export type CommandName = | 'shortcuts' | 'help' | 'undo' | 'redo' | 'accept' | 'cancel' | 'find' | 'findNext' | 'findPrev' | 'historyBack' | 'historyForward' | 'reloadPlugins' | 'closeActiveMenu' | 'docTabOpen' | 'viewTabOpen' | 'viewTabFocus' | 'fieldTabOpen' | 'sortFilterTabOpen' | 'sortFilterMenuOpen' | 'dataSelectionTabOpen' | 'printSection' | 'showRawData' | 'openWidgetConfiguration' | 'maximizeActiveSection' | 'leftPanelOpen' | 'rightPanelOpen' | 'videoTourToolsOpen' | 'cursorDown' | 'cursorUp' | 'cursorRight' | 'cursorLeft' | 'nextField' | 'prevField' | 'pageDown' | 'pageUp' | 'moveToFirstRecord' | 'moveToLastRecord' | 'moveToFirstField' | 'moveToLastField' | 'skipDown' | 'skipUp' | 'setCursor' | 'openDocumentList' | 'nextPage' | 'prevPage' | 'nextSection' | 'prevSection' | 'shiftDown' | 'shiftUp' | 'shiftRight' | 'shiftLeft' | 'ctrlShiftDown' | 'ctrlShiftUp' | 'ctrlShiftRight' | 'ctrlShiftLeft' | 'selectAll' | 'copyLink' | 'editField' | 'fieldEditSave' | 'fieldEditSaveHere' | 'fieldEditCancel' | 'copy' | 'cut' | 'paste' | 'contextMenuCopy' | 'contextMenuCut' | 'contextMenuPaste' | 'fillSelectionDown' | 'clearValues' | 'input' | 'editLabel' | 'editLayout' | 'toggleCheckbox' | 'historyPrevious' | 'historyNext' | 'makeFormula' | 'unmakeFormula' | 'insertCurrentDate' | 'insertCurrentDateTime' | 'datepickerFocus' | 'openDiscussion' | 'insertRecordBefore' | 'insertRecordAfter' | 'deleteRecords' | 'insertFieldBefore' | 'insertFieldAfter' | 'renameField' | 'hideFields' | 'hideCardFields' | 'toggleFreeze' | 'deleteFields' | 'clearColumns' | 'clearCardFields' | 'convertFormulasToData' | 'addSection' | 'deleteSection' | 'collapseSection' | 'expandSection' | 'deleteCollapsedSection' | 'duplicateRows' | 'sortAsc' | 'sortDesc' | 'addSortAsc' | 'addSortDesc' | 'filterByThisCellValue' | 'enterLinkMode' | 'exitLinkMode' | 'saveLinks' | 'revertLinks' | 'clearLinks' | 'clearSectionLinks' | 'transformUpdate' | 'clearCopySelection' | 'detachEditor' | 'activateAssistant' | 'viewAsCard' ; export interface CommandDef { name: CommandName; keys: string[]; desc: string | null; bindKeys?: boolean; deprecated?: boolean; } export interface CommendGroupDef { group: string; commands: CommandDef[]; } // The top-level groups, and the ordering within them are for user-facing documentation. export const groups: CommendGroupDef[] = [{ group: 'General', commands: [ { name: 'shortcuts', keys: ['F1', 'Mod+/'], desc: 'Display shortcuts pane' }, { name: 'help', keys: [], desc: 'Display Grist documentation' }, { name: 'undo', keys: ['Mod+z'], desc: 'Undo last action' }, { name: 'redo', keys: ['Mod+Shift+Z', 'Ctrl+y' ], desc: 'Redo last action' }, { name: 'accept', keys: ['Enter'], desc: null, // Accept the action of the dialog box }, { name: 'cancel', keys: ['Escape'], desc: null, // Cancel the action of the dialog box }, { name: 'find', keys: ['Mod+f'], desc: 'Find', }, { name: 'findNext', keys: ['Mod+g'], desc: 'Find next occurrence', }, { name: 'findPrev', keys: ['Mod+Shift+G'], desc: 'Find previous occurrence', }, { // Without this, when focus in on Clipboard, this shortcut would only move the cursor. name: 'historyBack', keys: ['Mod+Left'], desc: null, // Move back in history, same as clicking the Back button }, { // Without this, when focus in on Clipboard, this shortcut would only move the cursor. name: 'historyForward', keys: ['Mod+Right'], desc: null, // Move forward in history, same as clicking the Forward button }, { name: 'reloadPlugins', keys: ['Mod+Alt+P'], desc: null, // reload plugins } ], }, { group: 