, formula: ''}}; } if (values.some(isObject)) { // Suggest no changes. return {values}; } const strValues = => (v === null || typeof v === 'string' ? v : String(v))); const guessed = guessColInfoWithDocData(strValues, docData); values = guessed.values || values; const opts = guessed.colInfo.widgetOptions; const colMetadata: ColMetadata = {...guessed.colInfo, widgetOptions: opts && JSON.stringify(opts)}; if (!colMetadata.widgetOptions) { delete colMetadata.widgetOptions; // Omit widgetOptions unless it is actually valid JSON. } return {values, colMetadata}; }