'Menu shortcuts', commands: [ { name: 'closeActiveMenu', keys: ['Esc'], desc: null, // Shortcut to close active menu }, { name: 'docTabOpen', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to open document tab' }, { name: 'viewTabOpen', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to open view tab' }, { name: 'viewTabFocus', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to focus view tab if creator panel is open' }, { name: 'fieldTabOpen', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to open field tab' }, { name: 'sortFilterTabOpen', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to sort & filter tab' }, { name: 'sortFilterMenuOpen', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to open sort & filter menu' }, { name: 'dataSelectionTabOpen', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to data selection tab' }, { name: 'printSection', keys: [], desc: 'Print currently selected page widget', }, { name: 'showRawData', keys: [], desc: 'Show raw data widget for table of currently selected page widget', }, { name: 'openWidgetConfiguration', keys: [], desc: 'Open Custom widget configuration screen', }, { name: 'maximizeActiveSection', keys: [], desc: 'Maximize the active section', }, { name: 'leftPanelOpen', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to open the left panel', }, { name: 'rightPanelOpen', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to open the right panel', }, { name: 'videoTourToolsOpen', keys: [], desc: 'Shortcut to open video tour from home left panel', }, { name: 'activateAssistant', keys: [], desc: 'Activate assistant', }, { name: 'viewAsCard', keys: [], desc: 'Show the record card widget of the selected record', }, ] }, { group: 'Navigation', commands: [ { name: 'cursorDown', keys: ['Down'], desc: 'Move downward to next record or field' }, { name: 'cursorUp', keys: ['Up'], desc: 'Move upward to previous record or field' }, { name: 'cursorRight', keys: ['Right'], desc: 'Move right to the next field' }, { name: 'cursorLeft', keys: ['Left'], desc: 'Move left to the previous field' }, { name: 'nextField', keys: ['Tab'], desc: 'Move to the next field, saving changes if editing a value' }, { name: 'prevField', keys: ['Shift+Tab'], desc: 'Move to the previous field, saving changes if editing a value' }, { name: 'pageDown', keys: ['PageDown'], desc: 'Move down one page of records, or to next record in a card list' }, { name: 'pageUp', keys: ['PageUp'], desc: 'Move up one page of records, or to previous record in a card list' }, { name: 'moveToFirstRecord', keys: ['Mod+Up'], desc: 'Move up to the first record', }, { name: 'moveToLastRecord', keys: ['Mod+Down'], desc: 'Move down to the last record', }, { name: 'moveToFirstField', keys: ['Home'], desc: 'Move to the first field or the beginning of a row' }, { name: 'moveToLastField', keys: ['End'], desc: 'Move to the last field or the end of a row' }, { // no longer used name: 'skipDown', keys: [], desc: 'Move downward five records' }, { // no longer used name: 'skipUp', keys: [], desc: 'Move upward five records' }, { name: 'setCursor', keys: [], desc: 'Moves the cursor to the correct location' }, { name: 'openDocumentList', keys: [], desc: 'Opens document list' }, { name: 'nextPage', keys: ['Alt+Down'], desc: 'Open next page' }, { name: 'prevPage', keys: ['Alt+Up'], desc: 'Open previous page' }, { name: 'nextSection', keys: ['Mod+o'], desc: 'Activate next page widget', }, { name: 'prevSection', keys: ['Mod+Shift+O'], desc: 'Activate previous page widget', } ], }, { group: 'Selection', commands: [ { name: 'shiftDown', keys: ['Shift+Down'], desc: 'Adds the element below the cursor to the selected range' }, { name: 'shiftUp', keys: ['Shift+Up'], desc: 'Adds the element above the cursor to the selected range' }, { name: 'shiftRight', keys: ['Shift+Right'], desc: 'Adds the element to the right of the cursor to the selected range' }, { name: 'shiftLeft', keys: ['Shift+Left'], desc: 'Adds the element to the left of the cursor to the selected range' }, { name: 'ctrlShiftDown', keys: ['Mod+Shift+Down'], desc: 'Adds all elements below the cursor to the selected range' }, { name: 'ctrlShiftUp', keys: ['Mod+Shift+Up'], desc: 'Adds all elements above the cursor to the selected range' }, { name: 'ctrlShiftRight', keys: ['Mod+Shift+Right'], desc: 'Adds all elements to the right of the cursor to the selected range' }, { name: 'ctrlShiftLeft', keys: ['Mod+Shift+Left'], desc: 'Adds all elements to the left of the cursor to the selected range' }, { name: 'selectAll', keys: ['Mod+A'], desc: 'Selects all currently displayed cells' }, { name: 'copyLink', keys: ['Mod+Shift+A'], desc: 'Copy anchor link' }, { name: 'clearCopySelection', keys: [], desc: 'Clears the current copy selection, if any' } ], }, { group: 'Editing', commands: [ { name: 'editField', keys: ['Enter', 'F2'], desc: 'Start editing the currently-selected cell' }, { name: 'fieldEditSave', keys: ['Enter'], desc: 'Finish editing a cell, saving the value' }, { name: 'detachEditor', keys: [''], desc: 'Detach active editor' }, { name: 'fieldEditSaveHere', keys: [], desc: 'Finish editing a cell and save without moving to next record', }, { name: 'fieldEditCancel', keys: ['Escape'], desc: 'Discard changes to a cell value' }, { name: 'copy', keys: [], desc: 'Copy current selection to clipboard' }, { name: 'cut', keys: [], desc: 'Cut current selection to clipboard' }, { name: 'paste', keys: [], desc: 'Paste clipboard contents at cursor', }, { name: 'contextMenuCopy', keys: ['Mod+C'], desc: 'Copy current selection to clipboard', bindKeys: false, }, { name: 'contextMenuCut', keys: ['Mod+X'], desc: 'Cut current selection to clipboard', bindKeys: false, }, { name: 'contextMenuPaste', keys: ['Mod+V'], desc: 'Paste clipboard contents at cursor', bindKeys: false, }, { name: 'fillSelectionDown', keys: ['Mod+D'], desc: 'Fills current selection with the contents of the top row in the selection' }, { name: 'clearValues', keys: ['Backspace', 'Del'], desc: 'Clears the currently selected cells' }, { name: 'input', keys: [], desc: 'Enter text into currently-selected cell and start editing' }, { name: 'editLabel', keys: [], desc: 'Edit label of the currently-selected field' }, { name: 'editLayout', keys: [], desc: 'Edit record layout' }, { name: 'toggleCheckbox', keys: ['Enter', 'Space'], desc: 'Toggles the value of checkbox cells' }, { name: 'historyPrevious', keys: ['Up'], desc: null, // Fetches the previous command from the history list, moving back in the list }, { name: 'historyNext', keys: ['Down'], desc: null, // Fetches the next command from the history list, moving forward in the list }, { name: 'makeFormula', keys: ["="], desc: 'When typed at the start of a cell, make this a formula column', }, { name: 'unmakeFormula', keys: ['Backspace'], desc: null, // Undoes turning of column into a formula column, when pressed at start of a cell }, { name: 'insertCurrentDate', keys: ['Mod+;'], desc: 'Insert the current date', }, { name: 'insertCurrentDateTime', keys: ['Mod+Shift+;'], desc: 'Insert the current date and time', }, { name: 'datepickerFocus', keys: ['Up', 'Down'], desc: null, // While editing a date cell, switch keyboard focus to the datepicker }, { name: 'openDiscussion', keys: ['Mod+Alt+M'], desc: 'Comment', } ], }, { group: 'Data manipulation', commands: [ { name: 'insertRecordBefore', keys: ['Mod+Shift+Enter'], desc: 'Insert a new record, before the currently selected one in an unsorted table' }, { name: 'insertRecordAfter', keys: ['Mod+Enter'], desc: 'Insert a new record, after the currently selected one in an unsorted table', }, { name: 'deleteRecords', keys: ['Mod+Del', 'Mod+Backspace'], desc: 'Delete the currently selected record' }, { name: 'insertFieldBefore', keys: ['Alt+Shift+='], desc: 'Insert a new column, before the currently selected one' }, { name: 'insertFieldAfter', keys: ['Alt+='], desc: 'Insert a new column, after the currently selected one' }, { name: 'renameField', keys: ['Ctrl+m'], desc: 'Rename the currently selected column' }, { name: 'hideFields', keys: ['Alt+Shift+-'], desc: 'Hide currently selected columns' }, { name: 'hideCardFields', keys: [], desc: 'Hide currently selected fields' }, { name: 'toggleFreeze', keys: [], desc: 'Freeze or unfreeze selected columns' }, { name: 'deleteFields', keys: ['Alt+-'], desc: 'Delete the currently selected columns' }, { name: 'clearColumns', keys: [], desc: 'Clear the selected columns' }, { name: 'clearCardFields', keys: [], desc: 'Clear the selected fields' }, { name: 'convertFormulasToData', keys: [], desc: 'Convert the selected columns from formula to data' }, { name: 'addSection', keys: [], desc: 'Add a new viewsection to the currently active view' }, { name: 'deleteSection', keys: [], desc: 'Delete the currently active viewsection' }, { name: 'collapseSection', keys: [], desc: 'Collapse the currently active viewsection' }, { name: 'expandSection', keys: [], desc: 'Expand collapsed viewsection' }, { name: 'deleteCollapsedSection', keys: [], desc: 'Delete collapsed viewsection' }, { name: 'duplicateRows', keys: ['Mod+Shift+d'], desc: 'Duplicate selected rows' }, ], }, { group: 'Sorting', commands: [ { name: 'sortAsc', keys: [], desc: 'Sort the view data by the currently selected field in ascending order' }, { name: 'sortDesc', keys: [], desc: 'Sort the view data by the currently selected field in descending order' }, { name: 'addSortAsc', keys: [], desc: 'Adds the currently selected column(ascending) to the current view\'s sort spec' }, { name: 'addSortDesc', keys: [], desc: 'Adds the currently selected column(descending) to the current view\'s sort spec' }, ], }, { group: 'Filtering', commands: [ { name: 'filterByThisCellValue', keys: [], desc: `Filter this column by just this cell's value`, }, ] }, { group: 'Linking', commands: [ { name: 'enterLinkMode', keys: [], desc: 'Enters section linking mode in the current view' }, { name: 'exitLinkMode', keys: [], desc: 'Exits section linking mode in the current view' }, { name: 'saveLinks', keys: [], desc: 'Saves the sections links in the current view' }, { name: 'revertLinks', keys: [], desc: 'Reverts the sections links to the saved links the current view' }, { name: 'clearLinks', keys: [], desc: 'Clears the section links in the current view' }, { name: 'clearSectionLinks', keys: [], desc: 'Clears the section links in the current viewsection' } ], }, { group: 'Transforming', commands: [ { // TODO: Use AceEditor internal save command instead of custom transform save command name: 'transformUpdate', keys: ['Shift+Enter'], desc: null // Updates the transform formula } ], }];